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@hyper-neutrino I regret giving anyone the link to stalker :P
i used to have it but i forgot to reinstall it many years ago
If both you and WW have it, there'll never be anything for anyone else to review :P
I'm making a better review stalker lol
I'll outclass you all with my superior reviewmanship
("Better" in the sense of "shorter", as they are synonymous here :p)
I mentioned it earlier, but I'm now the only user on the site with the Research Assistant badge on meta :D
@WheatWizard i'm struggling understanding how cell 2's limsup is 1 at w^2. at every w×n cell 2 is 0, so why isn't cell 2 also 0 at w×w?
Because w*w is not the limp sup of w*n, it is the limsup of w*n+m, and for any w*n+m I can find a later time at which the cell is on (specifically w*(n+1)+2).
(I mean technically w*w is the limsup of w*n, but it is not defined to be that.)
@RedwolfPrograms I'm a bit late, but my take on this:
There needs to be a sufficiently low barrier for entry to get as many submissions as possible
Otherwise the effort required is just wasted since there just isn't enough variety to make the game interesting
Totally, I agree with that. I think your KotH was good, I just don't think we need five more of them :p
Mine was mainly attractive because of xkcd ngl
Your KotH attracted a ton of people to the site, and for that reason it's good
Yeah. TBH it was pretty similar to Cooperative Counting, but it outscored it by 4x
(Plus it's good anyway)
@user41805 Does that clarify? I think this bit is certainly a little counter intuitive.
I think there have and can be a bit more interesting KotHs, but that doesn't make this one anywhere near bad by any means. I just don't want this to become what KotH is.
I think a low skill floor is good to attract less experienced people, but too many will either bore users or give them the wrong impression of CGCC
I'm no expert in psychology but you gotta have some sort of hook to get people interested at a glance
@EnderShadow8 It generated 25 First Posts review events, FYI :P
@EnderShadow8 You definitely got the formula right there :p
if simply making a mediocre submission is too much effort no one will put in effort for a high quality submission
It would've been 30, but HN got to 5 of them :P
sowwy :)
Didn't this happen with code-trolling too? like it drew a bunch of people to our site but we banished it because it was getting out of hand?
Why can't you two share with the rest of us non-stalkers?
@EnderShadow8 I don't think a low entry barrier and a high skill ceiling are mutually exclusive
@hyper-neutrino Kind of (lemme just type out a long history message)
Because of the two different scores (security and game theory), there is a fairly good skill ceiling. I'm just worried about other KotHs taking the simplicity, but leaving behind the interesting title and skill ceiling.
the two scores thing did not stay interesting for long because accounting for it was fairly simple mathematically
@RedwolfPrograms That's the hard part
@UnrelatedString There were still some fairly complicated bots though, not sure if it was the two scores or not
it all came down to predicting averages which is interesting but doesn't have that much... dimensionality to it
@WheatWizard still working through it, i might get back later
I have to say, that's true. The formula was present in about every second bot
Code trolling attracted a lot of low quality questions that were basically, "do X but trolling", rather than high quality questions. This time around, we can close any very similar koths as dupes, and, while they won't be new, they'll still be high-quality (or at least, not low quality if they want to stay open). Code trolling exploded overnight (like ~30 questions in a week or something crazy), this time around the bar for entry is high enough (writing a controller) that I doubt that'll happen
@EnderShadow8 and one bot without the formula still placed 9th ;)
Ok yeah, if you need like more clarification though, just let me know.
The Rick Roll bot was pure genius
@user It's not our fault :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, I see. yeah "code golf" SE becoming code trolling is definitely not good for the site :p okay I see
Regardless of the KotH's skill ceiling, it seems a lot of people had fun with it, and some of the best answers were by new users. I think that counts as a good challenge by most metrics you can think of :p
bandwagon wasn't even a remotely serious submission and i recall it did pretty damn poorly when i was getting the number for averageaverageaverage
every once in a while a simple challenge to pull in new users is definitely good but too many makes it boring :P especially if it's the same type of simple approach
Now that I've set a high standard for myself, I doubt I'll ever live up to it
I'll try
It's one of the highest voted questions we've had in like a year IIRC
@EnderShadow8 Once you write a popular challenge, it takes ages to write another one :P
thank xkcd, not me
@cairdcoinheringaahing I can imagine
it's the second most in the past 365 days
the first is this
In the meantime I'll keep throwing ideas into the sandbox until something else gets upvoted
who has the most challenges written?
It's the highest voted in 2021
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fasterthanlightCleaning KoTH Clean up a 50x75 room with a JSbot before there is too much junk! The Challenge A 50x75 room is cluttered 375 items, each taking up 1 cell of space. Create a JSbot that takes an array as an input to clean up the room. If the bot is on a cell with junk in it, the junk is automaticall...

I'm also glad this has drawn some attention to KotHs in general
Calvin's Hobbies?
(As NSP just helpfully pointed out)
Calvin has two Socratic badges, and is 78% of the way towards 3
wait socratic can be earned multiple times???
also i now have 69/100 on socratic
calvin prolly the only person in CGCC to earn most of their rep from questions
oh god another one
He also invented , posted the Showcase and has 17 Great Question badges
Oh I am really close to a second socratic.
meanwhile, he has a total of 26 answers
@Razetime I know that most of my rep is from questions by a wide margin.
@Razetime Calvin's rep almost doubled overnight when they changed question rep to +10
i only have 97 questions, not even enough to get socratic if all of them were well received and none on the same day
@WheatWizard yeah but you posted a lot more answers lool
writing questions and answering questions are two different skills
has neither
I've written or rewritten like half of the current KotH wiki lol
I've approved like half of the current KotH wiki :P
imagine being known for something on the site. i have no specializations on this site at all :p
You are like the only mod that does stuff.
neither, probably cos I joined 2 weeks ago
@WheatWizard I was typing that, but it feels weird to see that from another mod
@hyper-neutrino You're definitely becoming the "meta organising" mod :P
@hyper-neutrino I'm the zsh guy, and while I like winning in my category every time, I do kind of wish I had someone to play with
I suppose that's true. I seem to have a lot more free time than the other mods :P (or maybe I waste too much time on SE, depends how you see it lol)
I don't have free time, I also live in a time zone that means my free time seems to frequently line up with rather inactive periods on the site.
Out of interest @WheatWizard, how do you have so many reviews, especially if you don't use something like review stalker?
Not sure. Part of it is that I have been using the site for a while longer than most people. I also used to just check the page 5 or 6 times a day.
They're Wheat Wizard
Has the rate of review queue items gone down since when you first joined the site or has it remained about the same?
@hyper-neutrino excuse me
It's gone down and up.
It's also changed proportions, there are more New User reviews now than LQ reviews and it used to be the other way around.
I see. I haven't really been on top of reviews until recently; it definitely counted pretty heavily against my candidate score and even after becoming a mod I tended to take most actions directly rather than from the review queue
I just found a trick to make my Generic Review Tool not have to reload the page constantly
This will lead to far greater speeds
is there a websocket
this is because it's much simpler to act on the frontpage than go to the review queues
definitely. especially since CGCC's review queues are almost always either empty or with only 1 item and so it doesn't give the red circle
I'm basically cheating, and fetching the page, which prevents it from having to run any JS or get images, so it can load the text quickly. I use regexp to parse a bit of the HTML for the lolz, then I can extract all of the necessary information using proper techniques.
@hyper-neutrino Only 2 of the 40 points are review related :P
@RedwolfPrograms lol, nice. :P well looks like i'll need to figure out something to match your speed :P
I'll share the script when it's finished
I'll just intentionally slow it down, to "preserve battery life" ;p
once loading the tasks gets too fast it's limited by how fast you can process the review task itself at which point i worry that the speed competition will compromise quality/accuracy. but i trust y'all to focus on actually handling the task appropriately rather than trying to FGITW them
Oh, WW just sniped a review from me ಠ_ಠ
Wow with all of this talk about review queues how am I the only one to have done that review in Reopens.
me who didn't even realize there was a task because stalker didn't report it ಠ_ಠ
Because my copy of review stalker is broken :/
@WheatWizard Because when a mod reviews something, it doesn't need anyone else to, and you got to it first :P
does reopen take multiple "leave closed" reviews to dismiss?
I was just surprised I was first.
i don't know how many reviews each queue requires :p
IIRC RO and CV take 3 of the same decisions to clear a review, unless a mod steps in
I know late answers always require exactly 1 no matter what.
FP and SE are 2 and LA and VLQ are 1 IIRC
ah okay
what's the condition to send something to the RO/CV queue, 2 votes?
1 vote I believe
Or a close vote flag
Reopen can also be triggered by an edit alone.
then if 3 people vote in favor in the review queue won't that cause it to leave the queue before the action is completed? does it take 3 reviews against the vote to dismiss it
I suppose if people vote in favour it sticks around for a while to get the last vote or 2, but I don't remember if that's actually what happens or not
lmao, okay so I am supposed to start my job today and i hadn't gotten any information this whole morning, and I just got an email and apparently my hiring manager was told i was starting next week even though i am starting today. wow. for one of my interviews, HR somehow forgot / missed something and the hiring manager didn't send me my interview meeting link either. i'm just getting really unlucky with this whole co-op employment thing
@cairdcoinheringaahing well, it wouldn't make sense for it to get 3 close votes and then just leave the queue so people forget about it and it doesn't get closed :P so i'd assume that's how it works.
What are you working?
opentext (software dev) for my uni co-op program
CMC: Who are the most enigmatic CGCC users?
Don't know if this counts but WW's usernames are pretty enigmatic :p
i mean, people who just post answers and never say anything or soemthing like that
@Razetime xnor? They're rarely in chat or write comments, and just post an absolute gem of a Python or Haskell answer every now and then
they occasionally post in chat, but yeah, they fit the description
Q: Exciting Mario Kart Grand Prix - Minimize the point difference!

Der_ReparatorIntroduction When playing Mario Kart the other day, an interesting question popped up when a Grand Prix with my 2 roommates, 9 AI drivers and myself seemed to be fairly close and therefore exciting until the very end. We asked ourselves: How close can the point difference between first and last p...

@hyper-neutrino Rei Henigman
@Razetime gnat
How often should my Generic Review Tool update?
What's even the default for review stalker?
Once every 60 seconds IIRC
these are the default settings
I'll set it to every 59s then :p
Okay, decided on 40. It also automatically refreshes it when you focus the page.
@user codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/2372/gnat this is a great confusing profile, excellent find
Looks like they're a high rep user on other sites, although those are hidden
Never posted an answer or question, never downvoted
Looks like they do have 4 flags though
@Razetime Emigna
@Lyxal The Vyxal online interpreter isn't generating the Code Golf submission when I click the button
@cairdcoinheringaahing Does this answer your question? github.com/Lyxal/Vyxal/issues/… :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing VTC as dupe of ^ :P
it's because textareas take a value, not innerHTML.
can confirm changing .innerHTML to .value will fix this, and I've submitted a PR
has merge conflicts though
For this, this is a test run with all of the sub+the example and the baseline I given: https://imgur.com/RmKN6W1
You can see the "return 1" is actually not scoring well, with total points of 1/3 of the highest one
@hyper-neutrino Can you submit a new PR then?
will do, looks like my fork was out of date
how do you update a fork anyway
Quality American education
what class is this
We did it for fun in an unrelated class :p
It's hilarious without context though
@NewMainPosts I have both the 2 shortest, and the 2 longest answers to that :P
@RedwolfPrograms Glove, duh
What is catching if not hitting something to be still?
@RedwolfPrograms You can hit with anything if you're brave enough
@hyper-neutrino idk, make a new branch called hyper-neutrino-patch-1 maybe
Outside of America do people even know stuff about baseball?
i just proposed a change to the repo itself and PRd from that lol
@RedwolfPrograms Japan probably
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah, but probably not as much as Americans
throw ball. stick go whack. ball far = good. run around square. profit
I went to a few baseball games as a kid (and also played tee ball when I was four)
Don't know much about it though
i think i know the rough overview of the rules but probably not some specifics :P
We had a unit on baseball in middle school
@cairdcoinheringaahing now THIS is the best answer
We also had units on cricket and rugby, although the cricket was basically just baseball with tennis racquets, and I suspect the rugby was more football than rugby
@Razetime Wrong, Emigna is emignatic, not enigmatic :P
> cricket was basically just baseball with tennis racquets
...Have you ever seen cricket?
My PE teachers had not, unfortunately
If that suspended user keeps leaving and joining, permission to kick them?
You can't kick suspended users
Wait really?
lol Emigna has no traces
@RedwolfPrograms Try it
Huh, weird
That is...problematic
basically no way to find them anywhere online
Online as in other sites?
Not even mods can KM suspended users. There's no way to stop them. Unfortunately you will have to just ignore them.
Because I'm sure most users here don't use the same usernames everywhere else
A: You cannot kick suspended users

Shog9If someone gets suspended, kicking them out of the room is almost certainly not going to be enough. In this case, this same user had done the same thing a month ago, at which point I manually increased his suspension to 30 days. Two blatant violations is sufficient; his account has been sown wit...

@user no like anywhere in the internet
Yeah it's very likely they have a life elsewhere, just under different names
local (america) elementary school has cricket team but not baseball XD
Wait really?
Good, accept cricket's superiority :P
...and I played on that team, I accept it
People in cricket run way more than people in baseball. Obviously, baseball is for lazy people
@Wezl Did you use tennis racquets, throw your bats to the ground to run, have the pitcher stand between the runner and batsman, and consider it a strike if someone hit the ball backwards?
Because if you didn't, you didn't play real American cricket :P
@user lol no
Imagine playing cricket like the British
CMP: What's your favorite sport?
code golf
Skiing (although I climb more)
Track and field, if that counts :p
Badminton, probably, though I haven't played in a while
I like fencing. Idk if it is my favourite.
I'd probably like skiing but...Texas :p
And my family all hates cold
This winter probably didn't help that either :p
No electricity = no phones = family bonding time!
- some Boomer meme
Actually we did have power, since we're near a hospital, but we didn't have water for a week :p
Lots of fun
And a rat got into our garage and chewed holes in all our water bottles
Uhh...the author of that KotH that got closed edited in a message telling people to submit with pull requests since it was closed
I mean, if they want to run their KotH separately on their GitHub repo, let them
But having them use this as free advertising isn't good, right?
Rollback it then?
I just edited it out
Someone VTRd it for some reason
you can VTRO your own posts regardless of rep IIRC? not sure
Oh, not sure
I'm guessing they VTROed?
I think this is also a duplicate of the "lowest unique number" KotH
The thing is the challenge obviously has different mechanisms - if it were the exact same, I'd have deleted it probably. But the point is that the strategy is no different - go for a high number, but don't go too high. Equivalently, go for a low enough number without going too low and losing. The different mechanism doesn't bring a different approach set
in fact, I could copy like half of the solutions from the other question verbatim and the others probably take little editing to be competitive
Did y'all know you can kick users from the mobile chat UI? :D
I think that's pretty much the only "extended" functionality added to the mobile chat. You can't cancel stars, move messages or put the room into a timeout
I did not. That's surprising; the mobile interface has like almost nothing and usually I have to request desktop site if I can't just go to my computer instead lol
VTC dupe hammer in 37 seconds :D
> Somehow, we have a bunch of variations of Fizz Buzz, but no regular one
Citation needed :p
TBF they weren't even aware of the tag, so I can understand them missing the regular challenge
Review Stalker Reloaded is unmaintained according to the SA page
Maybe I'll publish mine there
Problem: I want my userscript to open new tasks in a new tab, but I have no way of preventing it from doing it if the tab is already open.
still wondering how to score a text editor KoTH
So if you left your laptop open with a review task there, it would open the queue every minute
And spam you with tabs
@pxeger high five cause you're the other person with a cycle challenge this week
high five
yay, the high five cycle has been completed :p
NMP doesn't have any butter-related stuff today?
The new post is spam - it's advertising the necklace, but it's kinda subtle
What makes you think it's subtle?
I wouldn't call it subtle
Did I get the 6th spam flag, or did someone kill it the same time I did?
@RedwolfPrograms idk, I flagged it too
I flagged it too!
caird tends to be the first person to look at spam so they've probably seen worse cases
It took me a couple of reads to determine if it was spam or just incredibly off-topic
i did not find that rather subtle. i also did not find that post in time to flag it
The very first thing in it is a link to "fashionworld.xyz"
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I was trying to figure out if it was advertising it or just asking about it. The poor phrasing threw me off
Ah. I was >95% certain it was spam from my initial scan due to a couple of keywords / key factors but I took a second read to make sure it was surely spam
(I wasn't trying to attack you, just saying that I found it kinda spammy myself)
@user Oh, I didn't read it as you "attacking" me, I just thought I should explain why I thought it was subtle :)
well, it's less obvious than 6 paragraphs about casinos and online gambling :P
I mean, it's kinda hard to tell if something's spam if you don't understand the language :P
I need to find a way to make a challenge that is on-topic but looks like Indonesian gambling spam :P
Maybe a spam detection thing?
some kind of blackjack or slot machine emulator?
Or the entire challenge could just be written in another language to bait people into closing it
Although I guess we require challenges to be in English
Just write a Bubblegum program that outputs the challenge spec and have the challenge body just be a TIO link :P
Q: How do I ask a teller for money at the bank?

Wheat WizardI need to go to the bank and withdraw some money. I need to withdraw $30, $22 to pay my roommate for the internet and $8 for laundry. Since neither of these can make change, I need my $30 to be split into two partitions of the two sizes. That means when the teller asks me how I want my $30 I a...

I remember someone commenting that this question looks very off topic at first glance.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nah, the Meta consensus is that posts shouldn't be too dependent on external links :P
@WheatWizard That's on my list of "challenges I really want to solve" :P
## Milieu
Le « Fizz Buzz » est une programme que les nouveaux programmateurs sont souvent demandé d'écrire.

## Défi
Tu parles comme une vache espagnole :P
Also, VTC as a duplicate
Anyone know how to deal with these chat flags that just popped up? I had to say I was not sure
If you don't know, just say not sure
Those who do know will handle them
Dang, missed them
Figured out an awful workaround for the problem with the tabs
"not sure" counts for -1/5 flags IIRC
Why, though? Shouldn't 'invalid' do that?
no, invalid is -1 flag
Oh ok
basically, valid is +1, invalid is -1, and meh is -1/5. it's validated at +6 but i don't think it's known what the condition for invalidating it is; probably either it goes below a certain threshold or enough people vote without it hitting +6
i don't actually know what happens if i vote meh, and i don't remember if that option is even available. valid and invalid are both binding for moderators though
this would be a nice feature to have. i'd love to make a userscript, but flags are not that common and flagging is one of the few things you're not allowed to test in the sandbox lol
I could set up a system to log all flags for a while for testing purposes so I could "replay" them to the scriptm but it'd be a lot of work
well the thing is i don't know what the html format for the flag dialog that pops up when you press the notification is
i suppose another solution is to make a separate webpage, sort of like how new posts catches an otherwise 404 page
You could just use the sockets
i usually just click to find the full transcript anyway. it's not important enough that i'd put work into implementing smth like that :P
even with a few lines of context, i'd probably still view the transcript to get a better sense of the message and its context, and if there are other things that need to be deleted or trashed
I just signed into a Kahoot with three accounts and won all three spots on the podium lol
Chrome OS's Alt + 1 (and the more general Alt + x) is so overpowered...I'm always annoyed when I try to use it on Ubuntu and it doesn't work
what does that do again
It focuses Chrome, and if it's already focused it rotates through the windows
Unlike Alt + Tab which will flip-flop between the latest two
Alt + 2 to Alt + 9 can be used for different apps pinned to the desktop
if it's in the taskbar you can use meta+X i think? but you need to target the item by its index in the taskbar and if you use it on something that's not open it'll open it so it's not the same
Oh, sounds exactly like Chrome OS's Alt + x then
if you have chrome focused and then alt-1 once and then alt-1 again, won't it refocus chrome?
If you have a single window open, Alt + 1 won't do anything
@hyper-neutrino also works on Windows
> What is the meaning of infinity necklace?
It's what Thanos would've used if he had more fashion sense
@pxeger i was going to say windows key + X at first but then i realized redwolf was talking about ubuntu :p even though i'm guessing the keyboard has a windows key and i would've been understood either way
Firefox on a Chromebook. Checkmate, Atheists.
Can I get some feedback on this?
+2/-0, no clarifications
@hyper-neutrino I'd suggest Mathjax. Additionally, a worked example would be helpful, especially for people unfamiliar with Fenwick trees
oh yeah, mathjax exists now. also sure, i'll explain what it actually is instead of just offering a sample impl
It's funny to show people Firefox or Minecraft Java running on a Chromebook because it's so unintuitive but obviously possible.
It's not quite as simple as running it on a Windows or Linux device, but that's for multiple very good reasons
eww, flatpak
I suppose at least it's not Snap
What's flatpak?
That's what the official Firefox instructions say to use to install it
Can you just use a normal package manager?
I just used apt yeah
Unfortunately because my Chromebook is a potato it doesn't do things very fast
Basically imagine "$250 windows laptop" speeds
But that's because it's still a $250 laptop :p
411 rep pog
I'm becoming important
do a "in celebration of 411 rep ..."
I'm saving that for 500
What's the 411 on your rep situation?
Can someone suggest an edit on something or something? I want to test my script.
Or VTC one of caird's questions ducks
Answers still aren't non-competing for using features that postdate the challenge, right?
@RedwolfPrograms done
@hyper-neutrino ..you ...you can't do that
It didn't work :(
well, it would be sock abuse for me to dismiss this. free review task for one of y'all i guess :P
Oh, it was something obvious. Just a stupid on my part.
@hyper-neutrino Thank you :D
@RedwolfPrograms Yes, non-competing is a non-meaningful label now. Please don't edit it out of a bunch of old answers (meta)
Just removing one or two since I'm close to Strunk & White :p
At 10k or 20k rep you should 100% be able to mark something as a minor edit and not bump it
at least mods should be able to... but yes i agree with ^
It could still be sent to a list or queue somewhere for other 10k or 20k users to see, but the current system actively discourages small improvements

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