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@totallyhuman please, you don't need future at all
So I was looking to see whether the paper hinted at a better way of doing it
@totallyhuman do you notice that n%1 returns a truthy value if n is not an integer?
@Ethcad That seems quite the challenge, but if you spec it out well it could work - try posting it in the Sandbox first
I'm new to code golf
didn't know how it works
@Ethcad That's OK, we all were once. This chatroom is the goto place if you have any questions though.
2 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
@totallyhuman do you notice that n%1 returns a truthy value if n is not an integer?
@WheatWizard shuddup
CMC: n -> 3√n
@Mr.Xcoder how specific
@WheatWizard shush stop complaining
Minimum precision: 2 decimal places
5 bytes in Pyth
@Mr.Xcoder cQuents #|1:r(A,3 but once I implement the one byte for #|1: it'll do much better
Python: lambda n:n**(1/3)
@HyperNeutrino what the hell is n%10 doing
@totallyhuman because X and Y or Z can't be used if Y gives 0
@Mr.Xcoder cube root or 3 times square root of n?
@Cowsquack cube root
@Mr.Xcoder oh...
wrong link
3 bytes in Pyth then
@LeakyNun 3?!
@Mr.Xcoder yes, 3!!!
@Mr.Xcoder sounds about right - one for the input, one for the root, one for the "power" of the root (3)
CMC: do Mr. XCoder's challenge in sed or Retina
I was trying to do that prime factorization CMC in Gaia and wondered why my computer froze when I ran it. I used the wrong operator, and evidently filtering the range [1 .. 12!] for only odd numbers uses a lot of memory
@LeakyNun Haha Pyth, 3 bytes: @Q3
@totallyhuman wait wat where'd my division go
@Mr.Xcoder Haha is not a language
@Mr.Xcoder Told you: one for root, one for input, one for 3
Actually, it was !12 not 12! but still a pretty big number...
@LeakyNun I wouldn't be so sure
and I don't even know Pyth
@BusinessCat if you were JavaScript !12 == 0
@totallyhuman because n%1 by definition must be smaller than 1
@HyperNeutrino stop having the n%10
lol I forgot to generate a TIO link
@StepHen !12 is the subfactorial of 12
no it's not, it's not.
@StepHen I was thinking of making a challenge which is basically to golf this: github.com/Ethcad/SelfDrivingNetwork
and provide a simulation to go along with it
@totallyhuman @HyperNeutrino new answer, different sequence: oeis.org/A001246
@Ethcad Good for a maybe.
@HyperNeutrino ಠ_ಠ
@Ethcad Hm, that would actually be an interesting challenge - you provide a working implementation, and we provide the golfiest version of it. Look into as opposed to a regular challenge.
i spent so much time though ;-;
@StepHen @Mr.Xcoder Thanks for pointing that out!
@Mr.Xcoder Gaia: ḍr⁇
@BusinessCat That seems very golfy
someone else can post this if they want; I still have 9 minutes to go
Evolved Cthulhu: «´2P
@HyperNeutrino dibs
oh i'm posting mine
there's no "machine-learning" tag
@Ethcad Make one, I guess
@HyperNeutrino If you want to golf it, here's -1 bytes
@totallyhuman I'm giving you 1 min before posting mine HyperNeutrino's :)
opls let totallyhuman post lol
@totallyhuman what sequence are you answering?
oshit that ninja
Crap I could have done A001246 and I missed it
oh no TREES
i've had enough of this math bull
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
@totallyhuman Isn't yours a dupe?
of what?
The answer before yours is A000131, yours is A000131
A: One OEIS after another

Brian J13. VB.NET (.NET 4.5), 1246, A000131 Public Class A000131 Public Shared Function Catalan(n As Long) As Long Dim ans As Decimal = 1 For k As Integer = 2 To n ans *= (n + k) / k Next Return ans End Function Shared Function Answer(n As Long) A...

This ^?
He had the wrong text
this post has been edited; click to refresh
Right sequence
Oh, ok
Where can I get help making a TIO for VB.NET?
@totallyhuman Thanks!
@BrianJ TIO's is Mono
I think it's a bit different
@StepHen Oh, like I might need to tweak the actual code a bit to demo?
@BrianJ I believe so, based on the error message I got when I pasted your code in
@BrianJ You won't have to change your answer
Just say that to make it work on TIO you had to change some boilerplate
@StepHen Didn't even think to expand the "Debug" part. That helps me
@StepHen yeah I'll allow that. seems fair, and doesn't break the chain
@HyperNeutrino I don't get it at all...
me <3 builtins
@cairdcoinheringaahing Plus it works on his machine, just not on Mono
but you used it too early so then we couldn't use the partition builtin lol
CMC: Given a string s, find the number of substrings of s with length 3 or greater that are palindromic. The substrings may be overlapping. Example: "abcbab" -> 3 (abcba, bcb, and bab)
@totallyhuman Look at A000062: A Beatty sequence: a(n) = floor(n/(e-2)).
@Mr.Xcoder oooh I want that
@HyperNeutrino blame leaky probably?
i could add a few bytes
pyth had the partition builtin not jelly
if you want
@StepHen It's the new $"" string formatting in .NET
@totallyhuman no don't unless you have to
So not even part of my code lol
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oh well we got over it
cQuents: $0:F$/(_e-2
@BusinessCat Will the String be at least 3 bytes long?
Hm. I'd say no. If it's shorter than 3, there's 0 substrings
@Cowsquack Retina, 97 bytes (if I had two decimal-place precision, the program would never run)
@totallyhuman actually, because I feel bad about blocking cQuents for so long, add 2 spaces in so that StepHen can post his ;)
@cairdcoinheringaahing nah you're k, I don't know if I got $ as a param onto TIO yet anyway
and I definitely didn't get F up yet
@EriktheOutgolfer Nice
and it returns 0 for len<3 too
@BusinessCat Pyth, 14 bytes (waaay to long): fqT_Tsm.:Qdr3l
note: that's not the naive approach
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't think changing the length of a posted answer (other than to fix a bug) is within the spirit of the game.
^^ except when that screwup happened earlier
naive approach would've been ẆL>¥Ðf2ŒḂ€S but that''s an excruciating 2 more bytes
@Mr.Xcoder I wanted the number but it should only be 1 more byte to tack on length, right?
I think nobody would attempt the next sequence
so I will
well, if you can
@BusinessCat yes, will fix
@PeterTaylor no but occasionally it can lead to interesting answers
@cairdcoinheringaahing Well, if you change the length to get interesting answers, do it before you first post :)
@BusinessCat Pyth, 15 bytes: lfqT_Tsm.%3AQdr3l
@LeakyNun from the OEIS page for Maple: unassign('x'): with(combstruct): norootree:=[S, {B = Set(S), S = Prod(Z, B, B)}, unlabeled]: S:=x->add(count(norootree, size=i)*x^i, i=1..30): seq(coeff(S(x)+S(x^2)-S(x)^2, x, i), i=1..29);
generates the first 30 (i think)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I won't cheat
@LeakyNun xD
@LeakyNun consider it help
@LeakyNun Nice, how does it work? Btw the second line can become 000.
Isn't there a userscript somewhere with Newest as a sort order?
@Cowsquack basically a counter which finds cubes
loop until the cube exceeds the number
@cairdcoinheringaahing but first I need to find a good unused language...
@LeakyNun How many languages do you know that are left to use?
I can try C
@Mr.Xcoder around 4000ish I think
yeah C, C++, and C# are all available
I'm not particularly good at C though
Different version of Mathematica? :P
Are non-free languages allowed in the answer-chaining challenge?
@MDXF Don't see why not
@MDXF Mathematica is used, so...
@MDXF yes because no-one else needs to run them
Ok cool thanks
Solution coming in 6 minutes probably
Plus you can run Mathematica on Wolfram Alpha right?
there is sort of a trial version
@MDXF there's no way I can write a solution in 6 minutes if you use mathematica
@MDXF I'll be waiting...
@LeakyNun Mathematica's been taken right?
question: can i edit the font in leaderboard to something
@LeakyNun Mathematica's taken
I was gonna use Maple
'cause it's defaulting right now
@BusinessCat Gaia, 10 bytes: ḋ⟨l2>⟩⁇ṭ⁇l
@totallyhuman to do what?
Which is in fact the naive approach
@BusinessCat Pyth, 12 bytes: l_I#>.:Q)tyl
@MDXF there's even no way I can write a solution in 6 minutes if you're just going to copy the Maple solution from OEIS
to the default font of your browser
again, not naive approach here
@EriktheOutgolfer How dare you outgolf me?
i could change to liek
Has anyone not posted yet
some random sans serif font
@EriktheOutgolfer What is the approach then?
@MDXF me but I'm waiting for a trivial one to do cQuents in
@totallyhuman sure, but only if you change it to Comic Sans :P
Also @cairdcoinheringaahing maybe you should add a rule that we can't just copy the OEIS solutions
@Mr.Xcoder I'm constantly getting outgolfed at times...as a matter of fact I've outgolfed Dennis too
Someone compile a list of langs that have partitions builtins
@BusinessCat ok
@MDXF they only give them in certain languages so once those are gone, they don't help
@MDXF no because we'll just downvote your solution into oblivion
also why is the leaderboard golfed
@EriktheOutgolfer I am doing my best to outgolf you somewhere now
it's ugly code
@MDXF I haven't
Ok fine :P
there are len(s) length-1 substrings of s
@totallyhuman 'cause on mobile it takes up more than half the post
Has C been used yet?
and there are len(s) - 1 length-2 substrings of s
@MDXF no
@MDXF run the snippet to see what's been used
@MDXF no but leaky says he mght
font-family: hrmmm...
@cairdcoinheringaahing no, I'm going to use Lua
guys pick a font that should be there in most browsers
Roboto Sans
@totallyhuman Consolas?
@BusinessCat we want to remove both, so we do (len(s)) + (len(s) - 1), or len(s) + len(s) - 1, or len(s) * 2 - 1
then we get from that element onward to get the length>2 (i.e. length>=3) substrings
why am i talking about browsers ><
well ok i put roboto
@totallyhuman noice
@BusinessCat that's the approach I immediately came up with btw
no use font-family: Roboto, sans-serif or something like that
@totallyhuman it didn't change it :P
fair enough
but do what ^^ said
you didn't change anything did you? if you did you did what "^^^" said not "^^"
@EriktheOutgolfer Given a list of positive integers that contains primes, extract the primes from it (I wanna see if you outgolf me again)
also my rep is currently 4200
@Mr.Xcoder what is your approach atm?
@EriktheOutgolfer I want to see yours first
@HyperNeutrino heh obvious builtin
@Mr.Xcoder ok then...
lolno what are you talking about
@HyperNeutrino the two byte bultins hurt don't they
@MDXF I haven't banned it but I have recommended against it
@EriktheOutgolfer "Jelly" and "builtin" in the same sentence? Never...
I have my answer prepared
@Mr.Xcoder for what?
@StepHen who said that that's Jelly? lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing My CMC for Erik above
@HyperNeutrino 2-byte operators are annoying eh
@HyperNeutrino Æ usually == Jelly
The moment you send your solution, I'll press enter @EriktheOutgolfer
you can't do that can you? that's privacy violation
I mean, well, of course you can't press enter for somebody else :p
@EriktheOutgolfer I'll send my message right after you send yours
my approach is 5 bytes
Mine is 4
@EriktheOutgolfer YOU GOT OUTGOLFED!
@EriktheOutgolfer You may want to abuse that contains primes
The OEIS question currently has almost 400 hotness points
Looking at the transcript, I just realized that my challenge took over TNB for about 2.5 hours.
of course fP_ wouldn't work since Q won't automatically get in in this case
and the next two PPCGs still have > 100
@EriktheOutgolfer Right
Because f would turn into first input truthy over.... instead of filter
so I have to use fP_TQ >_>
@EriktheOutgolfer No, you don't
Give up?
@Mr.Xcoder nope
why give up?
@Mr.Xcoder is it fP_T?
@cairdcoinheringaahing wouldn't work
@cairdcoinheringaahing No
@Mr.Xcoder @EriktheOutgolfer just a guess
maybe if you had a list of negative integers then I could've just done P#
also title is misleading
@EriktheOutgolfer if
you don't go one encyclopedia after another
lol is it P_#Q
you go one sequence after another
@HyperNeutrino huh?
@HyperNeutrino No
@totallyhuman does it really matter?
Q: Most efficient way to pack boxes?

John DewsSo say your running an eCommerce site, and are writing a function to take an array of an order and pack it into boxes. For example say you have a collection of all the products of the order: [{ product: "c5b3eb47", weight: 1}, { product: "c5b3eb47", weight: 1}, { product: "c5b3eb47",...

my rep is still 4200 :3
OEIS here stands for Online Entire Integer Sequence, obviously
also i wish i could use my library here
@totallyhuman You could only use it once though
@totallyhuman you could comment with a link to it. Could be helpful
no it's illegal under ppcg law
plus it has limits
That's the internet library right?
Any other idea @EriktheOutgolfer. Want a hint?
@totallyhuman what? why?
@Mr.Xcoder not yet
(btw I just finished exercise)
@totallyhuman yeah but people can use it rather than oeis.org
Standard loopholes, outsources problem by getting it from the internet
omg. I need 1 upvote to get to 2.5k and 2 upvotes to repcap. I hate voting!
@cairdcoinheringaahing You got 5 hours still, and you're plastered all over HNQ
then post things
anyone who posts the next answer to the OEIS challenge automatically gets 3+ upvotes btw lol
Crap I forgot running out of vote prevents you from reviewing, I used my last vote
@HyperNeutrino I'm trying the next sequence
@cairdcoinheringaahing Do it then
Lol I don't have Fanatic yet
no formula though
for next sequence
me neither (still salty at SE lol)
@StepHen I'm downloading maple rn
I have lost the progress once and now I have 44 consecutives
@totallyhuman G.f.: S(x)+S(x^2)-S(x)^2, where S(x) is the generating function for A000151. - Pab Ter (pabrlos2(AT)yahoo.com), Oct 12 2005
@Mr.Xcoder when I got suspended I was on a 29 day streak.
Strangely, I do have it on SO
@Mr.Xcoder what is your approach?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why did you get suspended?
(a bit tired)
@EriktheOutgolfer 4 bytes: .MP_, abuses that contains primes.
i will get fanatic in a week
two actually
lol it doesn't matter, suspensions still count towards streak badge progress
@totallyhuman You never know
@Mr.Xcoder forgot about .M...yeah pyth has a lot of interesting constructs
hey my code-golf tag score is a square number \o/
@HyperNeutrino inb4 question
I have the badge :)
which one?
RE perfect squares, did anybody know this about perfect squares? I remember thinking I was a genius when I discovered this when I was 11, only to realize it was a known fact in math
Poll: What tag badges do you have except for ?
I think none
The perfect squares = 0 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + ...
HAH none lol
CMC: print the string "Ellipsis"
@EriktheOutgolfer cQuents: Ellipsis?0
I have Score: 75, posts: 9 in
Python 3: print(...)
@Mr.Xcoder Voting fraud
,,,, something bytes: "Ellipsis
@HyperNeutrino yep intended solution
@Mr.Xcoder I'm really close to silver
but there's also python 3 repl
@StepHen I remember feeling really cool when I realized it. Along with thinking it was cool that it was "+previous+current"
ye idek why that exists
it's just ... there
@EriktheOutgolfer yeah... (<-- lol)
@EriktheOutgolfer Pyth: "…
Python 3 REPL, 3 bytes: ...
@Mr.Xcoder I have 101 score and 1 answer in
beat that suckers
@totallyhuman Mr. Xcoder just did
@totallyhuman doesn't work, syntax error
Even better (ellipsis in Unicode)
@StepHen wtf
and you thought JELLY and 05AB1E were the best to do that...
oh taxi/taxi q/a
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes it does
Python 3.4.3 (default, Nov 17 2016, 01:08:31)
[GCC 4.8.4] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> ...
@StepHen The Crow/Taxicab one?
@Mr.Xcoder ya
I'm about halfway to badge, which I'm really happy about
I'm 8 posts away.
@AdmBorkBork I'm working on , I kinda screw myself by upvoting every answer to all my challenges, gets me good on HNQ though
lol I'm only 31/100 Socratic
@DJMcMayhem I see that Stewie got it about two weeks ago
I need ~185 votes and ~10 answers for silver
@AdmBorkBork Yeah, I was a little bummed. I was hoping to be the fourth one
Oh well
how much do you need for tag silver again?
@totallyhuman 400 score 80 answers
I think the hardest badge here on PPCG is Tumbleweed
there's some no one has
not even possible ^
I'm super close to string gold, which only 4 people have currently
lol that one guy
@DJMcMayhem cough V cough
0 score accepted answers would never happen on PPCG though :/
@DJMcMayhem ME, Dennis, Luis and Neil?
I think would be hardest. 10 accepted answers with zero score? Yeah, right.
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah
i got number bronze
because of that brainfuck answer
@totallyhuman Me too
Oh and then there's for reviews
gtg for now, computer needs to restart ;_;

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