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when angular hates you :P
@totallyhuman yeah. Haven't you used that like all the time?
@PeterTaylor would you mind deleting your redundant comments, so that the comments section doesn't get too cluttered.
CMC: generate 5 integers that do not generate any results on OEIS
@Cowsquack print('0, 1269289723032, 73527230783, 3247823780234, 457823487045, 1')
ehhh too verbose
you can remove the spaces
but hey, it's a start!
but yes that's not a sequence
@Cowsquack 1,23,11,37,19
@Cowsquack you didn't say winning criteria ;)
>>> print(oeis.query([0, 1269289723032, 73527230783, 3247823780234, 457823487045, 1]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/totallyhuman/Downloads/Workspace/py-oeis/oeis.py", line 263, in query
    for seq in search[:results]:  # search results :P
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
@BusinessCat nice
oh wow nice
how'd you just...
1,23,1,37,1 is shorter
@Mr.Xcoder Watch this and skip to the 3:29 mark. That's what Cthulhu's for, right?
I figured primes in a bizarre order like that wouldn't show up
And I was right
I'll give brownie points if all integers are less than 10
@cairdcoinheringaahing Hmmm
>>> print(oeis.query([2, 9, 2, 4, 7]))
[<Sequence [A155968: Decimal expansion of (1/2)*log(Pi).]>, <Sequence [A010474: Decimal expansion of square root of 18.]>, <Sequence [A019845: Decimal expansion of sine of 36 degrees.]>, <Sequence [A195402: Decimal expansion of normalized Philo sum, Philo(ABC,I), where I=incenter of a sqrt(7),3,4 right triangle ABC.]>,...
well i suck at this
@Cowsquack -4,6,-2,-9,3
Do I get brownie points?
i think that's there
>>> print(oeis.query([-4,6,-2,-9,3]))
[<Sequence [A064533: Decimal expansion of Landau-Ramanujan constant.]>, <Sequence [A071330: Number of decompositions of n into sum of two prime powers.]>, <Sequence [A269370: a(1) = 1, after which, for odd n: a(n) = A260439(n)-th number k for which A260438(k) = A260438(n)-1, and for even n: a(n) = a(n/2).]>, <Sequence [A190998: Digital root of concatenation of all divisors of n (A037278).]>,...
@totallyhuman I couldn't find it on OEIS :(
oh noes is my library bork
none have the negative numbers in them
so it's not my library
it's oeis's search algorithm
that's way funky though
oeis just ignores negative numbers apparently :/
or rather the sign of the numbers
There's only 100000 possibilities with integers < 10, just try them all
all my life on ppcg I've been focusing on golfing codes
it is only when I visit PE that I came to knowledge of my lack of knowledge of algorithms
of skills to solve problems efficiently
a(n) ~ (3/pi^2) * n^4
wth is ~
@totallyhuman asymptotic
like, it approaches
well that's not gonna be useful
> A061395 Let p be the largest prime factor of n; if p is the k-th prime then set a(n) = k; a(1) = 0 by convention.
What the...
Q: Lets divide a lattice

Wheat WizardLets say we have a n × n lattice; we can then divide the lattice into two sections by drawing a line through the lattice. Everything to one side of the line is in one set and everything else in another. How many ways can we divide the lattice in the manner? For example lets take a 2 × 2 lattic...

Anybody know any good browsers here?
I screwed up Safari somehow...
Chrome is a memory thingy
and Opera keeps crashing for no reason (and I can't recover the darn window)
And firefox is too fiery
oh well :/
Lynx :P
Meh I've used it... And quite frankly, I don't like it and it also crashes a lot
I think I've royally screwed up this computer somehow...
@Zizouz212 re-install?
searches "best browsers" in Google
Clearly you should use Internet Explorer V <10
The pinnacle of browsing
@Mr.Xcoder why do I have write access for Pyth training?
Never going anywhere near that thing
netscape navigator of course
@LeakyNun Didn't think of that...
4.0 or below
on a pentium 3±1
@cairdcoinheringaahing I am a RO
emulated in js
on an apple IIGS
@Mr.Xcoder yeah but why can I talk there?
I actually loved Opera - it had a built-in vpn and ad-blocker. It just keeps crashing (no big deal), but I can't recover the window
at a screen resolution of 1024×1
c'mon nobody gets the reference?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Do you want write access?
@totallyhuman ಠ_ಠ
Chrome... Opera... Edge... Firefox... Vivaldi?
no don't go to the dark side
Q: "A crossed out 4 is still a 4"

Steven VascellaroThere seems to be a running joke on Code Golf that "A crossed out 4 is still a 4". On Find an Illegal String, Step Hen posted the following answer. Taxi,  4  5 bytes crossed out 4 is still 4 :( '"]'" This post linked to Mayube's answer for User Appreciation Challenge #1: Dennis ♦ ...

@NewMetaPosts that's why the memes page should still stay
What dark side?
every other SE site was doing fine with their own memes page
@Zizouz212 vivaldi :P
I'm guessing it sucks?
It's Norwegian o_O
Ah screw it. I'm trying it.
@NewMetaPosts VTC as dupe of memes
you can't vote as dupe of a deleted question o0
Yeah, that's why I didn't actually do it
anyways that question's probably gonna get nuked too
OMG it's so pretty!
It's asking me what colours I like!
i dunno whether to upvote or downvote this post
@NewMetaPosts and here's the reason we had a memes page
You folks have memes?
we did
but y'know... it got deleted
it seems we'd rather pollute meta
I thought you were subordinate robots who tried to make random things as little as possible, with your weird communication tools :P
no i am completely definitely human
robots can be funny
and smart
CMC: n -> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7, ... , n!]. Must only handle arbitrarily small numbers; n>0
,,,, 2 bytes: !r
Pyth, 3 bytes: S.!
obligatory south park plug
@Poke lol
Gaia 2 bytes: f┅
It would be 3 bytes in Cthulhu 😭😭
why wouldn't you use ! for factorial :P
@totallyhuman because that's logical negation?
^ exactly
@totallyhuman because that's bitwise negation?
¬ is actual logical negation ¬_¬
Because characters for other things have variations of ! to mean NOT so ! has to be negation
~ can also be negation in logic :P
that's bitwise not :P
In programming, yes
Isn't ~ bitwise not in programming?
~ unary flip!
and ! is logical not in programming
~6 -> -7
i fail to see your logic :P
@totallyhuman Because I am ~totallyhuman
You all talk too much. I went away for like, 30 seconds to find a new song to listen to
i expect an answer to the meta post with ಠ_ಠ in the title
@Mr.Xcoder 3 bytes in MATL: :p:
@totallyhuman -_-
@DJMcMayhem full of emoticons
And !R in Jelly
ಠ_ಠ ¬_¬ o_o -_- < we are the faces of disapproval and we have come to disapprove
really anything with _ as the mouth is disapproving
@Mr.Xcoder Mathematica: Range@#!&
Hooray for 1-indexing
Could probably be shorter
lambda n:range(1,factorial(n))
from math import*
@totallyhuman I see I've unintentionally started a discussion about memes.
ah yes there are a lot of people who want the memes page back
I hadn't realized it was a topic of debate
ah there's no debating
it is most definitely gone
There was a similar meme on reddit known as "The Reddit Switcheroo"
I knew I had to stop clicking after a certain point, lest I get trapped
(The hyperlink chain at the end took way too long to format)
haha yeah
OK, is there any language which errors no matter what the code is?
The old ppcg-a-roo
I really really really want to find one, or just write one myself
@StepHen that seems like it would be a bad language
OK, but does one exist
or should I write the interpreter right now
There are languages that always output to STDERR...
errory mcerroryface
@StepHen Ok, I need to know the context for wanting this
all my suggested names shall henceforth be in this format
@BusinessCat Example?
huh? sort of qualifies since it can never understand your code :P
I don't think such a language would even qualify as a language
@BusinessCat OK, are there any valid programs in huh??
No, it's a joke language

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