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I am so tempted to write A000363 in my language by redefining every single mathematical operation involved since this sequence is a simple equation.
@You I think that would be considered writing an interpreter to solve the challenge :P
@StepHen But it would be an interpreter in my language redefining my language. :P
@You ooohhhhh then I don't see why not
@StepHen But now my computer's dying and I can't charge it. D:
Bye all!
I think I have found a game changer in that infinite chain challenge
cool :thumbsup:
@DestructibleLemon what's that
A: Make an infinite chain

Destructible LemonPython, 18 bytes lambda x:x-1+x%2*4 this one uses a weave like pattern 2 -> 1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 6 -> 5 explanation: lambda x: # function with argument x x # given argument -1 # subtract one for going down by one on even numbers + # ...

I outgolfed dennis
also you
Mine wasn't golfy
I don't think that's valid - how do you get from 1 to 1000?
I thought of that one earlier too I think
@StepHen it uses a constant weavelike pattern, starting at 2
@DestructibleLemon 1 swaps with 2, 3 swaps with 4, etc. right?
it has a weave.
look at the chain
if it is odd, add 3
if it is even, subtract 1
what maps to 2, sorry
wait, I think I might be able to golf this
@DestructibleLemon if nothing maps to 2 it's invalid
@StepHen oh hmm
@DestructibleLemon yeah :/ I had a similar idea earlier too
yeah I guess it needs to be a double sided infinity
I think the only way for it to work is for the chain to decrease from infinity, reverse at 1, and then increase back towards infinity
yeah that
@HyperNeutrino I'm a bit of an idiot, I thought that if I made a new object and did the same thing to it, it would have a different result
@StepHen What were you trying to do?
@HyperNeutrino Visit a node multiple times with a newly created visitor each time and have different results
(as opposed to using the same visitor across the visits, which is what I did to fix it)
well, if the node stores state, then it might work better
In other news, my OEIS builtin scheme works
@HyperNeutrino I moved that info to the visitor so I could have flexible indicing
Because no one like 1-based indexing
Ah ok
hey we're on 4 pages in the OEIS challenge
this is Fib: "A000045": lambda inter, node: get_OEIS(inter, node.parameters, "=0,1:z+y")
o0 >75 already?
> Number of positive integers <= 2^n of form x^2 + 6 y^2.
@HyperNeutrino another one
@StepHen ooo cool
also I'm working on my sequence language and I'm not sure how to do this >.< I'm making it tacit-like just like Jelly but I don't know how to do it and looking at Dennis's source code is cheating xD
And then you call it with O45A<parameters>)
@HyperNeutrino what is tacit
@DestructibleLemon I think it's you don't make function calls, functions get called based on the presence/absence of input
pointfree; i.e. everything is a function and the arguments just go through the functions in a specific order
@StepHen yeah something like that
and they (can) do different things with different input lengths and data types
so like rather than saying print(increment(input())) you'd just put increment or whatever the function is (in Jelly it's a one-byter that I'm too lazy to find)
cQuents is decidedly not tacit, at least in its math
yeah that I think
what happens if a starred message is deleted
aw :c
I've deleted a starred message several times xD
@HyperNeutrino Prove it
@HyperNeutrino uh in Python can you reference the name of the key in a dictionary in the definition of the term? Like { "key": <key> }
I mean, if you wanted me to prove it, you should've pinged me in the sandbox...
There is a sandbox chat?
I didn't relize
@BlackCap And a trash too
@StepHen what do you mean; can you give me a more specific example?
@StepHen ermm you mean like thingy = {"key": thingy['key']}?
@totallyhuman yes
no because thingy is not defined at that time
unless it is in which case it does work
actually wait I'm an idiot, I don't even need a dictionary if I'm doing it that way
or at least not in the same way
so like a={'b':'c'};a={'d':a['b']}; then a=={'d':'c'} anyway gtg for a bit o/
nvm I do
@LegionMammal978 @betseg are you guys going to do further contribute to VSL?
What does TIO do to prevent programs from using inordinate amounts of memory?
@StepHen Nothing?
@HyperNeutrino uh no you have to either do a['d'] = a.b or use a.update({newdict})
@StepHen {key: key for key in keys} :P
I think I figured out a better, more clear way
@StepHen is it just return argument or whatever
@ASCII-only oh whoops xD
@ASCII-only Well I'm trying to have a dict of OEIS identifiers, and in the lambdas call another dict that holds them, like "A000045": lambda inter, node: get_OEIS(inter, node.parameters, OEIS["A000045")
good job on brackets
but have the second A... be a reference back
but I found a better way by just doing another for loop + dict comprehension (ingenious things aren't they)
hey I'm 300 rep away from being able to see chat flags lol
@StepHen Wait are you tring to do an OEIS language
@ASCII-only No, just trying to make a semi-decent library of what programs in my lang make OEIS sequences inside the lang
so that when I need to use a complicated sequence, I already have the code in my lang inside the interpreter and it's golfier
@StepHen so wth do you need recursive lookup for
@ASCII-only ?
@StepHen it's golfier how
oh, that? I'm was trying to do something stupid
hey I made an addition program
@StepHen you shouldn't be doing recursive anything in the first place (also what does get_OEIS do exactly)
@ASCII-only interpreter takes O45A$ and says "oh, that's an OEIS sequence, lemme fetch A000045 and gets its code. It's code is #0,1:z+y, lemme run that"
@ASCII-only It's OK, I figured out a much better way to do what I was trying to do incorrectly
@StepHen so basically an OEIS language
also not golfy enough 0/10
@ASCII-only no, OEIS builtins that execute my lang's code
@StepHen >_> basically a superset of an OEIS language
@ASCII-only Well the OEIS part was an afterthought
@StepHen I'm still not entirely sure much better than that is good enough though...
so not in my mind at least
Lemme actually get it coded then stick it in chat
@StepHen Are you going to implement 250k OEIS answers?
@BlackCap uh I dunno
I don't think so
@BlackCap yes :P
if I have a lot of free time I'll make a dent though, on the more useful ones
brb this is a good idea i should do it in charcoal even though it's an ascii art language :P
We have had a community effort to do so for 2 days now, and we're at 74..
@BlackCap O_o
builtins.update({sequence: lambda inter, node, sequence=sequence: get_OEIS(inter, node.parameters, OEIS[sequence]) for sequence in OEIS})
that's because the super math geniuses had to wait for an hour lol
and we were running out of languages
@ASCII-only is that better?
@StepHen why "=0,1:z+y"
@StepHen 0/10 too many builtins
I am sure we'd be past the 100k mark if we didn't have that 1 hour cooldown
@BlackCap cooldown?
lol not quite... I hope... lol
@HyperNeutrino wait it had to be a different language for each one?
@ASCII-only ya
@ASCII-only there fixed, it'll fetch something like that though
use charcoal pls
will try but it's an ascii art challenge language xD
@ASCII-only Erik the Outgolfer wasted Jelly for 2,0,0,0,0,... 0.o
@StepHen what does get_OEIS do
@ASCII-only You have to wait 1 hour between posting answers on the OEIS question
@StepHen ikr grr
@BlackCap oh well not for the question
maybe I shouldn't've used Positron so early because at least it can execute arbitrary Python code (I think)
@HyperNeutrino wait what
im dum
@ASCII-only runs the cQuents program associated with the sequence
@HyperNeutrino Pyth can too IIRC (as well as some others)
Jelly can too
I know it wastes a bunch of memory
@StepHen wth it runs the program given the program?
IIRC, many golfing languages that are written in Python can execute arbitrary Python code
def get_OEIS(origin_interpreter, parameters, cq_source):
    tree = get_tree(cq_source)[0]
    tester = Tester()
    interpreter = HelperInterpreter(tree, tester.max_input)
    next_parameters = [get_input_item_tree(origin_interpreter.visit(parameter)) for parameter in parameters]
    return interpreter.interpret(next_parameters)
D: charcoal can't
it can run arbitrary python functions though lol
also really charcoal has a decent amount of math builtins i use it for math challenges sometimes
my new sequence language might become functional sometime in the next month or so lol
@HyperNeutrino ha well I implemented cross sequence stuff
I need to find the golfiest way to tacitally chain atoms xD
@ASCII-only ooo cool
@StepHen uh what xD
@HyperNeutrino I guess it isn't very golfy for those though :(
yeah unfortunately :( but I mean, it's OP at most ASCII-art challenges lol
also I might want to use it because we're running out of languages :P
This program gets the sum of 1..input: ;$
This program gets the sum of 1..(the sum of 1..input): ;\1$\n;$
aka the first line calls the second line
at some point I need to figure out how to get sequences on depending, building a dict containing all valid sequences is NOT a way for this to scale
I might just make it stack-based lol
@HyperNeutrino #Oasis #ripoff
since it's mostly just monadic links, it might not be too much less golfy than Jelly
@StepHen ಠ_ಠ
oasis is a bit restricted though according to adnan
@HyperNeutrino does that mean he hasn't implemented everything, or no?
you can only create niladic and monadic code
finally figures out how to sum range in charcoal
rip :(
python: lambda x:x*(x+1)/2
finally figures out how to sum range in charcoal -> only ASCII in code
also why does a language made by ascii-only have non-ascii characters
@HyperNeutrino do it for the golf
opls just make the codepage encode in half-bytes so you have 16 ascii characters and each two characters is a byte
oh yeah i can remove the brackets IUPsum…·⁰N
> sum
:O charcoal has multichar identifier
wait doesn't charcoal have like verbose mode
@Downgoat yes
@Downgoat only for python functions
@ASCII-only charcoal golf mode to verbose mode
@Downgoat wait :| why
not hard (i just need 1 new file and like maybe 20 more lines max) but why
so ascii-only people can read :P
@Downgoat this is what ast is for
how to see ast
....................................................................../opt/charcoal/wolfram.py:1231: DeprecationWarning: generator 'take' raised StopIteration
/opt/charcoal/wolfram.py:1250: DeprecationWarning: generator 'take' raised StopIteration
/opt/charcoal/wolfram.py:1239: DeprecationWarning: generator 'take' raised StopIteration
/opt/charcoal/wolfram.py:1364: DeprecationWarning: generator 'take' raised StopIteration
  (item.start() + 1, item.end())
omy what did break
@Downgoat download the interpreter and hope he implemented __repr__?
@Downgoat ono stopiteration is bork
@Downgoat idk, my brain is spaghetti rn
@StepHen what no just use -a (astify)
@StepHen well that is inside source. I shouldn't need to modify source to read charcoal program
@ASCII-only oh ok thanks
:O so readable
@Downgoat or --astify :P
lol when you copy your tokenizer from one language to another xD
@HyperNeutrino why not
wait don't you use a regex tokenizer? shame
not the current one
that's my positron tokenizer, which I'm not using elsewhere :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

GryphonSecret Message Part 3, Variable Caeser Cipher code-golf string Note that this is part 3 of a series. Part 1 is here and part 2 is here (will add link after posting part 2, for now it's here). A caeser cipher is a cipher that replaces every letter with a letter a certain number of letters awa...

My current lexer/parser/interpreter set was adapted from a Python tutorial into Java, then into JavaScript, then into Python
@HyperNeutrino to be fair I could probably use G++ tokenizer for JS and JS tokenizer for VSL
(as I learned those languages)
I have a generator-like tokenizer for Anyfix, a part-regex part-hardcoded tokenizer for Positron, a regex tokenizer for Paintbrush, and a mostly hardcoded tokenizer for Unnamed-List-Language and Unnamed-Sequence-Language.
@Downgoat wait what is VSL
i have fixed this terrible verbosity, it will be I▷m…·N in the next update
@ASCII-only get ready, Charcoal coming in August 2017
@HyperNeutrino they are Valuable Sea Lions
> Vaccinated Seals' Laughs
Bitwise operators are going to be 2 char functions in cQuents, because they are second class citizens
@StepHen D: how could you
@StepHen so you have a social hierarchy in cQuents???
even Charcoal makes them 1 char
@ASCII-only well I don't have 256 to play with, and I have yet to see a common sequence that uses them
@StepHen ok good point
@StepHen cQuents? more like cHatesBinary :P
ikr sick burn
as in C Hates Binary?
no c is in love with binary
no as in "see, (implicit) it hates binary" :P
English has implicit arguments? :o
Since when did English become a golfing language?
@Downgoat when you get an OEBIS (Online Encyclopedia of Binary Integer Sequences) let me know
since the dawn
@HyperNeutrino Since Dennis learned English
@HyperNeutrino ._. implicit =/= implicit arguments =/= golfing language
@totallyhuman *snc d don
Hey I just realized why a lot of PPCG'ers are teenagers
We have free time?
We golf our English all the time :P
@StepHen no we don't, even if we want to believe we do :P
@HyperNeutrino Well I definitely did a couple months ago, when I was still doing school
@StepHen wat ._. it's like the other way around for me
hey anybody use type annotations in python?
@HyperNeutrino I did less than 40 hours of school a week and now I'm working 40 hours a week
oh true. but what about homework ._.
Plus driving to work and whatnot
I'm I was homeschooled, I spent most of my time on homework
oh that would make more sense :P
Anyone willing to give feedback on this sandbox post before I add test cases and post it?
No dumb classes to sit through, just get work done
(I say as I go to college)
@musicman523 yes, add test cases
like if you are in grade school then you spend like too much time learning stupid pointless things xD
@totallyhuman I definitely will, but some of the feedback I am looking for changes the output significantly and I'd rather not write them twice
You've had it in the sandbox for 3 hours ಠ_ಠ
@musicman523 make one test case so we can at least see what's going on
that's shorter than my question
CMC: Crack my cipher
@StepHen okie
@StepHen no
@HyperNeutrino xD
speaking of which, where in the world is NFP
what is a chat handle anyway
@totallyhuman wat is NFP
isn't it NFQ
@musicman523 tbh would downvote because it's 1) choose language with best compress algorithm 2) compress array 3) make program num => decompress(array)[num]
@HyperNeutrino idk watever
NFP, NFQ; tomato, tomato
@totallyhuman nice try doing that in chat xD
@totallyhuman You mean tomato, tornato?
@Downgoat Honestly I think it can be done better than that. It did get downvoted though so I assume whoever did felt the same way
0/10 self-advertising
:P i wasn't serious
@StepHen ... well if you only have a substitution cipher cracker that doesn't exactly make you an expert :P
@ASCII-only So, I kept up the game - better than just admitting I was lying
@StepHen imo you should write in python so not only is it easier + faster to run but also other people can then use it (e.g. me :P)
@ASCII-only :P but cQuents is golfier
and a heck of a lot slower
@StepHen well nobody cares about the backend :P but they would care about performance
Lemme get this onto TIO so I can show you what I've been talking about
> What chat handle did Robert use?
@StepHen i don't see how writing the sequence calculation function in python would make it any different
@ASCII-only Check back on it when it's all solved, it'll make sense I promise
@ASCII-only No I mean with my weird backslash stuff earlier
@StepHen that's like saying "it'll be solvable once it's solved"
what is a chat handle
@HyperNeutrino No, that mean that it'll make sense why I used that question when it's solved
@HyperNeutrino The thing we use as our name
ah ok
@StepHen so like "HyperNeutrino" for me?
@HyperNeutrino In the online world, a handle is another word for a username
oh xD I can't english btw
then why don't you say username xD
@HyperNeutrino Can you French, or wrong part of Canada?
If you stalk my profile like MD XF, then you'd know that I live in Ontario :P My native language is Mandarin/English; English only for written. There are some apparently common terms that I don't know though :P
@HyperNeutrino like when you want to carry TNB on the go you attach the webpage to a chat handle so you can carry TNB wherever you go
@HyperNeutrino Written Mandarin is the biggest pain, my parents both nominally know it
if cquents is supposed to be for golfing
why do you need to pad the sequence number with zeroes
@totallyhuman You don't, that's the backend part
Front end is O45A for Fib (A000045)
I gotta drop ~$150 into a college calc textbook :(
I've done 3 years of university and used maybe 2 of the textbooks that were "required"
Although the math ones are pretty worthwhile for practice
Eh if I don't use them I can just resell them for 20% net loss (I hope)
Thankfully the only big textbook for my first semester is the calc one
@StepHen hmm it looks like 5 substitution ciphers
@ASCII-only Then crack it :P although no promises
@StepHen o already tried this doesn't work. You can only use OEIS in a language if high-rep user/mod, otherwise cheating and you'll get downvote
@Downgoat ? whatdiya mean, did you use an OEIS library or something?
can anyone find an online cipher solver by frequency analysis
i made a tool whose source code is a unicode char. unicode code point of that char corresponds to OEIS number. e.g. - (char code 45) is Fibonacci.
@ASCII-only Robert has one, it's magical and perfect and didn't reveal any results, at least not for a simple substitution cipher
also hmm what this is cipher is weird
@StepHen yeah but i need one >_>
@Downgoat Did you have to go online for it or no?
@Downgoat 0/10 doesn't solve
@ASCII-only sorry
yea but maybe is helpful
@ASCII-only note to self: need to finish bitwise not, unary range, and oeis for charcoal
disappears poof
@StepHen if you can study from a screen you may be able to locate cheaper alternatives, if not then you can probably rent it for around $35 if you don't want to keep it

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