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I can't wait for Unicode to be a full image standard.
Well, we really only need 256 intensity selectors, then we can combine red, green, blue, and transparent (space?) symbols with the appropriate intensity selector to recreate rgba. Combined with newlines, a text file can now represent a 2D image. Add form feeds, and you can have animations too!
We can then use this system to render all other symbols we'd ever need. Finally, the dream will come true!
@Adám we don't even need intensity selectors - just use the 256 Braille characters which can be interpreted as binary numbers!
@pxeger So how would you represent a dark-skinned cis-male having an almost-white boy and a medium-tan neutral-gender child with a generic-skin trans-female?
well to be honest I would argue that doesn't need to be in Unicode
If I were in charge of Unicode, I would definitely prefer no (or at least less) emoji over lots of combinations with ZWJs.
You can just put a dark-skinned block, then a cis symbol, then a male symbol, then an almost-white-skinned block, then a child symbol, then a male ..., and let the human work out what it means
@pxeger Sure, but sticking in the ZWJs ensures that the big tech companies can boast about being inclusive.
And as a bonus, it also makes the cost of entering the market so high that big tech doesn't need to fear any newcomers.
Think of the kids!
(that's Braille-Unicode-Binary for "I, for one, welcome our new Unicode overlords")
I, for one, appreciate rendering of bit octets as letters.
CMC: Braille-Unicode-Binary (reference implementation: Try it online!)
@pxeger dupe?
The best way of saying thanks
missed opportunity to say "1 byte taken of Neil"
That's horrible
Neil had better not help me golf too many times, or he'll have died of cannibalisation
This is worrying
Remind me not to help anyone golf
@RedwolfPrograms that's just data:text/html,%3Ctextarea%3E but then again I would describe Notepad as a text editor
@cairdcoinheringaahing well you've only got yourself to blame
@Neil May I introduce you to t.pxeger.com/xs.html? It's a mildly better version of data:text/html
data:text/html is golfier though
@Ausername after reading my answer he golfed 112&2/ to 2/56&
@Adám yes
why does Jelly/05AB1E use so many builtins
there are 256, and most of them are literally so far-fetched: just use a library
They are golfing langs!
but why some things like halving, when divison exists
how is halving going to matter
and the decrement and increment operators
just use 1+
Eclipses are cool
they are
it's like the sun was swallowed
Or the moon, in this case
send a pic over
Sorry cant
but is cool
send link then
@ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟッ who is this
@xash welcome to the nineteenth byte
Just google 'lunar eclipse'. Something recent should show up
Or ask Lyxal.
Can confirm
Southern hemisphere gang
Taken a few minutes ago from my backyard
I'm well into the northern hemisphere
and it cold out here
@Ausername is the moon red for you too?
I mean it probably is
But is it as red as it is here?
the moon is grey
its a piece of rock
Moon looks red to me
Right now, no, it is totally invisible.
Peak of eclipse.
15 minutes ago it was.
@lyxal then you must be mistaken
Nice OPPO phone you got there Lyxal
(please be careful when uploading images from your phone to the internet; they can contain metadata best kept private, especially location/coordinates)
Wait what?
exiftool can reveal said metadata
ExifTool Version Number         : 12.26
File Name                       : PqKl0.jpg
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 153 KiB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2021:05:26 12:23:13+01:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2021:05:26 12:24:39+01:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2021:05:26 12:24:14+01:00
File Permissions                : -rw-r-----
File Type                       : JPEG
File Type Extension             : jpg
MIME Type                       : image/jpeg
I knew screenshots contained embedded XML, but...
do they?
Here's a screenshot, open it in a text editor.
@pxeger I no longer trust images
<x:xmpmeta xmlns:x="adobe:ns:meta/" x:xmptk="XMP Core 6.0.0">
   <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
      <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
images are banned henceforth
####  #   # #####       #   # #   #   #   #####
#   # #   #   #         #   # #   #  # #    #
####  #   #   #         #   # ##### #####   #
#   # #   #   #         # # # #   # #   #   #
####   ###    #          ###  #   # #   #   #
  #   ####   ###  #   # #####         #    ####  ###  ##### #####         #    ###  #####  ###
 # #  #   # #   # #   #   #          # #  #     #   #   #     #          # #  #   #   #   #   #
##### ####  #   # #   #   #         #####  ###  #       #     #         ##### ####    #      #
#   # #   # #   # #   #   #         #   #     # #   #   #     #         #   # #  #    #     #
#   # ####   ###   ###    #         #   # ####   ###  ##### #####       #   # #   #   #     #
Sorry if that wraps weirdly...
dammit it wrapped weirdly
I give up
@pxeger jokes on you it's not an oppo phone
nope - still bad
@lyxal OnePlus? RealMe? (owned by oppo)
@lyxal Is it an Ephone?
@pxeger realme :)
no I don't see the image
images have had an EXCEPTION
@StackMeter so ++ and -- should never have been in C?
@Neil yeah, just use +1
What about C++?
And C--?
same byte count
@Ausername C+1, C-1
Renaming the languages...
actually C++ is ((C+=1)-1)
@StackMeter I'd be surprised how often I wish that APL had increment and decrement functions. Jelly is based on J, and J is based on APL, but J does have increment, decrement, double, halve, square, squareroot, …
CMC: Score a Blackjack/Pontoon hand. Examples: "AA" -> 12, "AT" -> 21, "JJ" -> 20, "2468" -> 20, "3579" -> 24, "A357" -> 16, "A234" -> 20. Input can be a list of any 13 integers or ASCII code points between 50 and 205 inclusive e.g. 2-9TJQKA
So close...
@Bubbler ROs can set up feeds using the Feeds user, mods have to change it to be a specific user such as NMP
do we need our feeds back?
I think it'd probably be best to restore them, at least until Redwolf is sure he's fixed the current issues
May 22 at 21:32, by caird coinheringaahing
43 messages moved to ­Trash
8 messages moved to ­Trash
on second thought it might be confusing without the name of the feed indicating where the post came from
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't suppose you saved the feed avatar URLs anywhere?
oops, that's Redwolf's bot's
I want to optimize a discrete function. Are there good libraries for this sort of thing? (accessible from python?)
@hyper-neutrino voilà
:D thank you
@Anush optimise how? for performance/speed?
it's a function I want to minimize
oh as in find the minimal value of? SageMath can probably do it
it's just not defined in an easy way. I just have a function I call and it returns a value
brute force?
@pxeger yes.. smart brute force I am hoping for
min(range(-10000, 10000), key=mystery_function)?
it's in 1000 dimensions :)
I can do a greedy hill climb
just looking for anything smarter
machine learning?
go on...
how do you use machine learning for this sort of optimization?
they tend to be good at smart optimisation of multi-dimensional black-box functions
@Anush I dunno, I've never used it :)
@Anush why
@StackMeter ?
I need more words :)
Man Feeds are buggy :/
@Anush why 1000 dimensions
that's just the problem
so you don't know why you need 1000 dimensions?
yeah sometimes feeds doesn't post shit when we want and other times it posts 43 sandbox posts at once
i'm just glad it doesn't get rate limited so I can just trash them all at once
@StackMeter I do but describing the whole problem will take a long time and bore you
I have time
a lot of time
Redwolf's gonna wake up to some fun :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing why
@StackMeter his bots are ded again
did he get demoted
It looks like both Redwolf and the bots died at around midnight Texas time, so they've likely been asleep as we've been discussing removing the bots
if his internet isn't reliable enough i can discuss hosting it on my server with him; i doubt it takes any resources
@cairdcoinheringaahing :58129017 :58129017 :58129017 does this work
ಠ_ಠ My desktop died yesterday, so I'm transferring everything across to my laptop. Apparently, even when you have browser sync turned on, Tampermonkey doesn't do anything, so I need to reinstall all 24 of my userscripts
@StackMeter It only pings once and please test chat in the Sandbox
i did not know
there's a chat sandbox?
yep. but please don't ping people just for testing (unless they agree to it)
and definitely do not play with flags
don't worry I only pinged the bots
@hyper-neutrino I've made one flag in my life
russian bot is not a bot
wait nvm maybe they are
nvm their math profile says they are one. thought it was just a user with a weird name based on their rep but it looks like they just got lucky with an answer getting a lot of upvotes
do not worry
I have more than 5 braincells
because 172 > 5
@Anush are you ready to tell me why you need 1000 dimensions
sorry.. it's too long
it's not exactly 1000
I can wait
@Anush what is it then
hmm.. the number depends on the version of the problem
here is a different but related problem.
Imagine a have a long list of letters and I want to encode each one as either 0 or 1
for any encoding I can compute the (Shannon) entropy in the usual way as - p_0 log(p_0) - p_1 log(p_1). How do I choose the encoding that maximizes that value?
@StackMeter please ask if anything is unclear
I don't think you can, right? There's an infinite number of ways to encode an arbitrary letter as either 1/0, so there's no way to find the optimal max encoding
@cairdcoinheringaahing if there are 26 letters there are 2^26 different possible encodings
@cairdcoinheringaahing what do you mean by "There's an infinite number of ways to encode an arbitrary letter as either 1/0"
because the number of letters is finite
each letter either gets mapped to a 0 or a 1
so you could just look at all 2^26 possibilities. But if I allow capitals too then that gets painful
For example "Is it a consonant or a vowel?", "Does it have an odd number of 'ends' or an even number?" etc.
@cairdcoinheringaahing we are just mapping each letter to a 0 or a 1
You can choose literally any criteria to map a given letter to 1 or 0 though
right but only 2^26 distinct mappings exist
so the question is how to maximise the entropy of the mapped letters
brute force all 2^26
@hyper-neutrino Ugh, I hate this kind of stuff ಠ_ಠ
in such a way that you could try to do it if you allow capitals too so we have 52 letters
@cairdcoinheringaahing sorry :(
2^26 is only 67108864, that's well within forcing range
@Anush No, it's on me, not you :)
yes.. 2^52 is not good though
wait that's actually smaller than i expected
let's assume we have lower and upper case letters
4503599627370496 (2^52) is less forcible :P
indeed :)
I wonder if this can be formulated as some standard problem that I could then plug into a tool to optimize
If anyone is interested I could provide some starting code in python to play with
and data :)
You want to choose the value that maximises p0log(p0)
oh wait it's all negative?
@StackMeter I want to choose the mapping that maximises - p_0 log(p_0) - p_1 log(p_1).
note the minus signs
then you want to make p_0 and p_1 as even as possible, no?
where p_0 is just the proportion of times 0 occurs and likewise p_1 is the proportion of times 1 occurs (i.e. 1-p_0)
@StackMeter yes exactly
so you try and make the sum of the numbers of letters on the p_0 side equal to that of the p_1 side
sum of the frequencies of the letters
you are unlikely to be able to make them exactly equal but as close as possible
so yes
how can you do that?
well I think there's a challenge based on just that
making two sublists from a list as even as possible
though a tip - putting e, t, h, a, i and o on one side likely isn't correct with any real, long piece of text
if you could help me make the challenge that would be great
this problem is basically just given the frequencies of each letter, find a subset summing to as close to 0.5 as possible, right?
@hyper-neutrino yes
obviously you can extend to more groups than 2
@RedwolfPrograms Yay
@user lol
It's unlikely any of you actually like it, but whatever
@StackMeter ?
@user it's just too big to fit in my small little brain
I'm sure it has some inspiring things I could distill but I don't know where to start
@user I "lol"'d because you responded to a 16 hour old message 4 pages back in the transcript
My Scala detector beeped :P
CMC: Given a lowercase character (one of abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz), output how many "ends" it has (using DejaVu Sans Mono font). For example, a has 1, k has 4, r has 2. This is the full mapping. In weird edge cases such as i, go by the values in that link
Oct 9 '17 at 18:54, by Martin Ender
I felt a great disturbance in the Force...
@cairdcoinheringaahing so did i
@StackMeter btw you may want to reduce your starring rate just a little. We always have nonsense on the starboard, but I at least prefer to see slightly higher-quality nonsense :P
Also, whenever one of my messages gets starred, it makes me realize it sounds stupid :/
@user So long as people aren't starring loads of messages, I think its generally ok to star anything you want. I'll cancel multiple single stars that happen on a group of messages, but if someone wants to drop the occasional star and no one agrees, no harm done
unfortunately, I have been unable to reproduce this issue, therefore I'm marking it as
They leave the starboard the fastest anyway
@cairdcoinheringaahing I know, and I'm not saying it's a huge annoyance or that StackMeter must stop starring stuff, I just wanted to suggest they might want to slow down (apologies @StackMeter if it came out the wrong way)
That said, I don't think stars should be used as a "I find that funny" reaction, rather they should be "I think others will want to see this". Those can overlap, but aren't always the same thing :)
it's ok
Heh, I posted a Scala-themed KotH in the Sandbox a while after Redwolf mentioned Scala
@UnrelatedString It's not really partial application, it's basically treating the method as a field and then treating the field access as a postfix operator, so (1+) would be (1.+). No one uses postfix operators anyway, they're considered a mistake
@user postfix is a sin
infix is a lot worse
Mixing them is bad
I guess if you have a stack-based language, postfix is alright
@user *is making a language with only postfix and infix*
postfix is the only operator type that really makes sense to mix with stack operations
though i don't get why you'd have postfix (or any) ops in a stack based language; IMO it's not really postfix it just looks like that in principle
@Wezl Infix is normal langs, postfix is stack-based langs and prefix is dumb
lisp: am I a joke to you
@hyper-neutrino In a concatenative language, it's not really postfix, but you could have a stack-based language with infix, postfix, prefix, all of that
although lisp isn't even really prefix
the problem with infix is it's less expressive. In prefix and postfix, operator operator means something but in most infix languages it's an error
And for good reason
@user true
@hyper-neutrino me: yes
@Wezl *cough*
@Wezl so composition is much worse, except trains fix this
@Wezl why would you need that
@Adám *wink*
@StackMeter Composition can be extremely useful, but there's nothing wrong with having to do f.g instead of f g
@user To be clear, I'm talking about Scala here. I have no idea how useful or idiomatic it is in other languages
there is something seriously wrong about using parentheses for grouping, and there's a reason stack-based languages don't need it
You can have a stack-based language that uses parentheses, right?
yes, but what do you mean by "uses", because forth uses them for comments for example
Ooh, Agda's mixfix looks both awesome and a pain
@StackMeter May I ask why? (unless you were just making a joke)
another huge problem is that a b c has to be parsed differently if b is an infix operator, which I'm fixing by having a b c use b postfixly(?) and a b: c use b infixly(?)
I was considering using something like those "mixfix" operators in my practical programming language (which is not and likely will never be public). I didn't know about them in Agda so it's nice to see some prior art
Couldn't you just not use prefix and postfix with infix
@pxeger I feel like those would be amazing for embedded DSLs, but I'm not so sure it'd be too helpful for practical purposes
forth supports mixfix operators, and lisp, and red/rebol
Interesting, I thought Forth was just concatenative
you can have basically macros that take tokens instead of a pre-parsed list
in lisp and red/rebol, mixfix operators ==== macros
My language supports arbitrary custom operators using characters from the set !%^&*-=+:~./<>?|, and \;,@$[]{}()#' are reserved for other purposes. Is it a bad idea to use backticks for custom literals (à la Ruby %-literals or JS's backtick strings), or should I add some special syntax for double-quoted strings (because otherwise I've run out of ASCII characters)?
I know some people here don't like backticks, and I'm not a massive fan because they're really hard to use in Markdown, but do you think it's that bad a problem?
backtick-strings are fine (IMO)
But then there's also things like heredocs, or Zig's multiline string literal syntax using backslashes, so...?
Or strings with arbitrary delimiters like Swift's #" "# (I think it's also in C++ and C#)
maybe I want those
Morning everyone!
hey there @RedwolfPrograms
NP/SP down :|
yep, we've already restored the feeds
I think my internet went down
Give them some soup and rest if they’re feeling down
Right as I went to sleep I noticed I lost wifi, but I was too tired to investigate
should I run the bots on my server?
other than when the service needs to update, it is pretty reliable
they should definitely be run on a server
It's not an issue with wifi reliability. This is the first time this has happened I think.
Just bad timing.
@pxeger They are
so why does it matter that you lost internet at home
Because my server's at my home
right but also you like, sleep, i don't, so if anything bad happens i can fix it (/hj)
well I meant run it on a proper server in a datacenter with reliable internet
I have reliable internet I just don't write reliable code lol
Like I said, this is the first time this has happened
In something like 2-3 years
Okay, I think I see the problem
The bots noticed they closed, but never attempted a reconnect
Odd, NP/SP never noticed they disconnected, but the socket to watch New Posts did
Okay, bots are back online and (hopefully) fixed
well in any case, should we maybe leave the bots in your room to test some more? seems like they're not ready for prod yet
Seemed to be a weird issue with JS's promises
If we've got the feeds running already, I guess I could go ahead and move these back for a little while then move them back to here whenever they're ready
I doubt there'll be any more issues, but I doubted there would be any more issues last night lol
try unplugging the internet and plugging it back in again to check they can reconnect properly?
I have internet now of course
It was like a two minute outage
but I mean, in case it happens again, to check your reconnecting code works
I know one of the sockets did reconnect properly, so I just copied over its code
I see y'all had a lot of fun trying to get the feeds working again
eh. i knew it'd happen
any time a room with feeds is unfrozen or a feed is added there is total chaos. as we all know, SE chat works perfectly with no issues or weird things at all
important information: a Beans emoji is a candidate to be added in Unicode 14
Can't wait until 2022 though
@Neil data:text/html,<textarea> is awful. data:text/html,<html contenteditable> is much better as an entry level text editor.
Then you can add scripts and styles until you regret everything
data:text/html,<html contenteditable>this is a surprisingly usable text editor, thanks redwolf
data:text/html,<html contenteditable><body style="font-family:monospace;font-size:10px;line-height:1.25;white-space:pre-wrap;word-break:break-word"> for a better one
data:text/html,<html contenteditable><body style="font-family:monospace;font-size:10px;line-height:1.25;white-space:pre-wrap;word-break:break-word">this is far too small
Then make it 11px
or 12px
You can even use ctrl + b or ctrl + i for bold and italics

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