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My Create Performance Task is coming soon, I was thinking of doing it in some obscure esolang… any suggestions?
@StephenLeppik I have one. Let me find it
Not mine, either
Literally everything in poslin is some sort of macro (At least from the standard library)
the base language implements 82 simple operations that can do magic.
Hm… seems to be blocked on the school wi-fi. I'll have to check it out later.
I mean, it is on a forum for a video game (Bay12forums, the forum for Dwarf Fortress)
I could also Google for another source that isn't blocked
It's absurdly abscure (never left the forum). Let me get you it's bitbucket link
Specification: https://bitbucket.org/thomas_bartscher/poslin-specification
Implementation: https://bitbucket.org/thomas_bartscher/poslin
wtf markdown
@moonheart08 no markdown in multiline messages :/
@StephenLeppik even then, you should probably read the thread. Language is nigh impenetrable without it
I mean, you can figure out enough to write a program from the barebones spec
Like, i'm not even kidding.
it becomes slightly more readable as you go down the file (Less primitives, more macros), but even then
to note, ;[ and ]; begin and end comments. (They are macros that just remove the text between them.)
@moonheart08 It looks like they have a tutorial
They do. On the thread, and a somewhat simple one in the repo
but I'm not sure what to make of it so far.
Also, as my final (that's a lie) note, language died around the end of 2016
Maximum obscurity
It's perfect
New additions to Proton 2.0 have made it take 18 years to parse again :/
Also, note that the type system tutorial describing the type system, which is entirely based around macros, isn't a normal part of the language (it's a library for it)
wait huh it only takes absurdly long when I try to use multidimensional list indexing
@HyperNeutrino You broke it. :P
index accessing takes absurdly long. as long as index accessing isn't used it runs fine
Seriously tho, poslin is pure magic. High level constructs like loops or data structures all have to be done using macros
either that or you can write the ultimate kludge
which I believe is because of Value | IndexAccess. The Value branch won't parse the entire expression if there's a [ after it so then it needs to backtrack. I should probably do (Value, OPTIONAL(IndexAccessComponent)) because that way it doesn't need to backtrack the entire branch
@moonheart08 Well, I need to use abstraction anyway… might as well take it to extreme levels.
good luck
And if I can't finish it in time, I can always do a Java one in 12 hours
eww java. :P
@StephenLeppik What's that?
I'm hosting a webinar in half an hour!
1 hour later…
@Downgoat Why are you an RO for the Sandbox?
Q: Interpret deadfish

robbie0630Introduction This challenge was inspired by semicolon-#. Deadfish is a non-Turing-complete programming language, created by Jonathan Todd Skinner. It has an accumulator register and contains 4 commands, i, d, s, and o, standing for increment, decrement, square, and output, respectively. While t...

Q: Is it KoTH if they don't fight each other?

ChristopherI am planning on running a KoTH where each bot individually plays a game, it is a 1 player game so they don't fight each other. Is it still a KoTH or should I do it as a code-challenge?

I'm actually quite satisfied with the outcome of the Kolmogorov shifter challenge. There's a huge variety among the answers, and lots of different approaches being used. Well done guys and girls! :)
I'm most impressed with the Java answer that (finally) managed to beat the boring hard-coded style.
(Of course I'm biased, but) I'm also ridiculously impressed with how competitive PowerShell is in that challenge.
CMP: What's a good filename extension for a language called Appleseed?
@DLosc .aps?
@DLosc .apl(seed)
Q: Is my question a duplicate even though it doesn't impose a requirement that the original one did not?

robbie0630I asked a challenge to interpret deadfish here, but it got closed for being a duplicate of a challenge to write an interactive deadfish interpreter here. Is this really a duplicate?

I just got SE stickers this morning :)
Q: Can we get this done?
The deadfish question reminded me that nothing has really been done about the tag
@DJMcMayhem for what
@EriktheOutgolfer Charcoal recently passed the milestone of of 100k reported posts, so every active member got stickers
@DJMcMayhem I know what Charcoal is :P
You'll be getting an SE hat fairly soon by the looks of it :P
Just double checking lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh?
Mods get an SE hat IIRC
Maybe ask @Dennis?
eh, no need to now ;)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I hope so :P I honestly wish the election was just over. At this point, there's so little activity, the only thing I can do is wait, and it stresses me out to think about losing
Hmm, that reminds me, are we allowed to talk about who we voted for?
there's no guarantee we're saying the truth though :P
I think there's technically no rule against it or anything, but it's not necessarily a good idea.
maybe it will cause controversy
Yep. Say for example you claim to have voted for A and B, and then C wins. It would be awkward interacting with a candidate who knows you didn't want them to win.
@DJMcMayhem Can confirm. Mods get hats.
Contro-versey. That's when you have a disagreement in iambic pentameter, right?
Although I won't hold any votes against you, and the other 2 candidates are both very mature, so I'm pretty sure that won't be an issue
@DJMcMayhem I voted for Dennis, Martin, Doorknob and Alex... Wait, wrong election :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Liar!
(You only had 3 votes that election :P)
@DJMcMayhem lol I wasn't talking about that controversy
@DJMcMayhem Vote early, vote often.
I was talking about something like this
@DJMcMayhem No I didn't (I wasn't on this site then)
Oh lol
Still, every user gets 3 votes in every election
A1: I voted for X1, Y2 and Y5
B1: How dare you didn't vote for X2 they're the best person ever!
B2: X2? You're kidding me, they aren't worth more than a potato!
that's what I'm talking about here
Googles average price of a potato...
@AdmBorkBork Out of context quote of the day
@DJMcMayhem Dennis, somebody stole your trademark
Googles average price of a moderator... :P
Wait, Dennis says that? I say that all the time IRL
Apparently, about 63 cents per pound
@DJMcMayhem I think Erik is remembering this
no, not at all
Feb 24 '17 at 20:09, by Dennis
@DJMcMayhem It is. I hate being the butt of a joke.
Here's another one
@DLosc Reminds me of ERB: Dr Seuss vs Shakespeare
@DJMcMayhem new idea: Text to Brain-Flak challenge
Please, chat, tell me why some teenager thought it was a good idea to put a paperclip in a wallsocket, and keep it there.
An entire room at my school now needs an electrician
3 times in a row some class is coming in to use the computers. :(
@Christopher What's the scoring? Brain-flak length?
Yeah (dibs on idea)
@DLosc Hah, that's neat.
The election was probably decided within an hour of the page being unbroken.
Now we wait.
@DLosc .🍎🌰
I don't think Windows would like that.
@AdmBorkBork works fine for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
CMC: Interleave-sort a list. Given a list of unsorted items, return a list of [(the smallest), (the largest), (the 2nd smallest), (the 2nd largest) ...]. Example: [4,2,1,5,3,7] -> [1,7,2,5,3,4].
@AdmBorkBork Will it always have an even length?
Sure, why not make it easier. ;-)
@AdmBorkBork Jelly, 6 bytes (untested): ṢżṚ$Ẏṁ
@EriktheOutgolfer Wow. That's half the length of what I came up with:
and I think it works with odd-length lists too
Yes and yes
@AdmBorkBork APL, 22 bytes. Pretty sure it's very golfable
Not sure if $ = price_of_bitcoin or integral_of_polynomial_with_coefficients_on_stack
@EriktheOutgolfer How does "split z at linefeeds" work in this situation?
@AdmBorkBork no, you're talking about , that's ;)
Ah, nvm then
(It basically acts like F here)
@DJMcMayhem is the key to success
@AdmBorkBork PowerShell, 53 bytes Try it online!
Argh I hate the fact that most JS answer do not provide a tio link too and the stack snippet can't be used on mobile ;-;
maybe because TIO can't emulate a browser?
What? Most Javascript answers work just fine on TIO as well.
What is the shortest way to create a range in Javascript from 1 to N?
[...Array(5).keys()] maybe?
well, replace 5 with whatever
That works :)
(taken from here ... I don't know JavaScript)
(Trying to solve the CMC in JS)
@dzaima 13 bytes: ⍴⍴∘(,⍪,⌽)⍋⊃¨⊂
@AdmBorkBork 74 bytes ;-;... Loses to Powershell :-(
@EriktheOutgolfer yeah yeah tacit is awesome
Welp, recursion should be easier
I have an idea
What is the Python Magic method for getting a property>
@AdmBorkBork ._. Everyone knows some JS, really.
@Zacharý What exactly are you looking for? Example?
A method that's called when you try to access a property/method of a class instance
Oh so, for example, when you get Foo().bar, Foo().method() should be executes?
I know it begins with __get
CMP: Which python example is more readable?
from Modules import FooControl

doStuff = lambda fooIndex, state: FooControl.SetFooState(foo, state)
from Modules import FooControl

def doStuff(fooIndex, state):
    yield from FooControl.SetFooState(foo, state)
The latter
Thanks for the clarification XD
According to PEP, you should never assign to a lambda.
That's a good point
But of course, we do that all the time on PPCG ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm pretty sure most of the stuff we do on PPCG violates almost every single PEP rule in existence
@DJMcMayhem you take fooIndex as argument but use foo when invoking FooControl.SetFooState
I got it, getattr
@Uriel Whoops, that's cause I edited it because the original version wouldn't make any sense.
ಠ_ಠ PyCharm suggested me to switch from 'abcd' to "abcd". I did that, and right thereafter it suggested me to switch from "abcd" to 'abcd'
It should be:
def doStuff(fooIndex, state):
    yield from FooControl.SetFooState(fooList[fooIndex], state)
(in case it isn't clear, both doStuff and SetFooState are coroutines)
@DJMcMayhem make sense. I just suspected you wanted to use fooIndex to be passed as-is, therefore making the whole thing doStuff = FooControl.SetFooState
I never use yield.
It's super useful.
For coroutines and generators, which are both incredibly useful
I find it too unreadable for coroutines. (I didn't even know that existed). And I haven't used generators too much either
What do you mean it's too unreadable? AFAIK, that's literally the only way to do coroutines in python
Solution: don't use coroutines :p.
Not to mention how useful yield from is
yield from is amazing. And I just learned about gen.send today. I can't quite wrap my head around it yet
Maybe we should just YIELD our conversation, because we clearly have different opinions.
What versions were these added in?
IIRC Python 2 had yield and gen.send, but python 3 added yield from?
I think Python 3.3 added yield from (I cannot be bothered to check now).
@Mr.Xcoder Seems correct
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, seems right. No wonder I never heard about yield from.
@DJMcMayhem Huh I wonder how I never encountered gen.send() till now. TIL
Like I said, it seems really cool, but I can't quite figure out how to use it.
Everything I try throws errors
No pun intended ^
... I don't see the pun
Everything I TRY
Apr 5 '16 at 18:08, by TimmyD
try {
  throw ball;
catch {
@AdmBorkBork Who is this Timmy guy?
Definitely nor AdmBorkBork :P
Some jerk who stole my avatar. And you thought I and Magic Octopus were confusing.
Oh, those messages date back to when Geobits and Optimizer were both active o_O
Optimizer was active when I very first joined, but stopped shortly after
@AdmBorkBork append a /s
And an election was going on, the first one from 2016 I think :o
Now I've got to wonder how on earth I'm going to implement classes in Jagony.
classes in an esoteric language?
esoterically object oriented
1+1 => System.LiteralValues.One.Add(System.LiteralValues.One)
@Zacharý that more of intended verbosity than object orientation
I mean everything is accessed like an object. It's not going to be Verbosity.
It might have verbosity as a side-effect
@Zacharý Enterprisoteric
@mınxomaτ ?
indicating you're missing a sponsor. Is it still the case?
@dim I don't believe so. Although bounties are always welcome on PPCG!
in Best of PPCG 2017, 2 days ago, by Mr. Xcoder
@Adám ^^^^^^^^^^^^ It's not the case anymore :) Thank you anyway
seems to be done
@H.PWiz Yes, but I am honestly not able to say who deserves it. So the Best of would have been a way to give some bounties without having to decide myself on who.
you can choose second place on one of the categories
^, some of them were close
@HyperNeutrino Mmmh... Good idea, I'll check the votes and award a few, once the official ones have been awarded.
though the interesting thing is then that second place will get a higher bounty because of the bounty doubling mechanics
Bounty doubling is only for the individual, I think
@HyperNeutrino Bounty doubling?? I don't think it applies here, it's different challenges and different persons.
oh really? hm ignore me then
@dim Nope, Hosch took it
@HyperNeutrino No wonder that it is so obnoxiously slow :P
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks. I realized that. I'll distribute a few on my own in a little while.
Good idea, some posts are just amazing, so some of the second places (and perhaps even less-voted-on comments) deserve rewards :D
@HyperNeutrino Bounty doubling also can't push over 500, even when it's just one user
anyone using ios here?
Q: Conjugate permutations

Wheat WizardA permutation of size n is a is a reordering of the first n positive integers. (meaning each integer appears once and exactly once). Permutations can be treated like functions that change the order of a list of items of size n. For example (4 1 2 3) ["a", "b", "c", "d"] = ["d", "a", "b", "c"]...

@Mr.Xcoder that's not even why :p
@HyperNeutrino do you have an ios device
noone? ill go to sleep then. i wanted to test if 00000000: e0b0 9ce0 b18d e0b0 9ee2 808c e0b0 be ............... actually crashes iphone apps
(if anyone wants to try i posted it in sandbox)
@betseg nope sry
@betseg yes I do
but uh no thanks I'll pass on crashing stuffs
it's not jailbroken
> It looks a wee bit like an inflated rhombic triacontahedron
@cairdcoinheringaahing educational porpoises
Solid names. Fun
I was considering the use of the word "wee" in a wikipedia article
Triangular hebesphenorotunda, anyone?
@DestructibleLemon en.wikipedia.org/w/…
@Riker do you want a time loop? That's how you get a time loop
(about your user page)
mine? not me :p
that's just that editor
Oh its from 1 month afo
I thought you just edited it
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