@Adám When I post the challenge to main, could you wait to see if anyone else wants to answer it in APL before answering with that (for say a day), just so that you don't get a FGITW opportunity and to make it a bit fairer
@EriktheOutgolfer It isn't ours, but submissions do have to run on Dyalog Unicode (for now). One of our UK customers bought codegolf.co.uk and are hosting apl codegolfs at apl.codegolf.co.uk. They may expand to other languages in the future.
String Stairs
Disclaimer: This is the first challenge I propose. Any and all feedback is welcome. If this is a duplicate, please point it out. I'm currently at work, so I'll edit this post later today with more information if necessary.
The goal of this challenge is to, given a string and...
n-gon in m-gon
What is the greatest equilateral triangle you can fit into a regular pentagon? This is what this challenge is about, but with regular n-gons/m-gons.
Given two integers m,n greater or equal to 3, find the maximal ratio of the areas of the two poly...
Euler-Poincaré-Characteristic of Polyhedra
Given a triangulation of the surface of a polyhedron p, calculate its Euler-Poincaré-Characteristic χ(p) = V-E+F, where V is the number of vertices, E the number of edges and F the number of faces.
The vertices are enumerated as ...
@flawr ಠ_ಠ really :P but I got it \o/ I just wasn't there at the time rip
@FunkyComputerMan For your proof-golf question (which btw I think is an awesome idea :D), is distribution of multiplication over addition applicable for (a + b) * c, or would we have to prove that?
We all know that (-a) × (-a) = a × a (hopefully), but can you prove it?
Your task is to prove this fact using the ring axioms. To avoid ambiguity here are the ring axioms where + and × are closed binary operations on some set S, - is a closed unary operation on S, and a, b, c are members of S:
[proof-golf] does indeed sound great. I'm trying to do just that right now—my math professor offered $20 to anybody who can golf a certain proof because of us giving him grief for its apparent sloppiness.
My CEO asked me what would be appropriate IRL prizes for the upcoming APL codegolf tournament. Any ideas? Last time they awarded a 4K and a 1080p camera.
@flawr We have loads of those. All participant at our User meetings get a free matte glass APL mug. Also, that's cheap. We're looking for something in the £100 order of magnitude.
@flawr Actually, maybe we should sell surplus APL mugs at shipping price.
@FunkyComputerMan This challenge is hurting my brain because I've been doing group theory so much lately and there's only one operation in group theory D:
also I should write out 0 as like e1 and 1 as e2 or something like that (identities) because I keep thinking that a * 0 = 0 is a thing (see comments on that challenge from someone else thinking that :P)