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@LeakyNun i'll leave mine running overnight and see if it gets anything
@ASCII-only what is the point?
you're just going to get what I got
@LeakyNun I said I'll leave mine running
@ASCII-only and I asked why
I'm testing until the sums get too close to ULL_MAX (no idea why)
Can you prove/have you proven one doesn't exist in that range?
@LeakyNun ???
@ASCII-only I already ran my program through 2^32.
Yeah I know
so it's kind of a proof
Oh no
Didn't stop people from searching :P
Like Collatz
> work in progress language
> hasn't been updated since 2009
I really like my newest Sandboxed challenge - check it out once it hits chat
That could be an hour from now though
Or 1 minute
@BusinessCat It will probably be within the next 10 minutes
It'll come in, in the range 0<t<=∞
t - x seconds
a ∈ (0, ∞)
Fancy math notation ftw
Next time I see someone talking about an MVC app, I'm going to assume it's about cars hitting moose
@feersum Sounds just like deer here 0.o
I had a deer jump over my bonnet the other day
As I was doing 60mph
@TheLethalCoder This sentence is really strange from an American perspective
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Step HenInterpret a Maximal Number of Brainf**k Variants code-challenge interpreter brainfuck A while ago in chat, I had an idea: It was prompty shot down as impossible. Because of that, I'm making it a challenge! Valid Languages The only valid brainfuck variants you can use are the languages appe...

that one
@Mego Is it called a hood in the states?
@TheLethalCoder Yep
Ah what's bonnet?
@TheLethalCoder a hat
Usually an antiquated women's hat
Like a milkmaids hat? I think we still call them bonnets just not used very often
They haven't been in style for a few centuries
I think you should bring it back
@TheLethalCoder Now I'm imagining an old-fashioned hat on a milking machine
@TheLethalCoder What's dead should stay dead
Googled "bonnet on milking machine" was disappointed
You get one or the other apprently
never both
Alright folks, our mission is clear
What would happen if there was a language that trivialized a certain type of code-golfing problem?
@LiefdeWen There are
You mean every challenge with most golfing languages? :P
Oasis, cQuents, Ceres for
@LiefdeWen You mean like how every golfing language has one-byte builtins for Hello World and Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer?
@mego yes, but like for the latest hello world challenge none of them could be used
intrnt for internet based challenges hopefully :P
Bubblegum, SOGL for
Or Bubblegum and Cinnamon Gum for
@LiefdeWen yeah, but that's why it was made :P see Help, Wardoq!
@Mego it's pretty much just your language (for the latter)
@LeakyNun IIRC Vitsy and either Japt or Jolf also have NNBB builtins
To be fair, it is also useful for busy beaver challenges - output as many bytes as possible in as few bytes as possible
Since in 4 bytes (N;l*) you can output 138109504 bytes
Is this ready to post?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000code-golf tail: troll: file truncated Background When you run tail -f file in bash, the file is outputted and then any subsequent appends. However, when you remove something that has already been displayed, tail outputs: tail: nameoffile: file truncated Your Challenge When given an input ...

Actually 11752000000000 is possible with N9╤*
Okay so what response from the community could I expect if I made a language all characters except like 9( which I use to make it turing complete) and the rest all output Hello, World, would people start dissallowing that language for hello world restricted source problems?
@programmer5000 Considering it's been in the Sandbox for 2 hours - no
@LiefdeWen as long as it can add and do primality testing you're golden
@LiefdeWen people will just change the capitalization or punctuation though :P
As I said, see Help, Wardoq!, because that's basically what you're trying to do, except not as broad
@LiefdeWen The language itself wouldn't be explicitly disallowed, but the use of builtins like that would likely get disallowed in any language
Also HW restricted complexity challenges are basically exhausted at this point
@Mego That's 11.752 terabytes from 4 bytes of source code
Well, 10.688 tebibytes, which are what count
@Mego I can output 2e32 bytes with a 9 byte source in cQuents (theoretically)
@Mego It's a simple challenge though, can you find any improvements for it? There's no point a challenge sitting in the sandbox just because of a time restriction if it is perfectly fine.
@StepHen can't you output infinitely with much less?
@totallyhuman yes, of course
But that's a zombie beaver.
@totallyhuman I think busy beaver is supposed to terminate eventually though, right?
@TheLethalCoder Just because I can't find any problems with it doesn't mean that they don't exist. The whole point of letting a challenge sit in the Sandbox for a while is so that many users get the opportunity to review it. The vast majority of the PPCG userbase isn't online during any given 2-hour period.
Also IMO busy beaver should have consistent output across runs, regardless of available memory, so "output until we run out of memory" isn't valid either
Q: Fake divisor sum polyglots

ZgarbThe task In this challenge, your task is to write a program in a programming language L that takes a positive integer n, and outputs the sum of the proper divisors of n (sequence A001065 on OEIS). It should return the correct output for any 1 ≤ n ≤ 10 000. Here are the first 10 outputs: 0, 1, 1...

@Mego I understand the point of the sandbox, I'm one of the main reviewers in it at the moment. But this challenge is simple and clear. As far as I can tell there won't be any problems with it so no point leaving it in there.
@Mego how's that supposed to work?
@StepHen By "regardless of available memory", I mean "assume that there is enough memory to produce the output, but no other assumptions"
@TheLethalCoder If he wants to post the challenge, no one is going to stop him. He asked in chat and Mego gave a response
@Poke Yeah and I gave mine...
I don't see the sense in arguing
@TheLethalCoder What's the harm in leaving it in the sandbox for a while longer?
@Mego ah gotcha.
@Mego are you already playing Pyre?
I'm not I'm giving the opposing, and my, opinion...
You responded directly to mego
@Mego No harm but as far as I can tell there's also no harm in posting it now
@MartinEnder Not yet - got a few bills coming up that I need to pay first before I can consider buying any new games
ah, fair enough
@Poke An opposing point isn't necessarily an argument.
I'm currently squeezing it in between 100%ing Hollow Knight and waiting for the free content update this week :D
Let's not argue about whether we're having an argument or not. I'm going to link to Monty Python soon.
@TheLethalCoder There's the potential for gain by leaving it in the sandbox longer (not having it closed quickly on main, and thus losing out on the FGITW popularity rush). There's no potential for gain by posting it now.
@MartinEnder I've been busy playing Dishonored 2 and CiV
an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
I give up...
that's exactly what it is
@Mego ah nice. how is Dishonored 2? I played about 80% of the first part.
@MartinEnder Dishonored 2 feels like a very refined version of Dishonored 1. They kept all the good parts, and fixed the problems. Doing nonlethal/low chaos is much more enjoyable because you have more options than just avoid/sleep dart/choke. The fact that you can knock enemies out during combat is a very welcome improvement.
@Poke typically a heated or angry one. is the key part
hi... not really ppcg but is there a tool to search all the pdfs on a windows machine?
@Mego I got bored of 2 after a bit but I think that's because I had a few games going at the same time
I have lost a document :)
agent ransack?
@Mego oh that sounds good. I prefer games where going the stealth route doesn't feel like missing out on stuff compared to the combat route.
@Lembik Yes.
@Lembik type the name in the bottom left search thing?
@Lembik You could use Windows Explorer to search for *.pdf on the whole computer, but it will be slow.
I prefer the one inside Windows Explorer.
@MartinEnder Arguably in Dishonored and Dishonored 2, the stealth route is more rewarding
@Poke There's no need to be petulant
@MartinEnder Have you played Styx?
Everybody calm down.
4 messages moved to Trash
@StepHen @Mego.. sorry I want to search all the documents for a particular word
@Lembik oh... you don't remember what you named it?
@Lembik Harder.
@Lembik Use agent ransack
@Lembik Unless the documents actually contain the word and not just an image of the word, you're likely out of luck
@Lembik How many PDFs are on your computer?
And as @Mego said if it's not in document form, but in image form, you're going to have to do it yourself, unless you can afford a natural language Google-type bot
If the PDF in question actually contains text, you can grep the files
@TheLethalCoder no, it's been in my steam library for ages though
@TheLethalCoder agent ransack? Sounds interesting
@StepHen Well there are open source OCR utilities, but there's no guarantee that they will work
@MartinEnder That's pretty fun for stealth, though I never completed it
@StepHen I don't know exactly.. a few hundred maybe
@Lembik WSL and grep :P
@Lembik ~300? That's not that many, you could probably do it manually :P
@Mego I work for an OCR company, we'll find it for you ;)
@StepHen right but where are they? :)
@ASCII-only pdfgrep you mean :)
@TheLethalCoder Could you provide OCR of all of the images posted to TNB?
@Lembik wait scanned or text
@ASCII-only text
It's hard for bots to read images. :-)
@TheLethalCoder I'll probably get around to it eventually. so many games to play though...
4 mins ago, by Mego
@Lembik You could use Windows Explorer to search for *.pdf on the whole computer, but it will be slow.
@wizzwizz4 not in the modern world :)
@Lembik ah yeah wouldn't that work?
@StepHen right but then I have to pipe that list into something
No we're quite fast now :P
@wizzwizz4 That's what captcha's for, helping bots read text
@wizzwizz4 *super easy
@Lembik It is if they're grainy or fuzzy or use a font that is not installed on the computer running the bot for license reasons.
@StepHen Only certain bots.
@MartinEnder I know the feeling, currently 661 games in my steam library. And I've played a handful of them.
@TheLethalCoder I just play Rocket League, and that only when I have the time, so I don't have to worry about that :P
@StepHen yeah, in text captcha good bots get it right >99.9% of the time
@StepHen I'm more CS:GO when I can, Rocket League to relax
A: How do I rotate individual letters of an image into the right orientation for optimal OCR?

TheLethalCoderYou can use the code in the following code project article to segment each individual character. However, when trying to deskew these characters individually any result you get is not going to be very good because there isn't very much information to go off of. I tried using AForge.NETs HoughLin...

Solving captchas
That could make for an interesting challenge - a test battery of images with characters rotated/flipped, and the goal is to correctly OCR as many as possible
The only issue is, it wouldn't be impossible to get 100%
What OCR engines would you allow though?
Or would you have to write one of your own?
@TheLethalCoder probably custom
@TheLethalCoder Probably only custom, for fairness
Would probably be shorter to do a custom one as well.
It's not really interesting to see a bunch of answers all using Tesseract
Tailored to the test images obviously
I've got a great idea: collect handwriting samples from PPCG users, including flipped and rotated characters, and have solutions try to OCR them
Would probably be best with a high quantity of images that are all of a certain decently predictable type
@Mego Bonus points: cursive
@StepHen That might be a bit too difficult
So would normal handwriting
Handwriting would be easier because of the space between characters
(although with some younger PPCGers might not even know how to write cursive)
Still be difficult, at least with fonts you know they will "always" be the same
Why is cursive dying ;-;
@TheLethalCoder The entire point is the difficulty
I do like the idea of the challenge, though, as with any difficult one, you wouldn't get many answers.
With set fonts, getting 100% isn't terribly hard
@TheLethalCoder ICR?
Yeah but you'd do a score like number correct/bytes to make people look for the optimal solution
@TheLethalCoder In my recent Sandboxed challenge I did something like 200*numCorrect - bytes
that way the bytes matter, but not so much
@StepHen What's cursive?
Never mind. According to Wikipedia, that's how I write.
@wizzwizz4 it's when your letters mesh together - I learned how to write in two ways, cursive and print, but I think American schools stopped teaching cursive recently
What about this?
Jul 18 at 14:27, by AdmBorkBork
@totallyhuman I like fonts. I'm halfway done with creating my own based on my own personal handwriting.
@StepHen I just don't know the terminology.
Cursive's awesome though
When I first read instructions to write "print", I wrote in Times New Roman.
You don't have to keep lifting your have every single stupid time
@wizzwizz4 I got confused by that when I was little, a form would say "print your name" and I'd say "mom why are you writing that it says to print it"
Anyone else in here explicitly change your handwriting so that you have a unique style? Or just me?
@Mayube Intelligent character recognition or handwriting recognition
@StepHen Yeah I meant something along those lines
cursive is essentially joined up writing
@AdmBorkBork But... everyone already has a unique style. That's the point of signatures and handwriting identification.
@AdmBorkBork My handwriting is a unique mess that no one else can read. Does that count?
If you're bored, you can look at my Sandbox post and tell me if it's good or not:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Step HenInterpret a Maximal Number of Brainf**k Variants code-challenge interpreter brainfuck A while ago in chat, I had an idea: It was prompty shot down as impossible. Because of that, I'm making it a challenge! Valid Languages The only valid brainfuck variants you can use are the languages appe...

@StepHen what if I'm not bored?
what a vague law
@totallyhuman Then you can look at it anyway :P
@TheLethalCoder my signature is the same thing. i got bored of writing it
Q: Hello, World! with semi-common characters

Step HenAs some of you may know, to get a language onto Dennis's wonderful Try It Online!, a Hello, World! program is required. Recently, Dennis pushed up a way to load these programs from the website. Here is a JSON pastebin of the characters used in those programs, by frequency, as of July 27, 2017. S...

Can some js wizard put a snippet that checks a solution for validity
@HyperNeutrino Oh, what that means is that you have to use the character's appearance, not its codepoint
IE if Jelly has A in a different place than ASCII, use Jelly's A for Jelly programs and ASCII's A for ASCII programs
You're fine
Oh okay. Thanks.
@HyperNeutrino SmallF uses UTF 8 right?
Whatever Python's ord uses xD
Depends on Python version
... sorta ninja'd?
P3 uses UTF-8, P2 complains if you don't specify
Python 3
Then you're fine
@Mayube wait you can't just call ord in Python 2?
You can
afaik you can if it's an ASCII character
If the file contains weird characters, Python 2 will scream at you
It'll be ASCII
Unless you specify what encoding it is
That's why Jelly won't work in Python 2 :P
More reasons not to use Python 2 for anything except golfing
That's way past proven
It reaches EOL in... 3 years?
@totallyhuman We'll still have TIO >:)
4 mins ago, by totallyhuman
Can some js wizard put a snippet that checks a solution for validity
Pls js wizard
Could someone have a look over my sandboxed challenge
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TheLethalCoderThe Double Slit Experiment code-golf ascii-art physics random animation A lazy physicist has the job to perform the double slit experiment. However, they are lazy and can't be bothered to set up all the equipment themselves and so are going to simulate the effects. They can't program though so ...

why is killing threads/processes so difficult in most languages?
To stop idiots using them and crippling a system?
no, there's something fundamental about it I think
like, in Java, Thread.stop() is deprecated, but Thread.interrupt() waits for the thread to accept the interrupt
and I've had problems with python's subprocess.kill()
IMO, the person who spawns a thread should be in charge of when the thread dies
but I feel like its lifetime management is given to the thread itself
Well in C# you'd do var t = new Thread();t.Start();t.Join(); so that which calls it kills it.
Are a person's parents in control of when their life ends or are they in control of that? (xD) /s
Though if you don't kill it yourself it only dies when its finished its work
@TheLethalCoder can the thread itself do anything to stop the join?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GryphonSecret Message Part 2, Random Interleaving This is the second part of a series, the first part of which can be found here. Now that our message is slightly encrypted, we want to obfuscate it more thoroughly. We're going to do this by chopping the back half off of the message and interleaving...

@NathanMerrill Not that I know of
Though it probably could in some funky way
oh, Thread.Join waits for the thread to finish
so, joining doesn't actually kill the thread
Yeah, that wasn't the one I meant then. I've been doing more async code recently
There is a way to kill it though
Nope, usually threading APIs make it hard to kill threads because you usually don't want to do that
You're better off using an event system and sending an event to the thread to make it kill itself
It's much easier for a thread to handle cleaning up and exiting than it is for its parent
what cleaning up are we talking about? closing files?
because the language can handle that
Any resource that needs disposal, so yes files, but also dynamic memory
Oh there's Thread.Abort() which essentially throws an exception inside the thread.
memory is also managed by the language runtime.
It's almost always safer and cleaner to have the thread kill itself than to kill the thread directly
But when we usually use threads in our code we let the threads handle their own status and have a flag called stopThread or similar that it monitors
@NathanMerrill Yes, but the runtime still has to clean up the memory inside of the thread. With that consideration, it's simpler and cleaner to have the exiting done by the thread instead of by the parent.
@totallyhuman Here's a checker in PowerShell -- Try it online!
from the language's runtime point of view, I agree. The code to cleanup after killed threads sounds messy and I wouldn't want to write it
however, would the programmer give anything up if killing threads was common?
@AdmBorkBork I can't run power shell in Java script :P
@Okx I can't see them either
uh... i don't know if it's just me or have stack snippets been removed?
from PPCG, they work on stack overflow
They work for me
@Okx this one still seems working
@Okx oh wait they work for me, I couldn't find it 0,o
@totallyhuman lol, but at least you could copy-paste the code to TIO
@AdmBorkBork Go to edit that, remove one of the characters (such as the ! in a HTML comment) then add them again...
._. lambda stack: ... causes an error saying that there are too many arguments and lambda stack, arguments: ... causes an error saying that there are too few arguments
no more stack snippet
Conclusion: My lambda needs to take 1.5 arguments
basically, when you kill a thread you also need to open any locks associated with it
@Okx well of course not, the HTML comment is what makes the snippet a snippet
no i said remove it and add it again
however, many locks depend on the thread finishing its task
it's the exact same but the stack snippet preview is gone
@Okx works for me
@Okx Oh, if that's the case, I don't want to break something
but it didn't, that means that the state of the program isn't what the other threads expect
you don't need to actually click the finish edit button
@HyperNeutrino is it part of a class?
Cause then you might have issues with self
oh wait the issue was that I had a triply-nested-function, one of which required the arguments as an argument, so the too-few error was coming from that part and the too-many error was coming from the part I was changing

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