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A: Mario Kart Scoring w/ Ties

Mr. XcoderProton, 62 bytes (s,p)=>[sum(p[s.index(i)to][to s.count(i)])/s.count(i)for i:s] Try it online!

Why do people upvote Bubblegum answers
Because it's a dumb language
And of course because it's made by him
why do people upvote trivial brainfuck substitutions, memey answers, unary answers, etc.? the world may never know
why do people upvote Wordfuck?
> trivial brainfuck substitutions
@LeakyNun because we don't have answers
I don't see a problem with brainfuck substitutions as long as its well golfed brainfuck
I only have a problem when someone ports an existing trivial brainf**k substitution to another longer one
Q: #OctothorpeAsciiArt

DJMcMayhemAn Octothorpe, (also called number sign, hash or hashtag, or pound sign) is the following ASCII character: # Isn't that a fun shape? Lets make bigger versions of it! So here is your challenge: Given a positive integer N, output an ASCII hashtag of size N. For example, an ASCII hashtag of...

name a language and I'll try to answer it
I'll reject outright any intentionally difficult request
such as Malbolge or Hexagony
@LeakyNun Is the above reasonable enough?
@LeakyNun J
@Mego there are already 2 answers in J
one of which I golfed to 19 bytes
@BusinessCat @_@
@BusinessCat the problem is that sometimes it isn't golfed at all but is still upvoted more than actual competing entries
@LeakyNun C++
I've already decided on a language
@LeakyNun Which?
@Mr.Xcoder you'll know :P
@LeakyNun Oh, I didn't actually open the challenge. F#.NET, then.
I notice there's no Retina solution
@Mego Any chance to solve it in Actually?
@Mr.Xcoder Probably
But Actually is terrible at ascii art
@Mego What is its forte?
my chosen language has been mentioned
@Mr.Xcoder It's decent at math. It's more of a general-purpose golfing language at this point
Prolly ><> or Hexagony
@Mego Nice. I only have 1 answer in Actually, a trivial math-related challenge
@LeakyNun pyramid scheme
He has decided
It's probably Retina
Retina was not mentioned before he decided
I can still mention it
So? He only said it was mentioned after he decided
I was suggesting more than guessing
@LeakyNun Link us when you're done
A: #OctothorpeAsciiArt

Leaky NunActually, 34 bytes 5r2@♀%@♀α♂i⌠" #"E⌡M╗╜⌠╝╜⌠╛kM⌡MΣ⌡Mi Try it online!

Ah, I was working on a solution too. Willing to see what I GET.
Jeez, he wasn't kidding when he said it was terrible at ASCII art
@BusinessCat maybe it's just me terrible at golfing
that was weird
I tried to star something on the starboard, got the error bar to popup, so I clicked the refresh button on the browser and it took me to Area51
@Mr.Xcoder I won't trade beauty for 1 byte
@LeakyNun >_>
@LeakyNun Do you know how to make A -> [A] in actually?
@AdmBorkBork Yep, database server glitching out again it seems.
A: Going to chat.stackexchange.com takes me to Area 51?

HaneyI broke it. I just unbroke it. Sorry!

@Mr.Xcoder <1><list>
@LeakyNun best bugfix commit ever
@LeakyNun What? I don't understand.
@Mr.Xcoder 1╟
@LeakyNun Probably not. I'll take a look at it in a moment.
@Mr.Xcoder # or 1╟, depending on whether or not A is an iterable.
@Mego Why does '#*' 0ß*+2*+1╟0ß* print [' #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ####'] and not [' #### ####',' #### ####'], blah blah and how could I do that?
@HyperNeutrino since proton is pretty much golfy python, why do you have weird ungolfy slicing? :P
@totallyhuman probably because colons are for ?:
and it's only one byte longer than standard slicing anyway
@totallyhuman @StepHen @ppperry Want to come to Proton and solve some CMCs
@ppperry not always
@totallyhuman give me an example
@ppperry Or 2
A: Mario Kart Scoring w/ Ties

Mr. XcoderProton, 62 bytes (s,p)=>[sum(p[s.index(i)to][to s.count(i)])/s.count(i)for i:s] Try it online! Proton, 63 bytes (s,p)=>map(i=>sum(p[s.index(i)to][to s.count(i)])/s.count(i),s) Try it online!

oh, I see
the second to
@ppperry [:s.count], [to s.count]
I had forgotten that
@ppperry python is [n:n:n], proton is [n to n by n]
I knew that
1 min ago, by Mr. Xcoder
@totallyhuman @StepHen @ppperry Want to come to Proton and solve some CMCs
@Almo a misuser of flags
What a change in wording :)
@Mr.Xcoder Sure
could you link me to proton?
i don't have it
@Mr.Xcoder '#* is "#"*input(). ' 0ß* is " "*(first_input) (the 0 can be dropped here). + concatenates them. 2* repeats the string twice (τ can be used instead). The next + doesn't seem to do anything. 1╟ pushes that string into a one-element list, and 0ß* (once again, the 0 is unnecessary) repeats that element first_input times.
@Mego Thanks!
CMC: print range from 1 to N separated by spaces
@ConorO'Brien Pyth, 5 bytes: jd`MS
@Poke omg there was a followup
Or jdm`h
CJam, 7: {,:)S*}
@ConorO'Brien param($n)"$(1..$n)"
@ConorO'Brien cQuents, 5 bytes: | ::$
This could be done in Jelly in 2 bytes. I know it has builtins for it...
@Challenger5 yes I can confirm
Jelly, 2 bytes: RK
Hey, no Unicode!
Also 2 in Gaia
2 bytes: ┅ṡ
Lots of Unicode
Q: Print chess board in terminal

swishWrite a program that would print a final chess board after given sequence of moves. You should only use BASH, but you can start any interpreter with it (e.g. python -c '...'), just don't use the internet. The starting board looks like this: 8|♜|♞|♝|♛|♚|♝|♞|♜ 7|♟|♟|♟|♟|♟|♟|♟|♟ 6| | | | | | | | ...

@ConorO'Brien Actually, 4 bytes: R' j
Ri■⌂ also works for 4 but it's uglier.
@ConorO'Brien SOGL, 3 bytes: Δ@∑
i fear everybody's getting lost in golflangs D: lambda n:' '.join(map(str,range(1,n+1))
@totallyhuman print(*range(1,int(input())+1)) is shorter
eh... too python3 :P
for i in range(input()):print-~i,
Happy now? :P
That only works in Python 2 though...
...that was the point of that, no?
and i finally got that 50th upvote on my answer yay
"nice job"
How do you add a language to TIO?
ask dennis in this room
@Riker :D
user image
someone make this a challenge
  (memory (export "mem") 1)
  (func (export "accumulate") (param $ptr i32) (param $length i32) …))
I'm convinced this whole WASM thing is an evil plot to bring LISP to the browser.
o_o. Don't even joke about math like that, ever.
@Zacharý * until you tenure
What's a good Unicode character for eval?
... preferably a non-ASCII, fancy-looking Unicode symbol
Makes sense to me
ಠ_ಠ :P
Makes sense
But too cheesy lol
can't promise everyone will have it in their fonts :P
i would never put an emoji in my code page though
maybe for "run"
@StepHen I don't :P
Just add a comment in the code // Blame Step Hen for this choice
@ConorO'Brien I like it
what's its Unicode value?
@MDXF or this R:
ᚱ	runic letter raido rad reid r	013261	5809	0x16B1	&#5809;
:o You can vote to reopen your own post :o
You can vote to close your own post too...
That I know
Only once though
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fireflame241I got a Quattuorquinquagintillion Problems, but my terminal size ain't one. code-golfkolmogorov-complexitystring Given no input, print the following exact text of names for big numbers, with or without a trailing newline: million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion...

that's a... lot of problems
oh bubblegum is gonna wreck this challenge
A: Should every question be sandboxed?

Stewie GriffinNO! I'm one of the 5 users that have the Socratic badge, so I'd consider myself fairly experienced when it comes to writing challenges. I'm afraid I will sound like an arrogant jerk here, but this is what I mean: Yes, some challenges are not flawless. Accept that they are posted on main, or lo...

Thoughts? ^^
@trichoplax what, can someone else vote to close a post twice?
@StepHen no universally every question has a 2 vote ratio with a user
@StepHen No, once only applies to everyone
that's what I thought
my message sounds stupid
@StewieGriffin I've also just answered that question, with what sounds like the opposite meaning to yours, but I do include a section saying I don't think that it should be mandatory. I just disagree with discouraging people from using the sandbox as I think it's very useful even for experienced users (for the reasons in my answer plus all the previously mentioned reasons in Peter Taylor's answer).
@totallyhuman that was my other, not-so-good question idea that was roughly the same
but summing the codepoints should still be fine right?
@totallyhuman you mean the unicode thing you did earlier?
Q: The Third String

Step HenGiven two strings, output a third string that is not equal to either of the two inputs, but has the same length of either of the inputs. There is guaranteed to be at least one valid output. Test Cases Test cases are quoted to show they are strings. Outputs are one of many possible. input, input -

@totallyhuman anything that you can output you have to handle as valid input
...well i suppose at one point it would be too big
@totallyhuman that's the error I found for the CMC, it would go to a 3-length string at some point given 2 4-length strings
monthly music drop: soundcloud.com/phinotpi/coniferous written in normal 4/4 this time
@StepHen wait, equal byte length or equal char length?
@totallyhuman Char, it's a string
...that doesn't matter
@totallyhuman Try it online!
@StepHen Can our answers work, in theory, but memory error for anything larger than 4 characters?
@Mr.Xcoder I'm curious as to where that came from :P
@StepHen because that's len
CMC: take a list of integers and output 1) median 2) mean 3) stddev
strings are deep down bytes either way
@totallyhuman is len not the same as the length of a string?
@StepHen Lexicographical alphabet permutations
@StepHen len is character length
@Downgoat What is stddev?
and it's supposed to be
@Mr.Xcoder standard deviation
@Mr.Xcoder standard deviantation
@totallyhuman why wasn't this brought up in Sandbox >.<
just pick chars if you want to get rid of the unicode thing
@totallyhuman OP was edited to say chars a while 4 minutes ago
@StepHen The question stands (I realised it is great for golfing)
so i could mod by 255 or something
and then it should be valid
i think
@Mr.Xcoder um you'd have to give me a bit more information (why it would memory error) but I'd say probably no, at least not that short
I know that's vague
but I need more info
@StepHen For example, if the first string is 3 chars, the program produces:
['abc', 'abd', 'abe', 'abf', 'abg', 'abh', 'abi', 'abj', 'abk', 'abl', 'abm', 'abn', 'abo', 'abp', 'abq', 'abr', 'abs', 'abt', 'abu', 'abv', 'abw', 'abx', 'aby', 'abz', 'acb', 'acd', 'ace', 'acf', 'acg', 'ach', 'aci', 'acj', 'ack', 'acl', 'acm', 'acn', 'aco', 'acp', 'acq', 'acr', 'acs', 'act', 'acu', 'acv', 'acw', 'acx', 'acy', 'acz', 'adb', 'adc', 'ade', 'adf', 'adg', 'adh', 'adi', 'adj', 'adk', 'adl', 'adm', 'adn', 'ado', 'adp', 'adq', 'adr', 'ads', 'adt', 'adu', 'adv', 'adw', 'adx', 'ady', 'adz', 'aeb', 'aec', 'aed', 'aef', 'aeg', 'aeh', 'aei', 'aej', 'aek', 'ael', 'aem', 'aen', 'aeo', '
Sorry, my computer memory-errored when I pasted
And picks the first string that is not equal to either of the strings.
@Mr.Xcoder I'll say it has to work for at least up to input length 6. Failing for 3 or 4 seems too early.
sorry :(
@Mr.Xcoder That's a 403 Forbidden
@Mr.Xcoder for me it is :P
Not for me
Crappy Mathematica
@flawr omg
I feel like downgoat either founded that or was born there
why not both?
how would that work :o
his birth initiated the foundation
>:U that makes no sense

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