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Any comments on this challenge?
1 hour later…
How do I get the view count on this challenge higher? I already placed a bounty, and it has $7$ upvotes, but very few views.
And obviously no answers.
Q: Finding Radical Ideals

Don ThousandSandbox Finding radicals of arbitrary ideals in rings is hard! However, it's a doable task in polynomial rings, since they are Noetherian (all ideals are finitely generated) Background A quick introduction to radical ideals A ring is a set, paired with two binary operations + and * such that ...

6 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Dannyu NDosImplement PSL(2,3) Since challenge to implement Galois field already have been many, I'm writing a challenge to implement a group of Lie type! The ring \$\mathbb{Z}_3\$ The ring \$\mathbb{Z}_3\$ is the set \$\{0,1,2\}\$ with addition, negation, subtraction, and multiplication defined as modula...

Q: Is this a circular step sequence?

BubblerBackground We define a circular step sequence of order \$n\$ as follows: $$ a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n = \text{Permutation of } 1 \dots n \\ b_i = \min ( |a_{i+1} - a_i|, n-|a_{i+1} - a_i| ), 1 \le i < n \\ \text{Circular step sequence} \stackrel{\text{def}}{=} b_1, b_2, \dots, b_{n-1} $$ Informally...

1 hour later…
Q: (RGS 1/5) Binary multiples

RGSA binary multiple of a positive integer k is a positive integer n such that n is written only with 0s and 1s in base 10. For example, 111111 is a binary multiple of 3. It is easy to show that a positive integer has infinitely many binary multiples. See [here][blog] for a construction proof of on...

3 hours later…
Hey all:

Just a quick straw-poll here, how bad would it be to ask for a github PR for entries to a KotH challenge?
Q: Is it acceptable to ask for Github Pull Requests for a King of the Hill challenge?

AJFaradayBackground: I ran into numerous issues when presenting and running this King of the Hill challenge back in October: Write a bot to play Grid Game - I'm cooking up a new, similar challenge, but taking things a bit more slowly and preparing more thoroughly to try and pre-emptively solve the issues ...

3 hours later…
Q: Catch the spies in that multilingual csv

Revolucion for MonicaIntroduction You are an NSA undercover agent in a Middle-Eastern HR company, you just received a list of people with their jobs. Some are spies and you need to know who. Your mission, if you accept it, is to get what are people working in, and relate it to a list of job categories. Most dangerou...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Revolucion for MonicaFind spies in a multilingual csv Introduction You are an NSA undercover agent in a Middle-Eastern HR company, you just received a list of people with their jobs in many different languages. Some are spies and you need to know who. Your mission, if you accept it, is to get what are people workin...

2 hours later…
hi all
@Anush this seems very quiet here!
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RGSComputing the set of all set partitions with fixed sizes code-golf combinatorics Task Given a set of n unique elements and a list l of positive numbers that add up to n, find all the ways of partitioning those unique elements into disjoint sets with sizes given by the elements of l. The point ...

CMC given three (x,f(x)) pairs for an unknown normal distribution, compute the mean and variance of the normal distribution as accurately as possible
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

RGSInverting integer matrices modulo m code-golf integers number-theory matrix mathematics Task Given an integer matrix M and a modulo m, find an inverse of M modulo m. If the matrix M is not invertible modulo m, the behaviour is left unspecified. Input A square matrix M with integer values and ...

I am tempted to pose that as a code golf challenge
but if anyone in the chatroom wants to try it, it would be great

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