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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Fun fact: if Jon Skeet only got reputation by being awarded +1 for every answer he posted, and no more, he'd be 32nd in the CGCC all time rep leagues
At +2 per answer, he'd be 10th, +3 he'd be 6th and at +4, only Arnauld, Martin and Dennis would beat him :P
@Deadcode Yeah, usually spreading out edits is a good idea because there's constant activity anyway, so a periodic edit over a week isn't annoying, but pushing down too many active posts might be more troublesome. No worries though, just so you know for the future :)
I wish there were a way to edit something quietly. Not sure if that would be for better or for worse.
Oh man, I wish that existed so often
Also that many edits made Community autoflag you for vandalism lmao
Or even the option to choose for you edit to not bump, maybe if you reach a certain rep level. The number of times I've wanted to remove a tag used in like 2 old questions but haven't because it'd bump it ಠ_ಠ
CGCC's been busy over on Mother Meta today :P
yeah, it is quite bothersome to not be able to just fix something quickly without bringing some like 18 year old garbage answer of mine onto the front page :P
Maybe this'll finally convince the CMs to actually have a look at our other unfixed bugs :P
@HyperNeutrino I know you're exaggerating, but I'll be very impressed if there comes a point where you can bring up some 18 year old post of yours :P
> Member for 3 years, 10 months
That doesn't seem right, is that since your account deletion?
Thought so :P No way I've been around longer than you :P
i have account activity from before then since apparently I'm able to have activity on my account from before this account existed, which I guess is fair enough :P
Your first (undeleted) answer was in 2015, so you've clearly been around for longer than 4 years :P
Unless the apocalyptic 2020 I remember was just a dream and we're actually in 2019? Please?
> 999/1000 score
Oh fun, exactly one vote away from gold :P
Well, we did survive through 2020
@ChartZBelatedly guys nobody upvote ChartZ just out of spite
@ChartZBelatedly java D:
@HyperNeutrino Mods can place an account in permanent "stasis" right? Prevent all changes to their account :P
(I don't think you can do that tbh, that'd be pretty OP, even for a mod)
No, I don't think I can.
I don't think suspending you would even stop you from reaching the badge, but I'm not quite sure.
Nuking my account would, but that's it I think
the funniest thing about my account deletion is that it happened on my 97th consecutive login (I didn't have Fanatic at the time)
Anyone who knows 05AB1E, is this answer valid? I don't know enough about Elixir and 05AB1E to know if it uses floating point arithmetic or not
@HyperNeutrino rip :(
okay it wasn't that funny at the time :P but i have it now so
can confirm reciprocal just does 1/to_number(x) so it's inexact
also by testing a large enough number
Fun fact: in addition to handling infix, Jelly also handles postfix notation :P
unfortunately no prefix :(
@ChartZBelatedly Except that the argument that appears on the right is actually the left arg
@Bubbler Ssshh! :P
As long as you stick to commutative dyads, no one can tell the difference :P
@ChartZBelatedly that could make for a good JHT exercise
explain why it works
yeah, I haven't got a clue
Bubbler gave the answer
@rak1507 The first 1 sets the argument for the rest of the program, so the remaining 2 + uses the 1 as the missing argument
Try replacing the + with , in the two linked examples
long story short, the 1 is a nilad at the start of a niladic chain so it becomes the lone argument and the rest of the chain is evaluated monadically
in a monadic chain, a nilad-dyad pair like 2 + combines to a monad meaning x => 2 + x, which takes the lone argument 1 and replaces it with 2 + 1 which is 3
then since it's the end of the chain, that's the implicit return
at least that's from my (probably rusty) understanding of jelly chaining rules from my several hours of studying it years ago :P
It's actually very clever design because it eliminates one reason to use Commute in APL and J (where it costs one byte for nothing but syntactic reasons)
@HyperNeutrino That's how I would've explained it if I weren't on my phone :P
@Bubbler Is Commute the APL/J name for Jelly's ` (treat the previous dyad as a monad by using the same value for both arguments)?
Quality backtick escaping there :/
i'm guessing it's @, but idk lol
` and @ are under the same symbol in APL
CMQ: How often do you look at users CGCC profiles? I typically check out around 1 to 3 different profiles a day (mainly new users tbh)
@ChartZBelatedly any day I'm bored I look at someone's profile and answer a bunch of their top questions
then i hop to another profile and the cycle continues
@ChartZBelatedly HN is right, it's @ (take a dyad and flip its two sides)
@ChartZBelatedly I rarely look at others' profiles. I look at mine x times every day, where 1 < x < ∞
I'm so narcissistic
Not a very golfy way to say "at least twice a day" :p
@Bubbler Oh yeah, narcissism on SE's classic :P
I have a tab open with my profile on my computer pretty much all the time
It's why I keep spouting random facts about rep and badges :P
How else will I know I'm 85% of the way towards Socratic???
I just bookmarked my profile and I use that to get to CGCC
It's also useful for getting Fanatic which is why I chose my profile
I could probably change it now but ¯\(._.)/¯
Amateur, not using the app to get Fanatic :P
Socratic is my "next tracked badge"
Mine's Strunk & White
CMQ: How close are you to your next tracked badge?
Me for Socratic? It's at 94
I'm at 41 for Socratic, I tend to post all my good ideas at once
@Bubbler Guess I need to post 9 challenges before you to match you :P
And then there was a CMP when I got my first gold:
Jan 19 '20 at 23:48, by Bubbler
CMP: How many of you have "Fanatic" (visit the site each day for 100 consecutive days) as your first gold badge?
Wow, that's over a year old
I wish you could install custom keyboards on Chrome OS
I get why you can't, but it'd still be a useful advanced feature
@Bubbler Guilty :P
I've been here 4 years, and I got half my gold badges within the last 6 months
@Bubbler yep, though I got my gold code-golf tag badge only 5 days later
granted, I would've gotten fanatic 97 days earlier under normal circumstances
my most recent gold badge was two and a half years ago, electorate lol
@HyperNeutrino Just step down as mod, you'll get Sheriff :P
step down right before next election
No way, I messed with my parser and nothing caught on fire or resulted in mass tragedy
ok just to confirm that i am not stupid you are joking, right? sheriff is awarded after serving mod for a year which i have not yet?
@HyperNeutrino Wait, is it not September?
I think that's when the election was
@ChartZBelatedly no, it's like March 380th, 2020 or something like that
yeah the election was sept 2020
specifically, my account gained the diamond on september 29th, 2020
Pretty sure it's still 1990 :P
@HyperNeutrino NGL, I legit thought you'd been a mod for a good minute
Time is all an illusion now, between March 2020 and now I legit have no concept of the passage of time anymore lol
Feb 28 at 1:17, by caird coinheringaahing
idk the physics behind it, but time has been on some hardcore drugs for the past 18 months
very true
Speaking of time, it's quarter to 4 in the morning here, and I should probably grab what little sleep I can
There are some really useless OEIS sequences...A128401 for example
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerSticky polyhexes code-golf combinatorics hexagonal-grid polyomino Background A polyhex of size \$n\$ is a contiguous shape made from joining \$n\$ unit regular hexagons side-by-side. As an example, the following image contains all 7 distinct tetrahexes (polyhexes of size 4), from Wikipedia: A di...

@RedwolfPrograms Only use is that you can write a PPCG challenge using that
It'd be a pretty boring challenge :p
@ChartZBelatedly I nearly see 100 profiles a day
@ChartZBelatedly Closest silver badges are Sportsmanship (26 more votes) and Civic duty (21 more votes), I think I'll get them today :P
And closest gold badge is Fanatic 61/100, I'll likely get it, if big disasters don't happen
Can we see progresses for the Pundit badge?
@ChartZBelatedly approximately equal to the number of pending flags
most of the time I check a profile is to evaluate how recently they've been active when a flag on their answer indicates it's invalid, lol
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Command MasterCheck B-powersmoothness math code-golf from Wikipedia, a number is called B-powersmooth if all prime powers \$p^v\$ that divide the number satisfy \$p^v \leq B\$. B-powersmoothness is important, for example, for Pollard's p-1 factorization algorithm. Task your task is to get two numbers, \$n\$ an...

If you make a challenge that requires you to handle 0 and 1, please reconsider your life choices
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ophactCalculate the final derivative of a polynomial code-golf math The main task here is to find the last derivative of a polynomial function before getting \$0\$ More precisely... In calculus high school, you learned that the derivative of \$ax^{n}\$ was \$nax^{n-1}\$ (I'll leave you to prove that y...

@ChartZBelatedly huh, you live in UTC?
@NewSandboxedPosts how come this link doesn't work?
@Neil daylight savings time in the UK started yesterday, so it's now UTC+1
@rak1507 the post was deleted, probably because it was a duplicate
@pxeger but he said "it's quarter to 4 in the morning here" at 04:48 my time, and I'm BST
hmm, maybe he forgot to set his clock forwards while you and I did?
@pxeger ... although my watch, my kitchen clock, my set-top box, my tablet, and my desktop all do that for me (that just leaves my car, my alarm clock, and my boiler).
1 hour later…
@Neil I mean quarter to 5, but it was quarter to 5 in the morning, so my brain wasn't working :P
@RedwolfPrograms Afternoon (just)!
2 hours later…
I updated Chat Monospace Fix, to fix a bug with the formatting when editing. Turns out I also forgot to do the rename last time, so you might have to uninstall the old one since it's been renamed to the correct one now.
(The bug was that the background was still light, so the text was almost invisible in the preview. I made the highlight color dark on the editing screen now)
I think I'll remove the requirements for the algorithm being well known for Reverse Zip Bomb, and just have it be a competition within the algorithms (like how Jelly doesn't compete with Java)
@RedwolfPrograms waiting for stunning viruses :P
I doubt anything close to harmful increases in size will occur, although who knows :p
It'd be a lot less dangerous than a zip bomb anyway though, because your (or your anti-virus') first instinct isn't to zip a mysterious file
@ChartZBelatedly By user, do you mean me? If so, a lot of times, because I'm very vain.
@RedwolfPrograms OK also the decompression time taken in count
I knew a archiving program named KGB archiver, which could compress 3 GB files into just 50 MB, but decompressing them would take enormous time
It obviously can only do that with a small subset of 3 GB files, though :p
Why the stars for this, this, this, and this?
Q: Reverse Zip Bomb

Redwolf ProgramsA zip bomb is a compressed file, designed so that unpacking it yields the biggest file possible. These are fairly well known, and there are examples of 42 KB files which expand into multiple petabytes of data. In this challenge, the goal is reversed. Instead of providing a compressed file which i...

@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI what is the third link about?
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI You...you...you...
That's not fair :p
But good job
@Wasif I'm just as confused as you, I don't understand the stars either
@RedwolfPrograms Lyxal trained me well :P
One time when I was like 10 I was on a Minecraft server. Someone sold me a book called "How to scam people". It was empty.
@RedwolfPrograms I hope you sold it to someone else
@RedwolfPrograms Okay how "scam" is coming here? Who and when scammed here now?
Nobody, it's just a funny story and something reminded me of it
@RedwolfPrograms Nothing reminded you of it. Shh!! :P
@RedwolfPrograms I know that message is a joke, I wanna know what is the thing!
@Wasif I don't know about that, but you know what isn't a scam? This very cheap hacking software I have that will help you break into the NSA. It's only $1 right now, so get it while I still have copies of it left!
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI if he sells the book on internet, we won't get it
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI that book won't ever reach me
@Wasif It could be scammed scanned.
@Wasif Why not?
CMQ: Have you ever been scammed/cheated?
There are so many scams on the internet now days.
Send me $19.95 today and I can tell you how to avoid them.
@Wasif Sure, is it okay if I use this new cryptocurrency I've made called golfcoin?
It depends on you being able to golf some code in my new esolang golfcoinlang. The only way you can crack it is by making your code as golfy as or golfier than the passcode. If a hacker can do that, they deserve the money anyway.
@Wasif Give me the password to your email account and I'll make a new golfcoin account for you so I can deposit the money.
Important announcement: 1 cubic Parsec = 5.96074924 * 10^54 US teaspoons
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI okay okay Your sense of humor is very developed, i felt like falling from my chair reading the jokes, I can't beat you to it
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI "other users' profile pages" :P
@Wasif Uh, I wouldn't call my sense of humor very developed, but thank you
@ChartZBelatedly There are no other users, there is only me (and even I am no longer a user)
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Actually everyone here has a nice sense of humor, not only you
What's up with all the stars?
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI have you deduced who is starring them?
@Wasif Indeed, we are a very funny and sophisticated bunch.
Two stars in a monologue is almost never necessary
@Wasif I suspect it's you
@RedwolfPrograms ^
(Fun fact: SE calls the groups of messages sent by the same person that clump together "monologues")
And you can disrupt your own monologue by sending 3 dashes
like this
Test on sandbox please
And make sure to look at my code while you're there
Someone remind me I need to fix a bug in Chat Monospace Fix later
@RedwolfPrograms You need to fix a bug in Chat Monospace Fix later.
@RedwolfPrograms No problem
Shift + Enter
you can also
Press Shift+Enter
To enter on multiple lines
You can press shift+enter to insert a line break in the middle
like this
Haha I am the ninja
Also works on Discord and stuff
but you didn't use it like we did
wow quadruple duplicate post
VTCing all of them :P
deletes his message in embrassment
I want to close three challenges as dupes of the next one someday
So A is dupe of C, C is dupe of B, B is dupe of A
CMC: under what circumstances can the string **a** appear in valid, non-undefined-behaviour, C code? Probably easy. (Not in a string literal)
Is ** exponentiation in C?
@pxeger Something like b* *a * *c?
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI correct
Yay, do I get a prize?
Alternatively, #define unused **a** and then don't use it
Probably multiplying a pointer to a pointer of a by a pointer to b, right? (I don't know C)
@RedwolfPrograms not the pointers but the values at the pointers
Yeah those
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI I gave you a star
@pxeger Thanks (might want to remove the star, though, there's enough here already)
CMC: Under what circumstances can ? appear in Python code, ignoring string literals and comments?
Under PEP 640?
In some weird encoding like rot-13?
adding ? for unused would be really nice
i'm not a fan of using _ and also if it's not an identifier then in theory for?in range(3) should be valid, right?
that's a -2b to a LOT of things
? feels like "what is this?" to me, rather than "no one cares about this" like _
I want a ternary operator like <condition> ? <expression1> : <expression2>, the if syntax is a little hard to use
It feels a little more natural than ?: to me
? : is too unreadable, especially for Python's style, but the order of inline if seems wrong to me
I prefer Scala's and Kotlin's if (foo) bar else baz (treating it like an expression)
I want if condition; foo; else bar
@pxeger Those feel like statements rather than an expression
@pxeger It;s looking like bash
If that's implemented we need to invent something other than ; for separating statements
I am also not against the if syntax
I think the order is really weird
The current syntax is a bit odd but it makes sense because the if and else themselves act as separators, so you don't need ;
Damn this userscript
I can mod it to not do that if you want
If you send me the code
It's alright
I keep my cod to myself
What about your salmon?
CMP: Favorite seafood?
@RedwolfPrograms I also keep it to myself.
@HyperNeutrino It'd be fun to go through the outstanding PEPs and see which would benefit golfers the most :P
I do not share my seafood with others unless it tastes bad.
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Tie between crab legs, lobster, and scallops
Not that I get to eat any of them very often
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Pomfret
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Monkfish
@RedwolfPrograms I don't like any of them :P
@HyperNeutrino for?in range(n): can be for?in[0]*n: for another -4
@Wasif I like that one too
My cat would almost certainly say canned tuna
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Mussels
I like shrimp myself
I just made shrimp scampi last night :p
@pxeger Monkfish looks...interesting
@RedwolfPrograms I'm hungry now :\
I rarely make seafood dishes, because whenever I buy fish, I have to use it the next day, which doesn't fit into my meal schedule
And frozen fish is awful
@ChartZBelatedly You don't have to use it the next day
@ChartZBelatedly I like monkfish partly because it's good frozen
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Most fish I've bought fresh isn't good anymore after 2 days
It's edible, but meh
I like Hilsha fries too
ooh, I forgot about calamari. Calamari is definitely the best seafood
Also sushi, sushi is good, forgot about that
Is it as disgusting to eat as it looks? (calamari)
@RedwolfPrograms I hate them (No offence to anyone)
I've been afraid to try it
Pizza Express do good calamari
Aw, they're not in the US
We went from ? in Python to calamari in under ten minutes
I love this room
CMP: what would you like the topic to change to next?
Default linux terminal fonts
@pxeger what does "CMP" mean???????????????
Chat Mini Poll
And CMQ or CMC
Q is Question, C is Challenge
Chat Mini Question, Chat Mini Challenge
Question and Challenge respectively
Ninja'd :\
@pxeger The possibility of using gene editing to create unicorns and pegasi
@RedwolfPrograms no from scams to calamari
Blame Redwolf for their misspelling of code
Oh also is the starring message mystery solved :P
I don't like sandboxing my posts. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere.
@Wasif You're my prime suspect
CMP: Who thinks Wasif is the secret starrer?
for reasons I cannot disclose, I think it's not Wasif
I updated Chat Monospace Fix again, it now works in the starboard too.
CMP: Who would like to answer pxeger's CMP?
@ChartZBelatedly what was your answer to this?
(was there even one?)
My answer would be let's talk randomly on current topics and we'd jump into another
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI where have you seen it where it looked disgusting
Has someone found a nice reverse zip bomb
No answers yet
that looks delicious
what the hell are you talking about
i guess maybe the pinkish hue
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI what is this
no no, calamari is deep-fried
squid meat in general is amazing fried or not
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI let's leave serial starring case remain a mystery ;-)
@pxeger I didn't have one :P
@ChartZBelatedly ah, in that case, I'm fairly confident there is none.
I could very much go for some calamari right about now :P
@pxeger That seems dubious
I told you there was probably some weird codec
@pxeger thanks for teaching use of different encodings in code useful for code golf
1 hour later…
@UnrelatedString It looks alive
@pxeger That looks a lot more edible
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI Do you not wrestle your food to death before eating it?
@RedwolfPrograms So get this y'all: mods can change the example question in the Tour at will. And I found that out from an answer posted by... Doorknob
We should vote on a new question for the tour
I'll make a meta post later
To ask if we should
Nomination, then voting?
Combine it into one: "Should we change the example question, and if so, to what?"
can this be changed too? :P

> Get answers to practical, detailed questions
Answers are either, "No" or "Yes, to ..."
@pxeger Not quite, no :(
Mods can change the bullet points below that, but not that
> Note that Stack Exchange developers / Community Managers / employees can also edit probably any other section of the site, if you make a good enough case on your per-site meta.
looks at our meta Hmm doubt intensifies
I think they could be reworded too, to emphasise our requirement for Objective Winning Criteria, and perhaps mention the sandbox somewhere
The bullet points I'm talking about are:
> Ask about...

Code golf (details)
Programming puzzles
Other programming contests or challenges
> Don't ask about...

General programming questions
Anything that's not a programming puzzle, challenge, or contest, or a question about programming puzzles or code golf
Which I don't think is an appropriate place for the Sandbox to be mentioned
well it definitely needs to be somewhere on the tour page
Yeah. Mods can change the introductory paragraph, we could ask to put it there
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