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@WheatWizard in Lost, does the IP wrap around the edges?
@Cowsquack Yes it does
@HyperNeutrino wait, you don't have Fanatic?
I lost it at 97 from getting my account deleted.
@HyperNeutrino o
it was sad
@StepHen where'd this "o" instead of "oh" come from o0
i have never seen it being used like that before
> O (2): (used as an expression of surprise, pain, annoyance, longing, gladness, etc.)
mm ok
we had segfault in jelly CMC
CMC: segfault
@totallyhuman Again, 5 bytes: MD XF
what is this Again language?
@totallyhuman it's like L00P but different
Q: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SandboxWhat is the Sandbox? This "Sandbox" is a place where Programming Puzzles & Code Golf (PPCG) users can get feedback on prospective challenges they wish to post to the main page. This is useful because writing a clear and fully specified challenge on the first try can be difficult. There is a much...

what no
what the
i linked a comment
onebox bork bork
Don't link comments
comments on deleted posts bork apparently
> Some links will be automatically inlined if posted on a single line by themselves, such as: Stack Exchange questions,
answers, and users
@StepHen don't forget comments
@totallyhuman that was copy-pasted from the help button
CMC (potentially main): Given two circles with different non-zero radii represented by their centers and radii, calculate the four slopes of the four lines tangent to both circles.
yes but don't forget comm- to subscribe to the official doctor who youtube channel
CMC: convert a base-10 non-negative integer into unary
like '1'.__mul__?
Like 1ẋ? :P
Idk Python
@HyperNeutrino does that work for 0?
Anyone around that knows Actually
Actually, no, sorry
@HyperNeutrino just for fun, can you provide an image that shows the tangent lines for two circle as an example?
Guys I just implemented Cubically 2, and I'm having so much fun playing around with 20x20x20 Rubik's cubes
brb making graph
I once attempted a similar problem to your CMC. Given two circles (with equal radii) and their velocities (along with their positions), find the exact time and point of collision
@2EZ4RTZ you only get 65536 chars
@StepHen Yeah most of the code went down the drain lol
link to a pastebin or TIO or something
i gave a tio
@2EZ4RTZ uh... it might have gotten truncated
I don't see it
hi I has question how do you get formula for a line between two point
first find the gradient, then insert it into y-y1=m(x-x1)
not length
oh ok thanks
@HyperNeutrino will the two circles ever intersect?
@StepHen edit is saving
Is "no" really "useful / interesting for the transcript"? :P
@StepHen yes
10/10 versioning
@HyperNeutrino i think you mean:
2 mins ago, by HyperNeutrino
@Mr.Xcoder @EriktheOutgolfer oh yeah haha forgot about that
fyi empty program with no input is the info.txt for when you're feeling lazy
@HyperNeutrino btw how are you attempting to solve it?
17 messages moved to Trash
@Cowsquack like you mean the challenge?
the CMC
@totallyhuman mego did not "love these"
@Cowsquack I'm not sure, I'm not going to do the math right now :P It might end up being the trivial writing of a formula into a language
oh lol, I thought you were already doing it
@Mego must've been a sacrifice huh?
ok why are we trying so hard to solve a convert-to-unary thingy when in fact you can just do b1 in jelly lol
@EriktheOutgolfer or lambda x:"1"*x in Python
i swear i'm gonna get suspended one of these days for a pun...
@StepHen does it work for 0?
@EriktheOutgolfer returns empty string, is that what you want?
@totallyhuman I got kicked for em
I made one pun at the wrong time
@StepHen I think you're supposed to return '0' or [0] or something? or '' or []? unary is weird
@EriktheOutgolfer "0" would be 1 in decimal
so I think empty string is correct
@Mego Can you help me with something? If I have an Actually list, call it L and an index, I, how can I get L[I]? Sorry for bothering you, but I really couldn't find it in the docs.
Q: How to write zero in the unary numeral system

Josi In decimal system: $...-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...$ In binary system: $...-11, -10, -1, 0, 1, 10, 11...$ In unary system: $-111, -11, -1, \text{ ??? }, 1, 11, 111...$ I only found a related question but with no answers so far: unary numbers: base-1 numeral system

'1' would be 1 '0' would be 0 who said int(x, 1) == len(x)?
@EriktheOutgolfer oh, then the program is lambda x:"0"*x my bad
@StepHen wut no
still invalid?
'1'*x is correct
maybe lambda x:x*'1'or'0'
you can't really represent 0 in unary
If that pings dennis I am sorry
@totallyhuman not if you use 0 for the tallies like Unary does (the language)
@2EZ4RTZ >.>
@EriktheOutgolfer no, unary only has one symbol
OH Shoot!
@StepHen then unary the language is not truly unary
unary, by definition, can't have two symbols
0 in unary is empty string
Ok so what I was doing is trying to sneak in RTL override to avoid causing a ping. Idk if it worked or not.
Another weird thing is that the maximum digit in base N is (N - 1) but if that were the case in unary then everything would be 0.
That was the intended joke'
Did that ping?
yes now stop it
Sure that pinged
It was an accident pinging dennis. next time I will not try that :P
If you want to avoid pings, put a ZWSP between the at symbol and the name. But please stop messing around here with chat testing. We have a room for that that I'm sure you are aware of
It wasn't supposed to be a test :P
zero-width space
it breaks the ping but doesn't show
CMC: What does your username do as a Jelly program?
...just don't fake ping?
Mine is mostly a huge dyadic link lol
> TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()
Wait for whom?
Jelly, 12 bytes: totallyhuman
I got a bug also
@HyperNeutrino TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()
@HyperNeutrino wait niladic monadic or dyadic?
@HyperNeutrino loool, must look: Mr. Xcoder
@HyperNeutrino With input: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
@EriktheOutgolfer like what is its function. you can assume any number of arguments if you want to make it do interesting things
@StepHen Input must be a list for you. S is sum.
"Cows Quack" yields 0, "Kritixi Lithos" gives a big error, ValueError: range() arg 3 must not be zero and "Kριτικσι Λίθος" gives 0 as well
haha my username is one of the only ones to work niladically
@HyperNeutrino Please test mine. ^^^^^^
@HyperNeutrino well niladic is out then :/
@Mr.Xcoder E
Thanks a lot!
@Mr.Xcoder TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable
you've asked that before?
@HyperNeutrino Try the link!
oh wait my username works niladically, monadically and dyadically
ok ok if you give me a username I can make a full explanation for you I can only do one at once though
1 min ago, by Mr. Xcoder
@HyperNeutrino loool, must look: Mr. Xcoder
@HyperNeutrino 2EZ4RTZ
@HyperNeutrino mine
No space
dammit i got ninja'd
k I'll to that first, short so it's a bit easier.
2EZ4RTZ should be nice; two are already nilads.
(I'm removing any spaces that aren't necessary)
My username does this: [1,2,3,4] -> [[0, 1], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]]
Mine gave [0,0,0,0] :D
@EriktheOutgolfer Nice
@HyperNeutrino I know I am nice :D​
and my dyadic is boring (just returns 0)
Mr. Xcoder  Main link, argument is z
M           Indices of z that correspond to maximal elements [i for i in range(len(z)) if z[i] == max(z)]
 r          For each of the indices, get the inclusive range from that index to
  .         0.5
    X       Select a random range from one of these
     c      Combinations
      o     Logical OR
       d    Divmod
        e   Contains (right in left)
         r  Inclusive range with the input
@HyperNeutrino better keep them...;)
Who pinged me???
I got got 2 ping sounds
The explanation near the end doesn't make much sense but I'm not sure it's a valid program.
@HyperNeutrino wait did you automate this?
TNB is giving ping sound for every message?
@totallyhuman of course not
@2EZ4RTZ click on the speaker button to the top right
I should do that sometime :3
@HyperNeutrino Very nice, very nice!
@Mr.Xcoder lol, mine is boring
@totallyhuman I thought it would just tell me when I was pinged in any room at all
@2EZ4RTZ Check your sound notifications. It sounds like you have it on "visible room" or "all my rooms"
it should be "when mentioned" not "visible room" or "all my rooms"
Yeah I fixed it.
Change it to "when mentioned" to only get sounds on pings
2EZ 4RTZ  Main link
2         2
 E        All equal? (1)
  Z       Zip (error)
you get the ticker thingy at the top for a ping in another room
if you're not in there
@HyperNeutrino along with the fancy search bar
oh yeah about that xD
@2EZ4RTZ see above
@HyperNeutrino rip
wait you could probably do something like this on heroku
i really need to learn django or something
idk what that is, but if I could do it in JavaScript then I could just make a webpage and do it client-side and load the scripts over to the client ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
yeah or you could do JS
but JS is... JS
@EriktheOutgolfer How does a line of a bunch of dyads (like totallyhuman) chain together in Jelly?
(as you can see I have not completed Jelly training :3)
haha my username confuses you
too many dyads >.<
@HyperNeutrino well it isn't supposed to :p
What does Dennis do in Jelly?
@Mr.Xcoder Everything
@HyperNeutrino btw it's supposed to be broken to tot a l l y h u m a n or something like that...
oh ok
first of all tot doesn't make any sense at all!
how many arguments does that consume
@EriktheOutgolfer yeah lol
@HyperNeutrino to [0, 0]
@Okx yes we can all use TIO :P
Someone has 7k!
Dennis  Main link
D       Decimal digits of the input
 e      Does it contain the result of the right link?
  n     Not equals
   n    Not equals
    i   Index, find
     s  Split into slices
Hey Okx repeats the input by the number it is 3 -> [3, 3, 3] i like that
@Mr.Xcoder is it you
@HyperNeutrino link? wow lists contain links? til :p
(yeah you should fix that lol)
I know >_>
@Mr.Xcoder that was a question ;_;
Okx has got to be the best Jelly user program :P
@HyperNeutrino Yeah, me
@Okx you're biased
congrats! \o/
Hey guys, just want to let you know, Tetris in GoL is fun
CMC: Repeat the input by the number it represents ie 3 -> [3, 3, 3] or 333
(to play)
My name is an error in Jelly ಠ_ಠ
Wait does k do anything?
@BusinessCat Most people's names are :P
@Okx lambda x:str(x)*x
@Okx Jelly, 3 bytes; Okx
@Okx lambda n:`n`*n
@Okx jelly, 1 byte:
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 2 bytes: Ox
@HyperNeutrino Bork winds up resetting the stack back to normal
or just use a builtin like dennis >.<

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