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@Adalynn Username change?
And name change
Not just username :)
Well, not legally but
Baby steps though :)
@NewMainPosts haha 69 is a lucky number! Extra funny!
@Adalynn wow welcome back, never actually 'met' you but seen your messages in old APL orchard history
and old answers
Yeah, going to post a "Hey I'm back" message there as well.
God the nostalgia when I hear the TNB ping is
IT's something
@Adalynn well actually it's my fridge
Dec 31 '20 at 23:05, by Lyxal
This is unrelated, but some times when I get milk out of the fridge, it bounces against the racks in the fridge and makes a noise that sounds like the SE chat notification noise
When was I last here, like
3 years ago?
Dec 22 2018
how did you get that date?
Also hello :) or rather, welcome back
@rak1507 if you go to their user profile and click the "recent" tab you can find it
(public info, not a mod feature)
ah, cool, useful feature
Wheat Wizard with a consistent name
I know :(
So yeah, like 2.5 years ago.
well, remember, as a mod, you can always change your name without the time limit :)))
@hyper-neutrino This is the only reason I want to mod :P
you can change your name in chat very easily
Lil ChartZ for a week :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing really? not even for the ability to edit other people's chat messages? (/s)
and you can change it several times in a day
2.5 years ago... I still consider you as a new user. I'm not sure if I'm just old or just severely need to update my views.
(just for chat)
There are ways to change it several times per day on the main too.
Without being mod.
Asking a mod? :p
I fit users into probably four categories - very old/veteran, old, new-ish, and new
which category am I in
I'm scared to ask where I am :P
@rak1507 you're probably in the new-ish section now
Where do I fit?
makes sense that's what I would've guessed
I think I more or less have two categories, old and new. And tbh the old category is pretty empty now.
I'm guessing I'm new-ish too then
@hyper-neutrino I am once again asking for classification of self
all of you are new-ish :P simply because you're newer than me. that's pretty much the definition
except ww ofc
@hyper-neutrino I'm like 2 months newer than you :P
actually, i consider wezl a new user. but apparently they've been a member for 1y5m. maybe i just didn't notice them until i became more active recently?
to me users are basically in 3 categories based on if they were active before during or after I joined
How long has HN been here?
@cairdcoinheringaahing even factoring in my account's profile creation date inaccuracy?
@hyper-neutrino yep and I'm regretting it
@hyper-neutrino Forgot about that
my first post is from 5 1/2 years ago
@cairdcoinheringaahing you're 2 months older than me going off of profile date, btw. smh :P
Mine is from 4 1/2 years ago (taking my first account that I deleted)
To me there's "old", "fairly old", "normal", "newer", and "new". Old is the really old ones, fairly old is more than a year older then me, normal is within about a year or two of me, newer is less than that but not brand new
@hyper-neutrino :P
Wait HN has been here longer than I? That surprises me.
Dah frick my tabs are 100% TNB again
@WheatWizard wait I have??? huh. i guess the discrepancy in my profile creation date is greater than i thought
@RedwolfPrograms "normal" smh
@RedwolfPrograms lemme guess I'm 'newer'
how much rep did i have when i was deleted anyway
@rak1507 Either normal or newer
@WheatWizard Wow, I first joined like a couple of months after you, I thought it was easily a year
I have been here for a little more than 4 3/4 years.
I'm also surprised by that. In any case WW has more experience; I spent the first year or two of my activity living up to my name of "neutrino"
I only actually started being active like six months ago
Well, actually more like a year at this point
My activity was very off-and-on until recently
@new-ish I have demonstrated
@hyper-neutrino Can you profile-refresh me?
I must be one of the few people who discovers cgse through APL and not the other way round
Behold! Lil ChartZ!
I discovered ppcg through brain-flak
@LilChartZ ಠ_ಠ
@hyper-neutrino :P
I honestly cannot remember how I came across ppcg. I initially only used SO, and I have no clue how I came across this place, but I greatly regret it am glad I did
@user Happy? :P
My IRL friend introduced me to the site
I think I found it through HNQs, wrote an awful challenge, then figured I'd stick around for some reason
Glad I did
I think
The first thing I ever did here was suggest an edit to golf an answer.
So you were one of them :p
@LilChartZ wow not only irl friends, but irl friends who do code golf, that's like a double flex
got here through the 2+2=5 question I think
OH GOD ಠ_ಠ how I missed that face
@RedwolfPrograms Hammered closed by WW :P
@rak1507 He's much better at code golf (at least with Python) than I am :P
I don't think he knows Jelly tho
I think I was just looking up APL stuff
My first three actions on this site were comments under one of Dennis' questions, and apparently at the time I had JamesSmith as my username ಠ_ಠ
ah, TBT when I actually had meaningful edit messages
I remember you first went by AlexL, right?
And here I am, still using just my name as my username.
My username was a version of my name at when I started.
Maybe at one point? James Smith was my first username on the site based on someone's reply to me in comments
I did that with my first account, then figured I don't want people on the internet knowing my name
Of course, I don't really care about that now, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I was 14
Among the first few people I interacted with this site were Geobits, minxomat, and Dennis :P
Lol 44 with strikethrough looks almost exactly the same ;) — hyper-neutrino ♦ Feb 12 '16 at 23:07
my username is initials and date of birth so I may as well just give people my card number and bank details too with how much it gives away
apparently I made an independent discovery :P
It's probably a lot easier now that my name isn't common anymore because.
@rak1507 Damn, you're 514 years old?
The one out of those I interacted with was Dennis. Because Dennis.
used to be a java golfer. not good at it like kevin tho :P
I've been pretty frickin open with personal details (especially in TNB) and I still doubt people could find that much out about me if they tried/wanted to
Of course, saying that is the easiest way to get proven wrong :P
Of course on the night before the second most important test I've ever taken instead of studying I end up in a really interesting conversation in TNB :p
unfortunately because <reasons> there is quite a lot of personal information about me online that is beyond my control, doesn't really matter though too much
@LilChartZ are you free tomorrow or the day after? i'll be paying you a visit whenever convenient ;) (for legal reasons that's a joke)
@rak1507 immediately looks
:D well gl finding it, you'll still have to do a little bit of stalking I reckon
@hyper-neutrino Stop by anytime tomorrow, I'll put the kettle on :P
At least now I'm not "That one with the ý" anymore, so that's fun! :D
@Adalynn you still could be!
Nahhh, I'm sticking with that. Less of an appeal when there's no reasoning behind it other than
"An accent'
Oh, I remember who you are now :P I was having a bit of difficulty and I didn't want to ask for a deadname so I was waiting for my brain to recall your identicon lol
there's a good amount of info that's pretty easy to find about me but it's still probably not enough to narrow me down. like you can find what city i live in but even if i named my exact (in HS) school board there are still three people by my first + last name
The city I live in is in my bio lmao.
But I would be extremely impressed if anyone found my address.
@hyper-neutrino You did used to have your full name and uni in your profile :P
I think full names give away more than cities
@LilChartZ it's still on my website which is linked in my profile
my name is pretty uninteresting tho
Yeah, I've never met anyone with even the same first name as myself, but I've met plenty of people that live in the same city as me.
Depends on what the full name is
@WheatWizard I think I know your name from your github, but that's it TBH
If it's drowned in like
Famous people and stuff?
Then no
@LilChartZ is the offer open for other people?
That's what happens when you google my name, the whole front page is someone who doesn't even share my first name
If you show up at my door, I'll happily invite you in for a cuppa :P
my github shows up on the second page of ddg search
Well the same goes for me. Y'all come over here and I'll make you tea
My github does not seem to have my name in it.
the first 2.5 pages for "hyper-neutrino" is about me and then there's a random sonic the hedgehog fanfic
@WheatWizard Then I guess I don't know your name :P
@hyper-neutrino this you?
apparently I am "incredibly unstable and explode with several times the power of a nuclear weapon when bonding with oxygen" according to this fanfiction
Well, that may not be entirely false :P
Have you ever tried bonding with oxygen?
For those thinking I have a deviantart account, I really don't
nope, but I suppose I must try now :P
@WheatWizard I think it was this that I was remembering, that that's your first name?
I am also not a drug used to treat high blood pressure
> Lyxal User Profile | DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com › lyxal
She wiggled her eyebrows in a suggestive, if unladylike, manner. The carriage jerked slightly as if began to move, the soft sound of the horses' ho
Unfortunate place to cut off mid word
That's not mid word
But god... I am drowning in nostalgia right now
@okie pushes off of bed in anticipation
@LilChartZ as I said, not me. I barely have enough creativity to write a challenge yet alone questionable fanfiction
20 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
Productivity and cats do not (usually) go well together
@Lyxal sure, I believe you
sad cat noises
@okie sprays with hose because it's funny
@okie pets cat
@Adalynn :D
@okie rickrolls cat
I... uh... Never gonna give you up
Hello, user. Nothing strange is happening in this room. Everything here is normal. There is nothing to see.
@LilChartZ Very :P
Oh god how I missed this place
I don't want to be nosy, but what happened to make you leave?
A lot of stuff
It wasn't just one thing
Between the mass migration (I'm... Is that still in common knowledge that that happened?), college, transition, and just
Yeah so much
mass migration?
Guess not
Dennis and other users leaving?
The result of the Monica incident?
Yeah, what Caird said
oh, I was thinking irl migration
Dennis leaving was... Unrelated I thought?
Nope Kinda
It happened about the same time, though, didn't it?
@Adalynn there's a lyxal-esque unrelated string joke here but I can't find it
Who want to be the guard of base heaven (thinking for base-ically god part 2 story)
Dennis stepped down as mod because of what happened to Monica, he reduced/suspended his activity due to mental health issues
Ah, yeah, that sounds familiar
Anything else I missed?
Mod election in Sep '20
Indonesian gambling spam
@rak1507 surprisingly I can't find it either
And we're trying to start a blog, but it's not going well :/
wow, disappointing
Wait what's this about an Indonesian Gambling scam?
@Adalynn you're not <x> you're <y>
every time i see someone type "indonesian gambling spam" i instinctively open a codegolf tab to nuke it *sigh*
Apr 26 at 23:38, by caird coinheringaahing
That's 4 spam posts about Indonesian gambling within the past 24 hours now :/
And it's kept going since then
@Adalynn we've had a massive influx of spam relating to casinos / online gambling, all in indonesian and from indonesian IPs
Oh god
At least it's spam, not a scam
I wouldn't say massive, we've dealt with it pretty well
usually takes just over a minute to nuke but one took 21 minutes i think
whoever is in charge of doing their market research has done a really bad job
I take it's "juic avocado" levels of stuff
@RedwolfPrograms well, good handling doesn't mean the problem isn't there :P and compared to our usual spam amounts i'd say it's pretty big

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