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@RedwolfPrograms I was searching for Lyxal on DuckDuckGo, and found this. Our username switch got cached in the search engine
lol, nice
That's not even my post lol
it was a comment you left
well you commented reee
and I was thinking "hang on I don't remember leaving a comment on Arqade."
below the tr.op.gg link
lyxal is a turkish league player?
different lyxal
> This summoner is not registered at OP.GG. Please check spelling.
i followed the link and got that
speaking of searching for users, y'all know sporeball right?
well I managed to find this:
> A single sporeball can contain more than 500 resting spores. Zoospores are released from the sporeball in a staggered manner. B. Initial infection by S. subterranea occurring in potato root hair. Zoospores released from initial infections may re-infect host roots or spread the pathogen to stolons and tubers.
Oh wait
It late
> Pet redwoof: medium dog weighing 6.00 kg at 10 years old (lyxal)
uni out of context
Imagine calling it uni
that's generally what we call it here
we also call it maccas
not mcdonalds
w h a t
@RedwolfPrograms yes
We don't call it McDonalds, we call it maccas
heck, the offically app is literally called "MyMaccas"
and Australianisms were too much for redwolf
i call it uni too lol
^ sensible.
is this some commonwealth thing redwolf is too 'murican to understand? xD
probably is
Apparently the reason it's typically called college in the US is that early universities here were smaller, and more like the individual colleges in other places
So the term stuck
college is something we attribute with high schools here
Somehow managed to write a parser for "lambda calculus with combinators" using de bruijn indexes
Productivestest day of the week
college refers to a smaller and less prestigious institution here (though college is not necessarily worse than university per se; i don't quite like the elitist classification that uni = good academics, college = worse academics)
CMQ: What is McDonalds called in your neck of the woods?
trying to write an entry to the grade koth and how the hell does this work
@Lyxal McDonald's
i'm trying to use this inside the run callback and it's just giving me {}
You can't use an arrow function with it
what's your full object?
@hyper-neutrino boring.
how do you make a
non arrow function
@Lyxal MacDonalde
{"a": "b", run() { return "c"; } }? idk how to JS
function(a, b, c) { stuff; }
that's my guess
Or what HN said, that works too
@hyper-neutrino I think there is one solution that does that but most use arrows so ???
why do arrows make it not work?
Because they're not completely functions
They lack some features
so they're callables that aren't functions
called arrow functions
Not necessarily
They just can't be constructors
...how does js have constructors if it doesn't have classes
yet another one of the many miracles of JS?
It does have classes as syntacitc sugar
But for constructors you'd do:
function Dog(name, age) { this.name = name; this.bark = () => alert("bark") }
For the arrow function thing:
ninja'd again
3 hours ago, by Redwolf Programs
Welcome to the wonderful and awful world of JS!
It doesn't lol
yo dawg i heard you like objects, so i put objects in ur javascript
I find it kind of funny that some of y'all don't know about non-arrow functions given that they're new enough that some major browsers don't even support them lol
JS is really good at adding reasonable features five years after they made sense
Like the brand new 0b literals for binary
Lol, turns out I can't JS
i know about non-arrow functions cuz i first used JS like 9 or so years ago :P
@RedwolfPrograms if you were a dog, would you be a small, medium or large dog?
I remember a distinct feeling of disappointmenr every time I learned about something new like arrow functions or the spread operator then discovered that they were only usable in modern browsers
@Lyxal Medium
IRL I'm kind of tall, but not more than medium-tall
CMQ IRL height :P
Pet redwoof: medium dog weighing 5.00 kg at 16 years old (No doctor assigned)
Normal Weight
Looks like I've lost some serious weight lol
6+kg is considered overweight
at least it is in the specs
does anyone know why empty arrays in js are truthy, not equal to each other, and equal to 0
no wait that's cats
@UnrelatedString 1. and 2. Because they're pointers
3. I have no idea
shouldn't exact equality be what === is for
Oh, they get cast to strings I think
isn't the whole point of == fast-and-loose
== does type casting, === does not. Only difference.
[] == 0 being true because both sides get cast to strings is the jankiest thing I've seen in a while
[0] == 0 is also 0
Wait no
[] is cast to a number
And for some reason +[] is 0
Oh, because it's stringified then numberified
That's why +[10] works but +[1,2] is NaN
At least I think
So does +[[[1]]]
Actually == is too loose that it is slightly slower than ===
Anyone want to guess what 1 || 0 ?? 2 is, wihout looking it up?
I hope it isn't 2
It's Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '??'
what the heck is ??
You can't put || next to ?? for some reason
@hyper-neutrino It's new
It's like || but only null and undefined are falsy
doesn't it very explicitly have like
slightly different precedence from ||
didn't they explicitly allow you to combine them
Yet they still decided to make it error :|
vs code has now just given up completely I think
both (0 || 1) ?? 2 and 0 || (1 ?? 2) work, so i guess they just wanted to avoid confusion??
That poor petnumber though
idk why it errors tho. i didn't think JS was known for throwing errors instead of just pretending things are fine
@RedwolfPrograms nah it's not supposed to be coloured. that's one of the only normal things
I mean I understand -2 ** 2 erroring, but there was no ambiguity here
@Lyxal I was more talking about how it's being removed
it just completely gave up on the if and decided to get drunk on the condition
@RedwolfPrograms no no no, that's for when the doctor is being removed
bruh why does that error tho. unary should always precede any binary operators (not including . if you count that)
I mean isn't -2² -4 in normal math notation?
Probably they worried about confusing it with mathematics where (-2)^2 != -2^2
Let's play another game: how many unary operators does JS have?
So despite being annoying that choice made sense. ||/&& could have worked perfectly fine with ??
i know of 3
@pxeger ~, -, +, !, and likely more but I have to fgitw
i know of 4
Oh good point
oh yeah and you could also count prefix and postfix ++/-- separately
ah yes ...
8 if you count prefix and postfix
but there are 2 more (AFAICR) on top of those
Does @@ count?
That's not valid syntax right?
Just used in output?
i think i've seen something that used $ but it was in some weird framework or maybe php
I don't think so, since it's not part of the main JS standard yet
@UnrelatedString $ is just an identifier character in JS
$ is just a valid identifier character
oh would () possibly count as a unary operator
I don't think so
Ok, I'll give you a hint: the remaining 2 operators use keywords, not punctuation
I am cheating using the ES6 spec
@pxeger typeof
@UnrelatedString I suppose you can count that if you want, but it's not what I 'm thinking of
looks like there's 3 more
lmao I didn't think of either of those
I'm thinking of void, await
I totally forgot about void lol
Oh yes
void is an operator?/
i am afraid of knowing what void does and why
It does nothing
(void (any expression)) === undefined
eval without returning
it forces you to face the eternal void of JS; the endless cycle of despair should you choose to start using JS
I've only ever seen void(stuff)
And even then only in void(0)
You somehow taught me something new about JS
so it's basically <...> in brainflak
void 0 is a golfed form of undefined
but then there's [][1]
Or [][0] :p
or {}.x I think
Or in some circumstances I think {}.x can work
so does js actually have some kind of lazy semantics where you need void as sort of a (`seq`()) or
It's totally useless
Literally the only time I've ever seen it used is in javascript:void 0 URIs
oh THAT'S what that means
Which is already wrong on so many levels
delete is one I've actually used, though
now it rings a bell
you know how many years i've been wondering what the hell javascript:void(0) means as a URL lmao
Why the fuck does delete return true??
Because it deleted it :shrug:
Sometimes it doesn't
@pxeger confirms that the thing's deleted?
delete window // false
and maybe if thing doesn't exit it returns false
Except it returns true even for undeclared variables and literals??
But deleting some things returns true despite not deleting them
and you can't delete a variable
Only a property
delete delete window is valid and returns true because deleting window is invalid and thus false so it deletes false which is true even though it doesn't delete false
wait, if undefined is a property of the "global object", is void(0) used in urls because they can't access the global object
undefined is a keyword too
What's wrong with javascript:0 though??
wait yeah it is also a primitive value
Why use javascript:void(0) in the first place though
Just use <button type='button' onclick='...'> instead of <a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='...'>
There's better ways to link to nothing right
<a href="#"> works IIRC
The dark past of web
did javascript:void(0) start with someone golfing javascript:undefined but nobody knew what the fuck it was doing so it just stuck
@pxeger No need for a type on button lol
@UnrelatedString Most likely
@RedwolfPrograms There is, because by default it's type='submit'
@pxeger w h a t
I...need to go rethink my life
@RedwolfPrograms The problem is that doesn't work if you want to keep the same anchor
Might as well just use an input then, right?
yeah if you've ever put a form on a webpage every button submits the page unless you specify that the button is a button
i've had that happen and it was annoying the first time to figure out what was going on
I've never used HTML forms lol
Just seemed pointless
But you can also use +function..., or any other unary operator
Basically what ! used for by anyone who actually cares about golfing lol
@UnrelatedString then why wrap it in function?
that just sounds like (function() { ... })() with extra steps
hell if i know
you could just use console.log()
@Wasif That...is not at all what that does
> pronounced "iffy"
I just do it so my syntax highlighting will work properly lol
Oh wait wait
It's more late
This I hate
@RedwolfPrograms yeah, what the hell are you doing up at 2 am?
Discussing JS
It's not my fault
Anyway I'll be going to sleep now o/
Hey do y'all wanna see something cool?
It's too cool, I was literally frozen
I want something even cooler
It looks like its temperature is 0 degree
which is not enough
CMQ: what is the most complex accumulator based esolang
@Wasif deadfish
eh Deadfish????
deadfish is maybe up there but definitely not the most complex. actually it's rather simple IMO
evil is somewhat complex, maybe
Maybe FRACTRAN counts
@Bubbler deadfish 3 then
yes evil counts
it could be the winner until now
1 hour later…
@Bubbler yeah i think fractran wins outright
@UnrelatedString undefined wasn't actually defined in early versions of JS, so you had to use void 0 instead
@RedwolfPrograms indeed and I have a great answer on SO pointing that out
suppose it makes sense for undefined to not be defined :P
huh, I'm closing in on 4,000 answers
But undefined still isn't defined! typeof undefined === 'undefined'
Just like typeof iHaveNotDefinedThisVariable === 'undefined'
"undefined is undefined, so your program using it is also undefined"
Js's quirks have only spent me about eight hours in the past year debugging...
Still a good language though.
It's more like people had to accept the unfortunate fact that the web browsers run JS and nothing else. That's why so many alternative languages that compile to JS have been designed
i've spent 3 hours debugging JS this year and i've only coded in it for 2 /s
For me it's zero this year (and also last year if you exclude TypeScript)
On the other hand, sometimes it's the browser's fault - I spent an hour trying to find why a page I was making was scrolling and it turned out to be a bug with Firefox - even an empty document was scrolling.
This is A LOT of languages and libraries that compile [some language] to JS/Wasm
even smalltalk? huh
Another part of the Javascript problem is that you easily get lost while trying to choose the language/library/framework that satisfies you the most
I experienced exactly that once and lost many weeks
love getting a random downvote on a +24/-0 6-year-old SO answer
i keep getting reminded of this answer because every time i forget someone upvotes it lmao
what answer?
this; it's not even a high-effort answer, it's just "lol you're getting trolled by concurrency, trying using synchronize"
OME it's Java
i finally fix the 40 to 40bytes
@cairdcoinheringaahing Assuming he doesn't earn more
days where jon skeet isn't repcapping? :o
whose jon skeet
@StackMeter Speaking of deadfish (My favorite language) I made a deadfish~ interpreter because the TIO one breaks on long programs. https:deadfish.surge.sh
@Razetime You're joking right?
@Ausername no, he's razetime
whatever lyxal said
@Lyxal Haha (It took me a long time to realise that).
yesterday, by caird coinheringaahing
If he did keep repcapping while you did this, it'd take 965 days
@Razetime Jon Skeet
First user on the network to hit 1m rep
codegolf.codidact.com/posts/281542 new challenge go answer it
or don't, I can't tell you what to do
@hyper-neutrino delete javascript_being_sensible_in_any_way
@cairdcoinheringaahing guy's got a ton of time
And he's probably going to notice.
eh who cares
If he changes his password...
@Razetime IIRC he works for Google, so his job probably is to just answer questions on SO :P
god knows
1 million rep needs time inside and outside of work
man probably doesn't sleep
No, he's online 25 hours a day.
@Ausername would you mind letting some time pass before posting more Deadfish answers? it's flooding the front page
Sorry, will stop now.
MD5 insecure time to bruteforce :P
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll just change the numbers :P
Seems pretty good. Maybe [jelly] as well?
I was thinking about [jelly] for both the Gelatin challenges. I figured that the language was different enough, but I'm happy to add the tag if you think it's relevant
Semi-related - Your choice.
Bronze code-golf badge!
@rak1507 aaa why am i bad at this question
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EnderShadow8Print the Najdorf Sicilian The Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian Defence is an opening often played at the highest level of chess. It is known for being extremely sharp and theory heavy. Your task is to write a program that, given a Boolean input, prints a chessboard representation of the opening...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EliteDaMythRatio of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers converging to φ You want to see how quickly the ratio of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers converges on φ. Phi, known by the nickname "the golden ratio" and written as φ, is an irrational number, almost as popular as π and e. The exact value of φ is (1 +...

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