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@UnrelatedString when was the quine written?
ages ago
forget how long
wow bubbler is a top keg answerer according to the query
speaking of the query
okay there;s more seriously answers left than i expected
@Bubbler :P
would there happen to be any language you use more that contains "keg" as a substring
because i don't know sql but i think % is pretty much a .* in LIKE
@UnrelatedString I doubt there will be any more seriously answers since mego has given up on this site
there are more left than i expected because mego had all of his deleted when he left
oh wow
actually seems to be in about the same boat but with a fair number more
i haven't actually summed the post count column but it looks like larger numbers
Okay, I found one possible reason
The TIO link has "Keg" as substring in some case, and it is between # whatever title and ### how it works
so it is between <h_> and </h_>
@UnrelatedString not much
Still it deserves answers
its very unicode
Proof that "kolmogorov-complexity" is too long
@Ausername I seriously want to get the kolmo badge
I'm just there to get it
need 17 more score
I need four more for bronze
1 hour later…
currently looking for a challenge where there isn't a Python answer
found one
which one (you can trust me I won't snipe you) @StackMeter
Luckily I also found some pythonless challenges before
And believe more are lurking under the darkness of [internet] tag
waiit how come I can't replace characters in strings in Python
what do you want to replace?
Can't you use str.replace? Or re.sub?
@Bubbler tried that
just spat out the string unchange
you can try str.translate too
if you want to swap single chars
@StackMeter Can you give the whole code you tried?
I think they have an XY problem
the task might not involve replacement (guessing)
And another reminder if you're using re.sub, be sure to follow pattern, replacement, string syntax, often make errors on this and spend a lot of useless time on debugging
Q: If 2 singular values ​of the matrix Σ are excluded, how many entries are freed from memory?

user14738548In an SVD problem where A = UΣVt. Since the matrix Σ is an rxr diagonal matrix, to save space it was saved as a vector. Let M = 100, n =40 and r = 8. If 2 singular values ​​of the matrix Σ are excluded, how many entries are freed from memory?

oh I figured it out
Wow, forgot about the mini-golf. Today, right? Hopefully didn't miss it
I don't think you missed ti
I will be asleeping tho'
This is the one time I can actually be on for the whole time, hopefully
Is there a "sort an array" popularity challenge?
I'm not sure, actually.
@ophact thx
nice @Wasif
thx y'all
still learning it
Just had an idea for a new question
@StackMeter go sandbox it
it's about boxes
about boxes of sand? That sounds fun, thanks for a new idea for a question.
wait I meant ASCII boxes
My 117th Vyxal answer, because that's somehow special :p
117! That's more answers than my total count.
Ooh, I'm at 299 right now
#300 overall is actually special'
Also I have been doing way too much of this over the past week
Yeah, there was a time when the frontpage had 14 instances of "answered <number> hours ago by A username"
@ophact mostly it was deadfish~ answer flood
@Ausername wow nice
I think I have crossed 50?
Idk but the site's down for me
me too
it shows "Connection failure"
@ophact @StackMeter Is it down for you two as well?
No, still works
now it gives 503
"Service Unavailable"
@ophact reload and tell here
No problems.
"Varnish cache server"?
Maybe you're in the same area, that's why
@ophact No, @AUsername is in New zealand and I am in Bangladesh
I'm in New Zealand :P
oo sorry
Its fine
Still down
I'm on edge
Firefox 89
Chrome 83
Hmm, that is really strange.
Maybe maintenance is going on?
But they likely announce it before
Whole SE network is down
Now it's just back to 'connection failure'.
For me it is still 503
Oh well I can do stuff with the tabs I had loaded before it went down :p
Not for me. I have tried SO, Superuser, CGCC and Music and none of them errors.
yeah on Firefox it is connection failure
but on chrome it is 503 still
It was the 503 but now it's back to connection error :p
Works on firefox for me as well. Maybe the entire Eastern part of the world has a problem with the internet?
(cause I'm in Europe)
Sometimes it's 'I/O error'.
Could you share a screenshot?
Sorry imgur's broken as well
Imgur is down too :-(
But now it says
Fastly error: unknown domain: stackoverflow.com.

Details: cache-akl10327-AKL
Everything is down?
Try the following URLs: google.com, yahoo.com, youtube.com
Just the entire SO network
they work fine
is imgur owned by SE?
@ophact nope
maybe i.stack.imgur.com is down
imgur itself is down with 503
but I am wondering how chat is surviving
You opened TNB before the servers went down for you.
Because they haven't mantained it in years, which also means it's become completely independent
don't reload TNB
@ophact If that were the case, message posting would work
it will be down as well
@Wasif It's fine'
Does it still show 503?
oo then it is a mystery
What device are you on
@ophact yep
@ophact Macbook Air
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64-bit
Try restarting
I don't think restarting would work
Its probably an internet problem
Sorry, can't help you then if it's to do with your configuration
Hold on, I'll try connecting thru a European VPN.
Because this is too much for a coincidence to have this same problem on two different continents and also at the same time
Don't start sentences with "because"
@ophact why
UK VPN doesn't work :P
I am now panicking
Look on the bright side - at least chat survived
It's not the end of the world if CGCC is down [even though I probably check codegolf.stackexchange.com every 5 minutes]
On the other hand, we can't ask SO because SO is dead.
You can ask reddit if that wors
Let's check other sites if it works
looks like quora is down for me
"How can we sleep while our beds are burning" this song has been stuck in my head for some reason. It makes sense in this situation because for some time now CGCC was my "bed", where I went when I was bored, but it's burning (at least for you)
I'm going to check out other chatrooms, hold on
Reddit is down too :-(
Can you google anything?
Or bing or duckduckgo
@ophact yeah
both bing, duckduckgo work
youtube works too
OK, since it's mostly the forum sites, my guess is that there's a problem with whatever forum software they are all using, either that or Django?
CSS on the site is dead
Is it some kind of conspiracy?
sorry dunno what is the right word to use for that
What were you trying to say?
Quora is dead
Might be some logic bomb attack
@StackMeter Is code golf down for you?
@ophact all forum sites going dead at the same time is too much for being a coincidence
27 secs ago, by A username
Might be some logic bomb attack
I think chat is down for the most other users
Yes, only us and StackMeter, who left and rejoined and is keeping quiet
Or can't talk;'
What does reddit use on backend?
Maybe Django or Flask or whatever trending framework (React, Angular?) is down
@Ausername mentioned that it said "Varnish server" so maybe that
All CSS on chat is dead
@ophact dunno
Except here because it's cached
but obviously big sites don't use flask
HTML is being served, but now I have to find my way to some active room without css.
SocketIO? I guess a lot of forums that have realtime features use SocketIO
Says reports of outages spiked recently
Q: Which tools and technologies are used to build the Stack Exchange Network?

aleembWhat tools and technologies are used to build the Stack Exchange Network? See also: Which tools and technologies are used to build Data Explorer? Return to FAQ index

Maybe .NET as a lot of websites use it
If one of you has .NET, try creating a new app with .NET to see if it's working
I'm using the wayback machine to read that
To read which one?
The post you linke'
So web.archive.org is working for you
There was no planned maintainence since few months
Scratch is down
Is TIO working
@ophact yes
Should be
TIO is fine for me
Yep it is
Then DjangoBB is probably down
It's all Dennis's code, it
's fine'
yeah phpBB is working
Thankfully Github isn't, so I can go have a look at it
I checked some phpBB forums
SE is closed-source, too bad
Github's CSS is dead
Now try SE again just to check
@ophact still down
CSS for github and other sites are still working fine because it is cached i think
our avatars are visible
which source do they come from
DjangoBB hasn't been mantained for a year
Must be some logic bomb
So i.stack.imgur.com is up
What if you enter this chat room again from a different tab?
Oh wait
@Ausername no not for me
Or was :(
For about a second
"The short-lived happiness"
I managed to load your profile then it crashed again
@Ausername its a sign of goodness
What if you enter this chat room again from a different tab?
Maybe everything will be OK soon
@cairdcoinheringaahing Charcoal, 14 bytes: NθI×θE⪪…·¹θ²Πι
@ophact it loads
phew it's not just me
Looks like we're up again
no not yet
That works fine, except a lot of PFPs aren't loading now
Well Neil's in the UK, so he probably just went to have lunch for a while
@Ausername all PFPs are loading fine
Yeah but as soon as I opened it in another tab it didn't.
@Ausername this link happened to work for me, but then it went dead again
For real this time, right?
And it's not
up and down
but I am not able to catch when it's up
I'm just trying to cache pages when that happens so I have something to do
Well I'm eating lunch right now so won't be available for 20-25 more minutes, but I'll be back to help you guys in a while
@ophact bye see ya
I managed to load the questions page at least
@Neil how
is any new question posted
luck, apparently
no, there was that closed question from 2 hours ago, which is the only once since the APL train question
I think I might be able to post an answer when its done
Would NMP work? I'm not sure if it's connecting to the websocket?
@Ausername i don't think so
bots are likely to fail
I managed to get an answer but it captcha'd me and broke again :(
I have bad luck
Haven't managed to get to a single page yet
@Ausername you posted an answer in this time??
I occasionally get a few seconds where it works
I just typed it up, then managed to get it posted :p
I think it's actually working but this message might jinx it
you are really lucky
Nope I jinxed it'
I think rest of the users are ok
they might be offline for some reason right now
Is the site down?
can't get access
@StackMeter yeah
did you get access to chat
when is it coming back
@Wasif I always have chat open
I see
you don't?
@StackMeter is entire SE network, Imgur, Quora and reddit down for you?
(to check if entire SE is down, just visit a few sites there(
@Wasif yep
did someone parse HTML with RegEx
Scratch is down 2
@StackMeter We're blaming DjangoBB
funny thing is djangobb.org itself works
is there a neat way in python to do x.index(y) but appending y to x if it's not already present?
it's back
I got a notification but I can't tell what it is :p
@StackMeter nope
It's up now
@Ausername nope
@ngn something like this?
except ValueError:
I'm managing to get online
@Ausername are you still online now?
Yes it's working
@Wasif thanks. i was hoping to avoid dealing with the error and avoid searching the list twice, but there doesn't seem to be a way around it
Hello again, is it up?
@ophact Welcome bacK!
@ophact welcome back but not up for me
Sorta? Does that mean that you are able to access SE like 50% of the time?
I think it's finally working but I don't want to jinx it
@ngn yeah I think so
@Wasif I'd refresh
I have to go for tution now, will be back again in a few hours
@StackMeter I have refreshed for like thousand times
Ok bye
I have to go for sleep soon, bye. Also, #300 finished.
Q: Stack Exchange seems to be down

GlorfindelMeta Stack Exchange and many other sites in the network seem to be down, what's happening? (In case you were wondering: this question was posted via the officially deprecated Stack Exchange iOS app.)

The app works completely fine, ironically :P
Fastly killed the internet, the jerks.
what's fastly?
The wiki page even mentions their outage
@ophact edited in about a minute or so ago
If Fastly goes down again, not sure if we can still hold the minigolf
See now the real question is how tf did they manage to fix their servers if they couldn't access Stack Overflow?
These stackoverflow jokes never get old ;)
Now I have a problem with accessing SE
Hey so uh
You should totally watch it
Very high quality
hello again
oo eveything is back!!!
There should really be a backup in place. Let's be honest, how on earth are the staff at Fastly meant to fix anything if Stackoverflow is down?! :-D — berry120 42 mins ago
Oh thanks crappy internet :/
@NewPosts STATUS
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[08:21:26] request: chat.stackexchange.com/chats/240/messages/new
[09:24:19] 202-question-2140
[11:44:28] 200-questions-newest
I think you missed one @NewPosts (cc @RedwolfPrograms):
Q: Polyglot Interpreters

KinuTheDragonRULES: Choose any number of languages and call this set L. Write a program so that running it in any language in L produces an interpreter for another language in L. NOTE: Each language in L must have EXACTLY one interpreter for it. This is to prevent, for example, Nothing or Text being part of ...

It's almost instant
not instant
That's been up for 5 minutes, NP is practically instant
Chances are that the internet outage probably screwed over the bot
Its status report says everything's running fine tho
@NewPosts status
@NewPosts STATUS
ROs and mods only
RUNNING: [1] 1 1

[11:50:11] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[11:53:00] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
[11:53:04] request: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/ack
Basically, if it has [1] 1 1, it's running fine according to Redwolf
@lyxal ...that escalated quickly?
Q: Reorder it up and down

l4m2Given infinite different integers, order them into a sequence \$a_1, a_2, a_3, ...\$ such that \$a_i>a_{i+1}\$ iff \$i\$ is even(or odd, as long as it's constant for all possible inputs and all \$i\$). In other word, make the sequence go alternately up and down (or down first, as long as it's con...

i'm not sure this is solvable
actually nvm with a bit of lookahead you should be able to prevent getting stuck i think
I think, for an arbitrary sequence, it is, as you can just form a bijection to ℤ, and order based on the provided example for ℤ
the thing is since the sequence is infinite you can't really do this offline
but i think i thought of a solution so nvm
@lyxal nice reflection
@rak1507 l'thank
Q: Shortest Code to randomly place points and connect them

Alexander CraggsThe Task This is quite a simple coding task, all your program has to do is place a point on a canvas (or your alternative in another coding language) and connect it to all the dots already placed. Your program must take in one input, the number of dots that should be placed, and output some sor...

Q: Don't google "google"

rybo111We all know that if you google the word "google" it will break the internet. Your task is to create a function that accepts one string and returns its length, in the fewest possible Unicode characters. However, if the given string is google (lowercase), it will cause an error. For example, g('...

Are we allowed to begin posting drafts? I already placed one in "BMG drafts"
we have 2 hours, so yes, we should probably get working on that
if there are even enough people - this room seems kind of dead at the moment
at the moment
might be bc of the outage earlier
Is it possible to run a SEDE query to see the location with the highest concentration of CGCC users?
@ophact that's easy, my basement
unless one of the constraints is that they are still alive
Draft collection for the Biweekly Mini Golf is happening right now.
The minigolf is at 6:00 (my time), so that means people in the East are asleep, people in the Americas are at work or getting ready for work (or sleeping), that means only Europe and Africa have applicaple hours
The average user in TNB has posted 1500 messages (or so.)
@cairdcoinheringaahing is it possible to just sub eval and use like 8 major versions of python?
oh sorry for the ping I mistook that for a bot post >_<
@cairdcoinheringaahing it is actually a lowercase L
@Ausername ^
i checked this at one point
just assumed caird was right instead of rechecking :(
@hyper-neutrino That;s a good general rule tbh :P

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