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Python, 18 bytes: lambda n:chr(n+65)
@Mr.Xcoder can the input be like 0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHI for inputs 0, 0, 1 ... 25?
@ConorO'Brien Sure
Sorry for responding late
How can community award bounties?
A: Grocery Store Micromanagement

Wheat WizardPython 2, 477 463 453 449 423 402 397 396 393 bytes t=input() e=enumerate q,r=" s" for i,L in list(e(t))[:0:-1]: for j,c in e(L): a=t[i-1][j] if"0"<c<"6":L[j]="0 1234"[int(c)] if(r==a)*q==L[j]:t[i-1][j],L[j]=q+r if"e"==a:L[j]=r if r==L[j]and"x"==t[i+1][j]:L[j]="5" if"Y"in L:x=L.count(r)...

oh crap I forgot to award the bounty
This answer specifically ^ +25 from Community
@JohnDvorak When the time bomb in the firmware goes off.
@Mr.Xcoder somebody set a bounty
And forgot to reward it
It's way past the warranty
@Mr.Xcoder BF:,+++++++++++++++++.
@totallyhuman And forgot abut it and was auto-rewarded
@ConorO'Brien Oh nice, nice BF
@JohnDvorak Has it been being updated?
There are some people I wouldn't put past breaking a discontinued or out of warranty product.
Why is Main soo sleepy today?
It's an Asus router and I haven't touched its update function ever. Even if it could auto-update, why would it now?
Also, the admin interface still claims it's been designed for IE5.0.
It's also purple and yellow and I'm afraid to look at it with my AMOLED phone.
It seems to only support manual updates - you download the firmware to your computer, then push it to the router.
> In case the upgrade process fails, ASUS Wireless Router will enter an emergent mode automatically. The LED signals at the front of ASUS Wireless Router will indicate such situation. Use the Firmware Restoration utility on the CD to do system recovery.
Yeah, it has enough brains to start flashing wildly and get a fresh firmware through specialized software, but it doesn't have enough brains to revert to the old firmware or to show a web interface.
@trichoplax The letters aren't commands, that's the reason I'm doing it like this
The ASUS website doesn't even know this router model exists...
@StepHen Ahhh...
@JohnDvorak You 100% sure it isn't a Chinese copycat? I got Orocs from China (instead of Crocs)
@StepHen that is IMO a pathetic copycat-renaming xD
@Mr.Xcoder Sunday
@HyperNeutrino I think I lost them or I'd get you a picture, lemme look around
If it was a rip-off, I want another one 😛
@JohnDvorak lol why xD
It lasted for quite a while
ah I see
@HyperNeutrino couldn't find any in my house, but these were like them:
ಠ_ಠ lol
What I don't get is how they don't get sued xD
@HyperNeutrino I think international copyright/trademark law isn't quite the same as domestic
Dunno the intricacies, and I guess they have some reason to not just use the exact same name
But you can also get YouKu in China and that has full movies just on it
can I have some feedback here please?
If scientists can find and lose the higgs boson, people can get feedback in the sandbox
umm, without calling for feedback or something?
They didn't lose it
@JohnDvorak it'd be pretty funny if they did
well they can't lose it >_<
They didn't lose it. It just ... broke.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Erik the OutgolferSwap the frogs! Given 2 integers N >= 1, representing left-side frogs, and M >= 1, representing right-side frogs, return all the steps required so that the frogs change sides with the minimum number of steps. The frogs start with one empty spot between the two sides. A frog can jump to the empty...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fireflame241Divisible by 1000003? Easy, just multiply the last digit by 300001 and add! code-golf number arithmetic Given a prime P greater than 10, your program or function must figure out its divisibility rule x, defined as the integer with smallest absolute value which yields a multiple of the origina...

@NewSandboxedPosts hey dat quick
um Sandbox has ~4000+ answers. Is that the most of any SE question?
Also, <insert relevant xkcd here>
(including deleted I think)
@StepHen I don't think so.
@wizzwizz4 so what is? :P
Maybe the other Sandbox? (There's another site with a sandbox)
@StepHen A sandbox for a more active site.
SEDE is a nice tool
@totallyhuman but... it's per-site
SEDE is site specific, though, and ignores deleted posts
and I know it's possible to make it network-wide, but I dunno how
It's still a nice tool :P
sede all sites that have sandboxes and pick the maximum
except that sandboxes can often be retired
@StepHen Make a thing under the same ID on lots of sites.
@EriktheOutgolfer Ooh. That'll do it.
That'll stop it getting too big.
That means we might have won...
I think we're the only site with a big Sandbox, puzzling and math both are <100 (undeleted) answers and I dunno any others
How many sandboxes have we burned through already?
Ye right
@JohnDvorak we stopping retiring at one point, so I dunno
@JohnDvorak One, I think.
twenty or so?
@wizzwizz4 at least we've won cr for sure...especially since cr doesn't have a sandbox at all
For many sites a sandbox would be really hard to maintain and also quite unnecessary.
@EriktheOutgolfer Woop! Beat that, Code Review! Oh, wait. You don't golf. :-D
I'd also be curious what the highest answered post on any main site is, it may be Hello World
Let's just migrate the sandbox to main and claim the price
... ಠ_ಠ
@JohnDvorak then we can't feature it :(
@StepHen That's not the worst of it :P
CMC: bring up the worst of my last suggestion
People will gain/lose rep for sandbox posts which is one of the reasons it is on Meta
@JohnDvorak New people will accidentally post questions that should go to main to Sandbox... oh wait
that won't happen
@JohnDvorak way to ruin my ideal
It would be nice though
I wonder: Which site gets the least new users (that post something) over time?
anyway brb
@HyperNeutrino well Vegetarianism only has 858 users, and Esperanto only has 984 users (total for both)
CS50 or whatever it's called, perhaps. Can't find it.
@HyperNeutrino I think *site-that-is-in-private-beta* probably has the fewest over time.
Beer, Wine, and Spirits and Sustainable Living get .1 questions a day
Is Sustainable Living a sustainable site?
@JohnDvorak I dunno, it gets 1.4k visits/day but Community Building only gets 34 visits a day
but then again the Bible hasn't got an official update since almost two thousand years ago.
couple of fan-fics, though
Well... it hasn't needed one, so perhaps that's why.
A: One OEIS after another

Scott Milner90. Open Shading Language (OSL), 66 bytes, A000201 shader abc(int i=1, output float o=1){o=floor(i*((1+sqrt(5))/2));} Next Sequence

One day left...
@LeakyNun what would it take to compute those numbers?
or at least some of them
> A000066 Smallest number of vertices in trivalent graph with girth (shortest cycle) = n.
@StepHen you need to make trivalent graphs
how do you compute this kind of things?
so how do you do that? @LeakyNun
@JohnDvorak represent a graph with an adjacency matrix
You don't.
check that each column and row sum to 3 (to be trivalent)
Welp, that's ... slow.
then find the girth of each graph
@JohnDvorak you just need to theoretically output the answer
I should have realized what site I'm on.
@JohnDvorak it has to be short, not fast :P
@StepHen it doesn't
There should be a title up top
CMC: Given a list of length higher than 2, output the two adjectant elements with the highest product.
it just has to theoretically work. it isn't code golf.
@StepHen pfft
@Mr.Xcoder testcase?
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 7, 2] -> [8, 9]
@Mr.Xcoder ->a{a.each_cons(2).max_by &:*}
@Mr.Xcoder and if there is more than one?
@JohnDvorak That was... fast
@LeakyNun You are guaranteed there is only one pair with the max product.
Ruby is awesome
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 6 bytes: ,2\PÐá¹€
@Mr.Xcoder 05AB1E, 6 bytes: ü‚ΣP}¤
@Mr.Xcoder Jelly, 5 bytes Try it online!
@LeakyNun Could you explain what an adjacency matrix is? I want to try this if I can possibly.
@HyperNeutrino it is a square matrix with each row and column representing the vertices (so they are repeated once)
the corresponding entry is 0 if the two vertices are not connected
1 if the two vertices are connected
so the main diagonal must be 0
Ah I see.
So for it to be trivalent, the rows need to all sum to 3 each (and technically the columns) right
@Adnan 05AB1E has pretty syntax
and it's symmetrical?
@HyperNeutrino yes
Ah okay.
@HyperNeutrino an adjacency matrix must be symmetrical
How is the girth determined from an adjacency matrix?
that's the harder part
@DJMcMayhem Did you just outgolf Leaky?
@Mr.Xcoder Probably golfable, but: J, 23 bytes: [:({~[:(i.>./)*/"1)2]\]
@Mr.Xcoder yes apparently
In the Wikipedia page, what's with the adjacency matrix having a 2 in it?
oh because it has a loop
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah, but I'm not sure how valid mine is because it can return multiple values
@DJMcMayhem very nice
@DJMcMayhem It's guaranteed to not have to handle that
@DJMcMayhem You are guaranted there is only 1 pair of maximal product
@HyperNeutrino if it took you that long to realize it, did you really have to ask in chat? >.>
Oh cool!
@LeakyNun That means a lot from you :)
@DJMcMayhem @HyperNeutrino JHT?
@ConorO'Brien because by the time I finished copy-pasting the link and writing up the post, I realized right after posting >.>
@Mr.Xcoder as in character choice?
@Adnan Yep
@DJMcMayhem It took me way too long but I updated my answer for the rolling question
@HyperNeutrino the slowest algorithm would be to look at the power set of the vertices and see which subset of the vertices forms a cycle
Let me know when you can get the new official timing
Ah okay.
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks :)
@Sherlock9 long time no see
Is 05AB1E the golfiest stack-based language?
Hey Leaky
Rough semester
I think so
@Mr.Xcoder MATL
@ConorO'Brien It's not always shorter than 05AB1E. Pyth is great and stack-based too
pyth is prefix
Pyth is not stack based iirc
@Sherlock9 Oh, cool! Link again? I'll probably get it sometime in the next 1-2 hours
pyke is stack based iirc
Oh, yeh, sry
Forgot about that
Been away for too long
I think jelly is technically stack based
@Sherlock9 well, welcome back if you're staying!
Depends on how bad next semester is :D
I've got a month
Got any good challenges?
shameless self promotion but I think it's a pretty easy challenge
@ConorO'Brien somehow I didn't see that question...
most of my challenges are popular for less than 24 hours unfortunately
@ConorO'Brien depends on how "HNQ" you can get them
mine was on HNQ, didn't help much :P
I guess I need more clickbait :P
Mine is second in HNQ rn
honestly if I was in control of the HNQ I'd remove PPCG from it permanently. It only adds to what's wrong with this site
@ConorO'Brien Just Protect all of the things.
@ConorO'Brien While I love the idea, I get the feeling that I'm late to the party on that one
(For all you Wikipedians out there: semi-protect)
1. that's not even possible ಠ_ಠ
it's not answers I'm worried about, it's the voters who are like "ooo shiny obfuscated golfing language! Updoot and move on with my life."
@ConorO'Brien Problem is half of people on PPCG found PPCG because of HNQ
Anyone who knows Python and speaks Jelly, could you try to crack my CnR submission?
I spent a few days on it.
@wizzwizz4 There's a reason this happens
Though Actually doesn't appear to be on there yet, oddly enough
@StepHen Yes, but those people represent a small amount of the people from HNQ, most just vote blindly and move on.
what's CPython
I probably found PPCG through HNQ
Jul 26 at 0:24, by Dennis
@ASCII-only Embarrassing? I joined PPCG because of code trolling. >_>
I cannot remember anymore how I found PPCG specifically
@HyperNeutrino What's the reason?
Is it to let new users on it?
I remember I was trying to learn either Golfscript or gs2
@wizzwizz4 Community autoprotects it IIRC
Community keeps autoprotecting it and then 3.5k+ users keep unprotecting it. :P
I know that.
Oh, it may have been that I was looking for stuff on the Josephus problem, found an older challenge, and decided to post my variant to the site
And it all kicked off from there
If sandbox didn't have antiautoprotect, it would face the same issue, except even worse :P
But why do they unprotect it?
I think I got here by posting a programming puzzle on puzzling.se
Probably to let new users answer it.
@HyperNeutrino I suppose the act of unprotecting is its own explanation.
@ConorO'Brien I guess they were all like "get off here go over to PPCG shoo shoo have a nice day"
Conor, I would happily write an Actually answer to your question ... if at this point I hadn't completely forgotten what the Actually builtins are anymore
I mostly unprotect it because other people did that :P
Everything is a blur to me now
@StepHen basically
@Sherlock9 that's what happened to me when I stopped practising jelly for about a month xD not as severe but I still forgot many things :P
@HyperNeutrino Wait, some people do more than Ctrl-F the Jelly wiki?
I stopped practicing and I smashed my head against a wall for months
So things fell out of my head
what kind of school do you go to
One where the finances are failing, the teachers no longer care, and the students despair of ever getting the promised degree
@StepHen I remember many builtins, and back when my compose key still worked, I sometimes wrote whole programs without opening any wiki pages
@HyperNeutrino ... but isn't the whole language builtins?
yes but the important part is knowing how to use the builtins correctly
@Sherlock9 That's a shame.
It really is
Although, RE: that bit about finances: isn't that every school?
My hope is that I can find time and money to get a master's degree in pure math
That would be amazing :)
@wizzwizz4 not one that's well endowed and has good financial managers
Okay but the business model sucked from day one
@StepHen I have never seen a school that doesn't (need to) hold fundraisers.
@wizzwizz4 well fundraisers just mean they can charge less/some club can have some funding/the school's broke
@Sherlock9 that sounds awesome :D
We give lots of Indonesia's best and brightest minds scholarships to go to our school, and we'll hire PhDs to educate them and pay them really well by Indonesian standards
@ConorO'Brien It really does
@Sherlock9 double the taxes! triple the taxes!
@StepHen Tetrate the taxes to the nth degree!
Okay, so the university wants to pay for a lot of research, a lot of PhDs, and have a lot of scholarships
In this scenario, where do we get the money since it's a private university?
@Sherlock9 endowments
And I have never once seen a fundraiser
AND our endowment is okay but not enough to get through the first four years to have a graduating class
@Sherlock9 well... the hope is that you get endowments big enough that part of the interest goes the fight inflation and the rest is enough per year. But for that you need a lot of really rich sponsors...
AND Indonesian law says you can't be accredited well until you have actually had a graduating class
@Sherlock9 Quick question: What do I need to time your submission? Is it entirely self-contained?
So it's been a train wreck for the past year and a half, and I'm so broke that I can't even buy the alcohol to have a drinking problem XD
@DJMcMayhem How did you time Anders' answer a month ago?
I don't remember. It was a month ago :P
Hm, his seems to be self contained and used the same method for timing.
I guess it works
Should we retime them both for fairness? we reran them at the same time sort of thing
@Sherlock9 I would recommend not having a drinking problem.
It eats your money, happiness and average statistical lifespan.
Fair enough
If I were you, I'd have a coffee problem. Much healthier :P
But I would still like to be drunk at the moment
@Sherlock9 When I rerun Ander's, I get 0.01 seconds difference. I don't think it's worth it
Fair enough
"But I would still like to be drunk at the moment" Sherlock9, 2017
I've (re) added the official timing :) — DJMcMayhem just now
@Sherlock9 That will make you sadder.
Alcohol is a depressant.
I have to pay for college on August 1st, and I still haven't heard back about a scholarship (that was through the college) yet. 0.o
@wizzwizz4 Again, fair enough
@ConorO'Brien Coffee can actually make me sleepier
@Sherlock9 I recommend sleeping or golfing.
@wizzwizz4 how bout both
And I need more a mind occupier, honestly
@wizzwizz4 That's the ticket :D
@StepHen I don't have a brain-computer interface yet.
And I haven't worked out how to type coherently in my sleep.
I don't have a brain computer interface yet
@HyperNeutrino yet?
idk I didn't get that either
Conor, is the following an acceptable output for the percent sign challenge?

['10001', '00010', '00100', '01000', '10001']
Never mind, figured it out
Q: Output a text that doesn't output any of the characters used in the instructions to output the text

user2638180Main objective The main objective is to output a text, it doesn't mind which text or where the text gets its output (it can be on a browser window, the default console etc). It just requires the condition that what is output must be indeed "real chars" (the ones in UNICODE for example), it's no...

@NewMainPosts This has to be a dupe of Output a googol copies of a string since anyone can just copy Dennis' answer for that, I think
@Mr.Xcoder ((10^100) * (10^100) * 3) / 4 is the ratio Dennis's answer would get
that's nice
<Sequence [A003441: Number of dissections of a polygon.]>
<Sequence [A003442: Number of dissections of a polygon.]>
<Sequence [A003443: Number of dissections of a polygon.]>
<Sequence [A003444: Number of dissections of a polygon.]>
<Sequence [A003445: Number of (n-5)-dissections of an n-gon (equivalently, the number of two-dimensional faces of the (n-3)-dimensional associahedron) modulo the cyclic action.]>
<Sequence [A003446: Triangulated (n+2)-gons rooted at one of the triangles.]>
<Sequence [A003447: Number of dissections of a polygon.]>
oeis is weird
I don't worry about his god abilities, I think the challenge will be closed until he gets to answer.
Anyway, I capped :/
@totallyhuman I swear I saw this already
i've been posting a lot of weird oeis sequence sequences sorry
it's just... they're soo weird o0
@totallyhuman The ones that are the same usually have different offsets
Which is better: a lower-fidelity brain-computer interface that's non-invasive or a higher-fidelity brain-computer interface that's invasive?
Q: Products that equal a sum and vice versa

orlpA fun pair of equivalences is 1 + 5 = 2 · 3 and 1 · 5 = 2 + 3. There are many like these, another one is 1 + 1 + 8 = 1 · 2 · 5 and 1 · 1 · 8 = 1 + 2 + 5. In general a product of n positive integers equals a sum of n positive integers, and vice versa. In this challenge you must generate all such ...

@wizzwizz4 one that can be turned off
@StepHen A non-invasive would be turn-offable by a switch, and an invasive would be opt-in at all times.
the former
By opt-in, I mean that a set of neurons have to be firing in order for it to function other than checking those neurons.
@ConorO'Brien I'd definitely go with that too, at least until I had a few years to think it through.
Although it's relatively easy for non-invasive brain-computer interfaces to be designed for bots - just hook it up to some bytes in the running state.
Essentially the equivalent of an invasive for human brains.
Couldn't I have an external brain-computer interface, that I can initiate communications with when I want to, and push out when I want to?
@StepHen Yes.
Sort of.
Because it's low-fidelity, there'd be a high false-positive/negative rate.
A switch is easier.
An external brain-computer interface is pretty much just a hat full of electrodes.
You know, when I wrote this, I had some dumb feeling it would work...
def __getitem__(self, index):
    index %= len(self)
    return self[index]
An internal brain-computer interface is pretty much just a patch full of stabby electrodes for the brain.
@StepHen It would work.
@wizzwizz4 nope it recurses
You'd have to subclass list though.
@wizzwizz4 I am subclassing list, still recurses :P
@StepHen super().__getitem__(index)
That wouldn't recurse.
Perhaps super()[] would work too.
@wizzwizz4 you mean on the return?
@StepHen Yes.
super()[] doesn't work.
@wizzwizz4 yup that works, thanks :)
Q: Finding duplicated element in linear time

Thomas A. AndersonDISCLAIMER: This is NOT a homework Hi folks, I'm studying a problem with a particular property that allows to solve it in linear time with O(1) additional memory. Here is the problem: Given an array "A" of size N with elements ranging from 1 to N, find the duplicated element in linear tim...

Anyone want to contribute to Forked?
how high is it on that language list of yours
@totallyhuman which language list?
on your profile page :p
Yeah it's the top
Because it's going to be a lot of fun once I finally implement it
Just wanted to let everyone know that the polyglot hit 100 languages today.
A: Add a language to a polyglot

Wheat Wizard100. brainbool, 2953 bytes #16 "?63(o?23!*# #@"/*\DZZCv;'[af2.q]PkPPX)\('#CO"14"; */ #/*0|7//```"` [>.>.])[-'][(>77*;,68*,@,1',;# l1011)(22)S\4n;iiipsddpsdoh coding:utf8ââââ(1P''53'S^'????!?!??!??!!!!???!?!??!!?!?!!!!!?!!!!?????!????????????????????!) (qx #>â # 36!@â` e++++++::@ #~ #y #`<` #<<<

do you guys run every single language?
Its been a long haul but we've made it to triple digits
@totallyhuman I can't run one of the languages personally but I've run all the other ones.
I'm 99% sure the language I can't run works though

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