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@quartata Haskell's model is simpler in that lists of characters are displayed as string literals and lists of anything else are displayed as list literals, but you have to bend over backwards with typeclasses for that to actually work.
@EsolangingFruit Swift
@Downgoat But the Banana Junior is a great computer!
well, a character in swift is a grapheme cluster
@EsolangingFruit right, trouble is that there is no character type
@Downgoat Correction: I wasn't aware of that property of any language. I was aware of the language Swift before this conversation.
@DLosc hahahaha nice
favorite one is the gene simmons one
I'm starting to spitball ideas for a 2-D language in hyperbolic space, does anyone have any interested in joining me?
@WheatWizard call it Life
my math teacher says 'life is a conic'
Hm. I'm not sure I get it
I was thinking of calling it hypergatory
@WheatWizard I like that
Ok I see how life is a conic. But how is that related to hyperbolic space?
@WheatWizard Hyperbolas are conic sections? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hyperbolic -> hyperbola -> conic
I do think the "2d language + strange program space" formula is getting a bit old by now (Hexagony, Cubix, Surface, Triangular, Wumpus, Klein, etc.)"
Anyone using Penrose tilings yet? :P
@ØrjanJohansen I think Martin Ender made a reference to an unfinished esolang that used Penrose tilings once
Hm no hits for "penrose" on esolangs.
Try TNB and the Esolang chatroom
Apr 7 '17 at 7:38, by Martin Ender
One day I want to design a language on a Penrose grid. For that one my idea for the source code would be that you require one of the radially symmetric grids and write the code along concentric "circles" around the origin
Jan 8 '16 at 13:17, by Martin Büttner
> However, in my list of future language ideas there's the concept of using an aperiodic Penrose tiling (which has fivefold symmetry), but I need to sort out how to layout the code [...]
Is Martin Buttner Martin Ender?
Yes. It's inconsistent across Esolangs/PPCG, and I'm not sure why he changed his name.
@EsolangingFruit I'm having a similar problem with hyperbolic space
Dïd hë thïnk ümläüts wërë ännöÿïng ör sömëthïng? :P
@EsolangingFruit married
(wasn't that long ago)
I see
What about a language where every grapheme cluster was a function definition: the main character was the function name, and all the combining diacritics, etc. formed the body?
I would totally <s>not</s> use that language...
@DJMcMayhem Yeah I said I would, but I have some very important exams later this year and school stuff to do in the months to come, so I think my activity level might drop a bit. That definitely wouldn’t be good, especially if I were elected. Perhaps I’m going to consider running in for the next elelction >:)
Implementing backslash escapes in string literals is a pain... I'm really tempted just to pass the token to Python eval. Somebody tell me that's a terrible idea and that I shouldn't do it.
that is 10/10 best way to do it /s
@Mr.Xcoder Well that's a shame. Best of luck to you in your exams!
lol that's the way I did it in Proton 2. :P
Q: How can I check my own moderator candidate score without nominating myself? I'm not thinking of running but I want to know what my score is currently.
@HyperNeutrino If this were an esolang, I'd probably just do it that way and not bother. But, alas, I'm actually trying to make something practical-ish for once.
Proton is meant to be practical as well so I guess I should do it properly :P
@DLosc Is that actually a bad idea? You can do all kinds of things with ast.literal_eval that are a pain to do by hand
Oh cool thanks
before I check I'm estimating mine's like 15
@Pavel Hm. I've never used ast, but maybe I should...
@HyperNeutrino You'll be surprised. :)
oh wait WHAT i'm tied with phinotpi
@DLosc apparently so :P
I mean using eval realistically wouldn't be unsafe in the case where I'm using it because you can't insert random python code into it because otherwise it wouldn't parse it as a normal string
That's the case for me too, I think.
But there's always that nagging feeling that I'm missing some weird combination of escapes that will allow people to Bobby-Tables my language...
just say it's a feature
> But, alas, I'm actually trying to make something practical-ish for once.
Though it also occurs to me that if I'm really serious about Appleseed being practical, I should be implementing it in something faster than Python...
@Downgoat Great, now I've got that song stuck in my head. ^_^
Is there a reason more people haven't nominated themselves? Last election they were like 13 candidates
We already have 3 really good candidates
I haven't got the time or inclination to be a consistent moderator. I still reserve the right to disappear from the site for six months at a time.
I can think of two or three more people that would also be really good candidates
Huh, TIL that Python while loops can have else clauses just like for loops can.
Those are some of my favorites
is there a reason python used else: instead of something like finally:
IMO makes more sense to someone who is not very-familar with python
Well, try clauses have both else and finally, which mean two different things.
But yeah, somebody on the question I linked thought it should've been after or something.
The basic idea of it being else is "otherwise, if we didn't break out of the loop:"
while <condition>:
    if <problem_condition>:
    # Didn't encounter problem_condition
Makes sense to me. But then, I'm familiar with Python. [shrug]
CMC: Given a string of printable ASCII, return truthy if it represents a well-formed string literal, and falsey otherwise. Well-formed literals start and end with double quotes "; they may have backslash escapes inside, which are a backslash `` followed by any one character (including another backslash or a double quote).
Truthy test cases:
"Hello, World!"
Falsey test cases:
Hello, "World"!
@DLosc is eval allowed? :P
@DJMcMayhem Sure, but you're encouraged to write a version without it, too.
@DLosc Proton, 21 bytes: /"([^"]|\\.)*"/.match
Doesn't that give true on the second falsey test case?
@DLosc CJam, 1 byte: 0. While imperfect, this gets more and more accurate as the length of the input strings increases.
@EsolangingFruit Ha ha. This is , not . :P
@MDXF @totallyhuman it's the small snippet window that's cutting off the chart, doesn't seem to happen when you press full page
@DLosc Don't clarify the challenge in the comments — edit the original post.
Oh wait...
Pip, 20 bytes: a~=`"(\\.|[^\\"])*"`
@DJMcMayhem Thanks a lot! :-)
Goodness, there's been quite a slew of answers on old, highly answered challenges. Must be some new languages in town.
@DLosc Whoops, yeah. /"([^"\\]|\\.)*"/.match
@DLosc I've noticed that as well. Mostly I've seen Martin (and others) with Wumpus, MD XF with Forked, and I've been submitting some Momema answers as well
I've composed Appleseed solutions to some challenges, but I'm holding off on submitting them till I get I/O implemented and the language on TIO.
There will be another wave of answers once I release Physica and start writing Triangularity answers.
CMP: Who would mind mandatory semicolons in Proton?
@HyperNeutrino Ehhh... I wouldn't mind too terribly, but I prefer languages without. When writing PHP, I often forget a semicolon somewhere, and then I have to go back in and find it and fix it, which is just annoying.
Hm okay. I'm having trouble with parsing it with no separator because modgrammar doesn't seem to be able to handle it. I could set it to use "\n" | ";" as the separator.
The old Proton allowed you to just write statements right next to each other but that sometimes caused weird behavior. the only visible advantage was golfiness :P
which I've decided to completely ignore for Proton
Yeah, newline or ; is a good option, I think.
And if people really like semicolons, they can add them to the end of every line and it'll still work!
All right, here's my masterpiece: QBasic, 187 bytes
IF s$=q$OR LEFT$(s$,1)<>q$OR RIGHT$(s$,1)<>q$THEN?0:END
FOR i=2TO LEN(s$)-1
IF b THEN b=0 ELSE IF"\"=c$THEN b=1 ELSE IF q$=c$THEN?0:END
I never expcted I would be debugging DOS COM files for recreation. but that is what is happening now.
@HyperNeutrino that smells Funky :P
Q: Is My Swipe Pattern Legal?

stanriMost smartphones allow the user to use a swipe pattern to open their phone: Certain patterns are legitimate, and others are impossible. Given an input swipe pattern, return a truthy or falsy indicating if the given input pattern is legal or not. Input The grid is labelled row-wise 1 through...

I wrote a sandbox entry but I don't see why my Markdown does not get interpreted as intended. see here
hmm the <p seemed to be causing those problems =/
Probably interprets is as a paragraph
what the heck?
how can I find previous revisions now?
I just wanted to update the link above..
You can't within the 5min window
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrBetrands Primes code-golfnumbernumber-theoryprimessequence Bertrand's Postulate states that for every integer n ≥ 1 there is at least one prime p such that n < p ≤ 2n. In order to verify this theorm for n < 4000 we do not have to check 4000 cases: The Landau trick says it is sufficient to check...

Have leaderboard snippets stopped working for anyone else?
@JoKing Seem to be working for me
Huh. It seems to be my Wi-Fi? I can load them on data... weird.
@Adám what is the purpose of the ? removing it seems to work fine
@Cowsquack Removing it makes it fail on simple numeric arrays like [1,2,3]. Try it online! It is explained here.
ah, that makes sense
Woo election starts today!
@PhiNotPi Not a very exciting election, imho. Polls show that you and DJ will win. If that doesn't happen, then one of you will be replaced by Mego.
@Adám I'm not sure sure about me winning? I thought polls showed DJ+Mego?
@Adám Why didn't you run for mod btw? You're one of the most active users in the last months
@PhiNotPi I'm using upvotes here as "polls".
@Adám If I don't win, I'll settle for having the most highly-upvoted questionnaire.
@Fatalize I consider myself disqualified. I'm mainly here for a very specific and biased purpose, and I would feel awkward about being a mod with such a role. I also find it questionable that a company should pay someone to be a SE mod.
"a very specific and biased purpose" -> APL propaganda I presume? :p
@Fatalize Yes. I don't try to hide that.
I'm having issues with modgrammar for Proton 2.0 (TIO link here); Statement parses perfectly fine, but when I try replacing Statement.parser().parse_string with Program.parser().parse_string, it recursion-errors (I'm not sure on which part). Anyone have any ideas/leads?
1 hour later…
TFW your code stares back at you: ∪≡∘,∘⊂⊃
that looks slightly creepy o.O :P
6 hours until elections \o/
@Adám "I also find it questionable that a company should pay someone to be a SE mod" -> It's a bit funny that you say that considering that most people here go on PPCG in any situation, including at school and at work :p
@Fatalize Up to the morals of every individual, I guess. Jewish law sources discuss the permissibility of saying a long grace after meals during work hours, as that would lessen the employers income (ever so slightly).
@Fatalize Especially at school and at work.
apparently (a + b) * 3 is a syntax error in Proton but 3 * (a + b) is fine
Commutativity is overrated.
@Dennis True
Transitivity is also overrated.
@Adám If you pretend == was designed to be like the Perl smart match operator it gets more bearable.
@Dennis True
@Adám Thanks IE.
@Pavel Woo!
@Pavel Really?
Can anyone help me figure out why multiplication only works one way in Proton? TIO link here
Instead of

Product := LIST_OF(Number OR Expr), sep = '*'
Sum := LIST_OF(Product OR Expr), sep = '+'
Expression := Product OR Sum
Expr := '(' Expression ')'


Factor := Number | '(' Expression ')'
Summand := LIST_OF(Factor), sep = '*'
Expression := LIST_OF(Summand), sep = '+'
at least that's how it's usually done
oo thanks it now parses properly
doesn't eval but I'll fix that
:D it works thanks! @NieDzejkob
usually in a grammar you have "an expression that contains only operator X and those that are evaulated before operator X"
Q: How do I compare two objects in Perl without coercing them to the same type?

PavelIn Perl, I know of three ways to test objects for equality: ==, eq, and ~~. All of these tell me that 1 is equal to "1" in both Perl 5 and Perl 6. However, 1 and "1" are not the same thing. How can I compare two objects so that 1 equals 1, "1" equals "1", 1 does not equal "1" or 2, and "1" does ...

welp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don't know if that's Perl wizardry or Perl horribleness.
@Pavel Wat
@Adám ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
== converts it's arguments to numbers. eq converts its arguments to strings. ~~ smart-matches.
@Pavel But why, oh, why, couldn't they just let you check if they actually are the same or not?
They do. They are the same.
@Adám As the answer points out, !0 is three values at the same time: an int, a float, and a string.
@Pavel I conjecture that APL has less (not no) wats than most other languages.
I'm surprised no one's asked before. It's a simple idea, but I feel like I understand Perl so much more now.
After thinking about it for a bit, I have come to the conclusion that Perl's type system is complete and utter garbage.
Is anyone else getting a 404 for the election page?
@DJMcMayhem Yes
@DJMcMayhem yep
@DJMcMayhem Yeah
@DJMcMayhem it's not actually a 404, it's an "oops"
like, it actually redirects to codegolf.stackexchange.com/error
@EriktheOutgolfer Eh, close enough
well, a 404 would've been more insulting to me :P
i have it cached but yeah
> Yes, we do look at every error. We even try to fix some of them.
@Adám I did get an actual solution by the way. It's a horrible hack though: stackoverflow.com/a/48750635/3553138
@Dennis But overratedness is not commutative
@Pavel How do the serialisers determine type?
CMP: Should a @ b |> c == (a @ b) |> c or a @ b |> c == a @ (b |> c)`?
I personally favor the first one.
@HyperNeutrino Remind me what those symbols do again.
a @ b == b |> a == a(b)
@Adám I'm guessing most parts of the standard library are implemented in C and not Perl for performance reasons anyway, and that lets you see the real type.
@HyperNeutrino That didn't help me. I'm not very clever.
@HyperNeutrino The first one, I think.
a @ b is a function call. b |> a is function piping. So a@b is the same thing as b |> a which is the same thing as a(b).
@HyperNeutrino you're asking for the precedence of @ and |>?
i'd say @ before |>
also how haskell does it iirc
I might make it same-level LTR or @ > |>
hm ok
or wait...
lemme check
infixl 1 &; infixr 0 $
@HyperNeutrino Yeah, same-level makes more sense: easy to remember, preserves flow direction, and the two are equivalent anyway.
ok. that's what I'm thinking rn
@HyperNeutrino Haskell does the latter: tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/…
That said, in this case I don't think you should follow haskell.
yeah $ is fairly different
it is application but it has a different purpose
I mean if you have arg1 |> func @ arg2, func has to return a function either way.
I think |> and @ should have the same precedence and be evaluated left-to-right.
If you have func1 @ arg |> func2, it probably makes more sense for it to be func2(func1(arg)) than func1(func2(arg))
Exactly. Left-to-right.
wait. a@b@c is a(b(c)) not a(b)(c) so it's RTL
and a |> b |> c is c(b(a)) so LTR
this is slightly problematic
otherwise I'd just declare them in the same grammar
@DJMcMayhem Soon, you'll be able to do exit polls.
minus a few bytes by saying who do you expect to not win and then listing the candidates instead of 2-combinations :P (/s)
@DJMcMayhem the way you put your name after Phi's shows generosity...
@HyperNeutrino I thought about that actually. It seemed more negative
actually each name shows up before the other once and after the other once... :P
^ that was intentional
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, that's why the /s :P
@EriktheOutgolfer DJ could have been last consistently. Chose to make each candidate appear ones in each position.
>_> you insulted DJ
Hmmmm... I wonder if the fact that I was the one who posted the poll has any bias on the way people answer
so far everyone thinks DJ will win :p
anyway gtg o/
I like how nobody has voted for "Mego and Phi", while people have voted for "Phi and DJ"
I can see Dj and Phi competing, but I can't imagine Mego losing.
I'm also curious if there's a significant difference between expectations and preferences.
should I tell you my actual vote? ;)
@EriktheOutgolfer Surely, you have not voted yet.
like, for when I vote of course
not during error time :P
Hmm... I feel like asking people to say who they did or will vote for feels less... genuine? I'm not sure how to word it
Michael Portillo's loss of the Enfield Southgate seat in the 1997 general election to Stephen Twigg came as a shock to many politicians and commentators, and came to symbolise the extent of the Labour landslide victory. Portillo had been widely expected to contest the Conservative leadership after the General Election, which without a Commons seat he was unable to do. There had been a poll in The Observer newspaper on the weekend before the election which showed that Portillo held only a three-point lead in his hitherto safe seat. He had a memorable interview with Jeremy Paxman on the election...
"safe seat", so nobody voted, lost
@EriktheOutgolfer I'd say no. No matter what you vote, it may make future interactions with the candidates uncomfortable and/or biased.
@Adám of course I won't tell anybody else my vote, that was a rhetorical question :~)
@betseg TL;DR? Is it saying Everyone expected Portillo to win, so nobody bothered to vote for him?
OK. Reminds me of the shy tory effect, which is another interesting voting phenomenom
in python, i need part of string starting from "abc" till "xyz" . how do i do that using regex?
@ManishKundu So... "abcfoobarxyz" --> "foobar"?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'BrienNarcissistic Functions functional-programming code-golf Write a function f that, when given a function g, returns a truthy value if g is the function f, or a falsey value otherwise. These functions can either have the same reference, or be semantically equivalent (i.e. reducible to the same fu...

@NewSandboxedPosts lightning speed
Hey, I just got my 4th reviewer badge
and suppose i have some html part as my string, and how do i remove any part contained in brackets?
eg: <h4 style="color:#737373">manish17</h4><br />\n\t\t<h3> ->> manish17
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ngnTetris strategy Your task is to implement a balanced Tetris strategy in terms of score vs code size. In this version of the game tetrominoes are rotated and dropped from above into a grid of 20 rows and 10 columns. While falling, they cannot be rotated or moved horizontally. As usual, a dropped...

God damn I forgot to uninstall Package-kit when I reinstalled Fedora and my dnf broke again.
CMC: Given a positive integer i, output range(3*i, (i+1)*4)
@cairdcoinheringaahing lambda i:range(3*i,i*4+4)
@cairdcoinheringaahing \i->[3*i..i*4+3]
@cairdcoinheringaahing f(){a=$1;echo {$((a*3))..$((a*4+4))}}
GolfScript, 11 bytes: {.)4*,\3*>}
@cairdcoinheringaahing Brain-flak, 50 bytes: (({})<(({})({}){})>()()()()){({}<(({})())>[()])}{}
@betseg what language is it?
@labela--gotoa zsh (not sure if it works in bash)
@betseg That doesn't need to be a function, that can be a script by itself
@betseg Also, I think you want +3, since the .. operator does include it's right value but range almost always excludes its right value.
@betseg wonders what language that could be
could be emoji or emojicode
it's clickable
yeah, a link to tio
just like that's any more readable
@Pavel what language is it?
@betseg Did you make Emojicode?
i wish
@betseg Haskell
emojicode is too well built for anything i could ever have :(
I don't know why people use Macbooks for programming
They're terrible
4 hours into my first day and I already want to just buy a new laptop specifically for work
"i paid money for this im cool"
(at least 70% of users by observation)
@Mego Are you using xcode?
@DJMcMayhem Eclipse
It's the uselessness of the keyboard and touchpad that really irk me
Wait, is it the hardware or the software that bugs you more?
You know all those useful keys like home, end, pgup, and pgdn? Yeah those are replaced by chords that aren't displayed anywhere on the keyboard - you have to look them up
I never use those when I have them...
But then why not just plug an external keyboard in?
Even something as simple as locking the computer (Win+L in Windows, or whatever you configure it to in Linux) is a 3-key chord that is represented by graphical icons. Of those icons, one of them isn't even on the keyboard (^), and you have to guess whether it means control or alt.
@DJMcMayhem If I had one... :P
I'm considering bringing my own hardware to make it usable
That's what I do on windows
Also: if you're used to sane systems where ^ means control, you're wrong. ^ means alt on Mac.
"backspace" is called "delete" on the keyboard... wtf
I know you complained about it, but I seriously love the touch pad. My current touch pad is painful to use by comparison
I like having an actual mouse
I like having both
how do you delete the character after the cursor on a macbook
@Mego Who needs these when you have 0 $, ^B and ^F?
@betseg That too. fn+"delete" is apparently real delete
when precision is required the touchpad helps
@betseg <right><del> :P
@betseg x, like on any other keyboard
@Mego Oh I do to. But if I have to use a touchpad, the mac one is far better than any windows touchpad I have ever used
@EriktheOutgolfer "precision" and "touchpad" do not go together :P
@Mego literally opposite sides of the keyboard...
@betseg Or lx
@DJMcMayhem Oh, one of my coworkers uses vim for everything. I don't understand how he can live without pgup/down.
@Mego looks like we have a different opinion on this matter, not gonna debate it :P
@Mego I don't really know what that has to do with vim.
I've never used page-up/down basically ever though
And vim has other movements ({}, /, ]], etc.) that are IMO much more useful
How do you Bash without PgUp/PgDn?
pgup/dn is so much faster to quickly flip though text in any editor than trying to go line by line with arrow keys, when you don't know what you're looking for (and thus can't use find)
he is an avid vim user, we are on the other edge of the universe
@Dennis I have no clue what PgUp/PgDn does in bash
All it seems to do for me is enter a tilde
@Mego I would just use } and { in that case (forward and backward 1 paragraph). ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@DJMcMayhem But then that's a modifier + a keystroke, rather than just a keystroke
I think that counts as 1 keystroke...
Am I really alone here in the fact that I fully use the capabilities of my keyboard? :P
@EriktheOutgolfer It takes longer to hold shift and hit the key than it does to just hit pgup/dn
@Mego I guess so. But if you're gonna go there, then the benefit of having your fingers on hjkl rather than moving them over to the arrow keys all the time waaaaay outweigh the advantage of not pressing shift when you occasionally want to PgUp/Dn
@Mego just a terminology nitpick :p
Plus {} can take a count
Or just have all of the options available without having to memorize a dozen stupid chords because your keyboard was designed for aesthetics instead of functionality :P
@DJMcMayhem It completes a partial command from history. For example, typing nano and pressing PgUp several time cycles though the most recent commands beginning with nano.
Don't the arrow keys do that?
I don't think so
the arrow keys just go through the history
No, the arrow keys just go through the most recent commands. They don't care what you've already typed.
Oh. Huh. I guess I just use vim so often and bash so rarely that I didn't know that
@Dennis they do in zsh
In vim, if you type :e <arrow keys> (for example) it will work like PgUp apparently does in bash
I believe you.
Proton 2 :D slightly broken but not fatally lol
But like I said, I don't really use bash all that often. When I do, it's usually one or two commands in git bash (MINGW?)

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