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The quine challenge has less votes than my segfault
Is chat an acceptable place to ask about validity for an answer?
to be fair you probably didn't get all 1400 rep because of the cap
@TemporalWolf yes
I believe so. You're talking about the ArnoldC answer that I'm voting to invalidate, right?
Well then, what do you think about this answer @HyperNeutrino Indeed
Firstly a note about "non-competing": Non-competing status is reserved for answers that use a language/interpreter that's newer than the challenge, not for invalid answers.
@TemporalWolf If it does not follow the rules, it is invalid, and should be deleting. noncompeting status is reserved for languages that were created after the challenge, which is no longer a thing
fair enough
@HyperNeutrino Martin's campaign was widely accepted enough that we no longer have to mark them as noncompeting (I asked him)
However, your point is valid, so don't delete it yet.
Don't go editing all your answers that say 'noncompeting' :P
the bump issue 2.0 :P
We don't want another active-page flood, like the one I accidentally did in the sandbox :P
no actually that's completely fine
You're right about the specs; I never specified that, and actually you're right; you're not abusing the integer size thingy (cough Boolf**k). So nice, that answer is valid. Carry on, I misjudged :)
@HyperNeutrino Markdown borked that, don't forget to escape asterisks
@HyperNeutrino No worries - Obviously ArnoldC isn't going to win any brevity challenges, I just like struggling with it :)
@TemporalWolf Hey, that sounds like Cubically!
@totallyhuman ...
@TemporalWolf Haha :P Fair enough
@HyperNeutrino i needed to find some use of it :P
@HyperNeutrino (slash)borkalert
wait what
@MDXF ._.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

bolovLevenshtein distance using only SO titles Pick 1 or as many titles as you wish from revisions of questions from Stack Overflow. You now have a tuple of all of the characters used in the titles you picked. You may add up to as many newline characters as titles you picked. Using exactly all the el...

Someone post this for me
lol but if you do plz credit
but I solved the next 0315 challenge one
anyway gtg now o/
Q: Plz send teh iconz: can I get a big ppcg icon?

programmer5000I'm looking for a big PPCG icon. Where could I get one? The favicon / HNQ icon is too small. Is there something bigger?

@NewMetaPosts wow that took a while
@totallyhuman NMP usually takes about an hour for some reason
AHA! I've found a repcap exploit
Downvote an answer, repcap, reverse the vote
@MDXF get or accept an answer +202/+215/+217
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, accepts/bounties are supposed to be immune
not downvotes
@MDXF exactly. Accept answers on all your questions = +300!
@BlackCap why did you delete the My Little Pony answer?
I don't have 50 questions that don't have answers
can confirm
have +203
But I can find 40 or whatever-the-vote-limit-is half bad answers that I can temporarily DV
@MDXF voting fraud
You'd be suspended
Not if I reverse it within an hour
Like, if I'm about to post a repbait answer, I DV 40 answers, cap, and un-dv
no damage done
@MdXF abuse of the system though. The mods would definitely see it
@MdXF at least you could focus on work :D
Heh true. But if I wanted that I could just ping Dennis
@MdXF you know I once requested suspension for a month to get away from PPCG :)
a whole month?
are you ok?
Hyper requested a suspension (for him) right around when I started getting really active on here
do you suffer any symptoms?
Weirdly enough, It was during that period that I got the Fanatic badge...
I think the PPCG rep-chart is an inverse graph of the effort put into work
[K] Have you tried erlang yet?
[totallyhuman] Er, no.
[K] elixir?
[K] F#?
[totallyhuman] No, no.
[K] You declarative scum.
@totallyhuman I had a massive argument with Shog9 about whether users who requested suspension should have more relaxed restrictions than people who didn't.
> massive argument with Shog9
and your account still exists????
He kind of gave up and left, so Caird - 1, Shog - 9
See what I did there?
Yes, I see it with my unamused eyes ಠ_ಠ
Tone it down.
@mınxomaτ To me?
@Minx them or me?
or is it me? D:
Well, I can certainly tone it down 'cause I gtg. o/
Not to lay blame, but you two did go a bit overboard with emojis and emoticons. Bye and I've gtg to o/
bye o/
Q: Shortest way to end a process in Windows

noodlesHello! Today I request of the code golfing community that you create a short program that will do the equivalent of taskkill /f /im It may not be in batch. It may not be a process spawned by the code itself. (e.g. a.exe; taskkill /f /im a.exe) You may not use a process ID. Good Luck!

@cairdcoinheringaahing It's back now- I had a bug
I just noticed that the question is in the top 10 answer-chaining questions in terms of votes!
Q: MacGyver's Second Toolbox

Wheat WizardIn this question each answer will get a "toolbox" that can be used to construct a program/function. The toolbox will consist of two things: a list of programming languages a list of valid characters You must write a valid program/function in one of the languages provided using only the chara...

1 hour is way too long
so, codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/133754 has a totally bizarre winning condition
you can "decide to" break the chain by setting the next person up with a really hard sequence, and thereby let the person before you win

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