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@AdmBorkBork Ok. But how can they be sometimes late then?
@labela--gotoa the data gets stuck somewhere in the internet
100% accurate
From what I know, it's an internal-to-SE function that runs periodically. Sometimes the running of it hits right away when things are posted, sometimes the running misses the post and so it's a "long" time waiting for the next cycle.
It's not an instantaneous thing; it's on a scheduler.
Uh, question: The Powder toy has an "easy" way to make quines, but no idea if it counts, so it's a bit of a greyzone. TPT has a particle called DRAY, or Duplicator Ray, which duplicates a set of particles. Does that count as a self reading program?
@moonheart08 There is a TIO bot, and it's not run by Dennis
@Cowsquack Thank you for spotting that. Is it better now?
I should make a CSS file instead of updating each HTML page each time
nice responsive design
I like viewing it from mobile better than viewing it from Desktop lol
agree, even though I prefer the one you used in your about me and Jelly smart type
but that wouldn't necessarily fit here
Oh about me isn't a thing anymore
It currently looks like this.
I deleted the whole thing
again? I seen you recreate the whole repository few times (unless it's Github feed making jokes of me)
Because I always dislike it D:
I actually liked your previous
And I'm a HTML newbie
I've got a bit of HTML experience, so I could help you out, if you need :P
Yeah I liked it too but it looked awful on mobile, that annoyed me so much that I deleted it
Will add.
(it currently lacks a lot of things)
I'm always making my templates mobile and I would love to help you making it mobile :P
But the new Physica docs look amazing on mobile imo
(The layout, not the color scheme)
and definitely not the fonts
Actually, it's nice, agree
Yeah not the fonts either. But the layout.
@Mr.Xcoder Link?
but the menu takes a bit of space, at least on my debugger
@Pavel Here (note that the fonts and the color scheme suck for now, but the layout is mobile-responsive)
Well, you can get used to it, so that's not a bit problem
doctype says html5 but elements say xhtml 1.0
@Mr.Xcoder You could eventually make a repo for a Jekyll theme so you wouldn't need to copy&paste the html
That could work
@betseg Syntactically valid HTML is overrated anyway.
@Pavel i meant <aside>, <nav>, <main>, <header>, CSS grid (or flexbox), etc
And making languages and docs for them are great for gaining programming experience. For instance, I didn't know how to use <meta> tags in HTML before writing this website
@Mr.Xcoder And about making mobile websites, I completely agree with you, seeing a mobile website work fully OK is a really a success :P
I hate HTML layout model
I'm currently making a separate CSS file so that I can use it for the entire project, and then I'll gladly accept font and color suggestions :)
betseg.github.io does this thing look vaguely okay on mobile
The menu is cool
@betseg The ≡ look like it's sticking out under the window border.
@Mr.Xcoder it's the worst hack i've ever done
@betseg Cool, it's a CSS-driven menu. I like those.
For me the menu is too big on mobile and the button is too small/doesn't fit the rest, but otherwise would be nice.
I have trouble opening the hamburger menu on mobile, too
But it looks nice
@Dennis Erik wouldn't either, they would just go to the TIOBot room. ;)
@Adám i cant wait for :has()
@Adám You remind me of myself trying to make a working button-click menu using only CSS. ಠ_ಠ A long and hard work, but I did it!
@betseg That's the CSS feature of my dreams
@betseg But W3C keeps changing it, it was selector:has(), it was $selector and even selector!
pretty how will it look when browsers apply it finally
@labela--gotoa Pure CSS
@labela--gotoa my hamburger menu uses:
nav ul {
    display: none;
nav input:checked ~ ul {
  display: flex;
≡ is input checkbox
@Adám I know, I did with a similar trick
@betseg Nice!
"You might not DJ" is a very different site.
But mine was a bit complex, it did it work with :focus, :active, :focus-within and similar stuff
I wish I will never have to do it again
:o look at my website now... It's so broked.
(will fix shortly)
@Mr.Xcoder Also a tip, github lets you omit the .html part, so you can make it syntax instead of syntax.html
Wooohooo, it's back
@labela--gotoa Oh lol true
Adám Mr.Xcoder labela--gotoa (dont want to ping you all) i pushed an update, can you check the hamburger? (if its the same click here)
it's the same and no I won't click there
Oh, that's better here.
Much better
@betseg But your title "betseg" is waaaaaay off-centered
if l:

I think I should stop sitting here, because my code won't improve itself...
All y'all talking about this new-fangled fancy HTML and CSS and reactive and responsive and whatnot and I'm just sitting over here like "My website looks like it was made in 2006 ..."
same for me
@AdmBorkBork this?
I mean, mainly because it was made in 2006
@AdmBorkBork It doesn't look so bad, must say it's quite nice, even now
My website is one page of ASPX, that I keep telling myself I'll expand later.
@AdmBorkBork LAST UPDATED: 2009 08 05 ok
Yah ...
how's the new new hamburger menu and top bar?
that background with the pink hurts me
also nice last name (via twitter) tha'ts a pretty cool one
you mean its meaning or appearance
yay I centralised the CSS
Now your site looks really cool
oh wait desktop looks borked
CMP: Fonts for the text? Monospace fonts for the code block? Color recommendations? (for this, for reference)
@betseg Why do they say that the accordion and tabs are not kbd nav'able? They indeed appear to be. And so I mine (which look better, imho).
@Adám maybe browsers added it after the site was made? no idea.
Verdana or Geoge UI?
Geoge UI light is nice
but unsure it will fot
sorry for yelling
@Mr.Xcoder Consolas is my favoured monospace, but I don't know if it's viable.
I was once banned by one mod on one site for yelling in an rpg game... .-. he was demoted in 1-2 weeks
maybe use some popular web fonts from fonts.google.com or something
@Mr.Xcoder Why the side menu in desktop mode? Are you planning something below it? Will it move with scrolling?
@Adám It will not move with scrolling.
What do you suggest instead? Dropdown?
@Mr.Xcoder So why not have it be like a menu bar across on desktop, and then switch to the current for mobile?
Ok, I need to refactor my CSS completely in that case
Can somebody rate this? The menu is NOT responsive yet in this case, but I have no real idea what to do instead.
Well, it is responsive for small screens, but not for medium ones
@labela--gotoa Icons fade when hovered. That's backwards.
Looks good
But you have 2 GitHub links
@Adám That's on purpose...
It's a hover effect for all links on the site
@labela--gotoa Not sure bottom bar is a good idea. May interfere with / get mixed up with nav bars on mobiles.
@Mr.Xcoder The one in main menu and the one in the docs menu are different ones
I like this :)
Way too much colour fading/shifting when hovering
@Mr.Xcoder Basically, I made the template for this kind of stuff, but not for the sub-sites, so they suck actually...
and the animations are too slow imo
Maybe I should use 2 different themes .-.
Really? how?
oh wait
about the css menus, they are not on the /codenote part of the site... forgot about this .-. because I don't need them on the part
When going to the bottom bar, the orange line (which might be a bit too orange) appears with some delay.
@Mr.Xcoder You think so? :/
Oh wait... I didn't see that colors change after it appears
That's actually cool :D
For some reason, I didn't see them turn white the first time
Well, the whole theme originates from my older version of CodeNote site, and now it's global on the whole peradev.net
I am afraid that, if I make the header sticky, I'll bork the mobile layout.
@Mr.Xcoder I actually worry if it works on old browsers, especially IE, but I did all I can... :?
@Mr.Xcoder You mean the title header or the menu?
@labela--gotoa Both.
Because I am trying to incorporate the menu onto the header
Well, after you make it into a button (at least on mobile) then it's fine
but not otherwise
I want to keep the current layout on mobile (no sticky header on mobile, sticky heder on desktop)
transition: background 0.4s, color 0.4s 0.2s;'d look cool :P
@Mr.Xcoder Ah, that's easy then.
Ik, I'm doing it now.
@media (min-width: ...px) {
  #header {
    display: sticky
    top: 0
Alternatively, fixed, but that won't be good idea, because that would hide some tesxt
Yeah but I have to pin the menu too and make it horizontal instead of vertical
38 mins ago, by betseg
doctype says html5 but elements say xhtml 1.0
<aside>, <nav>, <main>, <header>, <footer> etc
I use @media only screen and (max-width:620px) for small windows
I feared the day tnb would be taken over by webdev D:
@Mr.Xcoder who even prints websites these days
why screen
wait, you can emulate a parent selector using CSS grids
@Mr.Xcoder I moved the menu locally outside the main div and made it sticky, it works pretty well
@betseg what?
you can change order of elements using css grids, that means you can use ~ and + instead of a parent selector and just change the order
that's not the ting
maybe it could work
well i did say emulate
El Gasp, Web Development
raise Exception("label error: The file is empty.")

Why did I make the exceptions be a valid code in the language .-.
Any help changing this such that the menu is horizontal instead of vertical? I borked it earlier ;-;
@Mr.Xcoder What's wrong with vertical one?
It doesn't look good...
it looks ok for me
Because it makes no sense to have it vertical if it isn't sticky.
And I want to make it sticky + horizontal instead
my css contains useful stuff for such things for the p-bar class, but be aware, that some only fit my site, so
they may work bad
That's what I get for working in JSFiddle ;-;
oh boy proton 2 takes 18 years to start up again
Inefficient additions?
It seems to be spending a ton of time parsing
let me see what happens if I remove the most recent syntactical additions
it seems that removing layers is making it faster, though that might be due to inconsistencies in both my computer and TIO
oh huh. Program.grammar_resolve_refs() is taking most of the time lol. Guess I just won't resolve refs then :P
yay now it's almost instant
I named a variable l in Python... And font in Visual Studio makes it look very similar to 1
Are JSFiddle's permalinks broken?
> Using Visual Studio for python development
what's wrong with that? It works good
> Using Visual Studio
Except that IntelliSense sometimes goes crazy
@labela--gotoa It works slightly to significantly worse to nearly all alternatives
@EriktheOutgolfer VS for C# development is acceptable due to a lack of good free alternatives
Is it possible to make a li display inline items?
It has all features I need according to one of comparisons, where most of free Python IDE's don't
I don't know anything about C#, but I can feel your torture
@Mr.Xcoder display:inline(-block); for the uls, perhaps
@EriktheOutgolfer The fact that C# is the best language evar makes up for it
@labela--gotoa PyCharm
PyCharm Community Edition though
Even the community edition is good
@labela--gotoa What do you even need in a Python IDE anyway
@Mr.Xcoder Certainly better than VS
I didn't buy the premium version, PyCharm CE has more than I'll ever need.
I see nothing wrong in VS, except IntelliSense... .-.
Sublime Text or Notepad++ are enough for python development by themselves, IMO.
who buys the premium version >_>
@Mr.Xcoder yes, it is better now
No, not notepad++
that's not good
@labela--gotoa Extremely slow, uses a ton of memory, crashes a lot, looks ugly.
@Pavel Is not slow for me, doesn't use a lot of memory, works without crashing and looks nice
You basically applied "¬" to the entire sentence :P
Ok, IntelliSense is slow
@labela--gotoa I don't believe that VS takes less than 30 seconds to start up on any machine known to man
The NES has so many hardware quirks ;-;
@Pavel I don't even have a powerful machine and it starts up quite fast, I don't need it to do it faster
Let's not start discussions about VS again. We all know how they end
I don't like MS products, but even my brother does agree that VS is good. Ok, end for now
VS code is
VS Code is a super-slow and limited version of Notepad++
VS is pretty good these days.
at least it was when I installed it last time
@labela--gotoa that must have been a long time ago
although I'll at least grant you the slow part because it's electron
@mınxomaτ It's not that bad anymore, but still worse than most alternatives
@quartata Remarkably fast for an electron app though
@Pavel Not really, no.
E.g. Rider might be fast, but is missing many critical features.
Is it just me or all the IDEs look much better and more responsive in pictures given by their creators on their official webpages than irl?
if VS had anything else than a download page then maybe
@mınxomaτ For Python, I meant.
For C#, yeah, you're still kinda stuck with VS
I wouldn't say stuck either.
For example Xamarin. I saw an image, and thought Wow this looks great I must have this one. When I downloaded it, it immediately felt sucky: huge launch time, bad design, etc...
@mınxomaτ I use Sublime Text, but most people don't agree with me there.
@Mr.Xcoder That's nothing. I once wanted to create my own IDE in a game engine. Game engine. Game Engine
I use Rider mostly because I need to develop on macOS and linux with synced settings. JetBrains Toolbox is really the only way to do that consistently.
But god damn, they really need to port dotTrace etc. to linux and macOS, too.
@Mr.Xcoder but good luck using anything else for Cobra
@Pavel you're never stuck with VS, only blessed by the option.
I'd rather stop using the language than having to use Xamarin again, honestly.
@Οurous ಠ_ಠ
@Mr.Xcoder did it change much in the last 5 years? Because it wasn't that bad when I used it. Even though it was only for autocomplete, highlighting, and inline running and compilation.
I was trying to use it for C# development (which I stopped after that event)
For Android, iOS and Windows at the same time
For multiplatform dev, I use GDScript
@Pavel no seriously, if you have any suggestions for alternatives I'm open. Configurable IDEs adaptable to an arbitrary toolchain and language, which aren't JVM-based. Or v/vim/emacs
It's awesome
position: (-webkit-)stick; doesn't do anything in my browser o_O
It's better than Python for me
But it's layout model could be improved
@Mr.Xcoder the cobra package for it is actually better than the C# one it comes with. More buggy, but more useable.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Magic Octopus UrnWant to see a Magic Card Trick? The first magic card trick I ever learned as a child was the following: Have 1 deck of cards where the pattern on the back is not vertically symmetric. Organize all cards to be facing one direction. Ask an individual to, "pick a card, any card, memorize it and g...

@Οurous why do you exclude vim and emacs from consideration?
@Οurous VSCode, Sublime
@ngn Because people don't want to learn the keybindings I guess
@ngn because I don't like lisp and I like my mouse
@Οurous set mouse=a
@Οurous both emacs lisp and vimscript are crap languages, I agree
@Οurous vimscript is just tolerable for me to use it, but it's not about the language - it's editing efficiency that keeps me with vim
@Mr.Xcoder sticky
@ngn check out neovim
@orlp what does it offer to make it worth switching?
@ngn proper scripting capabilities that aren't vimscript
proper async support
@orlp oh, wikipedia says it's a compatible extension of vim, that sound good
@ngn full disclaimer: I don't use it (yet)
I have quite a heavy set of plugins and I haven't put in the effort to switch
@orlp Vim 8 has async support
@DJMcMayhem probably due to neovim popping up :P
Haha, I won't argue that point
@orlp a had a lot of plugins a few years ago but I've gradually reduced them to the bare minimum I need
@ngn I don't strongly recommend neovim at all
but it's nice to know
that a well-maintained alternative is being made
they started from vim source, so it's not like a 'work in progress' to get to the point where vim is
it's basically removing cruft from vim
@betseg Typo
Unfortunately, neovim doesn't work super well on windows, which is mostly why I haven't switched
@Οurous why are you excluding JVM-based?
@DJMcMayhem windows... yuck
@Pavel VSCode looks really nice, can't believe I haven't considered it before.
kinda feels like you're excluding all possibilities
@Οurous vscode is electron + more stuff
@ngn It's incredibly well optimized electron though
@ngn Yeah yeah yeah, I know
@Οurous it’s nice in theory but it always did really bad on large projects and uses scary amounts of RAM for a text editor.
@Pavel what an oxymoron
But in the end, I'd rather be able to play the games I own and have everything work out of the box
my main desktop runs windows
mainly for games
still windows 7
@Downgoat I always try things before I commit to them
I'll probably never run the crapware known as windows 10
@orlp IKR, it's like black magic
my laptop runs linux
for programming, work and study

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