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@RedwolfPrograms necessary follow-up: four bit prefixes
@pxeger you're right, I'm Neil, not JoKing
@Neil *downvote*
1100: Lower with , ; 1101: Title or title with `` ``; 1110: Upper; 1111: Reserved
@Neil where's that -10 button
@RedwolfPrograms why is 1111 reserved
CMQ: Is "gist" pronounced "jist" or "gist"? (soft/hard g)
"jist". There is no debate about this. Anyone disagreeing will be flagged (/s - please don't abuse flags)
@cairdcoinheringaahing nope
@cairdcoinheringaahing j-aye-st
@user hovers finger over "kick-mute" user
@pxeger Are you one of those people who say "Jit reppos"?
I'd pronounce it with a soft g if I pronounced it
this is why G is also deprecated
it's literally on wikipedia
@user no! Git is git, and gist is gist. Etymologically and semantically unrelated words
@StackMeter what is?
@pxeger Exactly what I was saying. Git is pronounced with a hard G, as is gist
@RedwolfPrograms It's stopped reloading the page for me :(
@user no. There is no reason why they have to be pronounced alike. Gist is /dʒɪst/ and Git is /gɪt/
@pxeger that gist is pronounced "j-EE-st"
also did @RedwolfPrograms crash or what
hasn't answered my question for a while
Nah, you leave a room if you haven't been active in 15 minutes
fair enough
@StackMeter Had to head home from school
It's an early release day today for teacher training or something
1111 is reserved for future use
@RedwolfPrograms Just means you can change your activity graph :P
@RedwolfPrograms ok
you should probably finish the wiki
Actually I'm going to redo a big chunk of the string notation
I was originally planning on not having odd numbers of bits anywhere for some raisin, but now I reel eyes that's dumb
I started working on Ash because I thought it'd take like two weeks beginning to end and it's been four months and I'm still halfway done :|
I pronounce gist with a J but git with a G
i see nothing inherently more weird about being inconsistent here than with english in general when "general" is pronounced with a J and "forget" is pronounced with a G
I do it the other way around
General and forjet
The most cursed thing to do to english is to swap the two pronunciations of "g" and the two of "c" :P
@pxeger You realize I was joking, right?
And get that infernal IPA out of my face /s
@user You weren't JoKing, you were user
@user it's not ok to joke about things as serious as mispronounciation
@RedwolfPrograms no you ruined it >:|
@pxeger Sorry
> were - are they not user anymore o.O
RIP me, I guess
Well they were and still are
At some point in the past, user was user
In other news, every 60 seconds a minute passes in Africa :P
Wouldn't were mean at some slice of the past they were?
> Here lies user. No idea who they were. Probably made a new account or something.
CMQ: Bad pickup lines?
@user I have a kinda inappropriate one :P
Implied NSFW joke, be warned
You're an RO, you can do what you want :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's really bad lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing I mean, you could use code bowling instead
But then it'd be---wait no it's still a bad pickup line :p
@user But we all prefer code golf here :P
"Hey, do you like ..."
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, but I'm not sure we prefer [redacted] [redacted] :P
@user Hey, are you a Javascript coder, cause I really need this website coded, and I only know Python
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's a whole lot more offensive than the NSFW one :P
Also, where should the question mark go in the "Hey, are you ..., cause I ..." pickup lines?
@user Do you have a fever? 'Cause you look hot
@RedwolfPrograms That'd be good
@cairdcoinheringaahing See above
@user "Do I have COVID or something? You don't smell as bad as usual."
@cairdcoinheringaahing Please do not invite me to join Trash. I do not like dumpster diving.
Funnily enough, it didn't invite me, despite me moving one of my messages
guys I have a question
You're already Trash /s
57 mins ago, by caird coinheringaahing
@user hovers finger over "kick-mute" user
@cairdcoinheringaahing maybe because then it would say "caird has invited you (caird) to Trash"
@StackMeter Is the answer 134 + "abcd"?
How about 129.2512?
I want to do a challenge about causing an exception/error
do you have something specific in mind?
I'd suggest not
in as few bytes as possible?
ok, what's the question
"exception" is a very vague term, not all languages error
What's the challenge about, specifically?
@StackMeter Python, 1 byte: any non-digit character aside from ; and #
@user the challenge is about forcing the program to quit before all code is executed
@StackMeter Oh ok, if the challenge is just "raise an exception," then I'd agree with caird
so no-go then?
It's not very interesting imho
@StackMeter You might be able to introduce a twist and get it to work
well, depends on exactly what you have in mind. if it's just "do any exception" that's really boring and probably won't bring many interesting solutions
Do we have [slowest-code] as a criteria? Longest time to finish, must be finite?
@cairdcoinheringaahing that makes sense
Don't think so
@cairdcoinheringaahing That could be abused
I was planning one
But I forgot
Just put in a big loop (unless you also make it irreducible)
but with included
Maybe longest finite execution time within 10 bytes?
@user It'd be like bowling
@cairdcoinheringaahing That disqualifies too many languages
You'd need other things to restrict it
@user Disagree
Yeah with restrictions it'd certainly be pretty cool but still easy to exploit
ok, here's an idea: longest time to execute, but your score is divided by bytecount ^ bytecount
That's bad
Execution time can grow way faster than byte count
That'd scale so poorly
@RedwolfPrograms Golfing languages would love it, but most practical languages just wouldn't compete
It's like the biggest number in 10 bytes challenge
I think it'd be cool
Might write it up in the Sandbox
the other problem is scoring
I wouldn't like it but people will probably upvote anyway
any competitive solution would be impossible to actually score, lol
@hyper-neutrino Some function that forces you to minimize bytes and maximize execution time
Maybe score based on algorithmic complexity?
unless one of y'all is willing to stick around til the heat death of the universe to time how long a submission actually takes to run
@user 99**99**99 takes a while in Python
Because if it's just time, I could run it on my crappy old Windows Vista and say I win
Calculatable asymptotic complexity maybe?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Right, but not all languages have exponentiation operators
IMO you'd be disqualifying way too many people
@user even deadfish can reach O(2^n)
Not all challenges have to be applicable to every language
@RedwolfPrograms They should be applicable to most
And I think this is
This could apply to just about everything
Rather than restricting code length, I'd suggest just making the scoring so longer code is punished
but it's not fun
It could be a snippet, it doesn't have to be a full program
@RedwolfPrograms Practically every non-golfing language I know would be disqualified
JS, Python, Java, C, ... would be allowed
@RedwolfPrograms That'd be better, but still not good enough
@RedwolfPrograms What could you even do in 10 bytes in Java?
@user The problem is that execution time will always outpace byte count after a specific inflection point
@user recurse
@user there's an arrow function that can be done in Python is like, 300 bytes, there's no way it couldn't do something huge with more
@cairdcoinheringaahing So the penalty for byte count should be exponential, maybe
@Wezl You can't.
y'all know the arrow function#
@user Then languages with factorial are the only competitive ones and it's worse!
"takes as long as the stack allows. on my machine with 1 googol gigs this beats all the others"
The shortest method declaration would be void f(){f();}, and that doesn't terminate
Maybe 20 bytes would be better
I think the limited size is the best, 10 bytes may be to short
say it must terminate
15/20/25 bytes maybe?
@RedwolfPrograms Better but still arbitrary
Arbitrary is good sometimes
500 seems fair
If we're putting a limit, 30 would be somewhat reasonable
@Wezl Uh
@StackMeter That lets you generate ridiculously large constants, no
@RedwolfPrograms So you adapt the scoring function
@RedwolfPrograms wdym
@StackMeter That'd be huge
The max reasonable is 40 or so
Fine, 40
I'd say 25 would work better
You can do a lot in 40 bytes
But that's still unfair imo because 40 bytes for a language like Java is like 200 for a language like Jelly
That was just the max that would make it at all reasonable
The biggest problem is how to measure the time
@user This is why languages don't compete with each other
Java will never be able to beat Jelly
How do you measure the algorithmic complexity of 99**99?
idea in Python: def a(n): return n**a(n-1), a(1000)
@RedwolfPrograms In a challenge that isn't purely code golf, it should have a chance
Perhaps computer cycles?
We could make this atomic golf
That would eliminate the challenge of making it unfair for some languages, because everyone would essentially use one language
That's worse
Also, you get to use the word "atom", which is cool :P
Instead of some languages being harder, all of them are gone
I think the largest number in 10 bytes showed that these kinda challenges are 100% doable by all languages
I think 20 to 25 would be a great challenge, and I doubt there are more than a few common languages which wouldn't be competitive
You're trying to duct tape some dust together
It doesn't exactly have to be a full program
I'm writing it up with 20 as the limit rn
> The biggest problem is how to measure the time
@Wezl Duct tape is a good way to clean up dust and hair
@cairdcoinheringaahing >:|
@cairdcoinheringaahing Which is why using complexity and a custom language would be a good idea
@cairdcoinheringaahing wasn't it 100
I think an atomic one would be good, for a separate challenge
@user If your issue with the byte limit is that it makes the challenge less open to everyone, a custom language makes it even less open
@cairdcoinheringaahing How?
I don't want to have to learn a new language just to answer a challenge
And I don't know why Java's your example, it's about as short as JS right?
We'd adjust the restrictions for the custom language
@cairdcoinheringaahing Doesn't that apply to any atomic code golf challenge?
@RedwolfPrograms Not really, no
It has the ->
@user No, they typically restrict it to a specific language rather than use a custom language
It doesn't allow recursion, though
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh ok
Wait wat, no recursion?
@RedwolfPrograms Not with lambdas
you can recurse but you'd need to set it to a variable and thus declare a type and also you can't call lambdas
you have to do f.apply(...)
And people will complain about a "slowest Python program in 20 bytes" challenge, because they want to use Java or JS or anything else
java, 0 bytes: starting up java already takes long enough to win /s
It's next to impossible to make big numbers in 10 bytes, let alone execute for more than a few milliseconds (for Java)
@hyper-neutrino :P
@user Have you even looked at that challenge?
There are plenty of massive numbers in pretty much every language
@RedwolfPrograms Yeah
like some language like jelly's just gonna win cuz you can just do 9!¡!¡!¡!¡ or something really silly like that
Not as massive as, say, the Golfscript answer
Wait not golfscript
@RedwolfPrograms that was 100 byte, I know it
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a program that takes a constant amount of time to terminate, even if that's a long time, always have a complexity of O(1)?
Doesn't O only make sense when there's an input?
I can't even find a java answer to that question
But I guess 40 or at least 30 bytes would be more or less reasonable if snippets were allowed
Seriously, forget about the byte limit. It's completely arbitrary and doesn't affect writing the challenge
Scoring it is pretty important, and I have no idea how to objectively do that
What about counting time?
I mean recording how long it takes to execute
Do we make a time machine and travel to when the universe dies? :P
I know that some answers won't terminate within my lifetime, and I'd like to be able to score them before I die :P
I'm going to propose one about highest time compexity
Given an input and a task to do with it
Is there a way to calculate how long an arbitrary program will take to terminate (assuming it will)?
@cairdcoinheringaahing "And so it was that caird coinheringaahing found the cure to death" :P
@RedwolfPrograms That sounds good to me
@cairdcoinheringaahing no
You can approximate it maybe, but that's hard
@RedwolfPrograms A specific task, or one of the answerer's choosing?
this sounds suspiciously close to being able to be answered with "no, that solves the halting problem" but if we assume it will terminate and just want to determine how long without running it, it seems like it probably isn't contradictory
@cairdcoinheringaahing Specific one
Or maybe even a list of tasks they can choose from
To add some interestingness
This is, I believe, the slowest terminating program in Jelly in 10 bytes
Perhaps it could be limited to ~15 minutes, but that would take the fun out of it
import time; time.sleep(15 * 60 * 1000) :P
As soon as you introduce a limit, that's what every answer will be
My bad, this is the slowest terminating Jelly program in 10 bytes. Got the ! messed up
Q: Largest Compatible Maze

Delfad0rBackground Consider an \$n\times n\$ grid, where each cell is either empty (denoted by .) or a wall (denoted by #). We say that two cells are adjacent if they share an edge (a corner is not enough). A path is a sequence of empty cells \$s_0,s_1,\ldots,s_k\$ such that cells \$s_i\$ and \$s_{i+1}\$...

Here's my attempt at a slowest time compexity challenge
I'd suggest requiring it to be deterministic, otherwise I'm posting Bogosort :P
Thought about it, but since it's based on average case it doesn't matter
Non-deterministic ones probably won't be that competitive, sadly
My ultimate goal in life is to sneak bogosort into an open source project somewhere
easy if you make the project
That wouldn't be sneaky, would it?
You could legitimately sneak it into a unit test maybe
Get hired by google and change their search algorithm to sort using bogosort
Also, is there bogosearch? Shuffle the array until the first element is what you're looking for?
If there isn't, you can patent it
It'd be utterly useless, but I want it :P
Then get immediately fired by Google
i mean you could just randomly pick an element until it's what you want; shuffling until it's the first isn't exactly helpful because then you don't have the index of the element because you shuffled your array
@LuisMendo Do it sneakily enough that they don't know how to fix it :P
HN is using semicolons now? o.O
@cairdcoinheringaahing and golfing the code :-D
why is that surprising lol
Force push the changes and clear the commit history :P
@LuisMendo Using Jelly, or course :P
@LuisMendo Nah, tell them it's a bug and then "fix" it and get a promotion :P
@user Heh
@hyper-neutrino Semicolons are for posh, stuck-up people /s
@user precisely, so why is it surprising that i'm using them /s
@user "fix" it by just bogosorting the first page of results :P
(sorry C, C++, Java, JS programmers)
@user I think you mean semicola :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Or you could tell them "It works best on quantum computers, you wouldn't understand" :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I apologize; I'm not as educated as you.
It's all the Jelly in my brain :P
I honestly didn't know that was a word though
Me neither, Dennis introduced me to it here
As an aside, I do love the url for that challenge: /q/121921/make-a-interpreter :P
Tsk tsk, that's terrible grammar :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Redwolf ProgramsWorst time complexity for an irreducible program Time complexity, typically represented in Big O notation, represents how long a program will typically take to run given some input(s), ignoring constants. Your task is to do one of the following things, with the worst time complexity possible: So...

12 minutes? That's got to be a record for NSP
@Adám wasn't really golfing, there are better ways to do it anyway
@Adám don't think this works, I'm passing the train as an operand
I have an idea
I'm sure it's been proposed before, but if we used something other than the "official" SE RSS feeds, we could add features like automatically including the titles of sandbox posts, faster/immediate posting, and filtering closed/deleted posts
Like a chatbot?
Not even that...couldn't we just make an RSS feed ourselves?
yeah, good idea
Set up a chat room to test it first, then ask on meta if we can add it to the feeds
It's shudders XML, but it's not that scary looking
Should I just use my server?
For the test one?
(or maybe even the real one idk)
If you're fine with that, go ahead
OSP is hosted on your server as well, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now I just need someone to answer something so I can test if it's working :p
I just realized the confusion someone unfamiliar with CGCC would have seeing "Did I die or not" along with all the rational questions on the HNQ list
Beat me to it, damn :/
80% of the way to Strunk and White
I'm using regex to parse HTML :D
Okay, I think I've adapted New Posts to run on my server now
Ugh Node JS style documentation is so bad
"Hey you know how code is for computers to read? That's why we invented documentation, which is for humans to read. Unfortunately we forgot about that and now it looks like something a computer would read."
Glorfindel just got enough rep to start reviewing (and has), so say goodbye to getting in any reviews in Late Answers and First Posts :P
How does Glorfindel have so much rep everywhere?
They're a super helpful user network wide :P
There are like ~10 users who have >20k on more than 5 sites and you can all but guarantee they're mods on at least one site :P
That was a very interesting 20 billion conversations
Did redwolf get work done on ash?
Asking because I need to know if I've made money
Not directly, but a lot on the dictionaries
I'm waiting for someone to post something so I can test my server side New Posts implementation
The one time I don't want you to be productive and you go and screw me over
Sounds about right
Sounds like you should bet against my productivity more often, it seems to help
Not if imma lose money
so does your New Posts work :p
It seems to
Where's the feed going?
Now I just need to hook it up to RSS
It currently just console.logs it
I guess I should make it redwolfprograms.com/feeds/nmainp
Don't you all just love XML?
yes, absolutely, especially parsing it with regex
how about shortest program that consumes between 0.95 and 1.05 seconds of CPU time on TIO?
TIO's not reliable for timing
But that challenge timed locally on OP's computer could work
Like but with time
@hyper-neutrino but you forgot pronunkiations
@RedwolfPrograms that's why I provided some leeway
@Neil My entire body recoiled at that spelling :P
> saird soinherinjaahinj
One more and I'm ignoring you :p
I'd pronounce that "sare-d soin-her-in-jaa-hinj" :P
@RedwolfPrograms :s
kaeerd kwañrin gehing
So o/ works instead of Ṫ€ for a list of lists which grow by one element each in Jelly, and I don't know why, but it feels wrong
@hyper-neutrino Carrid coin engineering

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