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more on-topic as in it's more on-topic or there's more that's on-topic?
@StepHen that's why the Romans were ridiculous to borrow a letter (k) to represent a sound that already exists (c) just to make a more accurate transliteration of Greek words
@BusinessCat you mean grammer /s
@EriktheOutgolfer How are braces off topic in a programming room??
@Jordan I've had them removed one at a time.
Wrong type of braces
CMC: Given an integer n, output n+2 if it is even and n-2 if it is odd.
@trichoplax hehe
@trichoplax not those braces the other ones...also the ones you're referring to are called brackets formally
I like { better than (
Does association bonus count to network 10k?
@EriktheOutgolfer I know :P
@Jordan all I know is that the longer you wait the harder it is
@trichoplax In various ways
@HyperNeutrino dammit ninja'd
@Jordan Possibly, but it's usually better to just get them all out at the same time.
@2EZ4RTZ I think only sites with 200+ rep count
@2EZ4RTZ only if you have >200 rep (if you're thinking of joining 100 sites to get 10k, nice try)
@HyperNeutrino I tried that lol
dammit ninja'd
sighs as anyone ignores an on-topic CMC
@HyperNeutrino rip
@MDXF ಠ_ಠ
@Mr.Xcoder Python: lambda n:n+2*(-1)**n
Thirty white horses on a red hill...
@LeakyNun Ok... Looks good
1 min ago, by Mr. Xcoder
CMC: Given an integer n, output n+2 if it is even and n-2 if it is odd.
@trichoplax holy crap 10 stars in 59 seconds
that's gotta be some sort of record
Which do you guys like more "[" "(" or "{"?
Aside from "don't abuse stars" lol
If your braces are causing you discomfort you should just program in Python instead
@Jordan ">"
I have 2.4k network
@Jordan Don't discriminate
I need to hit 10k.
@2EZ4RTZ Good luck!
@2EZ4RTZ It's overrated
Holy crap this chat room is full. How's lunch everyone?
Anyone want to give me 8k in bounties? (You know because that works)
@Mr.Xcoder ḂḤḤ_2_@
anyway gtg o/
@Mr.Xcoder J, 2+]-4*2&|
bye o/
@2EZ4RTZ Go answer GoL Tetris and you'll have 10k faster than you can say "bounties"
Nice ˆˆˆ and ˆˆˆˆˆˆ
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 5 bytes: _+Ḃ?2
@2EZ4RTZ "A bounty can be awarded 24 hours after the bounty was started"
@ConorO'Brien lol I was just thinking of a very similar solution in APL (at least from what I can tell about that program)
7 Braces moved to Trash
@MDXF actually... if you want to be a total jerk... you can do that atm
@MDXF I played Tetris in GoL yesterday
@StepHen what do you mean?
@DJMcMayhem sorry I don't think those are the only ones you need to get to work :p
The Quest for Tetris guys are done everything, they are just doing answer writeups now
You're kidding
50 secs ago, by Step Hen
@MDXF I played Tetris in GoL yesterday
@MDXF No, he's not.
@StepHen :O
@StepHen ye grammer iz cooool
honestly what does are done mean?
@StepHen "Hey I play <insert stupid fps game here>, what do you play?" "I am an experienced played of tetris in GoL"
@EriktheOutgolfer They have finished writing it.
@EriktheOutgolfer I dunno - I think it means "they are done the code"
@MDXF that's just one writeup, they are doing like 7 answers
And they are going to get +100k each (from bounties) (probably)
we need to make sure that it is the most bountied question, ever
Although... I still want to do this...
in The Quest for Tetris, Aug 3 at 17:11, by Step Hen
brb putting a 50 rep bounty on it so that people can't put 500s for a week :P
> The last message was posted 24 hours ago.
yeah you're viewing something from 24 hours ago...
> The last message was posted 1 day ago.
@EriktheOutgolfer about is relative. They've been working on it for nearly 2 years, 24 hours is nothing compared to 2 years
@MDXF copy the right code in
then set it to write to RAM address 1 and output 3-34
@MDXF btw you can't get user input in the QFTASM interpreter
@Cowsquack yes you can
I did it
Who is repeatedly starring and unstarring my messages?
You Direct write to RAM Address 1
oh TIL :P
When does the game start
@MDXF when you click run
@StepHen I did but no tetrominoes are falling
@MDXF I dunno
@MDXF do you have the right code?
@MDXF hit "set code" > "run"
@Cowsquack oh right I forgot you had to set code
After I run it how do I actually play
I just see a tetromino falling and can't do anything
Direct write to RAM address 1
   1      counterclockwise rotation
   2      left
   4      down (soft drop)
   8      right
  16      clockwise rotation
@Cowsquack Oh that worked. how do I do input
With the input being "2" why does &1/@ not work in Befunge98?
@MDXF ^^
Is this even GoL though?
@MDXF they made a computer in GoL
this is the assembly that is used with the GoL computer
Oh wow
the same computer can run that assembly
When do they post?
when they all finish their writeups
And then we will have them all back to normal PPCG challenges?
@Mr.Xcoder no, then I go and make an actually well-specced pong GoL challenge
or a general pong challenge
but I think there already is one
@StepHen I honestly hope that will be downvoted into oblivion (I am sick of GoL).
@Cowsquack there is
@Mr.Xcoder You're sick of GoL?!?!? what do you think they are?
pretty neat
CMC: Given an integer, halve it (floating point division), add 5, multiply the result by the integer + 1, double the result and then increase it by 100 (Chameleon-CMC on purpose)
Why do some messages appear in the starred section with no number by it? Does that mean that one person has starred it?
@Jordan yes
almost got a line
but i forgot how to move the piece to the right
@Poke 8
yeah i read the docs after
@Mr.Xcoder Language I want to do it in doesn't have floating point division RIP
lambda a:((a/2+5)*a+1)*2+100
(in python 3)
@Jordan You may choose integer division if you wish
@ppperry You can do better
tetris in GoL is the new <insert popular fps here>
@ppperry (a+1)
@ppperry Hint: Bitwise.
@Mr.Xcoder jelly, 9 bytes: H+5בḤ+ȷ2
@EriktheOutgolfer That's neat +1
(neat as in well done)
CMC: Given a point and a list of points, all in nD space, return the point from the list that is closest to the single point (or one of them if several are equidistant).
(x/2+5)(x+1)*2 + 100 = (x+10)(x+1) + 100 = x^2 + 11x + 110
@Mr.Xcoder cQuents (no bitwise and no tricks) #|1:100+2(1+A)(A/2+5
@Adám what is nD space?
@Cowsquack n-dimensional
@LeakyNun Exactly. I hoped someone would do the maths!
@Mr.Xcoder you'd be disappointed
@Mr.Xcoder 11×+²+110 is the same length
@EriktheOutgolfer but +11×+110 isn't
E.g. [[0,0,0],[127,0,0],[0,127,0],[0,0,127],[255,255,0]] and [70,20,0][127,0,0]
@LeakyNun that needs more maths :p
= x(x+11) + 110
@LeakyNun Are you sure that is correct?
Nevermind ^
@Mr.Xcoder you can do the maths yourself no need to ask
37 secs ago, by Mr. Xcoder
Nevermind ^
well next time you don't have to mind even for a sec then lol
anyone up for a game of contact?
@ConorO'Brien Me, if you explain how to play it.
@EriktheOutgolfer =x^2+11(x+10)
@Adám Dyalog APL, 23 bytes, golfing in progress {(⍵/⍨⊢=⌊/)(+/2*⍨⍺-⊢)¨⍵}
@Mr.Xcoder Is there a limit to how long one can reply to a CMC?
@Mr.Xcoder Cause I'm working this out in a language I've never used
I just scored 3119 in the dinosaur game on chrome
@Jordan Yes, there are chat limitations.
@Cowsquack Nice. Basically the same as mine. But I'm down to 20 now.
@Mr.Xcoder How long do I have?
@Jordan No idea
I have finally read the rules for contact!
basically, there's one guy "defending". He thinks of a word, then reveals the first letter of that word. The rest of the people are "attacking". They create clues, kinda like crossword clues, that have an answer that begins with the part of the word that the defender has revealed. Each clue has an associated number. So, if person "X" was defending the word "Hello", he'd reveal "H" and the attackers would make clues whose answer starts with "H". A possible question from the attackers would be "Animal that neighs", since the answer is "horse" and begins with "H".
@ConorO'Brien I'd play
Me too, wait till I read again
@Mr.Xcoder So close. Can't figure out how to add 100 in befunge
aa*+? (haven't tested yet, and this assumes that the number is on the stack)
@Cowsquack that /seems/ to work
I was looking at befunge 93 commands and not 98
a = 10, so aa pushes two tens on the stack and * multiplies them after which + adds it to the number
ahhh okay I didn't know a =10
@Mr.Xcoder Befunge &2/:5+\2*1+*2*+aa*+.@ (no floating point division)
Can definitely be golfed down
Just proud that I answered my first question
@Mr.Xcoder or +⁵×11+²?
playing contact, sorry
btw found out how to login to esolangs
above password box it says "use secure connection" click that and try again
because insecure connection has probably been hacked or something?
@WheatWizard My attempt to made quine in Lost It still doesn't work. I want to go home. I want to cry. My brain hurts. Will try again tomorrow.
If you do that I can guarantee you 110 rep
Motivation granted :D
Btw, all unknown chars are noop for lost?
Actually it would be 510, I can't bounty under 500
So lucky you
What a day to be alive \o/
(the day when I actually do this)
Actually I can bounty 100 I just checked, but I'll do 500 anyway.
If you make a quine in Lost I will give you 100 imaginary points
Your points won't be lost!
@WheatWizard Now it is my mission
@trichoplax I know you were talking about backstory earlier - how's this on backstory?
@StepHen That looks interesting
@Jordan thanks, it'll get a onebox in chat in an hour or so
@StepHen I personally see no issue with it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Step HenPredit a Collision: Will the robber get away? code-golf decision-problem cops-and-robbers Think of a road as a number line, starting at 0 and continuing indefinitely: ................................................................. There are two cars on the road: C and R. C is the cop who i...

I just spent a minute or 15 golfing codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/138327/hexagonal-adjacency before noticing the grid isn’t finite. °-°;
A finite grid would make the challenge far, far more interesting.
Q: Многочлены Чебышёва

flawrChebyshev Polynomials are a family of orthogonal polynomials that pop up in all kinds of places in math, and they have a lot of quite interesting properties. One characterization of them is that they are the unique polynomials that satisfy T_n(cos(x)) = cos(n*x). Challenge Given an nonnegative...

@Lynn I think that would be different enough - you could probably post it yourself
Q: VBA Syntax Highlighting

Taylor ScottVBA Code that uses conditional formatting, comments, date literals or open-ended strings is not highlighted correctly. For example, Sub a() #If n = 0 Then Debug.Print "N=0" #Else Return 'This throws an error, but only if the conditional compilation argument, n, is not 0 #End If End Sub is not...

This is ridiculous, a challenge getting downvoted for people not liking the title. How many other challenges do we have where the title has nothing to do with the challenge? It is absolutely disrespectful to just change it without discussing it with the author first. And if you use the search function you're not gonna find challenges by the titles, so that argument is not valid - a title is about attracting attention, which this one obviously did very well.
@flawr I agree with you that the title is fine, although the search does go on titles too.
@flawr it actually attracts the wrong kind of attention though
like, people think it's spam or something
Wel just read the effing first line! And it is not even the first challenge with a title in another language.
The title is part of the search, but the English version of the title is literally the first two words in the body so it doesn't matter
I don't think it needed to be changed
for one, if I see a title in some non-latin language, I immediately check if it's spam or something
@StepHen Is there intentionally a typo in that title
@EriktheOutgolfer nope :P that's to see if anyone was paying attention — Step Hen 26 mins ago
Ridiculous that it was removed. I thought it was a very interesting (albeit, very mathematical) question.
@StepHen To me, every bit of that story is contributing to explaining what the challenge requires. I don't see a problem
Well it was heavily downvoted, so there was no reason to keep it.
You're insistence on using a non-English title didn't help.
also you got valid, high-quality answers there, so downvotes are not enough of a reason to delete it
Well the insistence of other of having an english title didn't either.
If the proper russian has an "a" at the end should the transliteration be Chebysheva
vtw I've seen many challenges that start off with downvotes, but end with a decent amount of upvotes, you should undelete the challenge
@Poke tell that wikipedia
I really don't think it matters that it was in Russian. We've had some rather incomprehensible titles for other challenges because they fit with the theme
well i'm sure the person's name is just Chebyshev
or something
but since it's technically an adjective in this
iirc ё is also pronounced "yo"
so it's whatever
honestly having a russian title might make it easier to find in search, haha
and not all folks will only search by title
i think by default search will search through the post itself too
Two downvotes in twenty minutes doesn't sound particularly significant. I'd give it time
Well people would start editing the title again.
If there isn't a meta consensus that the title is unacceptable, edit wars should be flagged for mod attention
Well what can mods do about it?
No one should be editing to something that has already been rejected before without either citing meta or having a meta discussion first
Mods can deal with people who aggressively edit against an author's wishes, in a number of ways
A: Put an end to rollback wars

animusonThis is for the most part completed: Two rollbacks from the same user on a single post will generate a "rollback war" auto-flag for moderator attention. An edit which causes a post to become "low quality" will bump the post into the Low Quality Posts review queue if the edit is live for more th...

Rollback wars are already automatically flagged
so a flag should've been cast already
For what it's worth, I think the Cyrillic title is fine
Well it seems so far the majority of people think it is fine, I've only seen two that do not thinks o.
Bear in mind that if 20 people see it, think it's fine, but don't love it, they won't upvote or downvote. Two downvotes out of however many views it got is not much. Universally unpopular posts gather huge numbers of downvotes rapidly
Q: Return of the Hydra Slayer

Wheat WizardIts been a while since you killed that hydra, you basked in the glory for years, but now people are calling you washed up, a has been. Well its time you prove them wrong, you've heard the whereabouts of annother hydra. Simply kill it and you will be awarded all the glory you deserve. You arriv...

@NewMainPosts 14 minutes!?!?!? that's 1 minute less than usual!
Thank you @NewMainPosts
I have a unclear vote, and no explanation.
@trichoplax With a negative count it is probably burried quickly.
@Downgoat I am interested in AvocadOS, but I have no idea about running OSs and stuff. How do you recommend I test it out?
@flawr If it's getting answers it's getting advertised - it needs lower than net -2 to fall off the front page
Currently people are blocked from upvoting or answering
I thought it was -4.
@flawr I would have upvoted but I've been out since UTC 1:00
So should I reopen it with the chance of having to revert the title a few more times?
If you're asking me, I don't know
I wouldn't worry about the title too much though.
It looks like its is just two people agressivly expressing their opinion.
Its also possible that people with negative opinions are less likely to tell you so, to avoid confrontation
wait what's happening
edit war dispute
over whether the title of a (now deleted) challenge should be edited from russian to english
oh ok
I vote English, but that's personally a really pathetic thing to be edit-warring over. Then again edit wars themselves are petty disputes ._.
Praise Moтнея Яиssia
@flawr I can lock the post if needed. I do think the Cyrillic spelling is a very bad idea though. The vast majority of us won't understand it, and it has no advantage whatsoever over the transliteration.
Can you even search title only? When you search normally it searches the body of the question too
@DeadPossum ಠ_ಠ
@Jordan title: asdf
Ah okay
@Dennis Well I reopened it now, let's see what happens. It would perhaps be nice to have the comments cleaned up, as they are not really relevant.
was it undeleted?
I don't see it in the tools > deleted section
@ppperry ah ok. not on main though; net <-4?
Q: Многочлены Чебышёва

flawrChebyshev Polynomials are a family of orthogonal polynomials that pop up in all kinds of places in math, and they have a lot of quite interesting properties. One characterization of them is that they are the unique polynomials that satisfy T_n(cos(x)) = cos(n*x). Challenge Given an nonnegative...

There you go @HyperNeutrino
lol -3.
it seems to be attracting upvotes now
its at 1 for me @flawr
I still vote to have an English title.
which makes 4 users suggesting that
What would be the advantage of that?
People can find the challenge through search?
Also considering that most titles are not really descriptive of the challenges anyway?
@HyperNeutrino They can anyway, as the search also goes through the body
and the very first words of the challenges are exactly what is in it.
@flawr unless they only search via title which I don't think most people do
if any lol
and if you do you do it because you exactly know the title.
@flawr I don't think nuking the comments at this point would be beneficial. I'm certain they will get posted again.
tbh I didn't know about title:asdf until you asked how to do it and I tried xD
There is a link when you searched something with all the other advanced options!
They can come in very helpful sometimes
I don't care (as I understands both langs), but anyway this is english-speaking part of the internet, so mb sticking with pattern would be better
So what about the german and french titles?
Nobody gave a fuck there either.
I understand german a bit too :D
@HyperNeutrino Sorry, I meant "I can't remember at what point it drops off the front page, but it's not -2"
Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages to English vs. Russian.

1. This is an English site, whether or not you like it. All SE sites are English by default.
2. Some people might not be able to render Cryllic characters
3. Just because other questions aren't descriptive of the challenge doesn't mean you should do that just for the point of it.

However, there can be advantages to having it be Russian, so you can give some reasons why you should want it to be Russian.
@trichoplax oh ok :P
Are there really challenges with german and french titles?
There are indeed.
Compromise: Чебышёва polynomials
Haha seriously??
Q: Ich ne know pas

Beta DecayChallenge You must write a program which correctly identifies the language a passage is written in. Rules The passage will be a string passed to your program either via STDIN or function arguments. You may not use any external sources except for a local text file with words. The length of the...

Should we keep the revolt against english-only oppression?
We should. Big parts of the internet are not english by choice but by necessity.
at least that challenge is about text in other languages
@Dennis I like that idea because that way the Russian name is Russian but the relevant math term is English so people can see right away that it's about polynomials :DDDD

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