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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

I'd gladly join any effort to coordinate sandbox reviewing
I can host bots and make scripts too, if either of those would be necessary
is there any new meta event going on
The blog is the main project at the moment
This is the room where we're coordinating things if you're interested in helping out (or just looking around)
@Wasif nothing new atm. the only recent meta activity was this discussion but it's a very solid consensus and has been converted into a feature-request to update our site
Well i need a small help
In this string:


I need to get the elements where first 2 characters start with same character

And turn string into


And get the ache seperately
Is there any "simple" regex to do that
I am weak at regex please help
I want to do this in python
I don't think regex is the right tool for the job there
I have a normal solution already just asking if a regex is possible
I think it is
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do
> first 2 characters start with same character
He means where all the strings share a common prefix
@RedwolfPrograms ievable, ieve
Sorry for grammar mistake
Err I can't even edit now :-(
There isn't a way to keep references across separate matches. You could try something like /^(..).*\n(?:\1.*\n)*\1.*/m
But that only works for contiguous strings of the same prefix
that didn't work unfortunately
like, why does it not work to just do achie(vable|ve|ved|...) or smth
I am running the most cursed stack right now
Chrome OS, Linux VM, Nginx
that's not massively cursed
could be a lot worse
I'll download PHP then
what could be the worst?
I suppose CGI
Chrome OS -> Linux VM - > Perl -> Regex interpreter -> C to Regex compiler -> Nginx -> PHP -> Regex -> HTML Parser -> Curl -> Some website serving screenshots of the screen of a remote PC every second -> on that remote PC, Android emulator -> Termux -> SSH -> Another Linux PC -> ...
I could go on
My school district actually did, at least for some time, run perl as CGI on an outdated apache release on a scientific linux VM on windows servers
With IIS involved somewhere
Another Linux PC -> Windows VM -> Remote Desktop -> Mac -> Bootcamp -> Windows -> Windows Subsystem for Linux -> telnet -> SMTP server -> buffer overflow vulnerability allowing Remote Code Execution -> netcat reverse shell -> Powershell remoting -> a Windows Server 2003 -> IIS web server -> CGI -> Ruby -> Metasploit framework -> more exploits ...
I am having goosebumps
They had ruby involved somewhere too
oh also should I post a challenge on bhutan flag?
Looks kinda complicated
Yeah, that dragon is not going to be easy to draw
What about Nepal? Has that been done before?
then it would be challengeing?
Nepal;s flag is kinda unique
@Wasif Not challenging, annoying
There's a difference
Solving a complicated math problem is challenging. Multiplying several thousand numbers with a hundred digits each by hand is annoying.
it's the difference between a proper challenge and how the education system challenges students
I feel we should have a hyperloglog challenge
oops that's not the correct punctuation mark
Haha get it? Because it's called dotcomma?
That was totally a joke.
The "x messages moved" thing is quite annoying
I wish moving deleted messages wouldn't show that
there is sort of a way around it though
I don't think you had to move them at all
@hyper-neutrino Delete that message too?
you can just edit the message lol
If only you could move the "moved to trash" message to trash :þ
@hyper-neutrino Still a meaningless message :P
But you can make it relevant I guess
well if you have something you want to say you can just move messages out and then edit to say that so you pretend it didn't exist
i shouldn't have moved redwolf's move message now there's no context for what he said. oops
Wait am I still a room owner in the box of grains of silicon dioxide?
and i'm not gonna move it back cuz that'd just be stupid
Yeah but it doesn't look like either of you had anything important to say /s
Cats. Cats are always relevant.
@RedwolfPrograms it is now called "frick" and is entirely owned by vyxal corporation
Very funny
@RedwolfPrograms you mean La boite qui contien beaucoup de petits granules de sable?
@Wezl only because they're evil.
@pxeger C'etait pas le sable, c'etait silicium.
@user touché
@user ouais ouais peu importe !
@pxeger Sacre bleu! Tu es baguette baguette!
Mar 28 at 19:20, by rak1507
oui baguette
I'm just going to post that to main it seems good enough
@user yeur meuzeur was enne amstère ende yeur fazeur smelte ove eldeurbeuriese
What's amstere supposed to be?
hey arrête d'écrire en français
s'il te plaît
@Wasif Non.
@Wasif S'il vous plait
@user hamster
alors je dois continuer à utiliser google translate
deepl est supérieur
ou, même, on pourrait utiliser son cerveau...?
@pxeger Ah, merci. Je vais m'amuser avec ca maintenant
ah everyone is back to english :-)
Das ist nur was wir wöllten, dass du denkst!
Prolonged non-english in this room isn't good or allowed anyway, so that's good
@Wasif Non, c'est "Liberte ou La mort!"
I don't have an international keyboard
How come italics on messages get applied instantly but all other formatting takes a second?
Why do deleted messages not get removed immediately and just show "(removed)"?
To preserve evidence that there was context I suppose
??? i can't understand your question
So you know there was a message there, so linked replies still work?
Oh ok
Imagine if someone said "my dog died" then someone said "it's my birthday" then someone said "that's nice" then the second message was deleted
context that is deleted for the people reading the transcript who really need it
@Wasif 'Why do they show a placeholder "removed", instead of disappearing completely?'
oh i see
thats a bad UX
Oh wait have I been spamming chat by deleting all those messages?
A better thing to do is not to post delete-worthy messages in the first place :p
That's hard :(
@user also so moderators can still click on them and see the history?
how would a userscript fizzbuzz program pseudocode will look like

- Create user, set rep to 1
- If rep%3==0 and rep%5==0
- set name to fizzbuzz
- Else if rep%3==0
- set name to fizz
- Else if rep%5==0
- set name to buzz
- Else set name to rep property
- Output name property
- Increment user rep by 1
- Loop until rep == 100

Any improvements?
And is the language supposed to work this way
well it depends on what functionality Userscript has
@hyper-neutrino its storage system is users :P
no stack or other things
Q: Determine if a dot(comma) program halts

Redwolf ProgramsDotcomma is a simple esolang I made a while ago that only uses four operators: [.,]. In this challenge, you'll interpret a dotcomma program consisting only of [.]. This means there is no input, output, or queue, making it possible to determine if any program halts. Blocks: Any code wrapped in [] ...

I hit 10 repcaps recently and didn't even notice
Are there any websites which let you send someone redeemable brownie points?
I hit 1 0 repcaps recently and didn't even noticed
@RedwolfPrograms Try a cryptocurrency
@user it should be 10 instead of 1 think
It'd use PoY, Proof-of-Yumminess
You are gonna getting socratic badge before me, if I don't take immediate action and rapidly post all ideas I have in mind
@Wasif I couldn't make the strikethrough appear without a space between them. Just pretend it looks all right :P
well how do you strikethrough here?
---text--- text
---foo--- foo
haha get ninjaed!
I'm nine reviews and one announcer badge away from having every bronze badge still possible on the site
@RedwolfPrograms still?
Precognitive, tumbleweed, and analytical
One no longer obtainable and two retired
good night
good night
Maybe I should buy some btc and hire a botnet to get me announcer
For legal reasons that's a joke :p
I might go fork dogecoin to make a cryptocurrency called Brownie Points now
make it in the past so people will have been promising real money for decades
imma go learn Jelly so I can steal money from caird now /s
@RedwolfPrograms Nope, deleted messages aren't even shown in the transcript
I suppose they use (removed) so that there's some evidence that there was a post there
it does show in the transcript though
obviously not in undeleted form
@hyper-neutrino Not to us regular users
you know, i would've thought that if this were mod-only, the message itself would just appear with a note that it's now gone. though i suppose that might not be a good idea in case something sensitive/disturbing were posted
yeah i just opened incognito and can confirm, am not very smart
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just Mod Things™
that's weird then. idk why they don't show up; if the point is so now-removed context is known to exist, then it would make sense for all users to see it, and if that's not the point, then it should just disappear from the room itself probably. idk. there's probably some design reason behind it
though it's SE, so there very well may not be a real reason lmao
@cairdcoinheringaahing should I bounty it?
@Wezl If you want it changed that much, sure. But I doubt you'll get any response
I honestly can't remember the last time they changed anything about chat
That link has the list of [status-completed] [chat] [feature-requests] on MM, sorted by newest. The newest is from 2018, then 2016
we should change it to to get attention :)
They still wouldn't care
Behold my flowchart skills :P
No no no, it's Q2 now, so they no longer pretend to care about new users
Now they pretend to care about review queues
TBH I kinda like their Q2 roadmap
Top Mod-Only Page Guidance, Open Source/Community Driven ads, Three Vote Closures, Area 51
That all sounds great
Do we need three vote closure?
I'd like to have it on "off-topic" VTCs
If it can be applied to specific close reasons, it'd be helpful in quickly closing and deleting spam
I think it might negatively affect "vtc as unclear", but if they're also changing the reopen votes to be 3, that might help mitigate it
Lowered reopen votes needed would be really nice
There always seems to be a lot more people around to close things than to help clean up after :p
@hyper-neutrino here's some gwift sauce for you
some what
Dream did hunter vs. 5 speedrunners lol (premiere in 30 mins but I'll miss it)
CMC: find a pronounceable permutation of FGITW
(or FGIW or something similar)
fuh-GIT-wuh is the obvious one, but it sounds kind of dumb
(or fuh-JIT-wuh)
you could use eff- instead of fuh- but the -wuh part is what sounds dumber imo
@RedwolfPrograms is that typo or is it actually 5 runners to only 1 hunter
I think it's a typo I don't know
Lemme check
Yeah it's a typo
> Dream premiering in 30 minutes: Minecraft Speedrunner VS 5 Hunters
I guess if cheat a bit, you could get /fʒiwət/ (G as /ʒ/ and the T and W swapped)
@Wezl 100% wrong, but Fug-wit
Sounds like it'd be some sort of obscure british insult
Well, there is the similar sounding (sorry for the language) fuck-wit
Actually that works as a pronounciation for FGITW :p
Calling a mate that is how you know you're friends :P
@RedwolfPrograms "Hey, lemme just fuck-wit the new challenge" :P
Or perhaps eff-git-ev
@pxeger Did you figure out how to get the old icons back?
I switched off all the browser.proton.* stuff, but the icons persist
@user I don't think it's possible without rebuilding firefox
Oh ok
nvm then, it's not a big enough inconvenience for me to do something like that
considering a challenge idea in case i need to post one to cap: given a list of n coefficients {a_i}, consider the sequence starting with {b_1, ..., b_n} such that b_k = a_1b_(k-1) + a_2b_(k-2) + ...; find the Qth value of the sequence
fastest code
do y'all think this would work? obviously i'd spec it formally but is it done already + would it be interesting enough?
I feel like something similar has been done already
like generalised recurrence relation sequence stuff
actually as a fastest code this would probably be boring cuz it'll just turn into "exponentiate this matrix" lol
Haha, got in a VTC a fraction of a second before you @hyper-neutrino :P
Why on earth did I make a bunch of graphs with logarithmic scales on both axes
... brilliant. lol
what type of graph tho
Scatter plots and bar graphs
@RedwolfPrograms Just have a log scale on one and a loglog scale on the other :P
i think for scatter plots that could make sense? maybe?? i forget how it works
I even had the brilliant idea to put them on meta: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/18262/…
I always adjust the scales on my graph so none of the data is actually visible.
@NewMainPosts ROs should have the ability to edit Feeds message, CMV :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Call Me Victor? Sure :P
I'd open a MM , but I've gotten more rep from MM in the past 2 days than from CGCC so I might need to pull back a bit :P
@user I literally have 3 different names you can call me in my profile, and none of them are Victor :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing You really need to update your profile with your real/preferred name, then, Victor :P
@user Updated my (chat) profile with my preferred names :P
I don't see a single name starting with V there (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
It seems pretty good, but I feel like abc...z' = – abc...z/999...9 this bit mentioned in wikipedia would make it a bit easy, unless that's what you're going for
although im not really sure
im probably vastly underestimating the question
@ZippyMagician Personally, I've never liked that "definition" as it implies that they're finite, and I don't think it helps understand them any more than the other definitions
I can edit it in if you think it'd improve it though
no, I agree that it makes them seem simpler than they are
on the other hand, you're going in reverse, the fraction to the notation
I think leave it the way it is
after going over it I feel like this'll get larger answers, so I don't think that "shortcut" is important at all
Yeah, if method going by hand is any indication, I doubt this is a "who can ninja a golfed answer first?" kinda challenge, which'll be a nice change :)
It seems that the score of a challenge tends to be roughly proportional to the square root of the view count
That makes sense
As it hits the HNQ, it gets more views from anon users who can't vote
x axis is score, y is views, more views lower down
y is sqrt of views actually
Sorting my challenges by descending views, the scores are 104, 64, 64, 32, 30, 36, 33, 28, 31, 39
The rest have <4k views
When I get home I'll make a formula to determine the quality of a challenge regardless of its view count
Maybe I can make it a preset for Question Reception
Also that graph would also be a good placeholder for blood splatter textures in a video game :p
CMC count number of trailing zeros in binary representation of an integer
Least or most significant?
Mod 2 followed by bitcount should do it, I think
Ash has a one byte built-in for that lol
As many different languages as possible please
Let’s see if we can get to five
@cairdcoinheringaahing nice!
@user nvm that was a dumb suggestion
@user no problem!
@Anush Looks like you accidentally cut off the reply part
What is it in python?
@Anush Thanks for the inspiration, I just posted a similar challenge!
Q: Count the trailing zeros

caird coinheringaahingGiven two positive integers \$n\$ and \$b\$, such that \$n > 2\$ and \$n > b > 1\$, count the trailing zeros when converting \$n\$ to base \$b\$. Your program should be able to handle any value of \$b\$ within your integer maximum. The digits of \$n = 18\$, \$b = 3\$ are \$[2,0,0]\$, so the cor...

This is the first time I've managed to post a recursion solution before Arnauld (watch me still get outgolfed by ten bytes)
If there's a 13 15 byte JS answer to that, I'd be very surprised :P
Oops just realized it was invalid when I posted it because I put f= in the header lol
this is an interesting answers:votes:views ratio
I love how my first answer in Jelly was just a one byte FGITW that I picked up from other answers without even knowing the language lol
@RedwolfPrograms Now it'll be just 7 :P
I thought there was a way to get rid of that ,d, but I was too busy FGITWing to make smart golfs :p
@RedwolfPrograms and it's on days like these I'm glad I raided the atoms page for built-ins
In Ash it'd be V, although I didn't take that from Jelly. It evolved from the more specific and , for 2 and 10 respectively
Why also have builtins for base 10 and base 2 if you have one for any base? Are they used that often?
They're also the more general divisible by two and divisible by ten operators
I figured they'd be nice to have, since I have Ċ and , which do the same thing for 3 and 5 for FizzBuzz challenges
so you're doing a husk wrt truthiness semantics and the return values of your builtins
So, I'm adding a "float to simplified fraction" operator. The problem is, things like 1 / 3 would actually be something like 341 / 1024 in the floating point representation, so I need to choose a maximum value for the denominator then just pick the closest one. Has anyone implemented a similar operator and know what the best way to do that is?
I'd suggest having a library of low non-terminating fractions, and analysing from there
e.g. you can figure out that 0.6666666666666667 is 2 * 0.3333333333333333 which is saved as 1 / 3, so 0.666666666666667 is 2 / 3
What do y'all think would be a good maximum denominator? 20? 1000? 10k?
you could make the maximum denominator an argument
That adds overhead though
I'll make a two byte operator that can do that
But for a general "convert this to a simplified fraction" I think requiring another byte or two for the max denominator could be annoying
i do feel like a maximum denominator may not be the way to go if you can think of some way to just weight it towards simpler-looking fractions
@RedwolfPrograms 1000 is likely to work for most fractions in code golf
I think I'll go with 1024 as a default, but for really small numbers I think the maximum denominator can be much higher so that, e.g., 1 / 1000000 still works properly.
@RedwolfPrograms You could consider small deltas from more common fractions. For example, if it's a ± 1/1000 where a is a fraction with a denominator < 20 (ish), then it assumes the output should be a
@NewMainPosts ⊥⍨∘≠⊤ in dyalog extended, cba to post
someone else can if they want lol
Don't mind if I do
Ugh, not another notification :(
Whenever someone posts an answer, I get a notification. I enjoy every part of posting a question except for that :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing here's a fourth notification for you then
I can help you with that once I get a gold badge /s
tfw you forget you can divide 1 / x to get a number's reciprocal and spend twenty minutes optimizing the performance of a solution that uses loops to find the closest denominator
when the link in the chat bio doesn't actually act as a link
@Lyxal I am the Lorax and I speak for the users: stop this meme nonsense :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I am a user and I speak for the rest of us: you do not speak for us :P
@Lyxal What's that song supposed to be from? (or did you just write it yourself?)
There's a worrying theme going on with Vyxal being a corporation taking over things...first the chat room gets stolen, then the song from the Lorax...
Oh nvm
@user Illumination's awful Lorax movie
Yeah I should realized that after seeing caird's comment
@RedwolfPrograms I think you mean "the glorious abomination that is the greatest movie ever" :P
Any final feedback? Thinking about posting later
Looks good to me, although I can't understand the math
Yeah, it's not easy to wrap your head around without some experimenting
It's never easy to wrap your head around anything
Unless you're a snake, I guess, although I'm not sure how much of them counts as their head
I think their heads are actually kind of distinct from the rest of them
Are they flexible enough to wrap around something, though?
No :p
My dog currently has his head wrapped around a pillow
If you count necks as part of heads, giraffes might be able to do it
Nah, that's cheating :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Your dog must have an...interesting head. Either that, or the pillow can bend space :P
Well, it depends on the difference between head and neck I suppose :P
@RedwolfPrograms :(
That's enough violent, fictional creatures for today. How about a CMC involving interleaving an arbitrary number of arrays?
@RedwolfPrograms the original is arguably better
Also, how much ash work did you get done?
A small amount
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Redwolf ProgramsClosest Binary Fraction code-golf math rational-numbers For this challenge, a binary fraction is a fraction where the denominator is a power of two. Your program (or function) should take a rational number as input, and return the nearest binary fraction with a given denominator. Input: The firs...

^ Ignore it's a draft
You've never lived until you've had a coloured border on your phone
When you end the utc day just 30 rep from capping
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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