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A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OkxSquare the imaginary number code-golf number Given two positive integers, a and b, convert it to ai + b where i is the imaginary number (square root of negative one). Then, square it (ai + b)². You should then end up with something like ci + d. You must then output, or return, c and d in any rea...

@AdmBorkBork Sounds like s/he's writing a transpiler and not a language, haha
or maybe both
> Consider buying sublime text so I don't feel bad using it
> 80 dollars
> Nope
@AdmBorkBork i.e. It converts the code to Jelly code, then runs it as Jelly
Double transpilation. That will be slow :-) Not that it matters in code golf, though
@LuisMendo Jelly isn't transpiled, is it?
To Python, I think
IIRC, it's interpreted, not transpiled
I feel like this topic could quickly escalate into a lot of sentences that start with the word "technically"
Technically, it could
Not a technicality. Transpilation is vastly superior to what the Jelly interpreter is doing.
@Dennis I have a feeling that transpilation would be much harder to create than the current interpreter, due to the weird nature of dyads
Not to mention quicks
Sorry for the confusion :-) Interpreted, not transpiled, then
The end result would be much faster though. Jelly's way is very slow.
MATL is transpiled and it's very slow, probably more than Jelly. I guess that says something about my transpiler writing abilities :-P
@Joe I love your profile picture, given that apparently "I'm a freshman" (from your profile)
Or we could blame the Octave interpreter, which runs the "transpiled" code, haha
@cairdcoinheringaahing Thanks, glad I updated my profile a few minutes ago to reflect that :)
Anyway, if MATL code is transpiled to MATLAB/Octave and that transpiled code is run by the MATLAB/Octave interpreter, I don't know what to call that: is MATL code transpiled or interpreted?
Hallo all
I'd say that MATL is transpiled, and only the MATLAB/Octave code is interpreted
Haha collaborative chain of "Hello World!"
@Joe That's my view too. But I'm never sure. Thanks!
Hehe ^^
CMC: Output Hallo all Hello world!
@cairdcoinheringaahing "Hallo all Hello world! (Pyth)
@AdmBorkBork Or maybe MATL identifies as language-fluid
@Mr.Xcoder That's one character away from the Jelly solution (not the shortest though)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Actually In fact, Pyth, 23 bytes: ." wí„Z̈73àÐ4!‹¸•v.a"
Compressed string?
which only saves 2 bytes?
And it really is 23 bytes. Pyth uses ISO
@cairdcoinheringaahing SOGL, 14 bytes
@LuisMendo Yup again :)
@LuisMendo 2 bytes is better than none :P
... It would benefit from a port to 05AB1E
ಠ_ಠ The 05ab1e compressor is broken
@Mr.Xcoder In what way?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Jelly, 12 bytes: Try it online!
@cairdcoinheringaahing It removes all occurrences oft the first character iff it is the character with the lowest code point...
HUH???? SOGL loses at compression????
@Dennis How in the world did you compress it that much... Explanation please?
hacks imo
@Dennis Wait, is "Hallo" in the dictionary?
@cairdcoinheringaahing SOGLs compression doesn't contain capitalized letters, so it wasted 4 bytes on h -> H
Hey Flip
@cairdcoinheringaahing Husk, 12 bytes: TIO!
@Mr.Xcoder Compress().dictionary('Hallo').dictionary(' all').dictionary(' Hello').dictionary(' world').string('!').go()
ಠ_ಠ .dictionary does not work with the Jelly compressor on my machine
Using Lynn's compressor.
why does this mini challenge exist
@Dennis .dictionary() does not work for some reason here.
doesn't work is not a bug report.
@FlipTack Because of the Hello, world chain Xcoder started :P
I am using MacOS, if this is relevant
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, I think that bug has been reported on the tips page
A permalink would have been easier. :P
Oh, I now see Riker's comment...
@Dennis -1, permalinks are too mainstream :P
How's everyone been? I haven't been on for quite a while
-1 permalinks are way too long and not even goo.gl helps.
@FlipTack Things were good around here. Welcome back!
@FlipTack Well, Jelly has a competitor aside from 05AB1E and Xcoder has got a ton of rep between you leaving and now, and Tetris GoL has been answered :P
Oh shit, Tetris GOL solved???
that's mental
brb need to see this
That will take a while :-)
@FlipTack Yeah, people have been bountying it since the answers were posted
@Mr.Xcoder Someone added a permalink to the code for no good reason. It doesn't work on its own, without importing the Jelly dictionary.
@Dennis Is Jelly's dictionary an importable module on Python TIO?
Oh ok... Right how can I be that dumb?
I managed to install JDK in such a way that javac.exe doesn't exist on my computer, and this confuses me greatly. I can compile java from IntelliJ but not from the command line.
@cairdcoinheringaahing i don't think so
@Dennis is there a difference between y and string replacement in Jelly?
I truly didn't think I'd ever see a solution to Tetris GOL
amazing things happen on this stachexchange
have we graduated yet? hahaha
@FlipTack November 1st is approaching
^^ We have the new nav bar
@FlipTack We have kinda semi-graduated...
I come back 9 months later and we're still waiting
classic PPCG
@Mr.Xcoder It is. I fixed the link.
@Dennis Ok... I just rolled back, thanks anyway!
@FlipTack Yeah. A Over a year ago, if memory servers. No design yet though.
Q: Should Output a number bigger than TREE(3) be edited an reopened?

fejfoThe question output a number bigger than TREE(3) was closed as unclear what you are asking. I like the idea behind the question and would like to edit and reopen it. To start I'm not even fully sure why it was closed. I get the phrasing was confusing, but the idea behind it is pretty simple. W...

\o/ A meta review! First time in ages
CMC: Given a list, nest the elements, with the first two nested the most and the last one nested the least. Example: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] => [[[[[[[[[1, 2], 3], 4], 5], 6], 7], 8], 9], 10]
jelly, 2 bytes: ,/
I have 2 bytes in Jelly
that's what you waited for right
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pyth, 2 bytes ,F
@cairdcoinheringaahing SOGL, 4 bytes. Open the console to see the actual array representation
So what does F do? Presumably , is similar to Jelly's ,
@cairdcoinheringaahing Reduce.
@cairdcoinheringaahing , is exactly like jelly's ,, and F is reduce
Wait, why is F reduce?
05ab1e, 4 bytes: R.«‚
Boo-urns. PowerShell flattens arrays and inserts newlines between elements by default during the implicit Write-Output, so @(@(1,2),3) is visually the same as @(1,2,3).
@cairdcoinheringaahing Because it was the only available character and it's F old
And because assigning letters/symbols to functions in a code golf language is hard
@cairdcoinheringaahing V, 8 bytes: JûÉ[Íî/]
... especially if they are ascii-only (cough MATL, cough)
@cairdcoinheringaahing R, 25 bytes: function(l)Reduce(list,l)
Talking about Fs :P
Oh there is a contact game going on
@Mr.Xcoder :-D
@Pavel javac used to be just a thin wrapper around java com.sun.tools.javac.Main anyway
Hmm... wonder how they compiled com.sun.tools.javac.Main without relying in Java. By hand?
That sounds impractical.
Prolly had a compiler in C, but it would make sense to still have a compiler in C for performance.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ARBLE, 19 bytes reduce(a,list(a,b))
Proton, 13 bytes: reduce(&list)
\o/ finally the & syntax trick comes into use
So many challenges seem to be solved in a short number of bytes by golfing languages. I'm talking about roughly 1..4 byte solutions. I'm wondering, could we create a class of challenges (aka a tag) strictly of the form "Do what this Language X program does", where the given program is very short and produces some sensible output? "Sensible output" is meant to exclude performing operations that have no apparent effect, such as multiplying a number by two and then dividing it by two.
@Joe Well you can turn any challenge into that. Just make a reference implementation (I do this occasionally), and then the challenge could become "Do what this program does". However, that is not sufficient for a specification because one cannot expect all users to know that language.
@HyperNeutrino What does the & syntax do?
&f := (*a) => f(a)
essentially auto-un-splat
Wait, its argument repacking?
fun fact: in SOGL multiplying a number by 2 and then dividing by 2 doesn't do that: online (compare that with replacing the twos with other numbers)
wait with 3 it gives 3*3/ as output???
whoa what is this
@dzaima Huh? What does / do?
@HyperNeutrino docs
I just made some useless stuff do useful stuff
oh lol you overrode mul-div with the same number :P
"pointless-string overloading"
Hey, getting the letters of the QWERTY keyboard isn't pointless.
@AdmBorkBork Yes, but multiplying a number by 2 and then dividing it by 2 is.
Oh, I see. "(Pointless string) overloading" as opposed to "Pointless (string overloading)"
> push [".com", ".net", ".co.uk", ".gov"]
So that's why SOGL wins string challenges
@cairdcoinheringaahing honestly I don't know why I added that
The FOLDOC used to live at foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk which always struck me as amusing to say out loud.
Like something out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon.
@HyperNeutrino oh wow I had forgotten I had a source code built-in in SOGL :o
My profile picture is convinced that I have cheese in my fist, while typing with both hands :P
@AdmBorkBork Didn't you know that "string" takes precedence over "overloading"? It's because "string" is defined as a noun, whereas the gerund "overloading" is actually a verb cast as a noun, which reduces its z-index attribute in the sentence.
@dzaima Doesn't count as a valid quine though :(
@Joe Right, but when I first read the sentence, I saw the hyphen as an emdash, hence where my confusion originated.
@AdmBorkBork Ah, I see you differentiate between types of dashes. I applaud you for that.
Huh? There's more than one type of dash?
yes, em and en and I think hyphen is different. not sure
The dash is a punctuation mark that is similar in appearance to a hyphen or minus sign, but differs from both of these symbols primarily in length and function. The most common versions of the dash are the en dash (–) and the longer em dash (—), whose names historically were loosely related with the length of a lower-case n and upper-case M, respectively, in commonly used typefaces. Usage varies both within English and in other languages, but the usual convention in printed English text is as follows: An em dash (or an en dash) denotes a break in a sentence or to set off parenthetical statements...
I don't see how the difference in the part integrity of "string" and "overloading" affect the situation. Really, it's the precedence between "pointless" and "overloading"; is the overloading done on pointless strings or is the overloading done on strings pointless? I believe that "string overloading" is one object phrase because in this case "overloading" is a verb gerund (which is effectively a noun), and "string" describes what's overloaded, effectively making it act like an adjective. This makes "pointless string overloading" an Adj-Adj-Noun phrase, making the overloading both done on st
Although, this whole conversation is rather pointless. ;-)
We just like getting buried into the pedantic components as much as possible here in TNB.
I have a history of being overly pedantic about grammar. I stopped that after I stopped chatting online with the one person remaining who was as pedantic as me, so I usually speak without capitalization or punctuation now (because it's the internet; not many people really care much anymore). :P
I care a great deal about being completely corret when typing
@HyperNeutrino Well said. I couldn't follow the last sentence, but I agree that without the hyphen the phrase "pointless string overloading" would best be interpreted as string overloading that is pointless.
@Joe Thanks :) I would probably have favored saying "overloading of pointless strings" because now with the "of", it turns "pointless strings" into the object where "overloading" is a verb gerund, thus converting the 4 word sequence into an object.
Boy, natural language is fun. It's so much like programming in some ways.
@HyperNeutrino I stopped being so pedantic about grammar when I started making friends. I'm not sure if there was a causal relationship between the two events.
I had a couple of friends in grade 8 and I'm in grade 10 now; my friend group has changed minimally if at all :P
I think it's funny that I just assume by default that everyone here is an adult, probably with a career related to technology in some way. It's especially ironic because for the majority of my time on the site, I have not been an adult, but I figured most of the other users would be.
@Joe I am r adult! (Not really, but I'm trying <s>pretty hard</s>).
Funny that you think I'm an adult; Stack Exchange not more than 4 months ago thought I was a 12 year old! :P
How do you define adult?
@HyperNeutrino I'm graduating in very abstract linguistics right now and find great pleasure in programming languages. :)
@MagicOctopusUrn s/\<\/?s\>/---/g
@HyperNeutrino most age guesses online stem from grammar, spelling, punctuation and the way in which you react to stuff. You're probably more mature than me tbh lmao.
Huh. Interesting! I guess it goes both ways; they're really similar, it's just that programming languages are fully constructed and don't really have "slang" [citation-needed]. Lojban is probably the most similar to programming languages :P
@MagicOctopusUrn lol maybe? idk I don't consider myself particularly mature beyond my age :P
Then again:
Jul 21 at 17:42, by Leaky Nun
you're much more mature than your age tells @HyperNeutrino
@DJMcMayhem I, what?
He's telling you to do ---strike--- :P
(\<\/?s\> can be read without the backslashes as </?s> which is </s> or <s>, replacing both cases with ---)
Oh god I'm dumb.
It's been a loooong day.
Almost forgot why I came in here, is there a way to browse questions by most recently asked?
@MagicOctopusUrn this?
Oh my god, the "questions" tab is different than the start page?!?!
I really need to start not being this stupid.
@MagicOctopusUrn yeah. I remember the days of me getting lost there.
It took me a while to figure that out :P
Ah, good, at least I'm not the only one haha.
I seriously wondered how to view more than 30 questions at a time without searching lol.
I still don't understand why there's this and this
Because SE developers.
anyway gtg o/
@DJMcMayhem That is the most confusing regex I've ever seen
TFW you're on public WIFI and do a tracert to their website to get a response (it's hosted on the same network as their public WIFI), then their login info is admin:admin. Thank christ I know the manager...
@cairdcoinheringaahing Clearly, you haven't read enough of my V answers
Free drinks for infosec! Yay!
@DJMcMayhem No, its the combinations of the different characters that made me go Huh?
Oh, and the amount of escaping?
Although s/\<\/?s\>/---/g looks like the most confusing ><> code ever
@DJMcMayhem careful with that regex! Almost looks like you’re trying to parse HTML!
ZALGO COMETH. HT̀M̡L WI͢TH̸ ̵R͜E͘GÈX͜E̕S ̀I͘N̨V̕ÀDE͝ ̧P̕P̵ÇǴ. H̀͘͡͠A̴̧͡I̸̵͘͟Ļ̸ ҉͟Z̛̀͘͢Ą̵̀L̴̵̨͠G̀̕͟͠O̵̧̢̧͟.҉̶́
FWIW, it's simpler in vim: s;</\?s>;---;g
@DJMcMayhem FWIW?
But unfortunately, either <> or ? needs escaping
@MagicOctopusUrn For What It's Worth
Oh ffs, you guys starred me saying I'm stupid.
Q: Does s do anything in ><>?
@MagicOctopusUrn We're kids, we do stuff like that
I mean, then again, I literally just now figured out how to star... So... I guess that's 4 star stupidity right there...
@cairdcoinheringaahing Apparently not
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait a second, I don't actually know sed. Do I need to escape the <>?
I just assumed so because you don't in vim, and generally that means you do need to in other flavors
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, I don;t know sed either. Maybe ask Martin? He seems to be the regex master :P
Screw it, use emacs.
CMC: Given a piece of ASCII text, with Zalgo, remove the Zalgo and output the original ASCII-only text.
So s/<\/?s>/---/g


This can generate more test cases
Can you please turn this into a userscript?
Wait, which chars are we keeping, numbers, letters, spaces?
¶žQJà is the version that only keeps printable ascii plus newlines >_>
I honestly don't understand how or why zalgo works.
Are any of those accent marks actually used in english?
in other languages, by themselves or maybe in conjunction with one other one
but zalgo puts 17 of them on each character or pair
After converting one to ASCII I kinda I get it now, the specific unicode values are "told" to render offset on the previous character that isn't one that is offset?
DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuude... asciiflow.com
I feel like parts of that have potential for a good challenge.
@MagicOctopusUrn Maybe. If I do, it seems like a "via the sandbox" post rather than "straight to main"
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Charcoal, 4 bytes: ▷RDS
yay I'm getting somewhat close to catching back up to 13k rep lol
0/10 for the title @MagicOctopusUrn
@HyperNeutrino 2Spoopy4Me*
Also what *? "any character may be used for *" but I don't see *
OKAY FINE, ∞Spooky∞Me
no it's ∞Spooky(∞+2)Me clearly :P
Also, I'd recommend adding the MD5 hashes of the output with and without a trailing newline and with and without rectangular padding (total 4 general cases) for easier testing.
It wouldn't accommodate all possibilities but probably most
∞+ 2 = ∞
∞ + 2 - ∞ = ∞ - ∞
2 = 0
@HyperNeutrino :| and what kind of golflang has MD5 hashes builtin?
@HyperNeutrino ... That's not how it works
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Magic Octopus Urn2 Spooky 4 Me In terms of halloween, some things are just too spooky for me... Feel like we need some serious doots from skeletons to fuel our hallowed weens. _.---._ .' '. :) (: \ (@) (@) / \ A / ...

I know ._.
Well then make use of the [SARCASM]built-in[/SARCASM] [SARCASM][/SARCASM] tags.
@ASCII-only Not many but that way you can take the output and hash it and compare the hashes. I find it more convenient than copying the entire string from the post and then comparing the two strings
@HyperNeutrino print(f()=="""string""")
works in most languages
in Charcoal you can just add the output as a testcase
@ASCII-only [SARCASM]Almost flagged that for mismatching parenthesis, the worst sin a person can commit.[/SARCASM]
oh ok
@MagicOctopusUrn Sorry, I assumed I wouldn't be taken for an idiot. However, I've proven that too many times already so I should use that :P
also geez I almost got a heart attack, one of the previously opened bottles of wine sitting around my house just popped its own stopper out and scared me lol
We should have a sarcasm tag that adds emphsasis to transitive verbs and certain nouns... Oh yeah that TOTALLY seems LEGITIMATE.
@HyperNeutrino link :P
ARBLE's implicit IO is my favourite so far.
@ASCII-only oh that actually looks really helpful :D
@MagicOctopusUrn :| too much emphasis, also
@ATaco yup, so many confused people commenting on your posts about rules :D :P
@MagicOctopusUrn Legitimate is not a noun
@HyperNeutrino because it's not a golflang :| people shouldn't discriminate against ARBLE
@HyperNeutrino anything is a noun if you're brave enough.
That wasn't discrimination, that was just a fact.
@MagicOctopusUrn ._.
If the answer to the challenge "Add one to a number" is n+1, people will think it's a snippit.
@HyperNeutrino Yep, that's a noun, clearly.
I'd argue that anything is a verb/adverb if you're brave enough (tacit systems lol) but everything being a noun is going a bit too far... :P
@MagicOctopusUrn yes and so is eti5u4vhw458vywni5cyi4w58vmw45
@HyperNeutrino Sweet christ, that makes you braver (more brave?) (OF A LARGER QUANTITY OF BRAVENESS?) than braveheart.
(I think it's braver)
if briefness is brevity, shouldn't braveness be bravity?
I genuinely don't know. I throw balls far, if you want good words date a languager. (Rick and Morty reference)
CMC: Make a reverse hashing algorithm. That is, from any strings of 32 hexadecimal digits, create any string with a decently low collision rate, such that going from a string back to its digits is significantly harder (underspecified)
@MagicOctopusUrn is the thing about your throwing strength a figure of speech?
also, do protons have mass?
I'm almost certain they do
but this guy on quora is questioning my knowledge of science
anyway brb in a bit
"Protons and neutrons have almost the same mass, while the electron is approximately 2000 times lighter. Protons and electrons carry charges of equal magnitude, but opposite charge. Neutrons carry no charge (they are neutral)." - Source = "Not Me".
How much mass does a @HyperNeutrino carry?
Sorry, I meant photons lol.
Come to think of it, why does Rick always make Neutrino bombs literally every time he makes a bomb?
Other bombs aren't powerful enough.
What does a Neutrino bomb imply?
Basically an anti-matter bomb?
neutrinos are like some of the most boring particles though
> A neutron bomb, officially defined as a type of enhanced radiation weapon (ERW), is a low yield thermonuclear weapon designed to maximize lethal neutron radiation in the immediate vicinity of the blast while minimizing the physical power of the blast itself.
billions pass through you every second
maybe 5 or so interact with you in the course of a year
@HyperNeutrino No :|
@HyperNeutrino *interesting
Least reactive != boring...
well fine true
@MagicOctopusUrn YOU WHAT :|
I'm pretty sure they do though... if they had truly 0 mass wouldn't they not be affected by black holes?
@ASCII-only OSU (in my day, god am I really saying that) offered ECE or PYS. They now require both.
I took electrical engineering courses, and physics 101.
They didn't require an ounce of biology or any other science.
Wait what is OSU
Ohio State University (not Oklahoma)
We also used a bastardized (excuse my french) version of Java, which didn't even load the JRE.
They created custom objects for all non-primitive structures...
It hurt my soul.
@MagicOctopusUrn I... have no words for this
@ASCII-only it was supposed to "abstract the principal of programming from the syntax of language."
I have a college level pass in Physics (secondary college :P)
... wow
@ASCII-only All of it hurt me in many ways...
@ASCII-only Then, come senior year, we have like 75% of students not knowing how to program in the real world, but know the basic concept...
My CS class is currently teaching stuff about computer specs (so like Comp Eng lol)
@MagicOctopusUrn According to Quora most college graduates doing programming courses can't program even fizzbuzz...
@ASCII-only which meant that in our capstone class, I, out of the 5 people in my group, was the only person to functionally know a practical language........
For the unaware, Australia's education is Primary College / Primary School, Secondary College / High School, then University / Tertiary College
@ASCII-only College teaches you how to adapt... College doesn't teach you how to perform a real function... College is like playing monopoly to learn economics...
College taught me how to count to 100.
@MagicOctopusUrn True :| seems a but useless though
@ATaco Does America actually call every school a college
Australia, and yes.
You learn how to beat Boardwalk out of grandma, but then can't calculate anything beyond the price of gum without substantial extra learnings.
Although Primary College is very uncommon.
Secondary College is just as common as High School.
I mean, in america, there are collegiate reputations... For instance if you get a degree for ASU, you may as well throw it away... a degree from OSU pretty much lets me choose my job.
If you call a University just "College" people will think you're an idiot that doesn't know anything about University.
Unless you're referring to an American college in particular.
In the USA "University" is laughed at as a foreign word.
If you say you went to college in america, EVERYONE first asks "which college" your answer will severely impact your employability in the managers eyes.
@ATaco I mean America
If you went to UNIVERSITY overseas, even if the university was a cardboard box in Uganda, dude... Literally nobody would ever check...
> a cardboard box in Uganda
Employers around here only care about your practical experience, although a cert helps.
Half our non-american employees claim to have a masters, and we think it's funny they do this because we're 4x more likely to hire BA employees.
(Also, most of our masters immigrants are lying, or have a lesser equivalent for a "masters" in their country.)
We normally trust foreigners' claims of degrees because most of them study here, Australia has great programs for people looking to study here.
Perhaps this discussion may not be great for PPCG in general.
Probably not, agreed.
I do like watching the manager sub-exchange though... there's so many random situational things you don't consider.
Sorry, I dwell on enterprise politics daily; an unfortunate side-effect of my employment.
To all non-americans, if you move here; do not apply for a fortune 100 job where the company has more than 5k employees, it's not a good company...
Errr... fortune 5-100 companies* the first 50 are actually usually solid.
@MagicOctopusUrn fortune -95?
@MagicOctopusUrn doesn't that contradict what you wrote one message before
@ATaco In what part of Australia does college not mean a combined primary and high school
Why did you reverse the order of college / noncollege for the last slash
@MagicOctopusUrn I don't know if you can say that your experience is an accurate representation of every fortune 500 company
@ASCII-only no
but 'university' and 'college' are interchangeable
@HyperNeutrino Photons have no rest mass, but they require energy to create, and this gives them relativistic mass according to E=mc²
Hm okay. That kinda makes sense, thanks!
@DJMcMayhem Large fortune 100 companies struggle with organization, which is why you see companies (more specifically companies that are NOT based in technology) with higher employee counts suffer. Because they don't have the ability to track who does what.
@Neil So that's why they're affected by gravity (maybe)
@DJMcMayhem I could source my claims, but I'm too lazy atm... just know if you go into the financial sector as an IT guy, you're going to have a boss that thinks you're a voodoo witch doctor.
Most of my job is dealing with: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_IT
Very common in non-IT sectors, unfortunately...
Both my company and the major competitors also utilize COBOL and MainFrame as their backbone for legacy programs...
@ASCII-only I think curved spacetime would affect massless particles anyway
I guess
But without mass how would momentum work
@ASCII-only photon momentum = plank constant / wavelength
because E^2 = (mc^2) + (pc)^2 so you can solve for p and get yeah
the momentum of photons has a special formula like Downgoat described. it's weird :P
$\hbar4\pi=h2\pi$ right? Isn't it redundant to write $\hbar4\pi$
@ASCII-only That's the case in Vic.
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