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@Mayube As long as you don't stretch your experience / training too much, stretching your work time a bit like fudging with the dates a bit like Geobits said shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you stretch your experience too much they might put you in positions you can't actually do, but moving the dates a bit isn't much of a problem; they're usually too lazy to check those anyway.
(btw don't trust me on anything I say I'm in grade 10 and I have never had any work experience lol)
@Geobits However, in the unlikely case that it is looked at again with slight scrutiny, you can be caught lying which is way worse.
A family member of mine is the HR head at a decently sized company, and she's told me straight out they expect it from everyone. A resume is an advertisement, and they go shopping based on the ads. Unless it's something egregious (false diploma, fake company names, etc), they don't really care.
Challenge Idea: QR code reader in Game of Life
Challenge Idea: PPCGinGoL
ಠ_ಠ Both are... For the tetris team
I may specify that QFTASM and the computer from QFT cannot be used, though I'm not quite sure how to specify that
Just pop this in the spec:
> I know it only took a few years to build, but scrap that and start from scratch with a different method.
CMC: Given a String, check whether there are any two consecutive vowels (you may choose to handle what case you want, and up to you if y is a vowel or not).
"abcdeen" -> true (lowercase)
"FIY -> false (uppercase and y is not vowel in this example)"
Jelly: e€Øcẇ@11
Replace Øc with Øy to count yY
@HyperNeutrino or e€Øc11ẇ
oh right
(nilad-dyad pair)
gtg history o/
btw a more clever approach (lame I know) would be e€Øcȧ2\Ẹ
@Mr.Xcoder English, 37 bytes: Is any length-2 substring all vowels?
@HyperNeutrino How many history classes do you have in a week ಠ__ಠ \o
@Geobits ಠ____ಠ
@Geobits umm, link to an implementation please? :p /s
I am the implementation in this case. My eyes take input, my mouth output.
"abcdeen" -> yes
you multifunctional
@Geobits what language are you implemented in???
@Geobits 36 bytes: Is there a pair of adjacent vowels?
@EriktheOutgolfer In JS, he is a button, isn't he?
@EriktheOutgolfer That's a detail which the user need not see or bother with.
@Mr.Xcoder one every day
(gtg in a bit but not yet I guess)
@HyperNeutrino ಠ_ಠ Eugh
I would die if I'd have History each day
@Neil 26 bytes: Are there adjacent vowels?
wait how does your hs work
what grade are you in
@Mr.Xcoder Slip, 4 bytes: `v`v (prints all pairs if any exist, and nothing if none exist)
We currently have 2 classes per week
@MartinEnder Wow, that's a language I've never heard of before... Nice I guess
it's Sp3000's entry to the 2D pattern matching language design challenge (that was a long compound noun...)
oh right, remember
What language, regex?
(outputs consistent truthy value and ignores case, can save bytes if not required)
@Mr.Xcoder Retina of course
in our education system we have the same classes for the entire semester in different order, and then the next semester we take the other 4 classes (it's the semestered system; WCI implemented it two years ago)
@HyperNeutrino And (even better), from the 9th grade on we only have 1 history class per week :PP
@Mr.Xcoder in regex it would match 1i`+vowel+vowel
@EriktheOutgolfer That was a joke
Don't think it can get shorter in Pyth, 13 bytes: :w"[aeiou]{2}
@Mr.Xcoder in 9th grade we don't even have history
Wow that's... strange... Different countries, different systems
we have canadian geo in grade 9 and canadian hist in grade 10
Our system is strange too.... Many, many quirks.
do you have "final exams"?
@EriktheOutgolfer Describe them, to make sure we are talking about the same thing
like, those in mid-may all the way to mid-june
like the one that counts for like 30% of your overall mark
I mean those that decide if you pass the class or redo later, and if you fail again you do the same class again
no 30% or anything now they are counted separately
We have something called "final test", and you have to solve 3/4 (depending on the case) tests: maternal language, Romanian, Maths and either geography or history.
"maternal language" ???
how's that?
@EriktheOutgolfer Mother's tongue
I mean, they test it? like, what if your mother speaks chinese???
Like, if you're Turkish and live in Romania, you have to pass a turkish language test
so in other words, no, romania does not have the same kind of final exams.
@EriktheOutgolfer Mother tongue...
still is "final" but not the same exam type
@HyperNeutrino yeah probably not
I mean those that decide if you pass the class or redo later, and if you fail again you do the same class again - One hardly ever redoes classes here, only extreme cases
for example my mother is estonian that doesn't mean I have to learn estonian in my case
that's brutal...
@EriktheOutgolfer Mother's tongue means your primary language.
If you are English, say, and came to live in Romania, you get both a Romanian Language exam and an English exam (your main language)
but...but why should romania exam another language just because it's your primary language? I don't get it...
@EriktheOutgolfer Well we have lots of people from national minorities, some don't even speak Romanian well
oh so is it partially to be able to pass by bypassing the romanian exam?
@HyperNeutrino Not really
It's strange
and...if you're romanian that means you get a romanian exam and a romanian exam? :p
@EriktheOutgolfer They are merged, of course.
Like, if you don't speak Romanian too well because you're not born here, that test helps you improve your grade, rather than bypassing the Romanian examination
I get that if you go to school in romania you should be at least trying to learn a bit of romanian (unless it's some "foreign school")
@EriktheOutgolfer Well the Romanian tests are more about the grammar or subtle literature quirks we have, it's hard if you "come from the outside"
"literature" oh that's tough
I like it
I dislike reading much, though
I dislike reading at all :p
Well, I only do it if I have to too
well, studying right?
The only book I've read by myself (and really liked it) was Harry Potter :P
Anyone up for a bit of JHT?
not me I have to study in a while :(
I might be able to though depends on how long other people take to color in a map
(history = geography apparently)
(also it's a map of europe right pre-great war)
@HyperNeutrino Waiting for u, hopefully they will draw that map... in a preferable manner
*bad wording
well rip we're done with that
gtg now o/
ಠ_ಠ I'll have to go to my school every day for the next 2 months... ಠ_ಠ That includes Saturdays and Sundays
why detention?
Saturday morning - Romanian Language "preparation" for an exam, Saturday afternoon - Maths "training", Sunday Morning up to Sunday Afternoon - Physics Hypertraining
accelerated courses?
@EriktheOutgolfer kinda
Although not doing things in advance, just practicing more to get better
> a more succinct version of Jelly
Pfua :-) Is that a thing?
it doesn't exist yet...
yes, but look at the description xD
yeah it's a bit of a lie...it's not a language yet :p
Generally more succinct than Jelly is nearly a logical contradiction
physics hypertraining? is that where hyperneutrinos come from?
@Neil No :P
@Neil pun
@Mr.Xcoder if husk gets enough builtins I'm afraid it'll grow into power...
Well ATM it doesn't have enough built-ins
But when it comes to a more elaborate task, Jelly nearly always wins
if 05AB1E doesn't smash it, of course.
is it just me or 05AB1E used to be more competitive to Jelly in the past?
@EriktheOutgolfer ugh, I wish the wiki had the atoms grouped by function
but 05AB1E's too really
not sure how that is possible
you mean the zip thingy?
@EriktheOutgolfer hey man can I ask you something about jelly?
would Çn®¿ mean "repeat the last link while it's not equal to register" ?
but Çn®$¿ would
(btw Ç actually means "link on line above")
yeah yeah that's what I meant by last link hahah, thanks man
Hello \o
ooo jelly is happening
Yeah I'm trying to do something
and failing miserably while at it
what are you trying to do? I might be able to help
I see erik was teaching you some stuff earlier
also how does a qr code work? when it's scanned, does it just give text output?
well he probably asked me because I have posted >400 answers in it?
like what is its output format
@EriktheOutgolfer yeah true :P
and found out I was active in here...
@EriktheOutgolfer precisely
@Neil ಠ_ಠ
Try it online! this is my code so far but it's obviously wrong hahahah
also rip html markups
we use markdown not bbcode here :p
yeah I noticed
and your link is rip 404
should work now?
the catch is to remove only the spaces though
My biggest problem is that I have no idea how to use ifs in jelly
oh it's simple if you get a grasp of quicks
it's (true)(false)(condition)?
yeah exactly, I was trying to stop it when the string was equal to the register, which (I think) is the string without spaces
I can do it all on the same line?
hmm...dunno tbh
I was thinking of trying to do something like "if input has leading whitespace, pop one" then "if input has trailing whitespaces, pop one"
RegexPlay: Test your regex skills. I did pretty good, and completed all 12 levels on intermediate. My score
But the atom reference page doesn't have much on whitespaces (or spaces in general)
just pop a space and then reverse it
I'll try that
took me 11 bytes just to remove a space if it begins with one: ṫ2Ṅ$¹ḣ1=” ?
yeah, ifs and Jelly are parallel
Also 11: Ḋµ¹µḣ1Ḣ=⁶µ?
Could you do something like (in pseudocode): concatenate(ternary(pop() == space ? nothing : the popped element))
that would be slightly difficult
pop() gets rid of it so it would be hard to get it back
yeah you need register
maybe with the register but I feel like that would be longer
(ninja'd >_<)
22 bytes, done
still need 2 more bytes to beat 05ab1e
Based on Neil's code, would swapping ṫ for ḣ pop the last element if it is a whitespace?
@HyperNeutrino Unless the ternary was it's own monadic link
not sure what you mean...?
@HyperNeutrino Mhm, I feel like one of the µs is redundant
nope I tried taking them out
what does µ do? I haven't found it in the quicks or the atoms page
@HyperNeutrino So write a link that uses a ternary: return z == ' ' ? '' : z then call that link with pop()
yeah nope
@DJMcMayhem oh huh interesting idea
@J.Salle Starts a new monadic chain
I feel like that'd be longer but I'll try it too unless you want to
you see? it happened again
@J.Salle it's under syntax, it means start a new monadic chain
@mbomb007 parsing html with regex...mmm
I was using ṫ2 but Ḋ exists
@HyperNeutrino I'm good (writing jelly from phone isn't a ton of fun)
Thanks @Mr.Xcoder @DJMcMayhem
got 20 bytes now
With my suggestion?
no, I swapped ternary for repeat
I'll try yours now
I am now winning :3
uh how do you get an empty string in Jelly
@HyperNeutrino “”
oh nothing shorter?
darn it
Isn't there a nilad?
apparently not
there is []
there is I think
you can use but only if it's a nilad (i.e. no input)
too lazy to search
but that's almost never used because you almost always have a left argument
@HyperNeutrino good luck typing that in jelly
mhm why, does it not work?
@HyperNeutrino Alternatively, you can use ⁶Ḋ
@HyperNeutrino no
but that's two links which is a pain so yeah empty string literal is still better
In that case, my algorithm is almost surely longer. I thought there was a nilad for it
but “” is exactly the same thing
yeah @DJMcMayhem I think yours will be much longer
> 21. DIARRHOEA, R.: Rotavirus and other viral diarrhoeas. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 58(2) (1980) 183–198
like why that
@EriktheOutgolfer I know right hahah I saw that too
in regex test thingy?
@mbomb007 Also I don't think the "intermediate" changes anything, meaning I'm a lot worse at regex than you are lol
Spent way too long on 7
@J.Salle How are you doing on the string undressing challenge?
@mbomb007 My results ... much better than I expected.
anyone got time for a stupid jelly question?
let's say my main link is Ç that just runs the previous link as a monad, right
@HyperNeutrino not really well, and now my boss just came in so I'm not working on it atm
@J.Salle ah okay.
and the value of that link is 0 on my given input
I can help with questions for the next while if wanted
@Neil okay
Whats the CMC?
@cairdcoinheringaahing it's a challenge
Sure thing
Q: Undress a string

Nathan.Eilisha ShirainiWe already now how to strip a string from its spaces. However, as proper gentlemen, we should rather undress it. Undressing a string is the same as stripping it, only more delicate. Instead of removing all leading and trailing spaces at once, we remove them one by one. We also alternate betwe...

now Ḋ¹Ç? gives me different results to Ḋ¹0?. why?
@Neil 0 is a nilad and Ç is a monad.
@HyperNeutrino All I saw was "Jelly" :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah ok lol :P
@J.Salle are you still learning Jelly?
@cairdcoinheringaahing The CMC is the Regex challenge posted by mbomb007
A monad will take the link before it and make it its argument. You'd have to place the argument explicitly before the link and possibly use the Nilad Link Quick after it.
@cairdcoinheringaahing trying to, hahahah
@AdmBorkBork ಠ_ಠ I don't like regex :P
how on earth can you realistically use ? in that case?
Neither do I
@J.Salle Have you applied to JHT?
@Neil Ḋ¹⁸Ǥ?
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah I'm there already
not working
@cairdcoinheringaahing I did surprisingly much better than I expected.
     ?  If
   Ç    The last link called on
  ⁸     The left argument
    ¤   As a nilad
Ḋ       Dequeue, else
 ¹      Identity
@Neil link?
@AdmBorkBork I saw it on the star board, and I have to click every link I see so, here goes :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing sends malicious link
@HyperNeutrino gets banned
Question: What is the output format of a QR code? Like, what does it encode?
@HyperNeutrino Last time I said that, Mendeleev rick rolled me and it lead to kicks, so maybe not :P
@EriktheOutgolfer mhm lol
@HyperNeutrino Try it online!
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah I recall that rip :P (this is why I didn't actually send a link at all)
@Neil ḣ1=⁶ doesn't work
@HyperNeutrino String of whatever you want, afaik.
it returns 0
@AdmBorkBork oh okay thanks. so it stores binary information?
@Neil yes because ḣ1 returns a list or something like that; it doesn't work
@HyperNeutrino you would otherwise???
@EriktheOutgolfer well not a real malicious link, no, just like a rickroll
We have somewhere in the past a QR code generator where we put the PPCG logo and it generated a QR code that pointed to our website.
ahh, so it's really [0]?
@HyperNeutrino I'm not sure the exact encoding mechanism, but it's at a higher level than binary.
@AdmBorkBork ah okay. I'm trying to make a challenge off of this for GoL so I need to know how the output should be given
@Neil yes, that's why it's always truthy :P
You could use Any and All, or you could compare to space and then do Head (Monad)
(thanks to Erik for that trick)
@Neil FYI, you can append µŒṘ to the end of your program to see the actual version, rather than the Jelly version (which removes the [] around singleton arrays)
@HyperNeutrino I canibalized the 11 bytes you posted earlier and got to this: ṄḊµ¹µḣ1Ḣ=⁶µ?µṄṖµ¹µḣ1Ḣ=⁶µ?
:P sorry I am somewhat confused by this
Still need to repeat that until nothing happens
@HyperNeutrino this one
Aug 18 '16 at 15:20, by PhiNotPi
@J.Salle well no I mean that code looks quite ungolfed since it's practically the same thing copied twice. if only Jelly had an option for making a quick into an "object" and then call it so you could golf that
ÐĿ repeats until the results are no longer unique, and returns all of the intermediate results.
@HyperNeutrino just tried that, doesn't do what I need. I'm trying to golf it down a bit
@HyperNeutrino well it's a bit late now but I got your original 22 bytes down to 18: Ḋ¹=⁶Ḣ$?UµÐĿ¹Ṛ2ƭ€QY
@Neil Cool, thanks for the golfing anyway :D
@J.Salle you could probably use Ḋ¹=⁶Ḣ$? somewhere there
@Neil what does that do?
removes a leading space
I'm currently trying to apply that same link to the reverse answer and then reverse it again
If you have a link that removes a leading space and then reverses the string, you can just keep calling that until the result no longer changes
then reverse every other string to get the correct list
then remove duplicate elements (which are the result of having no more spaces to remove)
(oh wait that's my answer)
I'd like to see how your idea turns out though, so feel free to develop your approach!
speaking of which, why are you inconsistent in your use of U and ?
I'm trying to compile a list of languages that "win" code golf the most. has this been done before?
also the µ starts a new chain, so probably shouldn't be after a link in an explanation
@Neil U reverses each element in the array, but reverses the whole array
@Neil uh not sure, too lazy to change it now though
@Neil that's true, but I use µ...µ to denote a link which isn't technically correct as people with experience in Jelly will notice, but makes more sense (I think and hope) to non-Jellyers
technically I could use U or in both cases so I really don't know what I was thinking
@HyperNeutrino -1, U is better (no copy paste needed) :D
that's why I usually use U
@HyperNeutrino there is only one µ in your answer...
I used to have compose key but my new Linux account doesn't seem to work with that
@Neil wait really? that is odd
oh right
yeah I'll change that I guess
Hehe, the description of the better version of Deorst
> Levant is a golfing language designed to be a more succinct version of Jelly.
> more succinct version of Jelly
@HyperNeutrino Yep :P
Also, I'm really sad that ŒĐ doesn't do anything in Jelly.
why does ^(?=\d{1,3}\.\s)[A-Z] not match 123. X
i think i fundamentally misunderstand lookaheads
@Poke Just a guess but isn't ^ the end of a line?
$ is eol iirc
ಠ_ಠ Yeah, I don't know regex :P
you know how a positive lookahead works?
the lookahead matches the 123. but doesn't advance the match
^[A-Z](?=\d{1,3}\.\s) matches X123.
so the [A-Z] tries to match at the start too
@ConorO'Brien strictly speaking, it matches a leading X that is followed by 123.
right that's what i'm seeing
how do i advance the match
just don't look ahead
rather advance the cursor without advancing the match
i only want to match the X
if your regex flavour supports it, lookbehind
and it's variable too, so good luck with that
I know .NET regex can do that at least
Q: Replacing Dumb Quotes with Prime

COMisHARDIn typography there is a special symbol that we use for certain units of measurement called prime. It looks like this: However it is also often articulated as a regular "dumb" or "straight" apostrophe, as opposed to a "smart" or "curly" one. I am wondering if anyone can come up with a reli...

@NewMainPosts Awww, that actually looked interesting until it said "I'm looking". Then I went straight to VTC :( Plus, its on topic to the current conversation
@Neil this particular one does not
@Poke ^\d{1,3}\.\s([A-Z]) :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Then please don't try to correct people. (More importantly, please don't use a look of disapproval and a :P face in the same sentence)
> Just a guess
I was just trying to help, jeez
@cairdcoinheringaahing there are more than enough people here who actually know regex lol
@ASCII-only While this only captures the X it still matches the whole string
@Poke Hmm IIRC I think it's possible (albeit very hacky?) brb
@Poke Oh also the website mbomb linked supports lookbehind, just saying
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HyperNeutrinoBuild a QR code reader code-challenge game-of-life This was heavily inspired by the Tetris GoL question and the Digital Clock GoL question, both by Joe Z. For this challenge, should you choose to accept it, you are to create a cell configuration in Conway's Game of Life which will take a QR cod...

@ASCII-only seems to not like my regex when I do (?<=anything)

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