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it's basically a hash function once it gets complicated enough, as far as I can tell
@StepHen except by brute force
Did you design this language specifically for C&R?
@trichoplax I designed it on a whim on Sunday
@trichoplax It definitely can't add or do primality, but you guys were just linking stuff that said that's ok so :)
and now I'm redesigning it to remove the ability to preinit the tape
@StepHen wut? where?
Q: Do submissions have to be answered with a programming language?

Nathan MerrillWe've got various answers strewn across meta that tell different stories: On the standard loopholes, we disallow answers that aren't programming languages. This appears to be the most definitive answer of the lot. It has a vote count of 16/-8. However, on a question that asks "Should answers ...

Q: The Mystery String Printer (Cops)

Daniel M.The robbers thread can be found here: The Mystery String Printer (Robbers) Your challenge Write a program, function, or REPL script that prints a string to STDOUT. The robbers will try to create a program that prints the same string. If they successfully can create the program within 7 days, y...

If you want to be a little easier (for both you and the robbers)
@ppperry mhmm, thanks
@StepHen how is this even close to being re-openable codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/32386/what-colour-is-this
I'm badly colorblind. Code that would respond in a manner accurate to my vision would take many fewer characters than what the rest of you are coming up with. — Michael Stern Jun 24 '14 at 17:27
It's a popularity contest - so the point is creativity. — unclemeat Jun 24 '14 at 10:37
there is absolutely no criterion given in the challenge, and the comments just say "creativity"
even popcons need to have something to vote by, a specific thing
@Riker I dunno - are we supposed to close all the old challenges now? I wasn't sure
@Riker it was in the reopen queue, how it got there is beyond me
wait, never mind about the mystery string printer
-- stupid rules about old cops challengers being closed to submissions!
@ppperry oh that's stupid 0.o
@StepHen no, but you should definitely read the challenge and see whether it's worth ROing
@ppperry "closed" as in, you can't post, or no one will care
@StepHen do you seriously just reopen anything that comes along that isn't blatantly off-topic?
is there some way of quoting a comment other than copy-pasting?
@ppperry the date/time is a link
This challenge should probably be closed to further submissions. I haven't been trying to crack any for a while, and I doubt other people are either. — mbomb007 Oct 27 '15 at 3:52
@mbomb007 I'll give people a little time in advance- no new entries will be counted on or after November 1st. Any further entries will not become safe. This will be scored after November 7th. — Daniel M. Oct 27 '15 at 9:50
(Daniel M is the poster)
bah ...
what a weird cops-and-robbers challenge
almost all of the entries are safe
@ppperry got 60 upvotes though
I was talking about the interwoven one
@ppperry oh the Mystery String Printer is all safe too
didn't notice that
@Riker when the colorblind people don't know that much about colorblindness >_>
New record for most ridiculous index.
@ATaco it's binary ternary
@StepHen As if it'd be so simple
It's arbitrary
> ATaco and ATaco are typing.
I'm probably logged in at home or something -shrug-
But now tables work, all is good in the world.

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