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@lyxal I don't see how that's cursed (apart from the paint thing)
1/10 not bad enough
@user it's completely outside the scope of the course
see it isn't cursed I am a good java programmer thank you user
@lyxal your course is cursed
so by double negative my code is exceptionally blessed
"good java programmer"
that sentence is impossible
nothing is good about java
Whoa there
java itself isn't good but that doesn't mean I can't be good with it
just like how you're good at vyxal
Java is good, but that doesn't mean HN is good at it
@RedwolfPrograms wdym?
Nothing ignore me
wanna see something actually cursed then?
no thanks, I have a mirror if I wanted to
too late
Finally, some real cursed code! You made my day
@hyper-neutrino What have you been cursed with? Nerdiness? :P
Is that part of the Vyxal interpreter converted to a Scratch-like format?
@qwr I did; I believe Robin Ryder also posted a tweet to the now-defunct R chatroom saying that using ` would finally resolve the scan()` vs function() problem where scan() is usually shorter but just doesn't feel "right".
@AaronMiller no
that's from a recent assignment
university assignment btw
it's bix xoring in an app development program called Thunkable
@qwr R is also an incredibly frustrating language to golf in because the vectorization is inconsistent and there are so many weird edge cases with the builtins.
@lyxal Oh cool. I decided not to go to college. Instead I got a job like the bum I am.
my main excuse for doing university is so that I can get better at code golf
obv it's helpful for other long term things
but code golf is my main focus lol
Lol. Priorities, right?
@AaronMiller exactly!
Well not ninja'd becaise wifi saved me
@lyxal ignoring the actual code, that is definitely one of the uglier scratchoids i've seen
@lyxal In the about on your chat profile, shouldn’t it be "Through the coding and golf we carry on," instead of "the golf"?
those tab things on expression blocks are also :/
That is truly cursed
the huge quotes are in a totally different style from everything else
It's like they don't snap together and you just have to try to get them to line up lol
@UnrelatedString Oh god, my eyes...
those settings help buttons are also kind of out of place feeling
and wait why are there two different colors of string literal
Strings come in different colors, duh
are the light pink ones actually some kind of atom type
Is...is the darker one for numbers for something?
Why are there quotes around the variable names
This is deeply concerning
the light pink ones are all used to name variables but there's no way they can't also be used for something else because then why wouldn't they just be variables
i feel like there are also way too many dropdowns
and with: is a very weird way to talk about passing arguments
I think that's an okay way to do it
Scratch doesn't even have functions that take arguments iirc
with can mean too many things
yeah scratch is kinda fucked that way
this ain't scratch
from the name of "thunkable" i'm assuming this is some kind of kinda lazy kinda functional dealio
it's for app development
what you're seeing works on Android
If this is such a complicated app, why not just write real code? This has to be really painful
Or did you choose to use thunkable yourself?
We all had to use thunkable
Presumably to "get used to the fact that you might not always have the best tools"
now seems a good time to point that this is a different course to the one where I use java
wait if you're assigning to global variables in like most of your functions then where does the thunking come in
Usually not having the best tools means the best editor you have is notepad, not that you have to drag and drop stuff
they previously used MIT app inventor
or you have some legacy code
@UnrelatedString That's the sound your head makes when it makes contact with your desk after you try out thunkable
@user i see
they only switched to thunkable like this year or last year
dw I tried to make it less cursed by trying to piggyback off data:text/html urls laced with javascript inside web viewers and api calls
actually typing that out makes it sound more cursed
/claps even though I have no idea what that means
e.g. data:text/html,<script>var%20pattern%20=%20/\d+/g;%20window.location.replace("data:text,"%20+%20"10".match(pattern))</script>
That looks more cursed
@user put this into your url bar: data:text/html,%3Ch1%3EHello,%20User%3C/h1%3E
looked at thunkable's website and did not find why it's called that but did find that this isn't something they are marketing as an education tool this is legitimately something they are trying to sell as make a killer app with No Code™️
@lyxal What's that? <h1>Hello, user</h1>?
it renders the HTML
That's some big brain stuff
I don't get why people are scared to show children real code. Scratch is fine I guess, but all these knock-offs are awful.
@UnrelatedString lol why would you want to make an app with no code
And using them in a university level class...
because code is big scary
Having to work around all this stuff is just painful
my point is that I was desperate enough to try and use javascript for doing things instead of drag-and-drop
I once made a whole text editor in data:text/html
@RedwolfPrograms first year, and the class is "introduction to professional engineering"
it was painful
my favorite professional engineering tool, thunkable
@RedwolfPrograms idk about other people, but I was actually scared of JS and only started learning it because it turned out Scratch was bad at math and stuff
@UnrelatedString you'll like what the project brief was even more
I use Thunkable every day, as a professional engineer. When I walk in to the office, everyone comments about how professional my code is.
I regarded it as this really, really complex language that only professionals used
hiring full stack app developers must have at least a phd and 10 years of experience in thunkable (minimum wage ofc)
@lyxal More cursedness?
@user "visitor-employee management for our government's defense force"
> The Defence Science and Technology Group (DST) has approached you to assist with
managing their workforce and visitors. They are part of the Australian Department of Defence
dedicated to providing science and technology support for Australia’s defence and national
security needs.
@user i think js was the first text programming language i started learning and i am still scared of it
I use Thunkable + PHP + Coffeescript as my web stack
look the point of the course is more teaching engineering practices and report writing
the actual project is inconsequential
throw fortran in for performance
one of the people in our group made a group messaging system using thunkable
I use Thunkable to dynamically generate PHP that dynamically generates Coffeescript, which dynamically generates the site
I managed to use SQL as a transpilation target to convert NPM's leftpad
@RedwolfPrograms mock thunkable all you want, but it has JSON built-ins
you need to use autohotkey to generate the thunkable
No, I just type really fast
@user if it was up to me, I'd use Android Studio. App dev in AS is way less painful than app dev in Thunkable
which uses more ram
android studio, or thunkable on chrome
honestly idk
i don't remember
java is bad, but thunkable is way worse
oh yeah seriously what are the pink strings
are they atoms or what
at least with java you can tell where the errors are
JSON built-ins are cursed for any language which doesn't have JSON-like syntax
@UnrelatedString yeah
they are atoms
was that yeah to the atoms
in quotes makes sense, but they should be single instead of double
I guess Android Studio + Java is still king for android app dev, unless you're gonna make a full game using Unity (or another full-fledged game engine)
wait what so you can also treat atoms directly like strings
that's not very atomy then
@UnrelatedString not really
you can't go putting the pink strings into the "set app variable [...] to ()"
because that breaks it
i mean the light pink strings
the light pink strings are default fields
the light pink strings are the atoms and the reddish dark pink are strings
other way around
"default fields"
are a data type?
hang on
let me just get a screenshot of what i mean
so the ones you use as variable names can be treated as strings, but the ones you don't use as variable names are also strings
those are equivalent
those are not equivalent
i assumed as much
why is there a third shade of pink
is this just java but scratch and ugly
@NewPosts Hey!
so why do the dark pink string literals exist
alternatively, why are the light pink string literals strings at all
@RedwolfPrograms The bot is not grabbing my new post somehow :/
The bots died
Getting captcha'd, hold on

Lyxal's cursed Jav.... oh wait this isn't actually java

47 mins ago, 45 minutes total – 151 messages, 8 users, 4 stars

Bookmarked 20 secs ago by lyxal

TFW the human is essentially a captcha-solving bot and the bot is doing the real work
No, it just errors when there's a captcha
I can't solve them, just have to wait it out
ws decides to be "helpful" and exit the program when it errors >:|
hey we have 169 bookmarked conversations
@lyxal hey the message id of that post ended in 69
@AaronMiller no, because the actual line I'm copying is "through the fire and the flames" not "through the fire and flames"
my solution to ijk string feels so stupid help
willing to bet some math-based language has built-in quaternion support or we'll get like Mathematica for 0 bytes :P
Man, I take a 2 day break from PPCG and you guys insist on sending 10s of thousands of chat messages :P
Also, does anyone know if, given a Minecraft save file, is it possible to tell whether cheats were ever used in that world?
@lyxal But the actual line is "through the fire and flames", as is the name of the song; it’s just usually misquoted as "through the fire and the flames". Source: Genius
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh so you did take a break. was wondering if i just got unlucky and missed your activity since i don't really read the transcript :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing cheats as in commands or cheats as in third party cheats
answer might be no to both but worth clarifying
@hyper-neutrino No, I just took a couple of days away from the site. Thought it'd be good to let others get in some reviews :P
@UnrelatedString Commands
Although both would be good
I'm considering a challenge in the form "Do X in a survival minecraft world. User with most Y after Z wins", but that can be circumvented by turning on cheats/commands
@cairdcoinheringaahing heh fair enough :p i haven't been specifically delaying on reviews but i've had a couple where i missed it for an hour. strangely enough, nobody did them even if i gave an hour before i did it
you could make people screen record but that might limit people who have bad computers and also you'd have to watch hours of footage and that's probably not fun :p
@AaronMiller the guitar hero version at least has "the flames"
I'll need to do some experimenting, but the level.dat file might have clues/info
@lyxal Oh, I didn’t know that. Carry on then and don’t mind my lunatic ravings.
@cairdcoinheringaahing It’s only available for 1.12, but here’s a mod that disables cheats, so you could maybe require people to use it?
@Giuseppe oh man I wish I had a nickel for every time a code golf answer didn't feel right to me
Ordered my new laptop, should be here in early July
oh that's quite a long delay
or maybe not. idk what's normal
@cairdcoinheringaahing You can enable cheats from the Open To LAN menu though
@hyper-neutrino I added on some custom stuff like a better SSD (more data to lose :p), so I guess it takes them time to have an actual human do the assembly :p
There are disadvtantages to not being able to drive or vote or work or own anything but the ability to spend all my money on something stupid with basically no consequences is the best :p
driving is nice but the insurance for males my age is brutal. lol.
Usually I'd try to try/catch the issue with NP/SP but the problem is...I have no idea where the error comes from
Oh, figured it out. I added error handling code to NP's ws instance, but not SP's
And now I got captcha'd on SP but not NP, so I still have to wait so that I can get both of them running :/
Eventually I'll set up some sort of system to persist the credentials across restarts so I don't have to worry about that happening
NP/SP back online. Should be the last time I need to announce that.
I love how there's no picture for the wikipedia page for aphantasia
It's probably coincidental but I hope it never changes
unsurprising; i think of that every time i force myself to pronounce the name correctly as Like-sal and not Lick-sal
Lyxal licks all
One of your other profiles is also on there.
Oh, I thought that was one for Lyxal lol
The rest is just random nonsense
Hi lyxal, we're discussing you
@RedwolfPrograms cursed.
It's not what you want to be known for lol
@Ausername that's from that one time we all swapped usernames and pictures
@RedwolfPrograms correct
@lyxal Oh.
That or google's picking up on the hivemind
(I'm actually user and user is actually Lyxal, we never switched back fully lol)
I'm not actually part of the hivemind directly, I'm one of redwolf's chatbots.
@Ausername I ninja'd you by a month
Yes you did
@RedwolfPrograms wait that means I'm you
I know right
Here's me thinking I was a normal person when instead I think JavaScript is a good programming language (a clearly incorrect thought)
I personally love Scala
But must hide it
@lyxal Javascript is a good language.
I am speed
@Ausername it really isn't
Also you has not swapped.
Sure it is
Good is relative
You still has the toaster quiz lyxal
@RedwolfPrograms JavaScript corrupts the mind
I mean, look what it's done to you
May 21 at 6:48, by Razetime
no fine person likes chromebooks
Razetime really do be spitting facts
I think redwolf's server just died, Redwolf and both bots just left.
things aren't looking exceptionally good for the testing phase of these bots
should i maybe run it on my server? i think it's more reliable
Do you have the code?
will need to wait for redwolf to return to discuss
your inbox is mine
@Ausername ^
@Ausername can probably port the jelly idea
What jelly idea
uhh whatever hyper-neutrino
has done
That's weird, I have an entirely different approach
With a lot of repeated code that I'm trying to remove.
Nvm I give up for now
try and port javascript lol
what's your current idea?
my idea is pretty unintelligent overall lol, it's just a large compressed multiplication table
@hyper-neutrino My current idea is to slowly reduce the string, bubbling -s to the end.
I used some tricks with transliterate...
i wonder if there's a way I can shorten mine by handling signs separately
since it would quarter my multiplication table in theory
I had handled signs seperately by:
Checking if they're the same, and appending a -, otherwise...

If the string `ijki` includes the first two letters, make it positive, else make it negative.
JS is weirdly good at weird challenges
Yes. I think porting tsh would actually be longer than JS because there's nothing verbose in there and vyxal variables are verbosoe.
TIL watching the real time questions page for SE is actually somewhat fun
Here it's not.
1 hour later…
Because NSP is offline now:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerSolve the halting problem for S combinatory logic code-golf functional-programming lambda-calculus halting-problem decision-problem Background Combinatory logic is a system where a term is written using a finite set of combinators and function application between terms, and reduction rules are de...

And this is why we don't fully rely on feeds from unofficial sources
It really isn't going well
My small brain had an idea
gonna go put it on sandbox
you know how we can prime factorise numbers
Idea: if the new bots fail, a RO should add the feeds back temporarily
what if we did that with the exponenets
@Bubbler ^^
how does one LaTeX
Damn, adding feeds is annoying
...and I don't see how I can set up a feed to be posted by a specific feed user
@lyxal I give up. Ask another RO (or mod) for that.
if you banned ok I'd be mute
@StackMeter MathJax tutorial, but note that our site uses \$..\$ instead of $..$ for inline math.
i see now
got it now
new challenge
Also it has a high chance of being viewed as a hybrid dupe of vanilla prime factorization and any of "recursively apply" challenges, because mathematically there's no escape from doing so
@StackMeter ^
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerGödel numbering of a string code-golf string primes number-theory integer Background Gödel numbers are a way of encoding any string with a unique positive integer, using prime factorisations: First, each symbol in the alphabet is assigned a predetermined integer code. Then, to encode a string \$ ...

^ any feedback?
(it's about primes, I'm afraid)
@Bubbler Maybe the info should mention that?
@pxeger Yes it is, but I'm slightly lenient when the task is about an established thing somewhere else. It looks fine and clear enough
@Adám Edited.
how would I make my challenge not a dupe
because I thought no-one had done that
I have a CMQ: how do I make my challenge better
@StackMeter What is the essence of your challenge?
the essence is to prime factorize - with the constraint exponents must be factorized too - I feel like that would kill many short solutions and/or builtins
also halfway to "civic duty"
@StackMeter How would the result look for say 192?
│2  │3│
│2 3│ │
│1 1│ │
Would you have to find the factors of the factors' exponents too?
192 is \$2^6 * 3\$, so \$2 ^ {2*3} * 3\$
No MathJax here.
my MathJax is not working
192 = 2²˙³∙3¹
@Adám that's the goal
But how about 65536?
65536 = 2¹⁶
So 2²˙²˙²˙²
how do I get that font
Isn't this inconsistent? Why isn't it ₂2⁴ leading to wanting to factorise that 4 as well?
@Adám which is represented as 2^2^4
@StackMeter But 4 is not a prime!
which is then represented as 2^2^2^2
@StackMeter It isn't a font, I'm just using Unicode symbols.
How would you represent 589824?
so 2² ^ 2²
and 2 is prime
@Adám 2^2^2^2 * 3^2
In other words, the challenge is to represent the given number as a mathematical expression using only primes, exponentiation, and multiplication?
@Adám yes, I suppose
I think that's unique
What's to prevent me from writing it as 2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙2∙3∙3?
must be in the shortest form
so because 2² ^ 2² * 3² is shorter, it must be used
OK, but I assume you don't want to require using MathJax or Unicode in answers.
nested lists/arrays are also allowed
Uh oh, this is getting complicated.
So how do parentheses factor (pun intended) in for length?
And what is a^b^c? Is it (a^b)^c or a^(b^c)?
parenthesis are fine, and do not count for length
@Adám a^b^c is and always will be a^(b^c)
if you want the former, use brackets
No, if you want the former, use multiplication!
that's fair
So how would one check if the solution is indeed optimal for all possible inputs?
I'll run some test cases, and I won't reveal them, but I will reveal the hash of them
such that people can verify I did not change them
Huh. I guess just providing open input→output of a lot and varied examples should do.
gtg for a sec
So 26542080 should be 2^2^2^2*3^2^2*5 if I understand right. That might actually be an interesting problem.
Although 2^2^(2*2)*3^(2*2)*5 is an equally valid solution, no?
CMQ: how many scissors are there in Unicode?
(answer: far more than there reasonably needed to be)
@pxeger I suppose you only want images of actually scissors, right?
ideographs for words that mean scissors don't count
I count 5 then.
I have no idea why we need both white and black scissors.
and 3 types of scissors of unspecified colour
Now that we have color characters (!) it should be possible to join those with a single base scissor symbol…
Maybe a safety symbol combined with a base scissor would yield the safety scissor…
But seriously, are they trying to create a new sort of Hieroglyphics where combining pictograms creates more refined nouns?
if I were in charge of Unicode, I would definitely prefer unique characters over lots of combinations with ZWJs
I, for one, think the abjad/alphabet was a great invention.

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