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Hey guys, the first challenge for the RGS competition is due in 31 hours
I made the rules more clear in this meta post and I also created this chatroom to sandbox the competition's challenges
Please feel free to help me out!
At last, I've outgolfed Jelly, although it was hard getting it down from 37 to 34...
2 hours later…
Q: Broken Keyboard and Javascript

newbieYou're writing javascript and you want to display the following string: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz to your happy customer. Unfortunately, your keyboard is broken and you can now only type symbols !+-*/[](). You must submit a javascript code that evaluates to be the string abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LyxalString-wise calculus (i) code-golfstringcalculus This might turn into a series involving other aspects of calculus, including using the "derivative" of a string to find "stationary points" etc, as well as "integration" of sentences Introduction If y'all have ever studied calculus, you'll most ...

I think that's a dupe, because it conceals its true nature by its elegant description.
ok Stands for Oll Korrect. So what does okay stand for? Oll Korrect And Yes.
@a'_' what on earth are you on about?
okay clearly stands for okay kan't apply years
@a'_' I'd beg to differ.
Sure, it has the same process as this challenge
But there are some differences
Besides, I'm reworking it at the moment
I'll probably base it around something like first-principles
which is where we get differentiation from
lim(h->0)([f(x+h) - f(x)]/h)
Sigh my question has low views despite having a bounty on it.
@Lyxal To "dupe" is to trick or cheat sb.
@DonThousand But you can potentially win the "Tumbleweed" badge!
@a'_' (ಠ ͟ʖಠ) how is it "tricking" people though.
@a'_' It has non-zero score...
@Lyxal ... Let's ignore that for a moment. It's an attempt at a joke,
@a'_' ah. ¯\_(´• ◡ •`)_/¯
Stoopid markdown trying to escape the `\`
Stoopid markdown not rendering my ` properly.
Hey @all, is there a way to verbosify Charcoal code?
Because I'd be interested in that.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Don ThousandIterative Quadratics Recently, in my algebra class, we proved that the following process always stops at some point, so I thought it would be a cool challenge! Input: Two reals a,b. Output Non-negative integer Challenge: Given two reals a,b, initialize a count variable c to 0, consider the q...

1 hour later…
Q: Bracket Checker

Ramen_Lover912Given a string of brackets tell the user whether or not the brackets are well matched or not. Brackets include []{}(). For example: () <---- Well Matched ([{}][]) <---- Well Matched ({)} <---- Not Well Matched ({]) <----- Not Well Matched This is a code-golf challenge so as always the shortes...

@Lyxal You write in Verbose Charcoal and then convert that to Unicode Charcoal.
Nobody has done the reverse yet. :)
1 hour later…
What!? James' avatar is a cat?

Ayush KumarPlease suggest a way to make a rotating line(like hands of clock)in python using turtle Please help me I am a beginner!!

@NewMainPosts A TURTLE-python? It's basically the python shell.
And you can't possibly program in a white dried-up thing...
@Lyxal I think that's a typo. It should be "stooped markdown not rendering my ` properly".
I don't think you should really use this weird emoticon. ¯_(´• ◡ •`)_/¯
Why not?
It's just a shrugging variation of my base profile
Because it wastes a lot more time on formatting than just typing colon D.
(´• ᗝ •`) are you saying you don't like overly expressive lenny faces?
(´• ʖ̯ •`)
(ᗒ ʖ̯ᗕ)
(⩹ ʖ̯⩺)
(ᗒ ʖ̯ᗕ): Lambda function enclosed under parentheses. Takes an operand, increments it, ʖ̯ makes it constant, and decrements it.
(⩹ ʖ̯⩺) Similar to (ᗒ ʖ̯ᗕ), under an opposite direction.
(´• ͟ʖ •`) Y'all overthinking this
@a'_' (๏ ͟ʖ๏)
๏: Find the circumference of the input.
What about this?! (╯ತ益ತ)╯︵ ┻━┻
益: It means "Good" in Chinese. Find the absolute value of the input. (Emoticons are good for you!)
╯: Find the ceiling of a number.
Alright. (⸟ ͜ʖ⸟). You win.
If the input is a function, execute the function.
⸟ Round the input number.
-- LennyScript
@Lyxal @ASCII-only was working on a reverbosifier at one point. Otherwise, -a usually prints the AST, which is at least somewhat readable.
@Neil I see. Because I was wanting to see what the program 4/4 (replacing the 4s with superscript 4s and the / with any directional arrow) would look like verbosified
Wait... Does that mean people usually start with the verbose version and then get the unicode version?
Because my thinking is that one would start with unicode and then verbosify.
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RGSContext After a challenge of mine asking you to compute a specific coefficient of polynomial multiplication, I wish to create a "mirror" one, asking you to compute a specific coefficient from polynomial division. Polynomial division Let us establish an analogy with integer division. If you hav...

@Lyxal Print(4); Print(:UpRight, 4);
@Lyxal I usually do it that way around, but for some challenges I do just link to the Unicode version.
CMC Consider Normal(μ, σ) where μ=20.2439056, σ=2.3286958707157615. Compute int_{x=0)_{\infty} (1 - normalcdf(μ, σ))^c where c = 2^10
:3605147 I haven't done it for like ages.
Nice permalink feature! I wish I had it for my language.
I got Super Mario in Colors :) on Page 8.
@James This probably shows how inactive I‘ve been, but when did you change your username?
@cairdcoinheringaahing ¯_(ツ)_/¯ a few weeks ago probably
@James You dropped this: \
@Adám It seems that this variation is more popular than the one with \.
Q: When relating to code golf do I call it "simplifying my code" or "optimizing my code" or something else

dicks dicksLike if I have this: x=5 y=2 and I do this x,y=5,2 Do I call this simplifying or optimizing or something else? What is the terminology here.

@NewMainPosts In that case I'd call it a golf.
@Adám Oh yeah, it only renders in code blocks for some dumb reason
I was about to go edit my old message until I realized I can't do that anymore. I got too used to being blue
@James Not exactly dumb. _ is a special character in markdown, so it looks like you're trying to prevent italics.
@a'_' Why are you criticising OP? They clearly have a hard time formulating themselves.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

xnorDoubly stochastic matrix code-golf A doubly-stochastic matrix is a square matrix of non-negative real entries each of whose rows and columns sums to 1. Given a doubly-stochastic matrix, express it as a non-negative linear combination of permutation matrices, as is guaranteed to exist by the Birk...

@Adám But they also talk in obscure contractions and uncapitalized sentences ... and the challenge body is perfectly formulated without any of those.
@a'_' So what? Comments are temporary. I also use a much more informal tone in chat and comments than in posts proper.
Q: Put in the quotes

a'_'Add double-quotes (") in order to surround a word (i.e. something that matches [a-z]+). [[one, two, three], [one, two, three], [one, two, three], [one, two, three]] Test cases [abc,def,ghi,jkl] -> ["abc","def","ghi","jkl"] this is a test -> "this" "is" "a" "test" test -> "test...

@Adám Although that's indeed possible, OP talks in a hard-to-comprehense way, and I had a hard time understanding OP.
Q: When relating to code golf do I call it "simplifying my code" or "optimizing my code" or something else

dicks dicksLike if I have this: x=5 y=2 and I do this x,y=5,2 Do I call this simplifying or optimizing or something else? What is the terminology here.

If we can't understand them, we can't help them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@a'_' Fair enough. Maybe consider using a more careful tone, like Could you explain more in detail…?
@Adám I would certainly (try my best to) take that in mind.
I see CMC's aren't as popular as they once were :(
in the good old days you would get 3+ answers more or less immediately
Q: Minimizing amount of code for a mathematical calculation of weights

dicks dicksdef l(w,x,y,z): f=450-w-(2*x+y+z)*.75 return("Not bad w"if f>100else"W")+"ith your %.f%% for your score"%f I have a function that accepts four floats and/or integers (no type checking needed). Each of these values have their respective weights to which I already simplified the expressio...

@Anush complex CMCs get answered rarely. Some of my easy ascii-art ones sometimes went unanswered even
Q: Any general tips to golf my code?

Gary Waynedef l(w,x,y,z): f=-((-450+w+(2*x+y+z)*.75)//1) return("Not bad w"if f>100else"W")+"ith your %.f%% as your score"%f Any tips to golf this code so its not as long? Readability is not necessary here. Essentially I take 4 floats and/or integers and calculate a fifth score needed in order ...

@dzaima shame.. mine was pretty easy really
1 hour later…
@NewMainPosts What on earth is going on with these?
@NewMainPosts The other one
@xnor Well, someone has discovered that asking for golfing tips is on-topic here ¯\_(⍨)_/¯
Two someones apparently
@xnor Nah, same one. They just switched account. The subject code is the same, and the OP has the same curious split between formal post language with proper punctuation and very "laid back" attitude in comments.
I thought so too, but the second one says they are competing against the first one and are in the same class. Could easily be lying of course.
Never mind, it's totally the same person
@xnor "homie"
1 hour later…
We have a sockpuppeteer: 1, 2, 3, 4
(All but the last one are deleted)
@xnor Not really an issue unless they start upvoting themselves, is it?
I guess not for the sockpuppetry, but the constant deleting and reposting is annoying, especially while pretending to be someone else each time.
They're not doing a very good job of changing style.
can I ask what the progression of names is given that the latest one is dicks dicks?
@Anush that was the first!
They're not as interesting: Gary Wayne, Hay Hay Bun Bun, and another dicks dicks
hmm.. a guess they are all euphemisms for genitalia?
It also wasn't dicks dicks originally on the first question, they changed it after posting. It was something more normal before.
is there anything damaging about having sockpuppets here?
I mean, maybe we should welcome sockpuppets with open arms?
I think the sockpuppetry isn't the problem here, unless maybe it's evading an automated question ban
I've tried being friendly, and got a mostly positive response from them.
1 hour later…
@all, I have a serious question for y'all: say I have a sandboxed challenge and 5 people have commented saying that they liked the idea. But 2 people have pointed out to me that the challenge could be written differently - something I take on board. I then rewrite the challenge completely. My question is should I ping those 7 people in a mass ping here in chat? Because I would want to notify those people to see if their opinion still applies given the updated challenge.
For reference, I haven't yet updated my challenge, but I'm going to do so later today.
@Lyxal I think you can ping them yes, but you should be able to do so by replying on their comments in the sandbox too.
@Adám the problem with leaving comments is that I would have to leave 7 individual comments
@Lyxal So?
Because comments only let you ping one user at most
@Adám that's a lot of comments to write!
Copy-paste is a thing :-) I know. But the whole post with comments is going away upon posting.
Right, i forgot about that
Thanks @Adám!
1 hour later…
Q: Any tips for my code?

Dr. Suess Officialdef l(a,b,c,d): o=450.9-a-(b*2+c+d)*.75;return("Impossible, y","Y")[o>100]+"ou would need a %d%%"%o Any general tips I could use? Or is this the shortest it's going to get.

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosImplement GF(2²) Introduction to groups and fields An additive group is a set with addition and negation defined. They must satisfy the following conditions: \$0\$ is the additive identity. Addition is associative. For every \$x\$, the negation of \$x\$, \$-x\$ exists, and \$x + (-x) = 0\$. ...

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