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@Lyxal This should interest you
time for 18 people to ninja each other on day 11
it's UTC days right?
@user Decided to make it worth even more :P
I will offer a +100 bounty if there is an answer on each day, until Day 11, which is the next line from the rickroll (i.e. up until the end of the chorus). I'll offer the bounty to the final line. If it continues past Day 11, I'll double the bounty for each day, until it reaches +500 — caird coinheringaahing 6 mins ago
@user can we post multple day 0s?
> You may have multiple answer on separate days, but only a single answer on any one day.
Q: Compose a song, line by line

userIt's time for CGCC to demonstrate our musical talent! In this challenge, you're going to compose songs while keeping your byte count as small as possible. On Day 0, multiple answerers will post a function or program that outputs nothing/an empty string. They will also give a single line that next...

@NewMainPosts @user Imagine having an actual song rather than a meme song :P
CMC: given a basis for a lattice calculate a short nearly orthogonal lattice basis
@NewMainPosts So... I don't get the scoring system. If my score is the average length of my answers, and I only post once, on day 0, with a 0-byte program, don't I automatically win?
Am I missing something?
@NewMainPosts Vague suggestion for a scoring system (sorry I didn't think of this earlier): mean of something that decays with longer answers (e.g. e^-x), as later answers are naturally going to longer than earlier answers
@NewMainPosts dang I shoulda chose a really long song
@Lyxal This is the song that never ends; yes, it goes on and on, my friends. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll be singing it forever just because this is the song that never ends; yes, it goes on and on, my friends. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll be singing it forever just because this is the song that never ends; yes, it goes on and on, my friends. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll be si-
someone submit an entire opera libretto
(Each line does have to be 100 characters or less.)
oh, well that's no fun
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerRecover polynomial \$f(x)\$ from \$f^2(x)\$ code-golf math polynomials Related: Calculate \$f^n(x)\$, Polynomialception Challenge Given a polynomial \$f(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 + \cdots + a_k x^k\$ of order \$k\$, we can compute its composition with itself \$f\left(f(x)\right) = f \circ f(x) =...

the new answer-chaining challenge does, unfortunately, attract extremely low-effort answers. (granted, you can't put much effort into outputting nothing, so this is hardly answerers' fault). hoping it'll be very exciting and creative as time goes on :P
(inb4 code bowling challenge about outputting nothing that attracts incredibly creative, high-effort answers)
i'll be impressed
@hyper-neutrino I should have seen that
I guess it’s too late to change stuff now
I mean, I fully expected it, but I am counting on the tradeoff being worth it with the creative answers later :P
That’s why i made the challenge;p
ah yes I must post something
Huh, looks like my random +70 from earlier hasn't been reversed.
some thing is fishy..
well, either it hasn't been long enough and the scan hasn't gone through, or there wasn't any noticeable targeted voting behavior
who knows, maybe some user went through some old questions and upvoted a bunch of answers there and not just yours, so it wasn't fraudulent :P
me when they don't vote for my stuff
I suppose being one vote away from having LoTM is compensation enough
3 hours later…
Well I just got muted for 30 minutes and I can't say I didn't have it coming
where and why?
yesterday and for pulling a stupid one-liner
what one liner I wanna see
it was removed
what was it about
a discussion about stupid people being rude in chat led me to show off an insta-kill line that got me muted for 30 minutes, and quite frankly I can't really be mad
well was it offensive/crude/etc?
oh thats the story
Very much so. I delivered the flag that issued it. Please don't discuss others' suspensions if they don't wish to openly talk about it.
We were discussing problematic users (specifically, a user who was attacking me a while back who I engaged sarcastically because I didn't have mod powers yet) and the conversation go rather out of hand.
@Lyxal HN put it well
who wants a link to the A-Maze-Ing Adventure
i want
Wait, I gave a 42-byte Java answer to the first day of the answer chain. That was probably a stupid idea. Oh well, I don't care too much about winning anyway :P
@hyper-neutrino what answer chain
how does a terminal game test my strength :P
let's just extend the RickRoll one
hey it looks like your maze isn't complete
well the point is to extend all of them. though I don't think anyone will continue mine; it's a totally dead meme from way too long ago.
@hyper-neutrino you haven't seen my YT feed then
@hyper-neutrino tasty
It's a lorax reference
what's the reference againl the onceler?
Well the trash is filled with lot of messages from CGCC, this is quite concerning
@hyper-neutrino yes.
I see. Usually it's CURED but recently it seems to be a lot from CGCC rooms and especially here. My memory's too bad to go through everything in the past few weeks but I'm hoping it's stricter moderation and room owner standards rather than higher noise. But I have been noticing higher noise, so everyone just keep that in mind. We can always move to trash but like all of my mod powers, the less I need them the better.
@hyper-neutrino that's entirely fair
I have noticed caird seems to be more proactive and strict on noise control here than I was expecting, but I'm happy with how it's going and I fully support everything they've done as RO so far. Can't say for sure whether he's stricter or if I am, it's not particularly linear :P
Has the "Frick" room been stopped? I can't find it anywhere
I froze it. It's not deleted, but you won't find it without a direct link or clicking "show frozen rooms".
What's the frick room
Lyxal corp property
@Lyxal LyxalCorp just had assets seized
oh just found it is named as the armpit's silliness
@StackMeter *Vyxal Corp™
Plus I migrated its assets elsewhere
@Wasif *Vyxal Corporation™
@Lyxal well its no longer your property
it has been sacrificed with our old ROs
@Lyxal hippity hoppity your room is now my property
@Wasif I know, I signed it off to user 2x-1 who gave it to user AviFS
@Lyxal this is a raid
the police are at VyxalCorp
actually what caused the room to be frozen?
sorry if I am digging too much
@Lyxal I wanna see your hands up to the air, empty
@hyper-neutrino ???
Inspect element?
@Wasif TL;DR, it had zero productive value to begin with, it was generating too much noise, people were changing room owners and giving it to unrelated people, and some of the content was starting to become not nice / close to CoC violation, so I froze it to prevent further damage.
Also no, that is from me joining 92 sites and gaining the association bonus for all of them :P
@hyper-neutrino but your network profile shows only a few sites, does it require some time to update the list
no, I hid all of them except 17
^ unlike most things on SE the network profile site list actually updates pretty fast. pretty much instantly, as far as i can tell
if I have a list of strings, how can I find the set of letters in the whole list in python?
@hyper-neutrino Well, I did warn people in my nominations that I'm very anti-noise :P
I feel there is a clever compact way using set unions
@Anush lambda x:set("".join(x))?
oh that is surprising and clever!
@cairdcoinheringaahing yep, true :P warning or a positive, depends how one interprets it :P
thanks @hyper-neutrino
@hyper-neutrino Clearly you just broke the repcap :P
working with strings ("".join) and lists (sum(...,[])) (and equivalently tuples) is significantly easier than dicts and sets
lambda x:{*"".join(x)}, because abusing splats is always the best practice
right. forgot about that.
i join items into lists using [*a, b, *c] in prod :)
@hyper-neutrino If that had been just from repcaps, that's 92% of the way towards Epic :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing just by a bit. just got a bounty or two, that's all
not sure how but i have gotten into the habit of splatting everything even though i almost never actually golf in python
it should be theoretically possible for a user to gain unbounded rep from bounties, right? if a bunch of people start them all at once then a user can gain 500x their answer count (unique by q) at once?
i don't think there's a system limitation against it
A question can only have 1 bounty at a time, but otherwise, yep, no limitation
I want to convert a string into an int. Is there an easy way to do that in python?
was just gonna say smth about you being up late but... i have realized it is now morning for you and i am the one up far too late
@Anush you mean int("3")?
unless you mean any string
in which case i think we had this conversation a day or two ago lmao
yes but int("appl]e") really
@hyper-neutrino If someone hacked Jon Skeet's account, they could transfer his rep to them in a day if they had 2600 answers on SO
right but what is that supposed to mean
@hyper-neutrino Yep, 10am here :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing don't you have a limit of 3 concurrent bounties?
@hyper-neutrino I just want a unique int for different strings
so "app]e" will map to a different int to "app[e"
@Anush if they're alphanumeric and you don't need to worry about case you can convert from base 36 but otherwise you'll probably just want to implement some system yourself
@UnrelatedString we did but I am not sure if we found a method
base 256 even
@hyper-neutrino ...yes
@hyper-neutrino they are made up of printable characters but not alphanumeric
it's just letters from a book from project gutenberg
@Anush you can map codepoint 32 to 127 and use base whatever that is
or just base 256
@hyper-neutrino int seems to have a maximum base of 36
If you hacked Jon Skeet's account and awarded yourself 3 +500 bounties a day from it, you'd transfer his rep in ~836 days, assuming he didn't make more rep each day
yes, because it doesn't care about case. you'd need to implement it yourself
@hyper-neutrino ok thanks
yeah you just brew your own base conversion
If he did keep repcapping while you did this, it'd take 965 days
@cairdcoinheringaahing thanks; i'll keep that in mind! this is very useful information
you probably want to use plain ints anyhow
@hyper-neutrino Purely academic of course :P
so, out of speculation, i wonder what percentage of the 24 hour cycle we have covered on average between active ROs. of course it's likely a terrible idea to actually figure it out and reveal what openings in time there are when ROs are actually offline and no longer just lurking, but i'm curious :P
i feel like we may have full coverage just from me being awake for so long plus one other person to cover when i'm finally asleep
I can more or less cover (on average) 10am to 1am (UTC)
I am not entirely sure this is
but I need to eat now
lambda x:sum(b*256**i for i,b in enumerate(bytes(x,'utf-8')))
i typically cover somewhere from 2pm to 5pm UTC, up until anywhere between 5am and 10am UTC
And I believe Bubbler is awake/lurking from 11pm to 8am UTC, from their activity graph
So between us, we have full coverage
lmao. nice :P
@UnrelatedString there are only 95 printable characters so can the 256 be reduced?
actually, to think of it, since xnor isn't too active anymore, there has been a rather long time with large gaps in RO coverage since AFAICT WW and JK aren't quite as active in chat as me, and Doorknob basically doesn't visit chat anymore. i'm (pleasantly) surprised it'd been going so well
actually i think even i was inactive for quite a while during the past school term, only really checking flags on site
@hyper-neutrino Let's say every SO user with 500 or more rep sets a single +500 bounty for a single user. Ignore petty things like "time" and assume that they all get awarded to a single answer over however long. That user would end up with 197,710,000 rep
> ignoring petty things like "time"
i like this
Aka, 157 Jon Skeets
also that is... an interesting statistic
It's been a long tiiiime
Skeets has a twitter feed so we can follow him there too :)
Hey @Fatalize :D
Hey there Fatalize! :)
Hi all
somehow got 250 rep during months of inactivity
Has the site been gaining back popularity or is it still on an unfortunate decline?
It's been a while, how's everything been?
We've actually been growing, at least by my perception
i think this site is stabilized or even gaining more of a community now. I still miss the old community but I'm happy to see a new one building up now. At least as far as I can tell.
A lot of the higher rep users have gone, but we've got a pretty consistent influx of new users
@hyper-neutrino Going well. I'm not in a Dennis-type situtation, I just do't really have any interest in code golf anymore
Ah, that's understandable. Well, good to hear you're doing well :)
*sigh* there are a lot of things that would prevent this from working out well, but MM being open to 1+ rep really does bring a lot of spam
Do you follow the new posts as well? :P
i'm just glad smoke detector is so ridiculously effective but watching over CHQ has made me realize just how much of a problem SE has with it
@cairdcoinheringaahing no, I'm in CHQ
@hyper-neutrino Ah, that makes more sense :P
granted, this does bring the potential for confirmation bias, since then i only see the spam :P
@hyper-neutrino TBF if SE was the size of say Codidact, it'd be less of a problem. But SO has literally millions of visitors a day, and they do (kinda) promote the rest of the network
even if it's a low noise to signal ratio, that signal is so high that the spam does come at a pretty steady rate :P
@hyper-neutrino Now it's been 24 hours since any spam here :P
yay :P (don't jinx it!! lol)
Oh my god I found a question without a Python 3 answer that I can do
@Lyxal I've taken over
@StackMeter I need to find one I can pressure my friend into doing
@StackMeter go for it!
I did it
You can remove basically all the whitespace for around -50
You can remove whitespace around ==. Also, ==0 might be able to be <1 but I'm not sure. Also, you can inline your if a: return b. Also, if you return, you don't need elif. Also, your printing test case should be in the footer and not the byte count itself. Also, you can chain single-expression if/elif/else into ternaries. if you inline everything, you can use a lambda as well
also, flipping the condition of n==0 lets you check if n
CMM: If given a list as input, can langs take it as separate function arguments (like a splat in Python)?
e.g. f(1,2,3,4,5) instead of f([1,2,3,4,5])
@StackMeter This doesn't even handle up to 3,7, but the question requries at least 3,10 as being able to be handled within a minute
@hyper-neutrino that's because Python's recursion limit is too low
@hyper-neutrino The question does allow recursion errors tho
(See the Pyth answer for example)
I increased it to 3000000 and it worked in 6-8 seconds
actually, setting the sys recursion limit higher makes it work, so that's allowed. nvm
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah this sounds fine
i think ruby has it as well
lol, if I golf this sub any more it's just gonna become identical to the Python 2 (not using input or print, py2 and py3 golf really isn't all that different barring some niche things like the 0o)
+1 anyway
maybe my strategy for making my friend golf should just be writing challenges and giving him sandbox snipe rights
That'd work :P
What language does he use?
@hyper-neutrino For this, you know you can submit a function, right?
can i just sub like ()->0; then or smth like that
_ is forbidden as lambda parameter name???? what
ok a->"" it is then
what is CMM ?
think he knows some others but isn't comfortable with them
like i'm pretty sure he has done some java at some point but wouldn't consider himself to know java
and he's probably better at bash than i am but that is not saying much
@hyper-neutrino Good to hear
Are there any new golf languages that were created in the last year or so?
Vyxal has a special focus upon readability and elegancy
Fizzbuzz example: Ĥƛ3œı⇿⌊*n5œıₛÔ*+⟇
(X) doubt
@Fatalize Arn, xapl, Jam, SlimSharp, xsh
@Fatalize lol, it means that you can make it readable if you really want to
never really the focus in golfing lol
@Razetime I wouldn't say Jam was "created" :P I'm just modifying the builtin set of Jelly
i suppose it's a "new" project
@Razetime I'm actually working on Zeta. I consider xsh to be a "failed" golfing language
SlimSharp sounds like a brand of jeans
oh well
Zeta it is then
@Fatalize oh nice, you made brachylog
@Razetime Yeah,not sure it's used much anymore
Unrelated String uses it fairly regularly
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh, Zeta has pretty much the same idea as Jam
@UnrelatedString does use it but otherwise, maybe dlosc
I haven't understood brachylog yet(somehow I understood Jelly quicker)
Never understood the rules for parsing Jelly
Brachylog is probably annoying to learn though if you don't know Prolog
Prolog chatroom got opened up recently
haven't seen too many answers in it here
Looks like xash and Unrelated String are the top recent Brachylog golfers
ah yes xash
xash made a non-golfing language named convey
very cute, and has a gif maker
Plus ais is still around, posting the occasional answer
fun in R: max(mod(1073726870*1:10000+832294981, 1073741827)) = 832280024
can anyone explain that?
@cairdcoinheringaahing LMAO really?
still waiting for him to implement his declarative golfing language which is supposedly way better than Brachylog
ais the anti-rep man
I take it that Jelly and 05AB1E are still the top languages, with Vyxal sometimes competing?
Yeah. Vyxal's fairly new tho, so there isn't that much "history" to see how well it compares
Husk is also pretty high ranking
@Fatalize yeah, with the occasional husk/stax
I see that TIO is still working, is Dennis still maintaining it?
No new languages have been added since Jan 2020, but we've had a few bug reports that have been fixed quickly
i honestly thing the program has bugged out since 05AB1E isn't near the top
Maybe it's because 05AB1E is used a lot so there are mor "average" submissions
@Razetime sneak peak testing shows it's back on top
I had read that, I was just wondering if he was still keeping it hosted despite to being here anymore, or if he had passed the torch to someone else
i was wondering if it was because kevin cruijssen wasn't posting as of late
Brachylog just above Actually, that all I care about
@Razetime I tested it just a few hours ago
Brachylog should be higher up
Brachylog probably has a good average answer length
some langs which have barely any use are at top because they win a lot in a few challenges and never lose rating due to lesser games
but in my experience the standard deviation of that length is pretty bad
@Fatalize pxeger has been working on Attempt This Online, but it looks like TIO is sort of just "stagnating". Bugs in TIO are getting fixed, but languages are "frozen" as they were a year ago
SOme challenges in Brachylog are really bad because you need a lot of overhead due to input/output formats
I can't remember the order of second place down, but I can confirm that Shakespeare is still at the bottom
other challenges are really short because they benefit from declarative approaches
@Fatalize i don't think that's a problem anymore
so it's not surprising to see it at an average ELO position
with the exception of qwatry's latest question
C++ and Go barely above whitespace
I'm almost exactly 50% of the way towards a gold badge (499/1000, 101/200) :D
I suppose Vim went up a few spots in a new poll
@Razetime I think you're right that the march results are a bit bugged
I found this down at the bottom:
43 bytes: 818
Jan 9 '18 at 20:55, by Wheat Wizard
Ok we have selected a name it is "Jelly, 3 bytes"
Looks like Jelly got replaced with 4
@cairdcoinheringaahing where do you pull these messages from
The transcript :P
thank you chartz, very cool
I mainly just remember jokes/messages from times I was in the room, and stars help to search for them
I saw another question that has no Python 3 answer so I'm doing that
anders kaseorg wins challenges in some unexpected languages
I am now 1/5 of the way to my bronze code-golf badge
@Razetime example?
A: The Ackermann function

Anders KaseorgBinary lambda calculus, 54 bits = 6.75 bytes Hexdump: 00000000: 1607 2d88 072f 68 ..-../h Binary: 000101100000011100101101100010000000011100101111011010 This is λm. m (λg. λn. g (n g 1)) (λn. λf. λx. f (n f x)), where all numbers are represented as Church numerals.

beats jelly btw
Well yeah, it's BLC :P
A: Visualize chain rule

Anders KaseorgSesos, 49 bytes 0000000: 2ac992 63fb92 245fb6 6c57be 255bbe 2cc9bf 6d49da *..c..$_.lW.%[.,..mI. 0000015: 025e7f fdced0 fd67f8 fcde33 b6a7b2 643d4f 65597e .^.....g...3...d=OeY~ 000002a: f77a72 dd73cf fe .zr.s.. Try it online Disassembled set numin add 68 ;...

I have 3999 rep
How do I resolve this
find somebody who downvoted you, bribe them :p
Here's the plan: downvote an answer (-1), and then accept an answer (+2)
Why do you need 4000 rep
@pxeger The same answer?
Rep is pointless
@pxeger I don't know how but I constantly find your reply to the one email I sent you hilarious
@2x-1 because 3999 is an unsatisfying number
@Lyxal that's me: constantly hilarious
@pxeger There are unsatisfying things that happen in life. Usually, you'll just forget about it and carry on
very wise
So, rep is pointless
@2x-1 lol, spoken like someone who doesn't have a time machine
@rak1507 Are there any side effects that only happen to people with 3999 rep?
a constant feeling of uneasiness
I may have spoken too much
I fully agree with rak1507
Having 3999 rep is bad
Has anyone here ever done "Zen" coding? Meditate (or in my case: sleep) on the problem, then write it all in one go, and find that it is correct?
4000 is much better
@Adám not quite but one of my APL problem solving competition answers came to me in a dream
@Adám almost: its the being correct part I never get right first try
@Adám No need, I write all of my code with absolutely no flaws the first time around :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

knosmosPlz Halp I Need $$$ Again Bob’s startup is running out of money and desperately needs investors to keep it afloat. Although you have helped Bob find the maximum number of investors, Bob has quickly realized that more investors does not lead to more funds because different investors give different...

@NewSandboxedPosts ffs Bob hire someone to devise a fricking business plan or something.
Sounds about like most tech startups tbh lol
@NewSandboxedPosts like I get you asking for financial support one time but I would expect you to know how tf investing works if you're actually managing to get people interested in your stuff
@2x-1 They're 1 more rep away from the delete button than those with 4000 :P
@NewSandboxedPosts Plot twist: This user actually is running a business with hundreds of investors lining up to give them money, but can't figure out which ones to meet with :p
@Adám mm sort of?
After over a week
My question can be migrated to the main site
‮gninrom dooG
wait how do I format a question
Like the text formatting itself, or the necessary things to write (description, I/O, test cases, etc.)?
@RedwolfPrograms the latter
(If you're writing a challenge, make sure put it in the sandbox first, then any formatting issues can be addresses there)
@StackMeter I usually put a general description at the top, then a more specific description of the allowed inputs and outputs and the task itself, then some useful test cases, then the typical This is [tag:code-golf]...
User posts challenge in sandbox and gets 3 upvotes quickly, so copies it to the main site less than an hour later. I warn them of this; they say "Okay, thanks. Should I put it back there really quickly?" Since it's only been 5 minutes and noone's answered yet, I'd say there's no harm? opinions?
Just keep it in main IMO
oo too late
what happened
well, CGCC checked ways to improve my question and found none, so I'm sending it off
it's done
That review page does nothing btw :p
@RedwolfPrograms aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerGenerate a UK number plate code-golf string date random Modern British number plates (a.k.a. registration marks or license plates) use the format AA12XXX where AA is a DVLA memory tag (basically a location code), 12 is the age identifier, and XXX is three random letters. Your task is to, given a ...

@StackMeter I'm not sure if you sandboxed that but if you did it definitely wasn't sandboxed long enough
This doesn't look like a decision problem
@RedwolfPrograms sandboxed it for 11 days
I guess it got buried then.
I'd recommend posting links to it in chat, and don't post unless you actually see positive feedback on it
Is there any way to keep the Sandbox featured forever?
I don't have mod powers
someone downvoted it w/o leaving a comment
it used to be (or, at least, we wanted it to be - I can't remember where the proposal went), but now we have the shiny Info Box above the featured questions, so we don't need to any more
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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