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@Phrancis 'evening (:O where did fedora go)
@Downgoat To think of it, yeah, I overcomplicated it, but still would be nice to have branching and converging else if stacks :p
Potentially, whatever it is I'm probably doing it wrong.
@Downgoat like how Set's lexer is its interpreter >_.
@Downgoat I like to keep things fresh with pictures :)
@dzaima commented
I know there's a room for it so I won't bring it up much here, however I am excited at the possibility of a PPCG/CR contest (considering the change of plans to mix teams from both sites)
@Phrancis CR will be disappointed at the terrible antipatterns we're using
@ASCII-only You'll be annoyed when we request to do TDD and actually document the code ;)
if cr people like tdd then pls make charcoal's tests more comprehensive tyvm
also tell me if there's anything i forgot to document that needs documentation
SE really needs github oneboxing but too lazy to feature-request on mother meta
WTF am I looking at
looks nice so far though, I just don't understand what it's for
Is this Python 3.x or 2.x?
@Phrancis 3
Inspecting test.py
I use a bit different pattern for TDD
I'm very new at TDD though
class TestTranscribeDnaToRna(unittest.TestCase):
    Test `transcribe_dna_to_rna`.

    def test_trivial_input(self) -> None:
        """Validate that `transcribe_dna_to_rna` with the trivial input provided by the challenge returns the correct result."""
        input_dataset = "GATGGAACTTGACTACGTAAATT"
        expected_ouput = "GAUGGAACUUGACUACGUAAAUU"
        actual_output = transcribe_dna_to_rna(input_dataset)
        self.assertEqual(expected_ouput, actual_output)

    def test_null_input(self) -> None:
@HyperNeutrino After some more reading I realized I made a rather large error in my interpretation of the sequence. Its fixed now. Hopefully this should be the last error of this type.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    TEST_SUITE = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestTranscribeDnaToRna)
@Phrancis well i just wrote something with unittest that worked and called it TDD :P
I do this just because I like more output
test_int_input (__main__.TestTranscribeDnaToRna)
Validate that an int input raises an error. ... ok
test_nontrivial_input (__main__.TestTranscribeDnaToRna)
Validate that `transcribe_dna_to_rna` with a real input provided by the challenge returns the correct result. ... ok
test_null_input (__main__.TestTranscribeDnaToRna)
Validate that NULL input raises an error. ... ok
test_trivial_input (__main__.TestTranscribeDnaToRna)
Validate that `transcribe_dna_to_rna` with the trivial input provided by the challenge returns the correct result. ... ok
This is what it prints out done like this^
yeah i don't want 74 tests like that :P also i have a few more testcases than 74
@ASCII-only Did you write one failing test at a time, then make them pass, as in, actual TDD?
is this your implementation transcribe_dna_to_rna=lambda s:s.replace("T","U")
@Phrancis :| it doesn't have to fail
def transcribe_dna_to_rna(dna_str: str) -> str:
    Transcribe DNA string into RNA string.
    tldr: replace `T` char with `U` char, disregarding case.
    if not isinstance(dna_str, str):
        raise ValueError("Input is not a string.")
    elif dna_str is None:
        raise ValueError("`None` / `null` input is invalid.")
    # TODO this check is broken:
    elif not bool(re.match(r"[ACDGT]*", str(dna_str))):
        raise ValueError()
    return dna_str.replace("T", "U").strip()
@Phrancis +1 for types (well type annotations at least, why does python have no actual static typing ;_;)
I like dynamic typing personally
yeah but when optimizing i would be happier with an option to have static typing
optimizing and python do not go very well together
If you want fast code you're not going to use Python
@WheatWizard :| yes they do with PyPy
PyPy is fast for python. But if your code actually needs to run at speed you are really better off using another language.
Of course if you want really fast code you're probably going to end up with C/C++ which, are not fun at all
C is especially not fun
Haskell can be quite fast and is fun
i was thinking of porting Charcoal to C++
then I remembered I used reflection >_>
C and C++ are fun, but not when you are writing fast code
I dunno man, those damned pointers
What is Charcoal in
Python 3
Pointers are all the fun. If you're not allocating memory you're not living.
@Phrancis modern C++ has no manual memory management so all you'd need to know about pointers is that they point to something :P
@ASCII-only Good, that's a royal PITA
@ASCII-only modern C++ has no fun. FTFY
I've toyed making a LL implementation using C - then I decided I didn't enjoy hardly any part of it
@Phrancis linked lists are that hard to implement in c?
Q: Learning pointers by implementing a basic linked list with tests

PhrancisI wanted to learn about pointers and someone suggested that I give C a try, so I went through Linked List Basics from Stanford CS library, implemented some of the code (and tried to improve the code a bit as I went), as well as wrote "unit tests" (to the extent you can call them such in C). I'm ...

>_> i thought those ten-liners i always see in like mozilla were basic linked lists
One of my favorite homework assignments in data structures was making link lists.
@ASCII-only Not really. I just didn't enjoy C.
@WheatWizard i don't think i'm ever going to take data structures :P
Plus, linked lists are slow
@ASCII-only At most universities data structures is an easy A, at my university they use it as a strainer course, so things get pretty hard. That being said It is one the best courses I have taken so far.
@Phrancis Linked lists are a tool that are meant for specific scenarios. They are slow if you use them incorrectly, but fast if you use them as you are intended.
@WheatWizard *faster than the alternatives?
like in certain hashmap implementations iirc?
Yeah fast is a relative term there.
Just as an example, its usually faster to do tail end recursion with a linked list versus a vector.
@WheatWizard I'm curious now, what kind of scenarios
I know they are faster if you need to add/remove/move stuff around a lot
Tail end recursion is a big one.
I have no idea what that is
@WheatWizard ????????
i know what tail recursion is but i have no idea what linked lists have to do with it lol
I'm not CS trained, I program as a hobby
me too
I'm not really trained either, I took a couple of CS courses for fun
Q: What is tail recursion?

Ben LeverWhilst starting to learn lisp, I've come across the term tail-recursive. What does it mean exactly?

i just have no life and read wikipedia for the lols
^^ that probably explains tail end recursion better than I
@WheatWizard >_> what do linked lists have to do with this
The reason Linked lists are fast for it is that the tail operation is O(1) on linked lists where it is O(n) on vectors
That makes any tail end recursion O(n) on linked lists and O(n^2) on vectors
@WheatWizard Isn't it O(1) on vectors with an end pointer?
It is O(1) on vectors with a start pointer.
Which I don't believe are very common
but I might be wrong
@WheatWizard >_> don't all vectors have a start pointer
I don't think so. At least when I implemented Vectors in school we didn't have any start pointers.
Is that a pointer to a pointer?
I don't think so.
The main advantage to Linked lists is that then are O(1) on insertion and deletion. They might not be better for tail end recursion, that remains to be seen.
Array > Linked List.
@ATaco in most common normal person cases yes
Arrays and linked lists are both very specific tools. There isn't much point in comparing them
(unless for a specific application)
The best general purpose container is probably the vector.
well vectors are arrays internally but yeah
They come with nice features, like getting the length and having an end :P
@WheatWizard Bah, just make everything a void*, ez.
What is a void?
I feel like I've used one in Java before.
@WheatWizard void* is a pointer to anything/unused allocated memory, void return type means no value is returned
i.e. can't be an r-value
Oh yeah thats what you use in Java when you have a function that doesn't return a value.
void x = System.out.println("This has no return value.")
I've been using Haskell for so long I forgot that functions can have side-effects :P
@ATaco That does not compile.
I wonder why...
Like, at least 3 errors there.
Forgot Semi-colon, void cannot be used to assign a reference, It's a snippet.
You can't declare a variable of type void, the = operator can't take void as a parameter, no semicolon, and it's a snippet.
null == System.out.println("Blah") errors. :>
@ATaco of course
void isn't the same as null, void is not a value at all
csharp> public static class Foo { public static void f() {} }
csharp> Foo.f()
csharp> public static class Foo { public static Object f() { return null; } }
csharp> Foo.f()
I see Java and I want to walk away
>_> that's not java
Looks like it
Maybe the whole csharp part should have clued me >_>
@Phrancis csharp> (also C# is like java but better)
C# is alright, other than the whole Visual Studio thing
@Phoenix 0/10 class F pls and Byte not Object or something
@Phrancis which is why Mono and Rider exist
VS Code is pretty sweet though
Eh, Framework is still better than Mono if you're on Windows.
Rider is great.
@Phrancis Absolutely. It's like... { Java : C# :: Atom : VS Code}
hmm yeah vs code is good as well
anything that doesn't have literally 10 mins startup time without an ssd
VS Code works insanely well for Python
@Phrancis And anything else really.
Vim question: Is there a way to run dd without it writing to a register?
>_> I need to write up a brief guide on using git, and I'm using MS Word. The problem is that I need to have both code segments and plaintext segments, and I want grammar checking in the plaintext segments and have absolutely no correction in the code segments.
I think MS Word might not be the best tool, but I can't think of anything else.
@Phoenix "_dd
@DJMcMayhem Second question: Does noremap dd "_dd work?
Actually, a more general way of deleting without writing to @" would be neat.
I have vim configured to use the system clipboard, so I'd like it to only overwrite it when I explicitely tell it to with y.
I prefer Java to C#
How is I/O handled for answers written in Assembly?
@ATaco You are wrong.
A: Default for Code Golf: Input/Output methods

user62131Assembly language / machine code must take input and output as defined by an ABI for the platform that predates the challenge For example, most commonly used ABIs for x86 state that 32-bit integer outputs are returned in the %eax register. As such, that's a valid way to output a 32-bit integer. ...

A: Default for Code Golf: Input/Output methods

LynnAssembly programs may take input from registers If there are no I/O devices available, an answer might consist of a subroutine that reads its input values from the machine registers.

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LyricLyCreate kek variants! Challenge Write a program or function that outputs every possible kek variant possible. What's a kek variant, you ask? It is any three-letter string that follows the following syntax: xyx Where x is a consonant and y is a vowel (we will treat the letter Y as a vowel for...

CMC: ^
'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz'.chars{|i|'aeiouy'.chars{|j|p i+j+i}}
> User A: there is no field appearanceType="aqua" occurs in my code. How should I resolve this
> User B: just find "appearanceType" and remove it
@Downgoat I'm not sure how to parse that first line
@Phoenix replaced occurs so with occurring and a comma after field and it's grammatically valid
I'm not sure how to parse that, either.
I've completely started maybe-later over again, and it's actually kinda working
Well, the syntax half of it.
x=3;y=6;printx+y; correctly outputs 9
(And yes, whitespace isn't needed after a special token)
(But semicolons are needed, because reasons)
@ATaco so no variable may start with print?
It theoretically shouldn't cause any problems, because of how it's parsed, but it does...
Oh, that's why. doing something like printvar = 3 works fine, but trying to access it anywhere will make it assume you want to print var, instead of access the variable printvar.
But at the very least print print print "Honk"; is valid syntax, so all is good in the world.
In this blog post my GoL solution is the golfiest, at the cost of +561% computation time. I'm a proud golfer!
@Phoenix Any markup compatible tool would be better than MS Word. Something that supports TeX would also probably be better too
@Phrancis I'm not writing a mathematical document, though.
TeX can do formatting like a mf
ok then
Was trying to keep it pg :D
But can I do code blocks?
A: Writing code in latex document

CloudangerUse Listings package. Simple configuration for LaTeX header (before \begin{document}): \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{color} \definecolor{dkgreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} \definecolor{gray}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5} \definecolor{mauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82} \lstset{frame=tb, language=Java, aboveskip=3mm, ...

@Okx K, 2 bytes: +/
Is that map add
it's fold(add) I believe
@Phoenix Add-fold, I think. APLs don't really use such terms. This is "sum reduction".
Just found out my user profile was removed from PCG. Any idea why?
@JDoe What do you mean?
I was not so active recently due to lack of time but I always check the challenges out of curiosity. It's a little weird to be removed like that.
@Phoenix Sure. Why not?
"user was removed -20"
A more general way though would be nnoremap d "_d
thanks @Phoenix
@JDoe that means a user that had given you upvotes was removed, so you lost 20 rep
I think
Can confirm
someone who upgoated you twice has been deleted
@DJMcMayhem idk why not, I just don't know vim very well.
So I wasn't sure
Sorry for the flag inducing
Should've known better, I'm RO on some of Code Review's rooms
My cat is a terrible huntress :( There's been a fly buzzing around, annoying me. She will watch it, but won't get up to attack it.
Meanwhile I grabbed a fly swatter and killed it in one swing
Q: Sort the climbing grades

Chris_RandsMy first code golf post, apologies for any mistakes... Context In rock climbing (bouldering specifically), the V/Vermin (USA) climbing grades start at 'VB' (the easiest grade), and then go 'V0', 'V0+', 'V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5' etc. up to 'V17' (the hardest grade). Task You will take as in...

I'm gonna post this soon, can someone have a final check over it:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TheLethalCoderThe Double Slit Experiment code-golf ascii-art physics random animation A lazy physicist has the job to perform the double slit experiment. However, they are lazy and can't be bothered to set up all the equipment themselves and so are going to simulate the effects. They can't program though so ...

CMC: Output the account user name. On TIO it will be runner.
Q: The Double Slit Experiment

TheLethalCoderA lazy physicist has the job to perform the double slit experiment. However, they are lazy and can't be bothered to set up all the equipment themselves and so are going to simulate the effects. They can't program though so are going to need some help. As they are lazy your program should be as sh...

Snippet, Invalid.
@TheLethalCoder ^
python: lambda:"runner" (only valid on the TIO interpreter) (the interpreter defines the language :p)
@LeakyNun loophole.
Invalid, Hardcoded answer.
@ATaco non-observable
Tell that to Loopholes that are forbidden by default, not me.
@ATaco hardcoding is not a loophole
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

Peter TaylorHard-coding the output Unless the question is an obvious exception (the primary exception being those tagged kolmogorov-complexity), your program is expected to do work, not just print a pre-calculated result. If the question doesn't require input and so a solution which just prints the answer w...

Often, this vulnerability is an indicator of a dumb question... — boothby Mar 7 '14 at 19:37
Often != Always
@ATaco Not a snippet, a built in method
It's a snippet, that doesn't run on it's own, nor is it a callable function.
@TheLethalCoder no, it's a variable
Also, 19 Bytes. _=>process.env.USER
Actually it's a property of the Environment class which is just syntactic sugar for a method
Hence it is a method
I'm, not actually sure what the consensus is on predefined variables in functional languages...
Well it's a method and consensus on methods is that they are allowed, as far as I know anyway
But under the rules of I know it when I see it I think that's a snippet.
If the value is recomputed every time it is called, it's a method.
I can link to a page about properties in C# and how they compile into method calls if you'd like?
It doesn't seem to be a Method, seeming as the value is output, not the result of running it, but that's just my opinion.
'Eh, I shouldn't be complaining, I still got it shorter ;P
It compiles into the following method System.Environment.get_UserName()
The source too (to be complete :P)
public static string UserName {
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
get {
new EnvironmentPermission(EnvironmentPermissionAccess.Read,"UserName").Demand();

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
int size = sb.Capacity;
Win32Native.GetUserName(sb, ref size);
return sb.ToString();
Fixed font saves lives.
I can never get markdown to work in chat
@TheLethalCoder After you type in the multi-line message you want to code-format, there will appear a button fixed font next to send and upload. That will automatically format it as code, by adding 4 spaces in front of each line.
@TheLethalCoder It doesn't work in multi-line comments but it works fine in normal messages.
public static string UserName {
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
get {
new EnvironmentPermission(EnvironmentPermissionAccess.Read,"UserName").Demand();

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
int size = sb.Capacity;
Win32Native.GetUserName(sb, ref size);
return sb.ToString();
public static string UserName {
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
get {
new EnvironmentPermission(EnvironmentPermissionAccess.Read,"UserName").Demand();

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(256);
int size = sb.Capacity;
Win32Native.GetUserName(sb, ref size);
return sb.ToString();
So in C#, properties are syntactic sugar for private variables with getters and (optionally) setters automatically or manually generated. Something like public string Foo { get { return this._foo; } set { this._foo = value; } } is roughly equivalent to public string getFoo() { return this->_foo; } public void setFoo(string value) { this->_foo = value; } in C++.
Properties are methods that have syntactic sugar. When they're used as rvalues, the get method is called. When they're used as lvalues in assignments, the set method is called (with an implicit argument value).
They should be valid as function submissions
Can you assign one to a function type?
@feersum I'm not sure - I've never tried it. The syntactic sugar for the getter would probably get in the way of doing it directly, but I'm sure there's a workaround.
By meta consensus, a function-like thing is valid, even if it requires different syntax to call, so long as it meets the other requirements on functions.
Was HTML6 just released an hour back?
I don't think so
According to my understanding, HTML5 is a living standard, so there won't be an HTML6 unless there are some very major changes
Heh, a living standard, you mean like the Constitution?
Get your 11-foot poles here
Does that mean HTML5 gets updated regularly?
I hope it's like that, where the existence of new APIs is deduced by applying the principles of justice to the text.
I don't understand this W3C business.
It would be lame if they just changed the words or wahtever.
@Adám I always thought the Bash answer to this was a funny command name: whoami.
@Lynn Makes perfect sense though. Although I'd have preferred just me.
> what happens to nitrogen when the sun rises
> it becomes daytrogen
@LeakyNun _☼_
> Why the need to hide bad words, especially if we all pretty much know what's being said?
@LeakyNun For people who don't pretty much know what's being said.
@wizzwizz4 really? there are people who don't know?
These people are usually less old than usual.
in that case, censoring them would make them... more curious
than just another word they don't know
@LeakyNun If there's a word with *s in it, I learned after the first one not to look them up.
Then I went to secondary school. :-/
yay my first bounty
Q: Prison Architect, ASCII version

MinuetPrison Architect, ASCII version Here is a diagram of a prison using ASCII characters: +------------------------------+ | | | X X | | | | D D | | ...

Heyo, eyes on this? I modified it significantly.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Step HenComparing Strings code-golf string You will be given two non-empty strings containing printable ASCII. If their contents are exactly the same, output their contents. If their contents are different, output a third string. This third string cannot be a substring of either string, and neither str...

Anyone else read the meta post killing the popcon as killing the popcorn every time they see it in the hot meta posts?
IT'S ALIVE! MaybeLater is working!
Still some uh, issues, but it's working!
Have we had a URL encode/decode challenge?
when x is *{
	when y is x{
		print "y was just set to what x is fam (" + x + "), better put a stop to that.";
		y = 0;
x = 1;
print y = 1;

>> y was just set to what x is fam (1), better put a stop to that.
>> 0
I'm really excited about this language.
What if x = 0
Output is just; 1
And y = 0.
>> y was just set to what x is fam (0), better put a stop to that. forever.
Without crashing?
@feersum Only if it's implemented recursively.
(Yeah, it crashes)
@ATaco That's the programmer's fault.
It's a pain to implement tailcall recursion in assignments.
@ATaco Compile your language to LLVM bytecode.
Problem solved.
Q: Length of the largest helicopter

jasonBackstory The host government has promised that in addition to the security guards in each match, there will be a platoon of elite commandos that will be deployed for extra protection in each stadium for each match. In order to move quickly between cities and stadiums there will be a dedicated a...

Q: Find the longest run of consecutive digits

Carlos AlejoSimple challenge: given a series of positive integer numbers, find the number that contains among its digits the longest run of consecutive digits. The trick? It's allowed for the digits to wrap around the possible values (0123456789) and to run backwards. So both 2345, 89012 and 5432109 are vali...

I wish anyone luck trying to read the source code though.
@ConorO'Brien Possibly. For starts, you'd want $matches[0] since PowerShell is zero-indexed everywhere. Depending upon how you have the workflow, you could pipe it to a where-clause with |?{$_-match'regex' and then encapsulate that in parens and pull out the 0th. Or, you could use Select-String but that tends to be longer.
a = 1;

if a == 2
	print "a is 2"
else if a == 3
	print "a is 3"
	print "I dunno man, 7 maybe?"
works as expected too now.
Which is good, because I think that makes it TC.
Surely the languages becomes no fun if regular if statements are supported? :P
I think it should easily be TC without that.
Can I get feedback on this:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000code-golf string filesystem tail: troll: file truncated Background When you run tail -f file in bash, the file is outputted and then any subsequent appends. However, when you remove something that has already been displayed, tail outputs: tail: nameoffile: file truncated Your Challenge Wh...

when fib is *{
	if fib <= 1
		fibout = 1
	else if fib != 1{
	 	local n = fib;
	 	fib = n - 1;
	 	local a = fibout;
	 	fib = n - 2;
	 	local b = fibout;
	 	fibout = a + b;

fib = 5;
print fibout;
Horrifying Fibonacci implementaiton
I tried using fib as the output variable too, but I quickly realized that became an issue.
Would it be fine if I made a language with a wide variety of modes? like 20, e.g. 1 mode would just be for fibonacci challenges, would that mode switch be included in byte count?
@LiefdeWen how would you mode switch?
in header -F
yes command line args are included in bytecount
anything that is info to your program has to be included in bytecount
like filename if it needs to be a certain name, etc.
hmm, so the better approach would be to write 20 languages?
@LiefdeWen the better approach is to make a language that's good because it's designed well, not because it's designed for one thing :P
A: Loopholes that are forbidden by default

jimmy23013Using MetaGolfScript MetaGolfScript is a family of programming languages. For example, the empty program in MetaGolfScript-209180605381204854470575573749277224 prints "Hello, World!". It is similar to using extra command line arguments, where they should also count as characters. And using the ...

@ATaco Does this work?
when fib is 0 { done = 1; }
when done is 0 {
    local sum = a + b;
    a = b;
    b = sum;
    fib = fib - 1;
    done = done;
a = 0;
b = 1;
fib = 5;
done = 0;
print a;
^^ is kind of like what you're thinking of but taken to an extreme @LiefdeWen
@StepHen Okay will go think about it, thanks
@TheLethalCoder I am planning to change the behaviour of ()s. Instead of them starting entirely new Carrot programs, they will start another Carrot program in the same sheet (the tape of tapes). This will allow the program to fetch values from other cells in the sheet.
@StepHen :( that means Charcoal is bad
@ASCII-only nah, it's designed to be really good in one genre
@ATaco what language?
@Cowsquack TIL carrots come in sheets
@ASCII-only one thing would be like really good at printing goats, and every builtin changes the goat a little bit
That's Charcoal
Goat built-in + replace :P
@ASCII-only right, but what if every builtin was for making tails, feet, eyes, etc. instead of drawing diagonal alphabets and what not
@ATaco I wrote Logicode kinda like this lol
@ASCII-only think of it like a garden
I might actually call it a garden in the wiki
Did jelly beat Charcoal
On an ASCII art challenge
I just realized my list division is stupid
> Push the first 1 // numth part of lst

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