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hidden communities are visible from the public API i think, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Holy crap
what happened to those question
What page is that?
what do those numbers mean lol
They're the anonymous feedback scores
oh, right
That would explain this page
I wonder why SE keeps track of them. Is it just because data's cool, or do they do something with it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Interesting
@okie Taking a look at the most overrated challenges (I think 10k+ only), those 2 are the most overrated challenges on the site
ya it's 10K+ i think
Next most overrated is this
unaccessible for me
> This question just got a word-for-word duplicate, so it’s probably plagiarized from a currently active programming contest
That'll be why it's deleted
@hyper-neutrino What browser are you on?
I have a system set up to prevent that, but it's mostly an awful hack with some polish on top.
@RedwolfPrograms chrome 90.0.4430.212 / windows 10
Setting up some logging, I'll try to repro
Gotta get dinner though, I'll investigate later
I want to know how SE defined "underrated". The posts at https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/tools/post-feedback/underrated?filter=all include: 840 score, accepted, 667 score, 131 score
Can I add a deadlineless bounty for single question?
So there is most likely no restriction to bounty huh
You can add a deadlineless bounty for more or less anything
I am sacrificing my rep
Lets go
I am using my creativity on bounty instead of question :)
Q: Floor of complex number

BubblerBackground Complex floor is a domain extension of the mathematical floor function for complex numbers. This is used in some APL languages to implement floor ⌊, ceiling ⌈, residue |, GCD ∨, and LCM ∧ on complex numbers. For the rest of this challenge, an integer refers to a Gaussian integer, i.e. ...

A: List of bounties with no deadline

okie150 rep for <25 bytes answer on Determine Circle If This bounty hasn't been award after a week, I will loosen the limit by 5 bytes, up to 3 week, which ends up 40 bytes

@NewMainPosts how do you caculate the difference of complexs
@okie (a+bi) - (c+di) = (a-c)+(b-d)i
and there is no general way to compare complex?
There's multiple ways to compare complex numbers, but not in the same way as real numbers
For example, you can order them based on their magnitude, but that means that different complex numbers would be "equal" by this ordering (e.g. 1+1i and -1-1i)
lyxal with they
@cairdcoinheringaahing huh
if i use geometrical way and consider the unit
@okie Greg does that from time to time, it's a good thing IMO
If the person being referred to is uncomfortable with "they" pronouns, they can just roll it back, rather than potentially having to actively edit if the original pronouns were wrong/uncomfortable
would yield real-complex
How much do you know about complex numbers, because they can be really interesting :P
a little bit
school havent teach yet
My favourite fact to tell people not too familiar with complex numbers is that they form a "closed field", which basically means that, whatever to do to a complex number, you'll always get a complex number (real numbers being complex numbers with b=0)
And, they're typically the first kind of numbers people experience for which that's true e.g. not reals, and you can square root a negative to a get non-real number
@cairdcoinheringaahing (and it's the largest one with commutative multiplication)
square root of a negative number is a complex number, and square root of a complex number is still a complex number, so we don't need to extend things further for practical purposes
for some definition of practical
excellent ipad
@Bubbler And yet, quarternions, octonions and more are so fun :P
octonions are my least favorite kind of onion tbh
@cairdcoinheringaahing then how do you define a number that is outside of complex field
@cairdcoinheringaahing (and quaternions do have some practical uses, yes, again for some definition of practical)
Quaternions were neat until the non-commutative multiplication thing
Complex numbers are probably the best in terms of the usefulness to weirdness ratio
Noncommutative multiplication is also found in matrices though, which makes it tolerable I guess
Matrices feel a lot more distant from numbers to me though
and cross product of 3D vectors
(which is related to matrices and quaternions)
I know next to nothing about quaternions (or matrices/vectors for that matter), so I guess when I get a bit more practice with those it'll make more sense
A challenge idea: Given a string of ijk, evaluate it as the product of quaternion bases and simplify into one of eight possible values (1, -1, i, -i, j, -j, k, -k)
@Bubbler confused
In mathematics, the quaternion number system extends the complex numbers. Quaternions were first described by Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton in 1843 and applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. Hamilton defined a quaternion as the quotient of two directed lines in a three-dimensional space, or, equivalently, as the quotient of two vectors. Multiplication of quaternions is noncommutative. Quaternions are generally represented in the form a + b i + c j...
Warning: They're not commutative (ij != ji)
Learned that the hard way
Despite it being like the first word of the summary on wikipedia
Confusion x2
@Bubbler I think I know how to do this now, but golfing it is going to be tricky :/
so I may or may not have designed a solution for flooring a complex number that only works for numbers that floor to 0
Golfed version: x=>0 :p
rotating the entire grid is... apparently different from rotating each rectangle around a point :P
@RedwolfPrograms well no it would floor them to other values just not valid ones lol
Yeah, basically because the tiles in the grid are placed like a brick wall
i was trying to rotate the grid rather than just rotate each item
so... using a change in coordinates matrix won't work here lol
you can rotate, do the flooring, and rotate back, i guess
I found the bug
The problem was that I was expecting /review/close (or similar) to be open, when it was actually /review/close/{id}
I might just go ahead and make it check meta queues too
That way I don't have to release two updates
That'll be a lot of work actually, and I'm not sure how I'll implement it, so I'll just go ahead and release the bugfix for now
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerSimplify ijk-string code-golf math string complex-numbers Challenge Given a string made of ijk, interpret it as the product of imaginary units of quaternion and simplify it into one of the eight possible values 1, -1, i, -i, j, -j, k, -k. The evaluation rules are as follows: $$ ii = jj = kk = -1 ...

Q: Convert Salesforce 15-character ID to 18-character

Trang OulIn Salesforce CRM, every object has 15-character alphanumeric ID, which is case-sensitive. If anyone's curious, actually it's base-62 number. However, tools used for data migration and integration may or may not support case sensitivity. To overcome that, IDs can be safely converted to 18-charact...

Q: N numbers closest to zero staying balanced

Conor O'BrienObjective: Given a positive integer n: If n is odd, output the list of n numbers closest to 0 in increasing order If n is even, output a Falsey value. Test cases: 5 -> [-2,-1,0,1,2] 4 -> false (or any Falsey value) 1 -> [0] Reference implementation function update(){ var num = +d...

huh. challenge posted 15m ago, yet 3 answers within about 30s all like 13m after posting, and it wasn't even prompted by NMP posting here or anything. interesting
New Posts actually oneboxed properly this time!
Didn't even think to check since I was focusing on the review task it generated lol
Oh weird
It's not bug free it's just bug
s flag OP for these types of challenges
don't think it's actually possible for me to beat vyxal+s just due to the minimal amount of computational steps needed barring hyper-specific built-ins
Q: Sum of first n terms of this series

java_learnerGiven a digit x (between 0 to 9, inclusive) and a number n, calculate the sum of the first n terms of the following sequence: \$x,10x+x,100x+10x+x,\dots\$ For example, if x is 6 and n is 2, then the result will be 6+66 meaning 72. There can be trailing whitespace in the output but not leading whi...

nvm bubbler is just too much better
Protip: Base conversion is always OP.
I've got my computer science AP test tomorrow, so I can't stay up late to see if New Posts works :/
Funnily the Jelly algorithm also works verbatim as stack-based: Take x n as input and range, undecimal, and multiply
well now i'm sad
that's smart tho
@hyper-neutrino you're not sad. You're hyper-neutrino
<insert photoshop flowey troll face>
Assuming NP/SP work correctly, I'll make the meta post tomorrow.
smh i thought of the direct sol and just assumed it was the appropriate way to do it lol
smh my head
Does smh also stand for smh my head?
Recursion is fun.
x=_=>x(console.log("Wait a second, this function is a trap!"))
ah yes because adding undefined to an infinitely recursive function makes sense
@hyper-neutrino honestly, your ungraduation script is growing on me
@hyper-neutrino In JS that actually returns pi
If it just had the leaderboards from the grad script it'd be perfect
oh this is horribly beautiful:
Arrays.asList(doctors).stream().map(doc -> (doc == null) ? "name" : doc.getName()).toArray(String[]::new)
lol, what o.O maybe it's time to merge some of the gradscript and the ungradscript
they will cancel out
I'm going to make a Generic Leaderboard Tool soon, it should work with the ungrad script
@lyxal why not Arrays.stream(doctors)...
somehow the simple look of the beta site is refreshing
also it has non poopy fonts as a bonus
i made the ungrad script as a meme i expected it to completely be gone from everyone's memory within 3 minutes
Anyway I'll see y'all tomorrow o/
@hyper-neutrino // -9 bytes thanks to [hyper-neutrino](https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/58022016#58022016)
good idea
unlike the suggestion in cursed Java II, this actually works
i'm trying to think of a way to inline this without lambdas using some cursed abomination involving Optional<T> but i can't seem to figure out a good way to do it :c
*any way to do it
Have we had a Twitter scraping challenge?
@Anush no, not many scraping challenges
I really like graphical output and internet challenges but they aren't awfully popular since they tend to exclude many languages
I like them too!
lol, both of my answers to the latest challenge have been beaten due to me being lazy and using the direct approach
also interestingly, both of my submissions have only had 3 and 4 in their byte count as digits, and both of the smarter solutions that beat mine swap all 3s and 4s in my byte count (my 4 byter is beaten by bubbler's 3, my 43 byter is beaten by wasif's 34)
@Anush we didn't have a scraping Twitter challenge but had a number of possible tweets challenge
can i get some feedback on this? working on a ref impl to add test cases
@hyper-neutrino I think you mistyped "computer" as "calendar" multiple times
ah. that's cuz this was once an Advent challenge and so the original was about an advent calendar
must've missed a bunch when editing it. thanks
Lol, I just felt like "it looks like a good fit for AoC"
fixed that
And your computer is 2D...?
it's a laptop so it's basically flat. :p
i could make this 3D: it'd just be the same challenge but slightly more annoying lol (or fun, depends on your perspective)
Makes sense :P
there must be a really clean method to find complex floor but I am not smart enough to find it
I once thought about it pretty hard and could find none.
@hyper-neutrino added ref impl and worked example
do y'all think more test cases would be necessary? or is an example with explanation better, + ref impl just in case
Trying to understand ~ in python
Bitwise not right?
@okie do you know how two's complement works?
It's bitwise negation, but when applied to a bigint it's simply -1-x
so that's using the last bit
If you mean the highest bit, yes
Q: Two player tic tac toe game

WasifCreate a Tic-Tac-Toe game that allows two human players to play against each other. The drawn board can be either in ASCII or graphical (You can use 1-9 digits as a place holder in tic tac toe board) Program should randomly choose whose turn is first and randomly give two players X or O let both...

well, two's complement is a bit more complex than just the first bit being the sign (actually, that's not really what the first bit even means, though if it's on, the number is negative)
one's complement is just "the first bit is the sign" and the other N-1 bits represent the number, so -1 is just 1 (for the sign to be negative) and then a bunch of 0s, and finally a 1
@hyper-neutrino No, that's sign-and-magnitude
oh is that not how 1s comp works either?
oh rip nvm i remembered it wrong
One's complement is flip all the bits when the sign is negative
And the tic tac toe thing was sandboxed, just not properly reviewed
^. either way, both have the problem that 0 has two representations (000... and 100... in sign-and-magnitude, 000... and 111... in 1s comp)
@Bubbler oh, my bad. tried searching for it but i couldn't find anything even in deleted posts
lol, i literally searched inquestion:2140 tic-tac-toe and found nothing
thanks se?
My query was inquestion:2140 user:92116
oh yeah that's much smarter lol
Anyone else seeing lots of [Math Processing Error]?
where this
that post looks fine to me
SE sometimes gives me that when I use mobile
ooh, it just randomly started working, but I saw an error message about loading MathJax.js in the console. shouldiblamecaching.com?
Haven't seen it on a PC though
@user Ruby is pretty dang good IMO
On the bottom: Most golfing languages.
Yes Ruby is good.
What about Java?
java is decently readable and about as un-concise as one gets
Java is too un-concise to the point that it slows down the reading
true. most of the time it isn't unreadable due to having weird syntax or something, but rather because you spend 20 seconds reading a method named like itemFactoryStreamConverterToItemStreamAdapterConsumer etc lol
@hyper-neutrino lol
s/Java/Java sucks/Java
the only good advantage of Java is speed and minecraft modding
I find two categories of language constructs particularly useful and readable. One is handling flat numerical data (homogeneous lists and tables etc), where APL family languages are awesome. The other is highly structured data (binary trees, ASTs), where being able to define a recursive ADT and pattern match on it makes life much easier.
I figured out how to crash the Redwolf hivemimd
it hates E
we just have to fill our words with E and it will give up
@Bubbler The second part is traditionally the area of functional languages like Haskell and Ocaml, but Rust supports ADTs and pattern matching as well and is constantly improving at it (which is a large part of why I like Rust)
@StackMeter EE EEE EEEE EEEEE(do you mean this?)
@lyxal ever wanted to crash a hivemind
becuase we about to E in here
Third time and probably not the last time: Is this good enough to be consider an esolang?
I am improving it, but I am not smart nor trained for language creating
@okie absolutely anything is good enough to be considered an esolang
a brainfuck derivative is generally where most people start
Because it's easy :)
so don't be ashamed of your creation and have fun
@Razetime thx :D
me out here building an actual language with features not even in Python, in Python:
@StackMeter that just sounds like most python based golfing languages with extra steps
@lyxal qué
@StackMeter just what do you think you're doing?
Are you planning to destroy the redwolf hivemind?!?
with the power of E
How dare you!
@StackMeter <whisper>you'll ruin our plan to seize power</whisper>
you ever seen rush E
I've seen it
Actually yes
prepare to see it forever
Good music
@StackMeter <whisper>go along with the plan created by user and I and you'll be rewarded in the new organisation of power.</whisper>
and eve
all you will see is E
<whisper>@user I think it's time to act. Here's the plan: clearly our attempts at quietly taking over have been fruitless, so I say we storm the castle. Tell me when suits you</whisper>
I think you mean "our attempts at quietly takink ofer hafe peen fruitless"
I'm guessing there are going to be fewer than ten people taking the CS AP test at my school lol
This is pretty good, for the user's first question. The input validation is a bit annoying though.
Q: Interpret underload

nphThe challenge Interpret the stack-based programming language underload. The stack is a stack of strings that can be concatenated together. Each underload program is a string of some of these instructions: ~: Swap the top two elements of the stack. :: Duplicate the top element of the stack. !: Di...

@cairdcoinheringaahing 460 is an even number, not an odd number...
@cairdcoinheringaahing wait, why is codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/139465/17602 overrated?
@RedwolfPrograms the jokes on you because it's their sixth
@Neil I have no idea. I think it's something to do with the anonymous feedback, and for some reason that post got a list of votes from anonymous users
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's the same person
@lyxal <whisper>Let's do it at 0:00, UTC time</whisper>
yo guy
wanna see something cool
Sure, what is it?
I think I did it
@user <whisper>utc midnight? Sure. See you then!</whisper>
o/ for now
get revealEd
@lyxal this is an arrest
I want to see all your hands in the air
and drop all your weaponry
@StackMeter Can I have some context, please? I missed last night's conversation
also, I might make a 2d language with only alphanumeric characters
Oh, that. We can reward you well if you join us instead of arresting us
@lyxal If you use Kotlin, you can do doctors.map { it?.name ?: "name" } or maybe doctors.filterNotNull().map { it.name }.
@user no
There is one thing I bow to
and it is the almighty rep
@StackMeter Very well, then. Don't say I didn't offer you a chance to become powerful :P
but when I crash your joint
and I get +500 bounties rained upon me
don't say I didn't warn you
who's bribing you?
the war begins
@Wzl No one. You didn't see a thing :P
@Wzl I found a way to defeat the Redwolf hivemend
@StackMeter also congrats, you'll be at twice my rep very soon
it's E
E is the key
@StackMeter That's exactly what Lyxal and I are trying to do too
you're already in it
in that monster
We all are, and now it's time to break free
@StackMeter and you. That fifth glyph is your doom too
you fool
the E is my key
I can defeat you
@Wzl I'll never join you
I'm trying to figure out if these are dialogues from some movie @StackMeter. Is this from Endgame or something?
Endgame was trash anyway
I liked the part where half of the superheroes disappeared
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

WzlSymmetrical Triangles array-manipulationcode-golfwhat-else Given a positive integer \$w\$ and a positive integer \$n\$, output An equilateral triangle array with side length \$w\$, filled with two distinct, consistent values. The number of values inside equal to the second distinct value must be...

I will snap the hivemind out of existence
with the E auntlet
I always think it's interesting to take a look at posts (especially on places like r/ProgrammingHumor) which bash SO. For example this literally states "StackOverflow does not have being welcome to new people as their core tenet.", yet a big problem a lot of people on the network have is that SO is specifically catering towards newer users rather than their dedicated user base
I think SO tries to cater to new users specifically because of posts on other platforms that say SO is toxic
i think the real problem is new users not even bothering to try to understand SO even though I'd say SE has done a pretty good job with the tour, question review, help center, etc
That's okay to a degree - I've seen older users condescend to new users who don't know how to debug, etc., but ^
@hyper-neutrino That's definitely a big problem
CMC: Code Jeopardy: What does ⎕←(+⌿÷≢)⎕ do? (full program)
people post poorly researched, terribly formatted, off-topic, and unanswerable questions that the system clearly warns you about like 3 times when it handholds you through the setup process and then get upset when someone closes it
Take a look at the post that comment is on, what badge does the OP specifically not have?
let me guess
@Wzl print the string •â†(+⌿÷≢)⎕
Most people don't bother reading the manual, the Tour page should be mandatory to go through for new users
of course, there are some high rep users that treat new users quite poorly, and I usually try to avoid falling into that category (granted, not even a high-rep user on SO), so that's definitely still a problem
If you have Peer Pressure and not Informed, I think the problem might be you not knowing how to use SO :/
@StackMeter nope
> This. Someone also made a one word comment "Reddit", since reddit is a pretty good friendly alternative to stackoverflow.
@Wzl Looks kinda like 05AB1E?
i mean, i guess if you want to ask poorly formatted and unclear questions and make people guess what you mean to be able to answer, sure?
i think the whole "SE isn't like most Q&As, it's a repository for the future" idea is lost with a lot of people
I guess people don't understand that SE isn't like Quora or a discussion forum ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Reddit is to SO what JavaScript is to Java. Sure, they're both similar kinda of websites but that's it
@Wzl damn
Well, Reddit's really a social media platform that can be used for a Q&A site, but it doesn't mean it should
@cairdcoinheringaahing I love the easter egg on the tour page :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, so you mean that Reddit is the same as SO? Got it /s
@Wzl What, the Konami code? :P
Ah, the Venn diagram thingy?
@user Honestly, wouldn't surprise me if the same people who treat SO as Reddit are the same people who say Java = Javascript
Java <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< JavaScript
@cairdcoinheringaahing I mean, if you ask a poorly formulated question about "how to do this homework in JAVA plz give me teh codez" on SO and decide to use Reddit, probably :P
@StackMeter Java is...on top of a toppled rocket whose base is Javascript?
@StackMeter Use the goes-to operator: Java -------------> Javascript
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's not valid syntax in Java
You can only use -- on a variable/field/array element, not on an expression like Java--
I made a programming language called ++Java-- last year and realized after I finished it that the name wouldn't compile :/
int Java = 5 There, valid :P
i mean even if it were valid, there are an odd number of -s
@cairdcoinheringaahing you can Java-- but you can't Java-- --
@hyper-neutrino Sorry, I didn't bother to count them, I just held my finger down :P
````var Java = false````
````var Javascript = true````
@hyper-neutrino This is the worst thing about Java
@StackMeter Use "fixed font" instead
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh?
If you're going to have ++ and --, have the decency to let them stack :P
There are so many bad things about Java, but this is certainly not one of them
Oh ok you're just kidding
i do not want stackable ++/--
that sounds like a great way to have really unreadable code
Actually, allowing them to stack makes sense, since Java is a stack-based language anyway
How is var++--++++++--++----++--++ unreadable?
so var = 2?
@cairdcoinheringaahing ikr, it's very familiar to branfck programmers
That is very obviously var plus or minus some number :P
There are some fun bookmarked conversations in the TNB. One involves giving steroids to butterflies
I'm bookmarking today
today is the day of the resistance

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