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@Adám First middle (if there is one) and last?
First name: A, Middle name, B Last name C
Child 2: AB, B, C
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ No, just first. Last name adds 12 in Hebrew, 11 in Yiddish, or 10 in Latin.
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ I doubt anyone has such a name. Although Ea and My and Bo and Ib are fairly common first names in Denmark. Someone with an Asian background could have the full name Bo Li.
@Adám I bet Dennis kids do
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Yes. My last name is ברודזשעווסקי in Hebrew, but ברודזשעװסקי in Yiddish.
@Adám to me it looks like: mknmjnjnb n
Btw I actually smashed my head into my keyboard to get that text
Mine is Lemon, a bit less exciting.
@ATaco wait what?
My last name, it's Lemon.
Says so On my github
@ATaco I want a legal document for proof
That's an Australian Driver's License.
With some identifying information censored.
Nice hair
My hair is infact glorious.
@ATaco in fact*
@ATaco Is it still like this?
For now, it is.
I plan to get a haircut soon.
Lol how short?
I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
@ATaco Posting your full name + DOB + approximate location may not be the best idea.
It is so spicy tho. You could rock a buzz tho
@Adám How else should I find him when he gets his hair cut?
All this information has been available online for quite some time.
@ATaco i thought you were a taco :()
(Although yes, it's a pretty risky move)
@ATaco now I know how old you are -_-
I've not been subtle about that either.
@Dennis can you nuke the image above?
We don't want google to find
Yeah, probably for the best.
I guess @Doorknob you would work too
fairly sure you can only obliterate the link though
Mods can remove the link and the history
yeah but it's still on the internet
Is there any challenge for Subtract two equal length arrays?
Thanks Mods.
iirc mod nuke gets rid of it permanently
@sergiol RProgN has a 1 byte builtin for this.
@sergiol You mean pair-wise as in [10,20,30] - [3,1,4] = [7,19,26]?
@Adám Could have the full name "glass"? :P
@ASCII-only How?
@georg You can kind of avoid using quotation marks if you want a string that's a valid identifier in python
class A:
    def __init__(self): pass
    def __getattr__(self, attr): return attr
then a = A()
then a.hello would evaluate to "hello"
I bwoke my python again
string = "The fox is spaced"
locations = []
tracker = 0
for char in string:
	if(char == " "):
for int in locations:
	for a in range(0,int):
while a>0:
(lol pls don't do this; overwriting __getattr__ is something you should never do unless you really know what you're doing)
:/ why, vivaldi
Why is my code broken? I have error on stringSections[tracker1]...
I am trying to prove a point that I am smart and it is going badly
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ What error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\chris\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\PythonApplication2\PythonApplication2\PythonApplication2.py", line 14, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
@ASCII-only ^ that one
what is locations[int] meant to mean
because python
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Pls don't do locations[int], int is already locations[i]...
@ASCII-only I need halp
OH wow
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ... you need to append to stringSections before appending to stringSections[tracker1] otherwise it's not long enough...
Also I don't think you even need tracker1 beause you're supposed to just append to stringSections
I have an idea for a koth again
racetrack, except that you kill other players by ramming into them at high speed
also wat. a+int will be 2 * int - 1 at the end of the loop, which is after the end of the string...
Oh no here we go again
@ASCII-only Ignore all code I am removing it
that's simple enough right?
What were you trying to do :P
@DestructibleLemon Not exactly simple :P but it seems interesting
@ASCII-only Swap the words in a string without using any python things like .split
That's a bad idea D: so slow
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ :/ you never pop from stringSections either, and you only print once (i.e. not in a loop)
Well that was one of the interview questions my dad used for people applying to Microsoft
So I feel like it could be useful to figure out
well I mean ramming into players is simple right?
you would have failed so badly lol no offense
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ replace all spaces with '", "'
also with a hex grid?
and eval
@Maltysen reverse first? and wrap in double quotes too
@DestructibleLemon Hmm I guess
@ASCII-only Well I hope so. Considering these were top of the class UVA grads :P
Also I would use processing.js not python :P
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ UVA?
The high speed part is the bigger problem
@ASCII-only reverse? is that what the question was
to reverse the words
Looks like it
it'll be more simple when turns are not simeultaneous
i see
@ASCII-only pretty good school in VA
also you can't go too fast or you'll crash I guess
@ASCII-only well then u would reverse afterwards
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ well I'm sure most of us here can do it >_>
@Maltysen yeah
@ASCII-only Well but this is our lives
either that or I could make it into some tron ripoff thing?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Yeah but 0/10 you're on PPCG, it's a disgrace if you can't do something like that D:
@ASCII-only I don't really know python
yeah should I have one map, a bunch of maps, or randomly generated maps?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ .-. wat. why not normal JS
@ASCII-only I don't really know js
@DestructibleLemon randomly generated would be nice pls
ok so what should maps look like?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ D: why calls Downgoat
@ASCII-only O_O ease up there
should there be moving parts on the map?
@Downgoat please explain why PJS > JS
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ its not
also should it be that you do damage that scales with speed, or instakills past a certain speed?
@DestructibleLemon scale damage
You also take 1/2 damage u deal
I knew that I could use this idea somehow
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ no
you can only kill two players then
But you gain health over time
unless they themselves get damaged
but my point stands
nah I don't like your idea in all honesty
Does a darker or lighter color smartphone show more fingerprints in your guys experience?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ are you allowed to reverse the array with a builtin?
yay I finally have an idea
@Maltysen no -_-
@HelkaHomba idk lol what do you even mean?
also is crashing an instakill?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ k still shouldn't be that bad
also does crashing impart force? or is it more like driving through them?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Are you allowed to use str.find
well, turns aren't simeultaneous anyway
@DestructibleLemon Force
so it's not really driving
@ASCII-only if you write it
@ASCII-only yeah but this is on a grid so the force won't actually follow all that kinda stuff
@HelkaHomba I'd say darker, but in my experience I've never gotten fingerprints on the case haha
I also like the idea of having to make sure you don't drive into a wall after hitting someone
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ wow so slow why does your dad want people that do this :P
also that seems so much easier than using builtins haha
@ASCII-only Because any fool can use builtins but you have to understand CS logic to not use them
Maybe the proportion of the damage you take could decrease with speed, though the total self-inflicted damage would be strictly increasing.
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ repl.it/LcD3
I don't like the idea of taking damage from dealing damage
@DestructibleLemon what if I don't like you -_-
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ is that allowed?
also are bots going for kills in massive multiplayer, or some sort of last man standing thing?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Can you use [::-1] (reverse)
@Maltysen Is what allowed?
@ASCII-only idk
@Maltysen think so
import webbrowser

If only this were code golf to run the game, not KOTH to play it...
string = "The fox is spaced"
locations = [0] + [i for i in range(len(string)) if string[i] == " "] + [len(string)]
sections = [string[i + bool(i):j] for i, j in zip(locations[:-1], locations[1:])]
for i in range(len(sections) - 1, -1, -1):
	print sections[i]
@Scrooble can't access right now, how does it play?
Sane one that doesn't build a million strings
@Scrooble tell me what driftin.io is like please
I think I might use a square grid rather than hex for simplicity
or is it simple enough when you do the fake hex grid with a square grid?
@ASCII-only Quote from my dad: "You would have to write the range function"
ffs Christopher's dad
he knows reinventing the wheel is what people that don't get programming do?
@DestructibleLemon well who made those functions? What if you needed to re make python
CMC: Print "wheel" using only numbers and binary operations.
Besides the fact the point is to prove that you know the language
@HelkaHomba that is ez pz
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ so he's trying to teach you to be a REAL programmer?
@DestructibleLemon Know
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ?
@HelkaHomba 01110111 01101000 01100101 01100101 01101100
@HelkaHomba Turtlèd cannot do
actually can anything do that?
@DestructibleLemon exactly
bye o/
print isn't a binary operation
I'm writing an online visual brainfuck editor.
Because I can't find any good ones.
string = "The fox is spaced"
def range(i):
	counter = 0
	while counter != i:
		yield counter
		counter += 1
locations = [0] + [i for i in range(len(string)) if string[i] == " "] + [len(string)]
sections = [string[i + bool(i):j] for i, j in zip(locations[:-1], locations[1:])]
i = len(sections) - 1
while i != -1:
	print sections[i]
	i -= 1
Unless your dad says I need to write len too >_>
@ASCII-only didn't write len
and slicing
can you do .length?
also bool
@DestructibleLemon ... no
also zip
or did you do that already?
@ASCII-only use recursion instead of while
wait length should be fine
@HelkaHomba good idea >:D
@ASCII-only len = lambda s: sum([1 for c in s]) ?
@HelkaHomba true
then make sum and make that for recursive...
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ask him if this one works: repl.it/LcD3/1
also not using builtins is dumb because you didn't make the language features like list comprehensions
@HelkaHomba How :/
This seems like far too much work just to reverse the words in a string.
send this to the daily wtf
"The fox is spaced".split(/\s/).reverse().join(' ');
Thanks Javascript.
@ATaco No builtins allowed...
You're going to need to be more specific.
"".join("The fox is spaced".split()[::-1]) in Python (at least like 3 builtins)
@ATaco No string methods allowed for one
why not just give a task that can be built with wheels rather than tasking people with reinventing the wheels?
what is a string method
@HelkaHomba len=lambda a:a[1:]==[]or-~len(a[:-1])
now with even less builtins
@Maltysen slicing though D:
def str_len(s):
	if s == '':
 		return 0
		return 1 + str_len(s[1:])
I'd say len should be allowed, slicing shouldn't
@ASCII-only I'd say this whole thing is stupid and Christopher's dad shoulda just made us write it in C
not that he was making us write anything
Recursion is still fun. CMC: Write Ackermann function without it. ;)
what is "it"
@HelkaHomba well i mean u do anything without recursion by just defining a stack
and then writing the algorithm recursively
@HelkaHomba Does y combinator count as recursion
pretty sure it does
@Maltysen recursionless recursively?
Y = lambda f: (lambda x: x(x))(lambda y: f(lambda *args: y(y)(*args)))
ack = Y(lambda M, N, ack: return (N + 1) if M == 0 else (ack(M-1, 1, ack) if N == 0 else ack(M-1, ack(M, N-1, ack), ack)))
This should work (also yay 100% copied from rosetta code, with only a bit of tidying up)
so should I use hex grid (possibly by using a square grid that's tilted a bit, like this), or a square grid with diagonals
should I make a room for this koth?
this is sad
I just answered two SO questions within 5 minutes
SO is bad el oh el
for both of which my header was "Call your function"
Apparently people didn't learn that you need to call the function for it to actually do anything...
bad programmers xd
I think I will use a square grid for simplicity
also people doing i == input(); if i == quit...
like rly did nobody teach you what a string is
OP even used strings correctly in the input argument
and also i == input() ಠ_ಠ
also what should the arenas roughly look like?
A square with bouncy walls around the edge
as in, any object moving past the barrier has its velocity (along that axis) reversed
no the edges will be killing walls
ok so how should the arena scale?
with more players?
also should there be bonuses for being the last man standing?
a square with side length kn for constant k where n is the number of bots
@DestructibleLemon wait so instead of ranking by last to die, you're assigning points?
idk, I think there should be points for killing
some incentivisation at any rate
I would personally make last bot standing automatic winner
also your proposal makes the arena size a quadratic
area, yes
or you could make it side length k sqrt(n) for constant k
ok so how do I populate the inside of the arena though?
@HyperNeutrino: That's a good answer. There aren't a ton of detailed answers like yours on everyday questions (probably because there's sooo many)
@ZachGates Thanks :) I don't post often so when I do I try to explain things to the OP :)
@HelkaHomba brb renaming myself to "haskuf"
@ATaco I like bf.doleczek.pl. It supports interactive IO, constant print generation, memory viewer (although only at the end of execution), and a bunch of examples. It's not very well known.
ok so there are two main ways that I could put stuff into the arena: put stuff into a blank area, or hollow out a filled area
hello @Hosch250 !
Came here to ask for help finding that super long Ruby program that does nothing. It's a story about Jake the snake.
I told one of my coworkers about it, but I can't find it.
that's... an odd thing to be looking for...
would it be on this site ?
@Hosch250 oh that thing
no I don't know the program I meant the story part
Yeah, Doorknob answered a question with it.
@Hosch250 At least you know exactly what you're looking for. There can't be many (if even multiple) posts fitting that description
Yeah, except it was too long to post. He had to post it as a link to an external site.
I remember there was a bit of an argument in the comments about whether it was legal too, but that may well be gone now.
Maybe ping Doorknob if you know he was the poster?
this might be a good place to start
don't forget is:a
tfw OP submits code as an assignment without even knowing what it does and you wonder if they just copied it from, idk, SO...
then they don't get why return x; return x doesn't work
Yup :))
nate the snake?
not jake?
@Challenger5 What did you search to find it? I had to use this one
@Challenger5 :( :( :( I searched for that EXACT thing and it came up blank I believe you are magical SE webscraper
I was told the punchline before reading the joke and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing
ok but could anyone help me with the concept idea of how to generate my maps?
use gaussian noise
its fancy
@Challenger5 This would almost be perfect, if I didn't want memory viewing at execution.
@Adám eacal is kind of like that
@ConorO'Brien how and what?
could you give an example of the result or something?
I think that's what minecraft uses to generate terrain
nvm that's Perlin noise or simplex noise
I'm not going for 3d terrain anyway
hmm I remember an automaton thing
Q: Understanding Perlin Noise

Gabriel A. ZorrillaI'm toying with Perlin Noise after some work with Diamond Square. I followed the implementation by Hugo Elias that basically, makes a series of functions with x,y as input to throw each coordinate value. My PHP code is here: I have two questions: How do I use the algorithm to generate a height...

you're trying to make a contour map or something ?
basically, reverse the words?
This is much longer than it needs to be, but it's relatively efficient.
I remember a tutorial for unity involving generating a cave map thing
> is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is

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