It's an Asus router and I haven't touched its update function ever. Even if it could auto-update, why would it now?
Also, the admin interface still claims it's been designed for IE5.0.
It's also purple and yellow and I'm afraid to look at it with my AMOLED phone.
It seems to only support manual updates - you download the firmware to your computer, then push it to the router.
> In case the upgrade process fails, ASUS Wireless Router will enter an emergent mode automatically. The LED signals at the front of ASUS Wireless Router will indicate such situation. Use the Firmware Restoration utility on the CD to do system recovery.
Yeah, it has enough brains to start flashing wildly and get a fresh firmware through specialized software, but it doesn't have enough brains to revert to the old firmware or to show a web interface.
Swap the frogs!
Given 2 integers N >= 1, representing left-side frogs, and M >= 1, representing right-side frogs, return all the steps required so that the frogs change sides with the minimum number of steps. The frogs start with one empty spot between the two sides. A frog can jump to the empty...
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code-golf number arithmetic
Given a prime P greater than 10, your program or function must figure out its divisibility rule x, defined as the integer with smallest absolute value which yields a multiple of the origina...
Conor, I would happily write an Actually answer to your question ... if at this point I hadn't completely forgotten what the Actually builtins are anymore
We give lots of Indonesia's best and brightest minds scholarships to go to our school, and we'll hire PhDs to educate them and pay them really well by Indonesian standards
@Sherlock9 well... the hope is that you get endowments big enough that part of the interest goes the fight inflation and the rest is enough per year. But for that you need a lot of really rich sponsors...
Main objective
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It just requires the condition that what is output must be indeed "real chars" (the ones in UNICODE for example), it's no...
<Sequence [A003441: Number of dissections of a polygon.]>
<Sequence [A003442: Number of dissections of a polygon.]>
<Sequence [A003443: Number of dissections of a polygon.]>
<Sequence [A003444: Number of dissections of a polygon.]>
<Sequence [A003445: Number of (n-5)-dissections of an n-gon (equivalently, the number of two-dimensional faces of the (n-3)-dimensional associahedron) modulo the cyclic action.]>
<Sequence [A003446: Triangulated (n+2)-gons rooted at one of the triangles.]>
<Sequence [A003447: Number of dissections of a polygon.]>
A fun pair of equivalences is 1 + 5 = 2 · 3 and 1 · 5 = 2 + 3. There are many like these, another one is 1 + 1 + 8 = 1 · 2 · 5 and 1 · 1 · 8 = 1 + 2 + 5. In general a product of n positive integers equals a sum of n positive integers, and vice versa.
In this challenge you must generate all such ...
DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a homework
Hi folks, I'm studying a problem with a particular property that allows to solve it in linear time with O(1) additional memory.
Here is the problem:
Given an array "A" of size N with elements ranging from 1 to N, find the
duplicated element in linear tim...