After poking around a little I managed to get this, which is much better while [[[(2) y]or[(4) E]]or[((5) h) m]]{("\u8FD8") z(O (3)) cDXp (((3) i) l)(M (3)) b ('\n3')(A (9)) P ((+58) h)((6) nki ((0) C (''))) XRr((8) M) Y ((-7) C)}
The first programming language that I learned was Scheme. One of my first projects was to create an interpreter in Scheme that can take any basic arithmetic operation and translate it to Scheme. Back then, I couldn´t sleep for some days.
The basic arithmetic operation in Scheme is like this:
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, interesting. I haven't been paying attention to that challenge. But it looks like I could answer A000040 with PowerShell pretty easily.
code-challenge answer-chaining polyglot
Output something!
Your "challenge" is to write a program that outputs something. However, your program must output something in all the languages used before.
Output rules:
You must output / print something (empty output is forbidden) in an acceptable ...
@Poke We wanted to leave and got his account deleted, because he hated SE. He loved code-golf, but hated SE, and didn't want SE to destroy his love for code-golf
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why? Submissions in mine don't have to print anything specific, but there are strict rules on lev distance between programs. Also, I expect mine to go in a different direction, producing a vastly different program after a few answers.
@Cowsquack Yeah. It's a problem that PPCG has that I'm not sure the solution to. Jelly (or another language) uses a couple built-ins and gets lots of upvotes, but a really excellently golfed answer in a verbose language gets one or two.
Draw a right triangle with equal perpendicular sides of length N. You must use a not necessarily consistent non-whitespace char. Example for f(5): # ## ### #### ##### #### ### ## #
@cairdcoinheringaahing The .. is the range operator to construct a range. So for $n=5 this forms 1..5 + 4..1 or 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1. Then |%{} is a ForEach loop. Each iteration we're string multiplying.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Aww, I am sad now. :( I always try to explain my submissions enough so that someone who isn't familiar with PowerShell but understands programming can at least follow along.
@AdmBorkBork this always happens. I say I don't understand a language and than people try to teach me it. It happened with Jelly, APL and now Powershell :P