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Q: Implement a whitespace golfer

MD XFSome two-dimensional esolangs, such as Forked, and some non-esolangs, such as Python, can sometimes require spaces before lines of code. This isn't very golfy. Also, I'm lazy and writing a 2d lang that needs lots of spaces before code. Your task is to write a tool that makes these languages golfi...

@ConorO'Brien how would I print an integer in str? The wiki doesn't tell me the commands
ligatures break chrome's bar
how does one get the rss feed for a chatroom
@HyperNeutrino there is none
lol there's a feed for starred messages
Does Jelly have a parseInt?
Huh. As I expected, no, but strings work as numbers?
You're looking for "From Decimal", I think.
, Convert from Decimal to Integer.
Ah, yes. (well that doesn't work if strings don't work as numbers, but I found out they do). Thanks anyway!
Golfing Tip: Instead of using [1,2,3], use "123". Strings in Python are lists which can be used like this for math
(Jelly doesn't have strings)
[1,2,3] == "123"
I meant to say "Jelly" not "Python". Stupid me!
Also decimal -> integer does not work for strings :P
Alternatively, if you know it's going to be a number, you can use V to just eval it.
@anyone pls help
with wut
ono the xstore thingy is empty ;-;
(yeah i nuked it)
:o how'd i out-golf a regex solution with no regex
Is there a version of straw poll where you can enter your own answers?
@WheatWizard Google forms
Thats too much work
What high level functions are fun for golfing? e.g. join
@WheatWizard ... how is it too much work
Google forms is a lot of work to set up
literally strawpoll with more options that you can just iggnore
@WheatWizard uh no? just new form -> enter question(s) -> done
besides it ends up in your drive which is already clustered AF
yay I matched Jonathan Allan in Jelly without using an identical solution :P
for you just like question name -> change type of question to user input -> done
@HyperNeutrino then just put it in a subdirectory?
@ASCII-only You have to pick all these options like background and colors and stuff. Its too much
@WheatWizard why not leave those as default
seriously who even changes them
I rarely do
argh short circuiting
@MDXF there aren't docs
@ConorO'Brien Yeah I just looked at definitions.rb
I figured it out
what are you doing with it ?
hey anybody know of a short way of generating '0123456789'?
@totallyhuman print('0123456789')?
A: Implement a whitespace golfer

totallyhumanPython 2, 93 88 bytes lambda s:'\n'.join([i[0],' '*int(i[0])][i[0]in'0123456789']+i[1:]for i in s.split('\n')) Try it online!

the '0123456789' feels so ungolfy
Oh it's for my challenge, maybe I should actually be helpful
not shorter but eh
@MDXF Can't you do sizeof(struct{char c;}) or even just sizeof(struct{char;})?
@ConorO'Brien looks like that gives 0 though instead of 1
@ConorO'Brien also breaks c++
@totallyhuman str(range(0,10))[1::3]
lol I tried outgolfing Jonathan Allan and instead just got a rewording of his answer with the same bytecount xD
CMC whats the worst way to make '0123456789' that looks golfy.
@totallyhuman charcoal grave mode is the best way to do this :P
'0123456789' in a golfing language
@WheatWizard ''.join(map(str, map(chr, range(48, 58))))
at least i still outgolf the regex answer
Or if you're using Jelly you could just do ØD :P
@WheatWizard :P
@ASCII-only Are you still looking to add charcoal to the polyglot
I used that for the first time today :P
@HyperNeutrino that doesn't look golfy
@WheatWizard :| too lazy
@ASCII-only ik :P
@HyperNeutrino wheat wizard specifically said "looks golfy"
i.e. ''.join(map(chr, range(48, 58))) maybe
I tried ;_;
oh right
that works
well I'm stupid ._.
10/10 best way
from string import*;print(digits)
jonathan suggested str.isdigit() which was way more helpful than all of y'alls advice
Charcoal: ”o¶∨e№œ≔”
@ATaco your sessions aren't encrypted/secure. What backend are you using
see how golfy it looks plus it's only 9 bytes
@Downgoat some node that some script kiddie wrote :P
@ASCII-only str(map(chr,[x-49for x in map(ord,__import__("string").lowercase[:10])]))[2::5]
@WheatWizard +1 nobody can beat this
@ASCII-only @ATaco in that case add secure: true to session({ ... })
@ASCII-only btw do u have time to work on vsl today
@WheatWizard you mean ascii_lowercase
Ah yes of course, how could I be so foolish
python 3: repr(list(map(chr,[x-49for x in map(ord,__import__("string").ascii_lowercase[:10])])))[2::5]
don't forget the list() :P
repr([chr(i)for i in[x-49for x in[ord(j)for j in __import__("string").ascii_lowercase[:10]]]])[2::5]
listcomp is always shorter than map
("{}"*10).format(*list(map(chr,[x-49for x in map(ord,__import__("string").ascii_lowercase[:10])])))
@totallyhuman Not always Change x-49 to a map with a lambda
And you were accusing me of not being golfy? xD
List comps are only better if your using a preexisting function
I thought it was the other way around
@ATaco halp what is xstore
''.join(eval('['+','.join('chr('+str(x)+')'for x in list(map(int(48).__add__,__import__('itertools').takewhile(int(10).__gt__,range(20))))‌​)+']'))
...wtaf is that
@totallyhuman run it and see
i know what it does
@totallyhuman it's python
i know what language it's in
@totallyhuman code written by zalgo
using an ide where he can only use regex to edit the code
CMP: if you had a server what would you do
also pls someone find a way to do really good text compression in python
do i just use shoco EDIT: wait i only have a 255 char charset available
@ASCII-only base64 (/s)
@Downgoat How so? I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong.
secure cookie = cookie is sent over https and never on http
Does it even use cookies?
D: how does eat cookie over https
@totallyhuman Your code is invalid; open returns a file which you need to call read() on
@Pavel idk but in my dev tools i see session cookie
Actually, I just realized your previous solution is invalid, because ' '*0 is falsey and that breaks the and/or ternary. Also, the file solution is invalid because you'd have to do open('f','r').read(). — totallyhuman 7 mins ago
Oh right, I should probably fix that.
ono needs to have annoying warning about cookies
wtf is a series-parallel network
that was jonathan's code, i never used it
@Pavel is missing cookie warning like illegal
ah I see :P
(Not in Australia!)
It's a European law.
Right but you should still have the warning or your site might get blocked in Europe or some shite.
ono whatever will i do
It's not targeted at EU users, I'm safe.
@ATaco pls what is xstore
@totallyhuman Wait you were talking about my answer being the outgolfed one the whole time?
@ASCII-only have a look at it :P
Like google drive but shite.
@HyperNeutrino yesh
> shite
It was really fun but then ATaco nuked it. ;-;
what's with all the british english
@HyperNeutrino .-. you didn't realize
lol I forgot I had a Python answer
-1 xstore is bad use dat
I should close it, it's a massive security flaw waiting to happen.
@ASCII-only shite was shat
Why'd you nuke the ppcg xstore
also i accuse of one of the folders to lying to me
it says goatmemes but there's only one
@Pavel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Everyone pls think of random string encodings/compression
It was 100% memes and didn't need to Survive.
Now it's 50% goat memes, and that's okay with me.
So it's 50% ordinary memes and 50% gaot memes.
We could have just added goat memes to the old one
sǝɯǝɯ ʇɐoƃ
@Mego :| how can i get pyshoco to work in python 3
Also I've posted 4 questions on Math.SE by now about the OEIS challenge xD
anyway brb o/
@ConorO'Brien C's c++ is being annoying
Oh yeah like ASCII-only said
I'm making my own answer and found a neat way to polyglot C/C++
Q: Kill it With Fire

Gryphon Disclaimer: The story told within this question is entirely fictional, and invented solely for the purpose of providing an intro. I am an evil farmer, and to drive up the price of wheat in my area, I've decided to burn the fields of all the farmers around me. I would really like to see th...

@HyperNeutrino done
Wait, why are you asking about A000084; that bytecount hasn't been used.
no, that wouldn't make sense ...
@ConorO'Brien #ifdef __cplusplus?
So what are you doing?
Why do people like using different names on PPCG :P
WheatWizard -> EpsilonNeighborhoodWatch
ASCII-only -> somebody
(PPCG -> Math.SE)
@HyperNeutrino what makes you think i'd only have two names
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nothing, I'm only comparing PPCG vs Math.SE :P
halp I haz question what is "Address Line 1" and "Address Line 2" for mailing addresses
oo thanks
@HyperNeutrino pls google is a thing
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ TNB is sometimes faster
@HyperNeutrino >_> not really i googled that
it's better though because then you parallelize your workload so you can do something else in the meantime and get others to do your work because they don't realize that you're doing this to them >:-)
great now nobody's going to help me anymore :(
Anyone know a chrome extension that helps you select text based on word boundaries rather than character boundaries?
@HelkaHomba character boundaries?
@HelkaHomba so select up to whitespace?
@HelkaHomba ctrl+shift+left/right is your friend.
Yeah, like that but mouse-friendy
That doesn't sound like VIM.
@ATaco Actually that helps a lot.
@ATaco [Ctrl+]Shift+Arrow
(Yeah but shift+arrow doesn't actually do what the user intended)
ook, not sure how taking input by file is somehow shorter
but that's that
Jul 14 at 16:03, by Downgoat
@totallyhuman quack?
it has 3 stars lol
I'm not an SQL programmer.
(SQL programmers use ALL CAPS all the time :P)
(I don't want to "shout" in chatroom)
@ASCII-only I need halp with the graph theory thing
Is this valid series-parallel:
i dunno what it's supposed to be but it looks like half a dude on a diving board
onvm it isn't im dumb I figured out what the tenth one is
Huh. I'll see what I can do...
@MDXF come on I wanted to go to sleep ;-;
Btw, does anyone know why esolangs.org is down?
    / \
Also I need more esolangs that don't do anything when they don't recognize commands
Any suggestions?
I've already used all of mine (short of Triangular which I am not messing with)
@totallyhuman is that on TIO?
@ConorO'Brien Abandon all sleep, ye who golf.
@MDXF please wait until I leave this room ;-;
> MseShpdCttr (1 step), 25 upvotes: I used this device called MseShpdCtter that takes a lump of dough and shapes and bakes and spits out a mouse shaped cookie.
https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/6983/w hy-i-am-leaving-code-golf
@totallyhuman Yeah I just remembered lol
I see that link contained /why
i cannot get rid of it
how does
Be real quick like
Why is esolangs.org down
I'm dying
Literally every TIO esolang links to there
> Literally Every
Did you Mean: Figuratively
> | Literally Every
> Did you Mean: Figuratively
Did you mean: *every *mean
owat tf
I meant, literally every TIO esolang links to there
exactly like I said
wtf -> wtf the f**k?
je suis confus
@HyperNeutrino no
But not every Esolang links to esolangs tho
I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym
it stopped being meta when everybody started using it
It's still meta.
Just, less impactful.
ye but it's boring meta
@MDXF There, I broke 11. Don't break 10 for a few mintues :P
@ConorO'Brien About to, editing now...
can't you wait
cwap i gotta learn django
@ConorO'Brien Sure, go to sleep
I just realized how many upvotes this has gotten: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/137846/68942
@HyperNeutrino no
that one sticking down doesn't attach to both of the endpoints to an existing one
@ASCII-only how about this:
7 mins ago, by totallyhuman
    / \
@totallyhuman stick people are not valid nodes sorry
@ASCII-only Essentially, we can only connect a new vertex to a leaf node, right?
@HyperNeutrino we can only join the endpoints of a series parallel graph to the endpoints of another one
i don't know of a better word than endpoints
Ah okay.
(I use leaf)
@ASCII-only (on the right side of the line) what graph am I missing for 4 edges?
Or as adjacency pairs:
0/10 no freehand red circle
Graph[[{0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 1}]]
Graph[[{0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 2}, {0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 1}]]
Graph[[{0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 2}, {0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 2}]]
Graph[[{0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 2}, {0 <=> 1}, {1 <=> 2}]]
Graph[[{0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 2}, {0 <=> 1}, {2 <=> 3}]]
Graph[[{0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 2}, {1 <=> 3}, {0 <=> 1}]]
Graph[[{0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 2}, {1 <=> 3}, {0 <=> 3}]]
Graph[[{0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 2}, {1 <=> 3}, {2 <=> 3}]]
Graph[[{0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 2}, {1 <=> 3}, {2 <=> 4}]]
is that mathematica
that's program output
it looks like valid mathematica code
Mathics: Syntax::sntxf: "Graph[[{0 <=" cannot be followed by "> 1}, {0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 1}, {0 <=> 1}]]" (line 1 of ".code.tio").
Anyway what graph am I missing ._.
ask mathematica
if I get this right I could have a (non-hardcoded) answer to OEIS:challenge-99 in about 10 minutes
so basically you're trying to get 4 line segments essentially
that's most of what i understand of that
except a line segment can't be sticking out of weird places
i don't see anything else you could do
(any suggestions are fine, I know what's valid and what's not)
assuming it has to start from that last point
@totallyhuman what about otherwise?
well otherwise you have so many others right?
> Let A(n) = #{(i,j): i^2 + j^2 <= n}, V(n) = Pi*n, P(n) = A(n) - V(n); sequence gives values of n where |P(n)| sets a new record.
and people understand this?!
they're not people
/s xD
@totallyhuman any graphs you can create without building off of the graphs to the left?
oh there can be other ones on the left?
@HyperNeutrino -1 for having horse sticker but not goat :(
@totallyhuman No there can't; those are the ones for A(3). I'm asking my parents now because they're pretty good at math :P
(they don't seem to mind figuring it out so I finally go to sleep cuz it's almost midnight here)
@ConorO'Brien (pls be asleep) I'm at 13 :D
I rewrote the Lexer i used for MaybeLater for a different program, felt so good once everything finally worked.
And just as it should, compiled programs are ridiculously large compared to their inputs.
  "tokens": [
      "name": "program_1",
      "data": [
            "name": "expression",
            "data": [
                  "name": "assignment",
                  "data": [
                        "name": "local",
                        "data": []
                        "name": "var",
                        "data": [
Is a[2] = 3
i would've thought that was valid but nvm
took me ages to just to find the right tool to make that :P
I found the last graph:
 /   \
Fortunately, it means that I know what the last one is now.
Unfortunately, it is isomorphic to a graph I already have, which means that this must be by two-dimensional topographical equivalence.
This does not violate any of my past findings. It also does not change the value of A(3).
It does, however, mean that my program is entirely off and is completely unrecoverable to complete this task.

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