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I refuse
io.write"cov"while true do io.write"fe"end
$><<'fe'while 1
Ruby has inline while loop?
That's weird
It also has inline (and standard) if, unless, and until
@HyperNeutrino Does that work, and in what language?
it doesn't xD
1/0 is invalid lol (afaik)
print'cov',;while 1:print'fe',
wish that worked
@Phoenix do not need the empty strings
Without them there are linebreaks
keep the commata
although there will be spaces
but the first version will print newlines
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ IDK python
it is slightly weird
@Phoenix fairly sure that doesn't work
I think you need a newline rather than a ;
it gets confused
unlike most of the time
uhm crap
maybe i should've left it in the sandbox ><
anybody know anything about meanders
nvm i figured it out
wikipedia article is bad
but i don't have close to enough knowledge to fix it so...
o thanks
np lol
your link points to closed meanders
that's the problem
i need to find a better link
but wait wikipedia saves the day again
math >.>
anyways i don't expect this to be answered any time soon
it is super hard
also i should probably change the first part from "copied from wikipedia" to a "well written explanation"
It got answered
I have no frickin idea how it works
me neither xD
That is awesome
Alright I have to run this on a computer with no time limit
Inb4 a 50 byte answer in jelly
must try to port lol
nah looks too hard would rather spend time making new koth
Oh don't worry, Dennis or Jonathan Allan will end up doing it
@WheatWizard thanks for reminding me about the bounty >_< it had totally skipped my mind
My pleasure
@WheatWizard nice new profile pict! Or was it always that?
Thats new
Can I get votes/feedback on this:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

programmer5000code-golf cops-and-robbers Will it halt? Cops: This is the cops' thread. The robbers' thread is here. Your challenge is to make a program that runs forever without halting1, unless it gets a particular input2. If it receives that input, it must terminate in a finite amount of time3. This is c...

@HyperNeutrino I obviously can't ping your old account, but you commented on this, so do you want to take a look? I improved it significantly
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFCubify text code-challenge esolang Your challenge is to translate ASCII text into Cubically source code. Cubically is a programming language I wrote a while ago. It contains two pieces of memory, a 3x3 Rubik's Cube and a register called the "notepad". Cube The internal Rubik's Cube is initial...

(it better be good 'cause I just spent an hour on that script, I've never done that much bash before)
You'll need to keep the 100 strings consistent between testing answers obviously but otherwise I like it :)
Yep the 100 strings are pseudorandom, meaning that they are not seeded, so they'll look random but be the same every time. Thanks
Also, import random;print('\n'.join([''.join(chr(random.randint(97,122))for i in[0]*100)for j in[0]*1000]))
I bet the actual challenge, when I post it, will get like two upvotes and zero answers, 'cause nobody cares about the hard (and this is extremely hard) challenges... ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino I don't speak snake
All I saw was import hiss;hissssssssssssssssPythonSucksssssssssssssssssssssssss
@else does this look good?
SyntaxError: else block declared without if block
That's not on my script, is it?
No that's because you said @else without @if :P
ಠ_ಠ is this payback for disliking Python
maybe :)
Wait a sec... what language uses @else and @if for control flow?
Nothing :)
for p in permutations(range(n)):z=[*zip((-1,)+p,p+(n,))];c+=all((x<a<y)==(x<b<y)for i,(a,b)in enumerate(z)for(x,y)in map(sorted,z[i%2:i:2]))
what is this even
CMC: Write cov followed by infinite fes, without anything in between.
VTC as impossible
can it be a generator function
It can.
@HyperNeutrino No.
@HyperNeutrino vtc your vtc as invalid close reason
f=lambda x="cov":f(x+"fe");print(f())
or I guess that's invalid
That never returns, so technically invalid.
@ATaco V, 9 bytes: icov<ESC>òAfe
def c():
 while 1:yield'fe'
def f(x=1):print('cov'if x else'fe',end='');f(0)
I misunderstood
@MDXF are you going to post the challenge
wait wat
why is the answer not working on my machine
  File "blah.py", line 3
    for p in permutations(range(n)):z=[*zip((-1,)+p,p+(n,))];c+=all((x<a<y)==(x<b<y)for i,(a,b)in enumerate(z)for(x,y)in map(sorted,z[i%2:i:2]))
SyntaxError: can use starred expression only as assignment target
the heck does that mean
what Python version
Python 3.4.3
maybe i need 3.5
It means the * is being evile in your Python version.
replace [*...] with list(...) and it will work
@HyperNeutrino Yeah I just want more support
"you can do this!"
here your support :P
how 'bout you review it instead of giving me sarcasm :P
CMC: Create a program that looks like it shouldn't loop forever, but does.
vtc as underhanded is no longer welcome
Guys I found a bug in my ability to give a damn
RProgN2, 11p{
@ATaco To the one person that knows RProgN2, that may indeed look like it shouldn't loop forever.
I kinda know it at this point
In what situation would that kind of a code loop forever..?
Confused about what { does by itself and not for a loop or concept
is there an rpg style fighter koth?
{} forms a function, AKA concept array, and skips past the matching }, when their isn't a matching }, the default behaviour is to move the IP back to index 0, which then clicks over to 1, and the program loops.
@ATaco You should definitely make a doc for some of this stuff so that people can actually join in on your RProgN2 answers
@ArnoldPalmer I plan to.
while(""==""){} in java?
This allows for a really short quine, {`{.}{
@MagicOctopusUrn that looks like it should loop forever though
Pssh... you didn't say that the person knew the languages caveats.
@ATaco why doesn't it loop forever
} is then on it's own, so it terminates.
Ah, you're right.
It is !=.
Jesus, I'm tired ._.
@ATaco Good. It was fun to write the code, but somewhat annoying to learn
First the program makes the function, {`{.}, then it hits the last {, and moves back to index 1, which is passed the first {, so it starts executing it. ``{` pushes a { literal, and . concatenates the function with the string, } then exits.
That shouldn't loop forever in Java, strings aren't equivalent by content, they're by reference
anyway, how about an rpg fighter koth where you customise abilities but the opponent isn't told what those abilities are
@HyperNeutrino ._.
Yeah, exactly, any non-primitive type work work.
Sec... idea.
I forget which numeric types auto unbox and box.
why is everyone ignoring my koth ideas ;_;
I'm not a huge fan of KoTH to be honest.
I don't know what KoTH is.
I know what it stands for, but not how to play lol
You submit a bot, winner is the bot with the highest score.
Your bot is directly challanging other bots, so a winning answer might become absolutely terrible just by the entering of another bot.
Ah, so KoTH challenges are almost exclusively in OOP langs?
@ATaco not necessarily
in some koths only two bots will play each other
Generally speaking they are though.
I feel like some semblance of inheritance would make that easier.
@DestructibleLemon Still directly challanging other bots.
Command Line I/O works too but can be a pain
@MagicOctopusUrn also languages created specifically for the bots
Wow, I need to write a KoTH challenge
@MagicOctopusUrn Destrucitble Lemon keeps trying to write Python koths and no one answers them.
@ATaco yeah, but one bot won't make it terrible
There was one KoTH that used a language created for the KoTH.
I love OOP bullhonky
@Phoenix I actually only posted one
It was a very basic language, and the winner was this one bot that turned all the others into slaves.
the other one was too complex for myself to answer
You complained for weeks that no one did your KoTH
;_; yeah
it was sad ;_;
I liked the FGD challenge, that was great.
Was that the one that caused teamspirit.js
I wrote a basic genetic algorithm to breed the BEST BOT
Nah, it wasn't.
I never competed in that one.
A: The Futuristic Gun Duel

ATacoNext, the most feared of all creatures, it's been to hell and back and fought with literally 900000 other bots, its... The BotRobot BotRobot was named, trained and built automatically by a very basic Genetic algorithm. Two teams of 9 were set up against eachother, in each generation, each ...

@MagicOctopusUrn You can do JSON command line stuff
Found it, my all time favourite KOTH.
Q: Code Bots 3: Parallel Programming Antipatterns

Nathan MerrillWelcome back! I'm excited to present the 3rd CodeBots challenge. This one has been a long time in the making. This challenge will be split up in 3 sections: the short version, the long version, and additional details. The Short Version Each competitor will write a 24-command program. These b...

The Code Bots series was great.
I'm thinking of making a KoTH that works on a 2D playing field except instead of having a grid, it uses floating point (which is still a grid, but pretty precise)
@HyperNeutrino The 'cubify text' challenge title is too short
Most efficient cubifier
Huh that works
@ATaco Agreed
Input, anyone....?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFMost efficient cubifier code-challenge ascii Cubically is too tedious to manually write any code in. Your challenge is to translate ASCII text into Cubically source code. Cubically This is just a quick run-down of Cubically; the repository has a more complete guide and details. Cubically is a...

@MDXF print a Cubically program as output currently we can print any valid Cubically program as output, according to the spec :P
Aka you didn't say it has to output the input, although that's implied from the test cases
@StepHen While it's true that more specificity is better, anyone who tried that would be immediately trout-slapped
@Mego I know, it just took me a click on a link to figure out what was happening
@StepHen ಠ_ಠ
Ok if there are only sarcastic comments to be made, sounds like it's good to post
I think so too
@MDXF Will you be posting today?
As soon as I said I'd post I got two comments in one minute so I think I'll wait a bit longer
pls post tomorrow so I don't miss my chance to answer tyvm :) (just kidding post whenever you think it's ready)
well rip now I'm bored cuz i was talking to my friend earlier but she sleeps at more normal times
I'm bored 'cause I got no life
And my Triangular interpreter stupid idiotic brain has an insane bug
I'm gonna buy a rubber duck tomorrow
Idea: the more times a post is reopened/reclosed the higher the rep requirement is to reopen/reclose again
@Downgoat Meh, you're better off to flag mods to just lock it
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻ @HyperNeutrino if no further comments prevent it, I'll post tomorrow
Yeah Dennis ended up locking it
@Downgoat Which post are you talking about?
Fibonacci with subtraction
@Downgoat The stepped increases on reclosure/opening will kind of just provoke debate. Not healthy for a site
@Downgoat pls link, can't find it
But low rep users w/ reopen powers generally want what gives them most rep to be open not what's best for site
Q: Fibtraction - Fibonacci but with subtraction

totallyhumanThis question's "duplicality" is being questioned here. The Fibtraction sequence (as I call it) is similar to the Fibonacci sequence except, instead of adding numbers, you subtract them. The first few numbers of this challenge are: 1, 2, -1, 3, -4, 7, -11, 18, -29, 47, -76, 123, -199, 322, -52...

A script correlating voting behavior with rep/challenge behavior would be interesting
@Downgoat I very much agree with the comment you left
Q: Find out the three digits A,B and C that satisfies AB * C = AAA

Zack LeeCreate a program that finds out the three digits A, B and C that satisfies the following formula. AB * C = AAA No input value required. The shortest code that outputs the digits A, B and C wins. For example, if A is 1, B is 2 and C is 3, The output result can be 1 2 3 You should not just pr...

Is it me or is Github ultra slow?
Github thinks I'm a time traveler.
(It knows too much)
what if a koth that involves a bunch of timetravelling somehow
integer factorization
using quadratic sieve
implemented by Kenny Lau (aka Leaky Nun)

from math import *
import time

def modpow(a,b,c):
	a %= c
	res = 1
	while b:
		if(b%2==1): res = res*a%c
		a = a**2%c
		b //= 2
	return res

def ressol(p,n):
	"Tonelli–Shanks algorithm"

	if p==2: return n%2
	Q = p-1
	S = 0
	while Q%2==0:
		S += 1
		Q //= 2
	z = 2
	while modpow(z,(p-1)//2,p)==1: z += 1
	M = S
	c = modpow(z,Q,p)
	t = modpow(n,Q,p)
	R = modpow(n,(Q+1)//2,p)
	while t != 1:
		i = 0
		tt = t
Note that this is for demonstration only and will not work for almost any number :P
It will work for 2202298669
2 hours later…
@DestructibleLemon Possibly relevant
what if there was a koth where one player tried to create a paradox and one bot tried to prevent it
the only issue then is possibly the halting problem
@DestructibleLemon that would be a C&R challenge not a koth, also define paradox
grandfather paradox style
define paradox
well, see
if you were to go back in time and prevent your grandfather from having children, you wouldn't exist
I guess you'd need to define your rules of time travel too. Does changing the past just overwrite the timeline, split off a new one, create several new ones but exclude the original?
then, you wouldn't be able to go back in time and prevent your grandfather from having children
you can't just put "create a paradox" in your challenge, it needs a clear, unambiguous definition
also, as mentioned, this koth is undecidable
Writing Sci Fi about time travel is easy, as loopholes don't make it crash. A KotH would be much more challenging. Might be worth it though...
yeah... I just realised that this actually makes it really difficult...
which resolves first... your changes to the past, or the other bots reaction to your time travelling
so, here is an example of a paradox you could do
(actually paradoxes are incredibly easy to create...)
so, you go into an area, and you check if there is a red rock there.
if there is no red rock, go back in time and place on there
otherwise, do nothing
again, this has issues with the halting problem unless I reduce a fair amount of possibilities
I think there might have to be threading even
well, more dovetailing than threading
maybe the watcher can have semiomniscience or something
@Mayube actually, there have been two sided koths before
Q: Make a Word Art

SIGSEGV No, not that thing in powerpoint You will be given a string, and a 2D array of boolean values. The 2D array will represent a picture. You will be creating art out of it. Let me show you how. The steps to art First, you create a square which fits the 2d array, with the string. Like if th...

I don't know why a single challenge about P(n,k)wasn't made
Please don't post a challenge to main without testcases
@Cowsquack Oh right, but I was on my tablet so it's quite hard to add testcases.
I'm gonna add some when I have some time
btw there's one very little example there. you can try that for now.
@Cowsquack Did you solve the gnu sed problem?
I am available to help you if it's still needed
I have time now
Thanks. First get GNU-sed on macOS using brew. Then once you get it, try running cat file.txt | gsed "$!N;s/\n//g" where file.txt is a file containing text over newlines
this works on TIO's sed, but not on my device for some reason
I want to know if it is just because brew messed something up, or if it was me who messed something up
Ok, wait bit until Homebrew updates
result on TIO: Try it online!
but I get a -bash: !N: event not found
\e\s\c\a\p\e\ \s\o\m\e\t\h\i\n\g
@Cowsquack I'll ping you when I'm done
@Cowsquack I get -bash: !N: event not found
Is it OK to ban hashing / one-way functions in a CnR contest
@Mr.Xcoder gah
@Cowsquack So...
I've put this exact text into file.txt:
Result above ^
@programmer5000 escape what exactly?
@Mr.Xcoder thanks anyways
@Cowsquack The good part is that I have gnu-sed now :p
hmmm... when I save the sed program as a file it works as intended
@Mr.Xcoder sed is a nice language for golfing
@Cowsquack I guess I'll have to learn it. I'll stick to Python, Swift and Pyth for now
sed is pretty much just /// in unix command format
@Mr.Xcoder It works when you use '' instead of ""!
it's more a regex find-replace tool than a language
@Cowsquack That was... it?!
although I believe it has more power than regular old regex
in Mathematics, 3 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
x_0=&\min(b_0,x_1+c_1) \\
x_1=&\min(b_1,x_0+c_0,x_2+c_2) \\
x_2=&\min(b_2,x_1+c_1,x_3+c_3) \\
x_7=&\min(b_7,x_6+c_6,x_8+c_8) \\
x_8=&\min(b_8,x_7+c_7,x_9+c_9) \\
x_9=&\min(b_9,x_8+c_8) \\
in Mathematics, 3 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
I need to solve for $x_0$ to $x_9$
How do I solve such equations?
The $b$ constants and the $c$ constants are all positive integers.
And the $x$ variables are also positive integers.
in Mathematics, 2 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
It's actually an MCFP, but I haven't read through the algorithms yet...
Does anyone know what challenge it was when taking the input string AB you outputted AB\nBA? Like in this challenge: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/133709/make-a-word-art/…
@TheLethalCoder the square challenge?
@TheLethalCoder There were a couple of similar CMCs
In C#, if you have for(i=0;...) isn't it the same as for(i;...)? I don't really know C#, so it's just a question
@LeakyNun I think it was something like that. I can't find it at the moment.
Q: Making Squared Words

SpookyGengarThe Challenge Your task is to create a program that takes any given string input, and outputs the input in a squared format. Empty strings should return an empty string. Examples Given the input: golf Your program should output: golf o l l o flog Input: 123 Output: 123 2 2 321 In...

@TheLethalCoder Can you add a tio link to your answer?
@Mr.Xcoder Yes but depends on the context, sometimes it will complain because you will have to initialise the variable.
CMC: Given a String, make a complex Stairway (test cases to come)
@LeakyNun No didn't mean that one... more like ABC becomes ABC\nBCA\nCAB or something along those lines.
abcd ->

Arrays of Strings are not valid.
Aw c'mon
@Mr.Xcoder Added, didn't want to add too much until the OP clarifies on some of our questions.
Q: Print a Tabula Recta!

George GibsonPrint a Tabula Recta! The Tabula Recta (sometimes called a 'Vigenere Table'), was created by Johannes Trithemius, and has been used in several ciphers, including all variants of Bellaso's Vigenere cipher and the Trithemius cipher. It looks like this: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR...

@LeakyNun Yeah it was that but I'm sure there was one that was the same but took input. Maybe I'm making it up.
CMC: use a language that hasn't been used in the following challenge to solve the following challenge
Q: Print a Tabula Recta!

George GibsonPrint a Tabula Recta! The Tabula Recta (sometimes called a 'Vigenere Table'), was created by Johannes Trithemius, and has been used in several ciphers, including all variants of Bellaso's Vigenere cipher and the Trithemius cipher. It looks like this: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR...

@Mr.Xcoder C#, 114 bytes: s=>{var r="";for(int i=0;i<s.Length;)r+="".PadLeft(i)+s.Substring(i,s.Length-i)+s.Substring(0,i++)+"\‌​n";return r;}
What's the usually CMC answer format? I haven't done one before...
@Mr.Xcoder Should make this into an actual challenge it's quite fun to solve. Though I'd already done most of it for the previous challenge I answered.
@Mr.Xcoder 11 bytes in Pyth
@Mr.Xcoder C# with Linq, 128 bytes: using System.Linq;s=>string.Join("\n",new int[s.Length].Select((_,i)=>"".PadLeft(i)+s.Substring(i,s.Length-i)+s.Substring(‌​0,i)))
@LeakyNun Hmm, I'll try to tie you
@LeakyNun I have to golf 1 more byte: j.e+*kd.<QbU
If you .e on U, then k and b are always the same...
> If you .e on U
Duh, I'm so dumb
Rewriting now
@LeakyNun Bingo, 11 bytes: j.e+*kd.<Qk
I used m instead though. Figure out a 11-byte solution using m.
(Hint: ; would be helpful)
@LeakyNun I should try to solve it with m too, working on it now
Do you have nested lambdas?
I don't
Q: Unable to open a webpage in safari

Santosh HegdeWhen I try to an open web page, I'm getting below error. Safari can’t open the page “https://abc.pqrs.com” because Safari can’t establish a secure connection to the server “abc.pqrs.com”. But the same web page can be accessed in Chrome and Firefox. The only safari on Mac has this issue. Safari...

@LeakyNun Do you use " " instead of d?
@Mr.Xcoder of course, but it would not be golfy
Because m uses <l:d>
@LeakyNun sed, 71 bytes: Try it online!
@Mr.Xcoder did you read my hint?
@LeakyNun How would you use d in a m
@LeakyNun I did
@Cowsquack output does not match
But it seems like I didn't understand the meaning of if not inside a lambda function
;                         End all containing functions, statements, etc., if not inside a lambda function.
;                         Global value of innermost lambda's first variable.
@LeakyNun 73 bytes: Try it online!
The second one @Mr.Xcoder
@Cowsquack and then submit it :D
are trailing newlines allowed?
@Cowsquack read the challenge :D
I don't own the challenge
it doesn't say it ;_;
@Cowsquack then look at the answers
@LeakyNun To be honest, I have no idea how to solve it with ;. Just give me the solution now.
@Mr.Xcoder jm+*d;.<QdU
Yeah, wouldn't of thought of that in 100 years
I made a mistake in my Pyth code earlier that inspired me to write another CMC.
CMC: Given a String of length ≥ 2, output the characters at prime indexes.
You may choose either 0 or 1-indexing
abcd (0-indexed) -> c, d
@Mr.Xcoder Actually, 5 bytes: ;r♂p░
Seems too long, but Pyth, 9 bytes: m@QdfP_TU
Strange, obscure, 8-byte solution: ss.e*bP_
@Cowsquack Can I ask you if I encounter problems learning sed (I want to see what sed is like)?

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