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> Close Votes and Close Votes on Meta. These queues require 300 reputation or more to access
i think the "or more" gets repetitive and isn't really necessary; i removed them but feel free to disagree on that
@Wzl I have 766 rep and can't access them
@hyper-neutrino ಠ_ಠ I just edited the 300 -> 3000 and it reverted those changes
@StackMeter it's called a typo
lol, no worries, i'll just apply your change to my revision and roll them back over :P
it totally looks like you and I are having a revision war :P
anyway, otherwise i think this looks pretty good, imaginary +1 :p
@hyper-neutrino Take a look at revs 1 and 2 :P
I wrote half of it in my phone, then switched to my computer :P
lol :P
oh i thought you accidentally submitted before you were done or smth lol
Power just went out here lol
@hyper-neutrino Nah, I killed time in the 5 hour health/safety "training" at work yesterday by working on that :P
There's only so many times you need to be told "Only have one person on a ladder at a time"
Caird Coinheringaahing has tragically passed away following an unfortunate ladder related accident
we are wondering if this was a tragic and unavoidable event, or if this could've been avoided with more diligent training. we suspect the ladder
An autopsy also reveals that there was an abnormal amount of Jelly coursing through caird's veins. Further investigation is needed to determine a cause of death
oops, i opened the review question on site to get a better look at it and then closed it from there and didn't complete the task
big brain moment
@user "abnormal" Just wondering, how much is normal?
@Wzl 3.
@rak1507 Well, as I now know, a quarter of workplace fatalities are falls from a height of less than 2 meters
@hyper-neutrino where's the task
I wonder how that'll get me while I'm on the tills :P
@Wzl ;)
@StackMeter It's gone. As a mod, HN clears the task from a queue as soon as he reviews it
@cairdcoinheringaahing only when you work in the giant metal spike industry
or, in this case, if i don't review it ಠ_ಠ
two meters doesn't sound like a lot, that's honestly surprising
i've done this way more times than i'd care to admit, lol
@rak1507 It's mainly people doing obviously unsafe things from high up
ah makes sense, so it's not the falling that kills them it's the chainsawing their heads off on the way down
Here lies caird conhearinginging. No one knew how to pronounce their name, but they were really good at tacit stuff. Ciard or ChartZ or whatever will be sorely missed
Carrying heavy boxes, not holding on to a ladder when climbing it, etc.
@rak1507 If you fall on your head, that can lead to some really nasty stuff
You might not die immediately, but you could have brain damage
@user At least 2 of my 3 publicly known names on this site are fairly easy to pronounce :P
yeah, I have a friend that fell on his head once and how he's a professional PHP developer, tragic really
Unless you struggle with "Chloe"
@cairdcoinheringaahing How do you pronounce that? "Chh-low-ay"? :P
I think it's "chow-lee" :P
Ah, makes a lot more sense. Phonetics amirite? :P
@RedwolfPrograms qué
@RedwolfPrograms Get that eepa out of here!
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah, I don't know what that says
@StackMeter Creo que es la IPA (blame Google Translate if that's not Spanish)
@user @user no
The sound at the end of loch, then an l, then oy as in toy
that is truly cursed
@RedwolfPrograms Let me just clean out my ears with holy water after hearing that
@RedwolfPrograms I thought it was ch as in choo-choo train, l as in tortilla, and then oy as in boy?
oooooh 21 users
@RedwolfPrograms I'd say the ch in chloe is much more like a k than the ch at the end of loch
I say it "k-low-ee" (but with no pause between the "k" and "low")
I'm serious
You're not serious, you're Redwolf
@RedwolfPrograms That feels better for cloy than Chloe
@cairdcoinheringaahing How do you know that isn't Redwolf's real name? :P
@user Because I know Redwolf's real name :P
Oh, it must be Sirius then :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah, that's the sane way to do it
@cairdcoinheringaahing hmm I wonder if this can be easily stalked
It's not too hard to find out :p
ah yes, it can :P
even easier than I thought it would be
@rak1507 Wow
a bit easier than cairds ;)
Easier than mine?
@RedwolfPrograms but you're still hiding your middle name, which is serious :P
Protip: Never tell rak1507 anything about yourself
I literally have them in my bios :P
oh no, you actually put it in your bio
I forgot
I believe my personal website, some of my userscripts, and my Github have my real name
@rak1507 Although past that, I don't think there's any connection between caird and me IRL
@cairdcoinheringaahing we'll see about that :P
@Wzl My middle name is yyfbkhhqntfl...but you have to decode it
by the way, did you know I rank as a secondary consumer
Ha, I'm so much more important than you - I'm a primary consumer!
@RedwolfPrograms clearly isn't substitution as a middle name wouldn't start with a duplicate hmm
@user Oh wait...
@user that means you've been subdued
well that implies redwolf's middle name is probably 12 characters long though if it's a vignere... well, it could literally be anything right?
also it's not necessarily 12 chars either
technically any plaintext can be encoded to any ciphertext under an appropriate algorithm :P
base64 gives me �'ےj���
pretty much
@Wzl you've cracked it!
@Wzl You got it!
@Wzl I would like to name my child that if I ever have one :P
@user Speaking on behalf of your potential child: please don't
I think I'll just name my child yyfbkhhqntfl
I get Ë'ے\u0018jž×å
Bobby Tables would like to act as an example :P
also @Wzl where did you put the Es in your name
@cairdcoinheringaahing Don't worry, I'm too dumb to write SQL
@StackMeter I burned them with fire javascript
I'll just give my kid a name with some Zalgo in it
To respect our Lord and savior Redwolf Programs <whisper>Just go with it</whisper>
it was a lot nicer with the E
but I'll respEct your choice
@UnrelatedString Well, we got "ungolfed" by Jonathan :/
@RedwolfPrograms Using the key "CODEGOLF" (for a Vigenere cipher), I got wkcxetwllfch :P
i get fleixgodmask using tnb which is actually quite close to being real english words
obv the correct answer is "yyfbkhhqntfl...but you have to decode it"
I'd love to have my middle name be flexgodmask, honestly
"Look, I have a mask with a picture of the god of flexes!"
Actually, AoSLDDtpESK74u is a slightly easier way to find My middle name
@RedwolfPrograms Is your dad Elon Musk?
what's the thing we need to decode the second string
That's your job ;p
There is a known way to reverse engineer this though
Lemme just get out my Enigma machine
Weird flex but okay :P
i mean again the thing is there are too many possible ways to encode a thing and trying all of them might give us exactly one reasonable answer if we are lucky
@RedwolfPrograms guessing
Ok, weird :P I just used my engima machine to encode my last name and it came out as "YXDAL". Am I a discount Lyxal?
how on earth am i supposed to use this lol
What, the enigma machine?
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah; where do i input stuff lol
The score of 44 one is much easier to use
The list of numbers is a triple from 1 to 5, then a 3 letter "key" and your "message" on STDIN
Hint #1: cipher("This is some plaintext", "the-key") // "-A8Sb8eSN2Y6hbI78ZJADA"
I have a message for you @RedwolfPrograms
from @cairdcoinheringaahing's enigma machine
> jelly.sys.argv
When you import jelly, but cba to import sys
I...don't really have the resources to decode that @StackMeter
@RedwolfPrograms I'm working on a brute force solver :P
it contains classified information
I'll give y'all another hint:
suddenly went quiet
I'll give y'all another hint:
18 mins ago, by Redwolf Programs
Actually, AoSLDDtpESK74u is a slightly easier way to find My middle name
There's a very specific mistake in that
the M?
Actually, AoSLDDtpESK74u is a slightly easier way to find My middle name winks
+100 to the first person to find my middle name, and +200 to the first person who can fully recreate my cipher function (it's only like 200 bytes, so not that tough)
oh by the way
I'm posting a solve a quartic equation question
@RedwolfPrograms No idea
@StackMeter Go through the Sandbox
@RedwolfPrograms I have a brute forcer. Now I just have to, well, brute force it
i intend to
(My cipher function is totally unrelated to the enigma machine if anyone's wondering)
Oh, is it possible to brute force the enigma machine?
you can brute force pretty much anything can't you?
it just may take until the heat death of the universe
I would've thought it was like one time pad where there's no way to do it without a KPA
@RedwolfPrograms Kind of
Because I know the rotor config for my enigma machine, which Stackmeter used, I just have to brute force which rotors were used and what the key was
@hyper-neutrino nvm i'm dumb
@hyper-neutrino Not OTP...every plaintext is possible, just with a different key. You have to have multiple messages encoded with the same key, which still only leaks a small amount of info about the messages
Which is a total of 114660 different possibilities, well within forcing distance
Is there a way to tell which is correct without a human looking at them though?
yeah idk how i forgot about that; i was literally just talking about this earlier lol
Also I accidentally just revealed a bunch about how my cipher works lol
It's OTP based
@RedwolfPrograms The Enigma machine is bijective. If you feed its output back into itself (same rotor config), it outputs its input
wait wtf
Again, kind of
OTP is bijective too, but it's still not brute forcable at all
if you have multiple messages encoded with the same OTP key (assuming XOR) can't you just XOR the ciphertexts together and get a good amount of information? or is that information not actually that useful
@hyper-neutrino Assuming you reset the rotors back to how they were for the input, which is what my program does
You get the xor of the messages
so it's not just bijective, it's involutive
is involutive a word
@RedwolfPrograms But that still requires two messages with the same key
it is an involution
right, and if you're using a one time pad twice i think that's uh. silly :p
Or is it so smart they'll never expect it?
And that is the exact silliness that makes my little puzzle crackable :p
now the only thing to figure out is what the actual operation is, because for all i know it's not bit xor
the innovative two time pad technology
My innovative new crypto technique is to OTP the message twice with the same key for double the security
TBH two time pads are basically just as secure if you have a high volume of encrypted messages
if x encodes to cx and y to cy using key k and xor, then cx = x ^ k and cy = y ^ k so cx ^ x ^ cy = k ^ cy = y but that didn't work here so i'm assuming either my offsets are wrong or you didn't use xor :p
Hint #2: Someone brought up base64 earlier, and my favorite variant is the web safe one :p
that's what i was gonna try next lol
would also maybe fix the length issue
oh also i don't actually know the web-safe b64 standard off the top of my head; i always just run a .replace myself and i think i might pick a different thing each time
I didn't actually use the official one anyway lol
- for + and for /
(wanted to post that faster but school wifi decided to dumb)
i don't suppose your middle name is b'Z\x82@\x1b\x1d5'?
is it really faster to decode it, or just guess?
Almost certainly to decode it
you know, i should really be using JS for this
since you probably used JS
@RedwolfPrograms Custom Fonts is messing up chat.meta rooms
Forgot about those fancy chat subdomains :/
CMC: which URL (+ newline) has a SHA 256 sum of d73d279b42b037972739203d1d0d15ce3511f5568f51dfbfb41e45b5307535d4?
@RedwolfPrograms Yep :P There's also chat.stackoverflow and that's it
For a temporary fix you can copy/paste the @exclude line with chat and edit the URL to the meta one
Is it really?
I hve 152 bytes for my cipher function, 66 of which is a constant lol
this is unnecessarily difficult for me
because i hate the terminal
but i've tried like 7 online interpreters and btoa isn't defined anywhere apparently
Just use console.
about:blank ftw

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