@primo Oh, I see, UTF-8 4 bytes then. I was trying different compression functions like gzdeflate and they were blocked there, so I was getting frustrated. Thanks for the tip!
Scenario or Problem statement:
It's New Year's Day and everyone's in line for the Wonderland rollercoaster ride! There are a number of people queued up, and each person wears a sticker indicating their initial position in the queue. Initial positions increment by 1 from 1 at the front of the line...
@primo Thanks, the 461 bytes one is mine and is ASCII only, so even in that category, I'm still 45 bytes behind :D I will try to golf more later when I get time, but I believe you are just massively better in golfing and I will be happy as long as I'm 2nd after you :P
Determine if the shaded cells are "Tapa-like"
What is Tapa?
Tapa is a logic grid puzzle, with the rules here.
You can click on that link to see the rules but I will cover only what is important in this challenge.
How to decide if the shaded cells are "Tapa-like":
The shaded cells:
...must n...
Here's a thought-provoking question for y'all: if a polyglot is a program that works in multiple or many languages, does that mean a monoglot only works in one language?
I get it, monoglots work in exactly one language and give the correct result, thus making them very impractical (you will never know whether your program works in another language).
Polyglots are programs that work in exactly many languages. I believe many does not mean 1 here, I assume they aren't monoglots.
Let's see how many people can answer it. CMCcode-golf: Make your monoglot - Create a program that outputs hello, world to the console. The catch is that your program has to work only in the language that you write your program in.
Forgot to specify, you only need to check your program against languages on Try It Online.
Starting with the same character as the first character of your language. Sorry for posting so many times, I am just too busy.
@LuisMendo I actually doubt it'll be noticeable. The overhead of network communications will drown the actual load, especially as many languages will immediately error. However, it may take 10 minutes to verify each attempt…
also: sudo snap install pycharm-community error: This revision of snap "pycharm-community" was published using classic confinement and thus may perform arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually confined to, which may put your system at risk.
CMS: You now have to write a moderately complex program. Someone in about 30 years will dig out a file with your source code, and your task is to maximize the probability that they are still able to run it with minimal effort. What do you do?
The Hadamard transform works similarly to the Fourier transform: it takes a vector and maps it to its frequency components, which are the Walsh functions. Instead of sine waves in the Fourier transform, the Walsh functions are discrete "square waves" so to speak. This makes it easier to compute.
@flawr "a file with your source code" implies that files still exist, so either C∩C++ or JS (following a concrete & small part of their corresponding standards that'd pretty much never change) as there's pretty much a 0% chance that either won't available
Input-dependent I/O formats
For example, for a hypothetical challenge where the output could only ever be two or eleven, submitting the python program
lambda x:print"11"
and claiming that it outputs in unary for certain inputs and in decimal for other inputs should not be allowed, even though...
We all know the age-old debate - should strings be length-prefixed or should they be null-terminated? Well, you've run into a blob of binary data and apparently whoever made it decided that the best solution would be a compromise and length-terminated their strings.
For the purposes of this chal...