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@Adám When I post the challenge to main, could you wait to see if anyone else wants to answer it in APL before answering with that (for say a day), just so that you don't get a FGITW opportunity and to make it a bit fairer
@cairdcoinheringaahing Absolutely. I'm happy to wait even a week. Does the solution appear correct and valid?
@Adám Or 1.5 years? /s Game of Life questions must be unanswered for at least a year to be good :P
@Adám I'm not quite sure how to test it. I don't speak APL :(
@cairdcoinheringaahing only seems to be capable of replacing a single character though
@Neil Crap, Jelly stays dyadic. I might know how to fix it though..
@cairdcoinheringaahing python, 11 bytes: str.replace
is there an echo in here?
@EriktheOutgolfer Ninja'd by over 2 hours :P
@EriktheOutgolfer how do you make a Jelly string into a Python string in Jelly?
+/...dunno how that could help though :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing With instructions:
@cairdcoinheringaahing Charcoal, 5 bytes: ⪫⪪SSS
oh wait +/ actually can help...
@Adám Thanks! Weird comment symbols though :P
@EriktheOutgolfer Hello! Can you please grant me access to Jelly Hypertraining?
@cairdcoinheringaahing ⍝ is a lamp (filament) to illuminate you.
@Neil Angry snake code
⪫⪪ isn't actually that rare in charcoal
@EriktheOutgolfer What does it do?
the charcoal one?
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah
split then join
@EriktheOutgolfer No, what does ⪫⪪ do?
is split
is join
charcoal has prefix notation
ಠ_ಠ I always forget that. Postfix is much easier :P
Hopefix is better. You just dump the operands and operators together into a heap and hope the right answer comes out.
@AdmBorkBork <insert starbait here> :P
@AdmBorkBork Is that what jelly uses? :P
@DJMcMayhem I don't know Jelly, so, sure.
why is the chat full of boxes
what boxes?
⪪⪫ and ಠ
You need more unicodes.
well I have unicode fonts installed but it seems that firefox doesn't use them
I use chrome on ubuntu
I have firefox on Gentoo
And DejaVu installed
I had the same problem on Arch
CMP: Tips for a college freshman's resume
Definitely mention Code-golf
Maybe a link to your taxi answer?
I didn't think employers would care about competitive programming, hmm.
Sorry, I was being sarcastic.
I forgot that tone isn't translated across the internet
Although it isn't a terrible idea I guess.
@DJMcMayhem I thought so at first but then your second message came through and I wasn't sure
I already have a link to my github so it's there if they want to look
I mean, I solve problems and write code in my free time certainly doesn't sound bad, but I'm not sure how they'd feel about esolangs haha
free time? most of the people here do it in paid time
@EriktheOutgolfer there's a reason traffic drops on weekends
@EriktheOutgolfer I loathe downvotes :(
and...what do I have to do with that?
I didn't downvote
@EriktheOutgolfer lol yeah I should probably get back to work
@Downgoat I'd even go as far and say it was a pro goat.
@EriktheOutgolfer O_o I'm doing something wrong.
googling code-golf stipends
@flawr Interested in a Dyalog internship? marinus did one.
@Adám Oh cool! Right now I'm still at studying, but I think I'd need to learn some APL first anyway:)
I think dyalog runs a code golf competition but restricted to dyalog apl only...
@EriktheOutgolfer It isn't ours, but submissions do have to run on Dyalog Unicode (for now). One of our UK customers bought codegolf.co.uk and are hosting apl codegolfs at apl.codegolf.co.uk. They may expand to other languages in the future.
seems that site isn't ready yet :p
@EriktheOutgolfer It is still hosting the previous competition.
It is nice to see there is code golf outside of PPCG:)
@Adám oh it's restricted access?
@EriktheOutgolfer No, why?
because it says "refused to connect"
@EriktheOutgolfer Seems the server is having problems. The page loads intermittently for me, but some resources are missing (background image).
for me it has a 404
maybe it's preparing for new competition
@EriktheOutgolfer Probably. Which reminds me, I should make some test cases for the problems I came up with…
It had a nice golf course green background (like in the ad banner) earlier today.
@flawr Not necessarily, we've recently had three CS students which did internships with no prior APL knowledge.
link=also borked
@EriktheOutgolfer How so?
@EriktheOutgolfer Interesting, it loads for me in my main chrome window, but not in an incognito window.
cache is the reason then
Apr 11 at 20:22, by mınxomaτ
When in doubt, curl :). No cache, no cookies.
curl -I apl.codegolf.co.uk/home
curl: (7) Failed to connect to apl.codegolf.co.uk port 443: Connection refused
I'm sure they're just doing maintenance. I told them to make some pretty significant changes to the backend.
Server: Apache
I got your back with the comment there @Adám
@EriktheOutgolfer +1 Yeah. Thanks. It does say "soon".
the letters are kinda small and may not be immediately read, just added it so that you don't get more annoying comments about that
How/where do the community ads display? I don't recall ever seeing one (I use an ad-blocker)
oh I have excluded stack exchange
@EriktheOutgolfer I have too, but still don't ever notice any.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J. SalleString Stairs Disclaimer: This is the first challenge I propose. Any and all feedback is welcome. If this is a duplicate, please point it out. I'm currently at work, so I'll edit this post later today with more information if necessary. Goal The goal of this challenge is to, given a string and...

@Adám They'll sometimes appear on the right-hand bar, just above HNQ. Seem to be more prevalent on the main page than on other pages.
@AdmBorkBork Thanks. There they are indeed. Can't believe I missed them. At least SE places ads responsibly.
1 hour later…
ಠ_ಠ I hate what Jelly has made me do. I just copy pasted the character W
@cairdcoinheringaahing Starring for relatability
I'm slowly learning tacit programming by playing around in APL. I still don't know what I'm doing but it's fun :D
@dzaima It is also a lot of fun in Haskell :)
but it is rather pointless
@flawr it's golfy :p
@dzaima In Haskell, tacit functions are usually longer than their pointful equivalents
nobody gets my terrible pun
@Mego not always, you can use it a lot of times]
Especially when you have to import Control.Monad
@Mego oh in Haskell, not generally. I don't know Haskell too
@dzaima you should definitely learn it:)
@flawr Then maybe I'm just bad or looking at the wrong problems :P
@Mego I'm not saying it works everywhere but it is something to keep in mind:)
btw do you know pointfree.io ?
@flawr APL is too fun right now :p, though Haskell is on my (never ending) todo list
@flawr yep
> Usually they make a video game out of a programming language. Sethbling makes a programming language out of a video game.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrn-gon in m-gon code-golfgeometrymath What is the greatest equilateral triangle you can fit into a regular pentagon? This is what this challenge is about, but with regular n-gons/m-gons. Challenge Given two integers m,n greater or equal to 3, find the maximal ratio of the areas of the two poly...

@KennyLau He should build game of life in Minecraft-BASIC, this would allow him to play tetris!
@flawr @_@
@KennyLau Woah... When did you change back from leaky?
@DJMcMayhem bugs...
@KennyLau I like your anagrammed name
was there a challenge that enspired you to change it
I didn't change it back
I gather that, but I did not know you when you were originally kenny lua
to wit, when you changed it to leaky nun was there a challenge that inspired the change?
not really?
k - was just thinking that there must be anagram challenges
There is this one in case anyone was wondering
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrEuler-Poincaré-Characteristic of Polyhedra mathgeometry Given a triangulation of the surface of a polyhedron p, calculate its Euler-Poincaré-Characteristic χ(p) = V-E+F, where V is the number of vertices, E the number of edges and F the number of faces. Details The vertices are enumerated as ...

yep, kenny invented the language /s
top kek
@KennyLau Doesn't seem that hard
@flawr ಠ_ಠ really :P but I got it \o/ I just wasn't there at the time rip
@FunkyComputerMan For your question (which btw I think is an awesome idea :D), is distribution of multiplication over addition applicable for (a + b) * c, or would we have to prove that?
also can we have lemmas
oh nvm that was asked already
? that sounds awesome
(I'm waiting to see if FCM will post it because they just deleted the sandbox post)
he did
ok whiteboard time :D
Q: (-a) × (-a) = a × a

Funky Computer ManWe all know that (-a) × (-a) = a × a (hopefully), but can you prove it? Your task is to prove this fact using the ring axioms. To avoid ambiguity here are the ring axioms where + and × are closed binary operations on some set S, - is a closed unary operation on S, and a, b, c are members of S: ...

@HyperNeutrino Sorry, next time I'm gonna save my terrible puns until you're here!
@NewMainPosts that was fast :)
[proof-golf] does indeed sound great. I'm trying to do just that right now—my math professor offered $20 to anybody who can golf a certain proof because of us giving him grief for its apparent sloppiness.
@flawr :P
How does one incluse tags in chat?
@Scrooble ooo i'd like to help if you want
@Scrooble [tag:tagname]
or [meta-tag:tagname]
I was close.
@HyperNeutrino That's an axiom, I just somehow forgot to add it to the question.
@FunkyComputerMan ah ok thanks!
@FunkyComputerMan so subs are like one step?
Yes, each substitution is one step
My CEO asked me what would be appropriate IRL prizes for the upcoming APL codegolf tournament. Any ideas? Last time they awarded a 4K and a 1080p camera.
(theoretically) are we permitted to write a program to do a BFS of a tree of all possible substitutions :P
so make a program find the proof for us :P
@Adám Does it have to be electronics related?
@flawr No.
Well an APL mug would be really cool :D
@HyperNeutrino I don't see why not
@FunkyComputerMan You should give brownie points if they prove it's optimal :P
@flawr We have loads of those. All participant at our User meetings get a free matte glass APL mug. Also, that's cheap. We're looking for something in the £100 order of magnitude.
@flawr Actually, maybe we should sell surplus APL mugs at shipping price.
What about an APL keyboard?
@flawr Yeah, I thought about that too.
I think those portable bluetooth speakers that you can connect to your mp3 or phone are also quite popular.
@FunkyComputerMan This challenge is hurting my brain because I've been doing group theory so much lately and there's only one operation in group theory D:
@HyperNeutrino perhpas you need so me group therapy
</worse pun>
also I should write out 0 as like e1 and 1 as e2 or something like that (identities) because I keep thinking that a * 0 = 0 is a thing (see comments on that challenge from someone else thinking that :P)
@HyperNeutrino if you want to further fuck your brain try to work with tropical polynomials :D
@HyperNeutrino that can be proven
pretty shortly
mhm but why does that imply a*0=0
add -(a*0) on both sides
a+a=a doesn't imply a=0
@Maltysen oh right
but you can't do "both sides" since you can't create lemmas :(
@flawr what even is that o_O
@HyperNeutrino i think u can, it just counts as an extra sub step
I asked OP, waiting fro response
oh wait nvm i have a response
didn't get a ping so didnt see it
19 mins ago, by Funky Computer Man
Yes, each substitution is one step
well subs from previous steps aren't free (OP response) and since it's all successive subs, you can't like break the steps and modify both sides
@HyperNeutrino a+a=a && a+0 == a, thus a=0.
but a+b=a+c does not imply b=c
wait nvm
you just add -a to both sides

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