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I have like 10 functions that take a function as input and return a function
it's almost like I made tacit Python \o/ [I don't understand what tacit means]
@HyperNeutrino I don't think you understand what tacit means
@HyperNeutrino lambda stack, *arguments:. It's called in more than one place.
probably not
Tacit aka pointfree means code that doesn't refer to its arguments/parameters explicitly
Oh okay
@totallyhuman Are you saying that HyperNeutrino has self-issues? :-O
The way I have it, you can keep calling functions on the functions but at the very end of the chain it explicitly calls the function with the arguments because it can't do it any other way xD
@wizzwizz4 I won't deny it :D
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000code-golf cops-and-robbers decision-problem Just Hangin' Find the input that hangs the program Cops: Your challenge is to make a program that terminates on all inputs except one (or more)1. Please, don't "implement RSA" or anything mean to the robbers. Use obscure languages and features, no...

@programmer5000 Is this just the inverse of your last CnR?
Example: f n = n `rem` 2 == 0 is a pointful function in Haskell for testing parity. f = (0 ==) . (rem 2) is the equivalent pointfree definition.
@HyperNeutrino That's called a fluent interface
Somewhat, but with big changes to fix the issues
Oh okay. That makes a bit more sense, thanks.
Hey, I am stuck at this JavaScript challenge:

Write a function called 'sum' that should be usable as follows:

sum(1, 2, 3) // should return 6
sum(1)(2)(3) // should return 6
sum(1, 2)(3) // should 6

Note, the function can have any number of arguments, not just 3.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent Look up currying
@LearnHowToBeTransparent check if each arg is a function, if it is call it
@LearnHowToBeTransparent That's terrible.
What if you want sum(1, 2, 3)(4)?
@StepHen none of the arguments are functions
How can sum(1,2,3) be not a function but sum(1) is a function?
Well, here is my attempt: https://repl.it/JsLN
But I have to call the function like so:
@LeakyNun It's a flawed problem.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent is it guaranteed to have only 3 inputs?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent That's fine. It's not possible otherwise.
the problem is, no
Unless you're converting to int.
> Note, the function can have any number of arguments, not just 3.
@LearnHowToBeTransparent you can't do it.
can you make a custom number type?
Yeah, as written it's not possible. Because a(1, 2) should give 3, but a(1, 2)(3) should give 6, which means 3(3) = 6 which doesn't make sense
aka, it acts like an integer, but is callable?
@LearnHowToBeTransparent gimme a sec I think you can do it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000code-golf cops-and-robbers decision-problem Just Hangin' Find the input that hangs the program Cops: Your challenge is to make a program that terminates on all inputs except one (or more)1. Please, don't "implement RSA" or anything mean to the robbers. Use obscure languages and features, no...

@HyperNeutrino in the old CnR, the challenge was basically: "Override language values to make a cop crash"
The new rules ensure that the only valid inputs are constant values, not code
Q: Pi Hunting - find an index of Pi whose value matches its index

MyStreamGiven π to 200 Million places (to make it less painful), your challenge is to locate indices of π where the index and the value at that index are the same. For example if the number was: 0.1 2038472810081466211731 the 0th index is 0 the 1st index is 1 and the second index is 2 and the tenth i...

@NewSandboxedPosts That was fast
why does 05ab1e hate me
05a1be hates everyone
I'm not used to it over Jelly xD
@programmer5000 awesome!
all the filter-out function seems to be able to do is blow up the stack
Oh I see. It's not programmed properly
> A104429 Number of ways to split 1, 2, 3, ..., 3n into n arithmetic progressions each with 3 terms.
@Adnan м doesn't seem to work in 05AB1E
@PatrickRoberts Thanks!
Have any votes / feedback?
I upvoted the proposal, but the challenge seems basically what I was expecting it to be
@HyperNeutrino Try K as an alternative
@Okx Oh thanks
I'm just about ready to give up on 05AB1E
What's with everything turning into strings for no good reason? If I wanted strings I'd use strings
I typically prefer my numbers to be numbers not sure if it's just me...
does it affect any behaviour?
It makes sorting not work I think
For the 2048 challenge that came out last night, this should work
well i mean you can use one of the bytes to cast to integer if it doesn't work
Well actually that takes 3 extra bytes
Like I got it to work: ε0K}Dε€ï{}síε€ï}Q
But does it really need to be that clunky?
I mean if my numbers didn't have identity crises it would work better
@HyperNeutrino so what's wrong with that?
Well, strings aren't sorted correctly; the sorted list should be [2, 4, 8, 16] but it's ["16", "2", "4", "8"]
@HyperNeutrino Use cQuents, it doesn't have strings
@StepHen lol
@HyperNeutrino I see no strings
My language technically can have strings because I added a 2-byte thing that makes strings from codepoints but you can only add them in at the end
and the "strings" it has I'm contemplating removing
@Okx Well yes that works but not really because if there are 0 cells it doesn't work
although I eventually want to be able to do string sequences too, but that's for later
@HyperNeutrino wdym
[16, 8, 0, 4] is truthy but it sorts to [0, 4, 8, 16] for which I need to ignore the 0s
0δKD€{íQ seems to work
@Okx oh hm. nice. can I steal that as a golf? :)
okay but give me credit :P
ik :P yay thanks :D
Hey guys! Anybody else that always gets "Server's response could not be decoded" on TIO?
wait why do you refer to me as 'they' i am a single person
@BruceForte can you link to a run when you got it?
I do not know your gender :P
@Okx I personally hate singular they but w/e
ok. thanks
@BruceForte I get Could not infer valid type for program in the output field, and a runtime of ~53 seconds
no server decoding messages
Oh, wow didn't expect that. I've experienced this before when it takes long that I get that message
I'm encountering slight issues with my language. Namely, I don't understand my fluent interface anymore ._.
Guess I need to compile the interpreter and work offline
@BruceForte do you not get the same thing I do?
@StepHen Thanks a lot for looking into it
No, I get "Server's response could not be decoded"
@BruceForte That's weird - you might hop on over to the TIO chat room and ask around
Oh, now when I click the link I provided I get that same response and only when I click run I get that message :S
@BruceForte yeah the output was preloaded for me
Ah, makes sense
Yeah, I'll ask over there. Thanks!
@LearnHowToBeTransparent repl.it/JsLN/25
Totally cheating, but it gets the job done
@Mego is it extensible?
@StepHen Yep, it works with any number of arguments
The hack is that the sum isn't computed until toString is called on the result object
And console.log is hacked to have a first argument of "%s", which causes toString to be called on the second argument
Who said Perl isn't a esolang?
A: Hello, World! with semi-common characters

Dom HastingsPerl 5, 92 bytes 91 bytes code + 1 for -p. I'm not 100% sure if this is considered valid, since it necessitates the -p flag, will probably only work on *nix machines and also relies on the details in this meta post for empty input (which TIO doesn't support, so a newline is provided - and never...

OK Perl is an esolang confirmed
General-purpose programming language is just a special case of esolang.
Apparently base converting back and forth changes the values >.<
I'm trying to use base conversion for compression but it isn't working
@Mego Just make sure you don't ask me. My handwriting is absolutely terrible.
@HyperNeutrino you're obviously doing something wrong
@StepHen Well duh xD
I think it's maybe integer overflow?
@HyperNeutrino my base conversion in Explode works, you want to look at that code?
@StepHen Sure, thanks.
@DJMcMayhem Terrible handwriting is kinda the point. More diverse handwriting samples = better challenge
Oh lol that's the code I'm using
I think it's probably integer overflow
@HyperNeutrino do you have the -1? That threw me off (unless you're doing it slightly differently)
@Mego What if it's embarrassingly bad? :P
Verging on illegible
No, I am using base-115 to convert the digits [1,1,1,1,...,1] with about 20 1s though
actually I think the -1 is because I'm doing it weird
@HyperNeutrino want to TIO what you're doing?
@DJMcMayhem Here is the last test case: DJ's handwriting. Anyone whose code works for all previous test cases and this one automatically wins on the spot.
@DJMcMayhem No judgment here
@StepHen Hehe
This guy gets it
@HyperNeutrino oh you call other stuff too :/ I'll look at it later when I have more time if you still haven't fixed it
@StepHen tio.run/…
(Removing Ceres dependencies like _i and veclist)
so wait what's wrong with it
I'm trying to get it to break...
well now it won't break lol
so your Ceres dependencies broke it :P
That's really odd
It's working on my computer now too
@HyperNeutrino add your dependencies back, manually (no undo) and if it's broken again you know the problem
@StepHen No I didn't even remove the dependencies
@HyperNeutrino oh lol
Besides, the dependencies don't really do anything it's just for the fluent interface
> fluent interface
what's that?
Essentially I call functions on functions and keep chaining them on each other and then at the very end call the whole thing with the arguments
so like vectorize(listify(intify(function)))(arguments)
I like ASTs better, seems like they are simpler and easier to debug
So it still sometimes breaks on my computer but the case that breaks it doesn't break on TIO
Maybe it is the dependencies?
@HyperNeutrino just maybe
heh it's floating-point inaccuracies
@HyperNeutrino oh lol
why do you have floats involved?
Doing list(map(float, [...])) breaks it
@StepHen everything is a float
or a complex number
oh right and you are doing **
@HyperNeutrino if you want to mess around with Explode it's on TIO - I need to add a flag for tape output each tick though, for it to make any sense
oh okay
it also can't carry stuff over so it can't do real addition yet
I should probably use ints; it wouldn't break any operations
yay I got it to work
@HyperNeutrino Oh, that's a bit different from a fluent interface. That's function composition.
Oh okay. So what's a fluent interface then? :P
It's a similar concept, but applied differently
A fluent interface is like LINQ in C#
4 or less stars on each message in the starboard... people can't decide what to star
@HyperNeutrino List.Select(x=>x.age > 10).First()
Oh thanks. Okay
Q: Zippered Paragraph

AdmBorkBork(Inspired by this challenge) Given two input strings, one of which is exactly one character longer than the other, arrange the strings into ASCII art as if they are two halves of a zipper that is only halfway zippered. The longer word forms the bottom of the zipper, and is the first and last cha...

@Mayube so, jQuery?
@StepHen A lot of jQuery uses a fluent interface
@Mayube That would be list.All(x => x.age > 10).First()
All is like WHERE in SQL, and Select is like SELECT in SQL
I've decided that I need to switch to sympy and drop the complex numbers :P
Complex numbers are not often relevant
@HyperNeutrino cQuents doesn't use any libraries, what could go wrong with that? :P
@StepHen Probably because you're not trying to encode Hello World's codepoints in base 115 :P
@Mego I always use select, what's the functional difference?
@Mayube Select takes a property from each object in the enumerable
@HyperNeutrino no, why would I do that
@StepHen cuz why not
So list.Select(x => x.age) would return an enumerable of ages
hey it works now \o/ fastest switch to sympy ever
@HyperNeutrino I'm a sequence language not a golfing language :P
Hello World in my Ceres: 389960998265612367812323333 115dÆP :P
I'm fairly certain you're wrong Mego
Hello random pepes. If anyone wants to try and make a really large number/function, please support my proposal:
All takes a predicate (function taking one object and returning a boolean) and filters the enumerable based on that predicate
List.Select(x => x.age > 10) works fine for me
@HyperNeutrino Hello World in cQuents: Hello, World!?0
wait so you do have strings?
@HyperNeutrino everything before the mode is read as a literal and printed before the sequence
oh ok
wait so you have different modes that are run based on what the input is?
@HyperNeutrino the mode is ?
but yes more or less
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻ and I thought my idea was original for once!
@HyperNeutrino ? is truthy/falsey for input in the sequence
@HyperNeutrino xD
: prints the sequence if given no input, and returns the nth term if given input
:: prints the sequence up to the input
; sums to sequence up to the input (aka series)
Oh okay so slightly different
those are like quicks in Jelly and adverbs in Ceres kinda
so my idea maybe isn't too unoriginal for once ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
I want to add !? for opposite outputs for ?
and something for closest
@Mego oh wait you're right, i was thinking of Where()
so what's the functional difference between Where() and All()
:D Somebody just forked my dotfiles to their own repo. That makes me super happy :D
anyway gtg for a bit. o/
Aaah @Mego Where is the equivalent of SQL's where, All returns a boolean, true if the predicate matches all items, false otherwise
@Mayube Oh whoops, got the names wrong
Guess we were both wrong :P
"what's wrong with just using SQL"
I knew for certain Select didn't do that :P
@StepHen Some people don't like to shout all their commands
@BusinessCat SQL doesn't have to be all uppercase - that's a relic of an older age
@DJMcMayhem Grats. That's kinda nifty.
@DJMcMayhem Don't have have hotdog vim or something stupid like that turned on though? :P
@StepHen I have it included but not enabled
What do you think of my commit message and comments?
@DJMcMayhem Something something my eyes are bleeding crimson
> coloscheme.
> coloscheme
Damn ninjas
If I wasn't on mobile I wouldn't have been ninja'd
This is a script for getting all sandboxed posts that should be deleted
@DJMcMayhem Honestly the tags on that repo are the best
@BusinessCat @ASCII-only Is that better?
@Mego :D I'm glad someone notices/appreciates those
I don't understand why you tagged it scary-pencils but it seems appropriate
@Mego It's kind of an inside joke with my girlfriend. In Dr Langeskov, at one point Justin Roiland starts ranting about running to the hills to get away from the scary pencils and we quote that game incessantly.
And it doesn't make any sense on a github repo, so I like having it there.
@DJMcMayhem I might have to try that game
I highly recommend it. Play it twice to get the full experience, but it shouldn't take more than 20-30 minutes (even if you play it twice)
> A 15 minute heist game by Crows Crows Crows & Directed by William Pugh (The Stanley Parable). Slip into the soft-soled shoes of the mastermind responsible for the greatest heist- oh god I can’t do this any more, i’m joining the strike. good luck writing the steam description.
I'll try it when I switch back over to Windows later
The fact that it's free is a big plus
Ok I can remember someone saying the word "nun" is just the letter n doing a cartwheel
but I can't find it
I'm pretty sure it was somewhere on PPCG though
@MDXF someone probably linked it
is there any way to search comments?

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