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We have a small orchard (20 small fruit trees of different kinds)
oh nice
@Christopher I worked at a peach/apple orchard during the summer when I was younger, it was so much fun (fresh warm apples are so delicious)
@StepHen That is cool. Much nicer to be able to walk outside and just grab a peach, apple, asian pear... ect. and eat it. not much work
@Christopher Yup it does sound fun, as long as the birds and bugs and fungi don't eat them first :P
I have a fresh fruit marked right outside my doorway, so :p
Market < off the tree
@Christopher Of course
@StepHen They go crazy XD they eat a lot of our fruit. :_( but we have more than enough to share (on most trees, some have few due to frost)
We have also planted some trees two years ago. They will grow and give us fruit soon
@Mr.Xcoder Nicee. What kinds?
Peach, Prune, Apple, ... (wait, there's more but I am processing slowly)
:P peaches are really good fresh
@Christopher This is true
@Mr.Xcoder Possibly plums?
@StepHen Plums, yeah
Are they dwarf trees? (They grow like 10ft not 20-30)
@Mr.Xcoder Wait, prunes are dried plums
@Mr.Xcoder you grow dried fruit! Impressive
@StepHen Some trees are meant for plums that we will dry and some are for plums to eat
@Mr.Xcoder Oh, gotcha
Plums are called Prune in our language, and I mistranslated into English
@Mr.Xcoder Makes sense
@mınxomaτ hello! Talking about fresh fruit
@Christopher Semi-dwarfs ~15 ft I think
At the orchard I worked at they had a giant cherry tree and a giant plum tree and we would get put up on a front-end loader that had a fence around the bucket and pick from there, it was a bit sketchy xD
At most
@Mr.Xcoder Nice, makes picking much simpler
@Christopher Indeed
@StepHen A bit :P I like doing stuff like that
Byt they're really small now
In washington state we used our tractor to go up high and pick berries over a fence
Mind you it was a bucket, as in for digging (front end loader)
Unfortunately a few of them died because of the bad weather
@HyperNeutrino What an edit
@Mr.Xcoder I feel ya. Get ready for late frost killing 1/2 the fruit :P
@HyperNeutrino :DDDDDDDDDD ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ out did me. TY
lol np :P
anyway gtg, bye! o/
Bye o/
I can't be close to them anyway. They're planted near our holiday house.
Holiday house? Impressive
@Christopher Well, it's more of a shack, but
@Mr.Xcoder Holiday shack? XD
@Christopher lol true
One sec, loading a map to send a picture
I am active on a homework forum in our country, and one question was: "Can you help me?". And nothing else. Dumb people really
Red circle is fruit trees
Wow, nice
everybody proceed to perform GIS lookup
pls don't
TIO is back on track
CMC: n ⟶ n^2 + √n
Test case?
4 -> (square: 16, square root: 2) -> 18
@Mr.Xcoder cQuents, 11 bytes, #|1:A^2+R(A once I implemented a mode for #|1: I'll do much better at these
Pyth, 6 bytes: +^Q.5*
I thought I had a solution but I haven't implemented square root yet
n is an integer
,,,, 6 bytes: :2*⇆√+
@BusinessCat Have you implemented powers?
Yes but it's much much longer like that
@totallyhuman ,,, seems very similar to Pyth when it comes to byte count
mm i noticed that too
@BusinessCat n^.5, or is it not like that?
very weird
@totallyhuman Hence Will be outgolfed by Jelly anyway
@StepHen It's a very strange syntax feature that would reduce the bytes a lot more if square root was an operator
As is, 7 bytes: :s¤1ḥ*+
How I would want it to look in Cthulhu (I doubt I will be capable of succeeding anyway): +√»²
@Mr.Xcoder Where's the Zalgo?
Once I implement u as square root, 4 bytes: su„Σ
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Step HenAcronymize code-golf string This may be a duplicate of Making an acronym, but it is better specced (IMO) and I would suggest closing the older one as a dupe, if they are considered dupes. Given a string containing only printable ASCII, output all capital letters in the input that are either pr...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Engineer ToastN Games of War I recently learned a new twist on playing the classic card game War that does not appear on on the Wikipedia entry. It intrigued me enough that I wanted to play but, given that  ̶I̶ ̶a̶m̶ ̶a̶ ̶r̶o̶b̶o̶t̶ ̶s̶i̶m̶u̶l̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶u̶m̶a̶n̶i̶t̶y̶  the winner is pre-determined by th...

The reason why it'd be much shorter like that is because a string like “...„ lets you define a list of operators and apply each one to the current TOS, but they have to all be single operators and not require an extra parameter (0.5)
@StepHen Nowhere
Anyway, Jelly, 3 bytes: ²+½
@BusinessCat Good ol' Jelly, at least that code is readable :P
@Mr.Xcoder jelly, 3 bytes: ²+½...oops a little late I guess
anyways 05ab1e, 4 bytes: n¹t+
I can't install a 15 meg update. My sisters are using it all. FOR 2.5 HOURS
bork their computers () :3 /s
Oh i just won.
They are on phones.
Just unplugged the routers
@Christopher Are you on Ethernet then?
I'm back
I've been hungry
@Mr.Xcoder APL, 7: ×⍨+*∘.5
@StepHen Well yeah ofc
Plain math, 9 bytes: n^0.5+n^2
@Mr.Xcoder n^.5+n^2
@HyperNeutrino I have nothing to do with this.
@TwiNight It's plain math, so no
:I don't blame me
@Mr.Xcoder omitting the 0 is perfectly fine in plain maths
param($n)$n*$n+[math]::sqrt($n) -- written but not tested
I said code-trolling not pull-the-router-trolling
@TwiNight Works in both Mathematica and the Google search bar if you replace n with the input
I've just eaten some Fresh Raspberries and Cranberries, as well as some fresh apricots
@LeakyNun That image is quite unclear
Oh, fresh raspberries are the best.
@AdmBorkBork Indeed, I love them :)
@AdmBorkBork Wineberries don't need any help though, they just grow wild
So do raspberries?
@AdmBorkBork Not as commonly in my experience/area
@Mr.Xcoder I don't think there's a clearer version
@StepHen Raspberries are forest fruit :P
that is quite unfortunate
@LeakyNun I can't read it
@Mr.Xcoder I know, but they aren't usually wild, at least where I live
@Okx it's the flatness of kansas vs pancake
@LeakyNun Wasn't there just a Veritasium on this?
@AdmBorkBork VSauce
They all blend together in my head
I tend to binge watch them
@LeakyNun Oh, I saw there was a new one up but didn't watch it yet, gotta do that later
What is the vertical axis of a graph called in English?
@Mr.Xcoder In a coordinate plane the y-axis, as opposed to the x-axis
y-axis i guess?
Oh, just that
urgh ninja'd
Without coordinates, it's the vertical axis
either works usually
We have denominations in our language...
@Mr.Xcoder not super relevant, but english.stackexchange.com/q/56472/222219
"abscissa" and "ordinate" was what I was looking for. Thanks
@Mr.Xcoder Oh, OK. Just so you know, most people will have to look those up :)
They're called "abscisa", "ordonata" here, I guess it's borrowed from either English, French or Latin.
for what it's worth, I've not encountered the word abscissa until just now
@AdmBorkBork TIL kind of moment?
@AdmBorkBork Yup, same. Google says it's from Latin
I guess. It says "rarely used" so it's probably archaic
It's highly used in Physics in the 7th grade :)
(here, at least)
Not in the US, in my experience, and I was a mathematics major in university
@Mr.Xcoder In English you'd just say x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis, no one would know what abscissa is
@StepHen Ok, was just curious
@Mr.Xcoder Yum
@Mr.Xcoder You taught us something :)
CMC: n (even n) -> [0, 2, 4, 6, ..., n], n (odd n) -> [1, 3, 5, ... n], n is always positive
@Mr.Xcoder crap cQuents can't do decisions yet
@StepHen Neither does Cthulhu. Cthulhu code can't actually be run as of now
A: Make your language *mostly* unusable! (Cops' thread)

DJMcMayhemVim :for i in split('Qq@:=+','\zs') exe 'map '.i.' <nop>' exe 'map! '.i.' <nop>' endfo Try it online! This actually has a fairly easy solution. I'm just trying to get the ball rolling with some vim obfuscation. Depending on how quickly this is cracked, I'll crank up the difficulty later >:D ...

@Doorknob You up for a challenge? >:D
@Mr.Xcoder Gaia, 8 bytes: )…@rḥ¿2%
Though I feel I could golf it more
why are people ddosing tio
@DJMcMayhem You should of repcapped twice by now, right?
@Okx It got ~350 upvotes on a thread on hackernews
but why would you ddos
@Mr.Xcoder Yeah
> This module is licensed under whatever license you want it to be as long as the license is compatible with the fact that I blatantly copied multiple lines of code from the Python standard library.
Really, I've capped from the cops thread alone
Actually the entire repo is great.
@Okx Dunno, but here's the link: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14777167
i found the link
@DJMcMayhem You can add a note: Please keep your upvotes for tomorrow :p
Honestly, I just really hope there will be some vim answers (on either thread)
@Okx It might just be the Slashdot effect, rather than an actual DDoS
@DJMcMayhem How would there be a Vim answer on the Robbers' if none is on Cops'?
I absolutely love using vim in weird ways it was never intended to function
A: Make your language *mostly* unusable! (Cops' thread)

DJMcMayhemVim :for i in split('Qq@:=+','\zs') exe 'map '.i.' <nop>' exe 'map! '.i.' <nop>' endfo Try it online! This actually has a fairly easy solution. I'm just trying to get the ball rolling with some vim obfuscation. Depending on how quickly this is cracked, I'll crank up the difficulty later >:D ...

@Mr.Xcoder I mean I hope someone cracks mine so I can patch it and crank up the difficulty
And I hope there are other cops so I can crack some too
But this first one is pretty simple TBH
@AdmBorkBork Now we're waiting for the gem answer of Dennis' aren't we?
Sure, I guess.
It's not like people haven't had time to work on this, it's been in the sandbox for like almost four months, lol.
I increased the size of the headers on your challenge BTW
They felt too small :)
Rollback if you wish
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillTower Builder king-of-the-hill The king is coming to visit! Your city is competing with another neighboring city to attract his attention. Each player owns their own tower. Each turn they can either: Place 2 blocks on a tower in their city Move 1 block from one tower to another (within your...

I corrected my vote, because I accidentally downvoted and I wanted to fix that
Anyone else?
12 mins ago, by Mr. Xcoder
CMC: n (even n) -> [0, 2, 4, 6, ..., n], n (odd n) -> [1, 3, 5, ... n], n is always positive
@Mr.Xcoder well, almost a double factorial I guess?
@me Pyth, 10 bytes: fq%Q2%T2Uh
Jelly, 4 bytes: Ḃrm2
> Uh
you could probably take a lot of english 2-3 letter words and stick em in pyth code
Python 2, 23: lambda x:range(x,-1,-2)
@Mr.Xcoder Would it be acceptable to start at 2 instead of 0?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ckjbgamesQuick! Tell me all the numbers from 1 to 100,000! fastest-codenumbers Your task is to write a program or function that, when run, output all the numbers from 1 to 100 thousand as quickly as possible to STDOUT. It's that simple. All answers are tested on an HP Compaq nx9420 with an Intel Core Duo...

What do you think
> $1,699.00
> Intel Centrino Duo
dude that's too pricey!
@EriktheOutgolfer wow
Cause then you do :toGo=)
but i have never heard of the centrino chip
@EriktheOutgolfer i didn't buy it; my dad let me have it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ckjbgamesQuick! Tell me all the numbers from 1 to 100,000! fastest-codenumbers Your task is to write a program or function that, when run, output all the numbers from 1 to 100 thousand as quickly as possible to STDOUT. It's that simple. All answers are tested on an HP Compaq nx9420 with an Intel Core Duo...

well, anyways "duo" and ">$1,000.00" don't go together normally...
@Mr.Xcoder Oh, sure. That was a leftover from when it was in the Sandbox and I just copy-pasted with ### instead of changing them. Thanks!
@ckjbgames didn't imply any such thing did I? :p
Do you like
@EriktheOutgolfer There is literally no way that is the correct price. 1 gig of RAM?
ok that's daylight robbery
ok this is awful who puts this over $300...that's too much already isn't it?
My phone has 1 GB of RAM and I considered that kinda low :P
@BusinessCat Bet your phone doesn't have a 100 gig HDD though :P
@DJMcMayhem Yes, it is acceptable
100 gig is still low for a computer though
I can't say that it does...
@EriktheOutgolfer Thanks for solving it
Well, I could say. But I'd be lying.
I think some iphones have 128 gigabyte or something?
now that's a lot of hdd space for a phone
> Released: March 9, 2006
@EriktheOutgolfer I've heard some Japanese want to make a phone with 256
I can see $1700 for that computer 11 years ago
@StepHen I have... 8 gigs
@Mr.Xcoder like apple phones aren't made in asia right?
> some Japanese
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ckjbgamesQuick! Tell me all the numbers from 1 to 100,000! fastest-codenumbers Your task is to write a program or function that, when run, output all the numbers from 1 to 100 thousand as quickly as possible to STDOUT. It's that simple. All answers are tested on an HP Compaq nx9420 with an Intel Core Duo...

@EriktheOutgolfer Some Japanese Company, i meant. I cannot find it right now
yeah I know...basically, sorry to be a little bit harsh here, but THEY'RE ROBBING US IN FRONT OF OUR EYES
@Mr.Xcoder Yes?
> no to strings
In your challenge
huh why protest against poor strings?
Why didn't you just edit?
@WheatWizard I am too lazy
and :p definitely doesn't belong on starboard for sure
@DJMcMayhem How am I supposed to take input in the vim challenge?
@EriktheOutgolfer Shhh (don't feed the trolls)
you can use command line args i believe
oh in the buffer (today I'm blind :S)
CMC: n -> n, n/2, n/3, ... , n/(n-1), 1 (n ≥ 1)
@EriktheOutgolfer Or rich strings, for that matter.
Like PowerShell. PowerShell strings are very rich because of all the $.
Q: Codebreakers and Codewriters

Wheat WizardLets say you have some text, and you want it to send it to your friend, but you don't want anyone else to read it. Then you probably want to encrypt so that only you and your friend can read it. But there is a problem, you and your friend forgot to agree on a encryption method, so if you send t...

@BruceForte Yes, in the buffer. I edited that in later
@Mr.Xcoder Gaia: ÷ₔ¦
Are you working on it now? :)
5 -> [5, 2.5, 1.66666, 1.25, 1]
@Mr.Xcoder cQuents: ::A/$ but requires you you enter n twice. A bug in the interpreter prevents #|A::A/$, which should work, from working.
@BusinessCat Nice
@AdmBorkBork conspiracy theory: those $s aren't bucks but evil spirits coming from the far depths of php
@Mr.Xcoder lambda n:[n/i for i in range(1,n+1,-1)]
@totallyhuman Are you sure?
oh wherps
Jelly: ÷R
@Mr.Xcoder jelly, 2 bytes: ÷R
> Helly
Ninja'd again
@EriktheOutgolfer Ninja'd
@Mr.Xcoder param($n)1..$n|%{$n/$_}
@Mr.Xcoder no that was some language from hell definitely not jelly before it disguised being so
Nice @BusinessCat @EriktheOutgolfer @AdmBorkBork @StepHen @BusinessCat
it was called...helly
dat creepy...
CnR feature-request: Rather than "Robber with the most cracks wins", say "Robber with the most crack wins"
Python, 36 bytes: lambda n:[n/i for i in range(1,n+1)]
Dang, PS smoked Python on this one.
Hey guys. Don't know if this is the best place for this, but does anyone know if there exists any documentation on RProgN2?
oh i'm a complete idiot
Only docs on RProgN, not RProgN2
@totallyhuman Too brute
much force
Pyth, 4 bytes: cLQS
I'm out of my comfort zone ^ :)
@ArnoldPalmer cc @ATaco
cc @TheTaco
mmm, tacos
Note: I have started lots of CMCs lastly because I want to compare the solutions in other golflangs to future Cthulhu answers, and I will do more, such that I will know what to improve
@HyperNeutrino In that case, clearly @Dennis wins
@Mr.Xcoder lol funny because I've been using all of your CMCs to make features for unnamed-list-language :P
@HyperNeutrino That's good for both.
I'm planning to make lots of built-ins
lol mostly same though I'm going to try to make it as versatile as possible (at least in math/list/number stuff)
Strings don't exist in unnamed-list-language lol; "string" syntax is just compressed list syntax
Lol, I've been searching for my charger for 15 mins and it was plugged into my laptop * Facepalm *
My computer prompted me: "Your disk is almost full!" - I was like, WTF. Then looked at my disk and had ~7 GB left
CMC: Given a number, double it and remove all the even digits
5 -> (double: 10) -> 1
222 -> (double: 444) ->
45 -> (double: 90) -> 9
Welp, I'm off to play weeb games, see you tomorrow golf-bros
7 -> (double: 14) -> 1
Jelly, 6 bytes: ḤDḂÐfḌ
783278 -> (double: 1.566.556) -> 1555
@Mayube did you just assume my everyone's gender
@HyperNeutrino Seems a bit long for Jelly, but nice
If I can return a list of digits, it's 5 bytes (remove last atom)
@HyperNeutrino You can
Then 5 bytes :)

ḤDḂÐf  Main link, argument is z
Ḥ      Double (2z)
 D     Decimal digits
   Ðf  Filter to keep
  Ḃ                   odd digits
Pyth, 8 bytes: f%T2jyQT
Gaia, 4 bytes: ḣ$r⁇
It's exactly the same as the Jelly program
Except filter is only 1 byte
@DJMcMayhem Oh great, it's not the first time this happens.
Evolved Cthulhu, 1 byte: ø
uh what is evolved cthulhu
Sorry, my mistake
@HyperNeutrino Cthulhu when I actually make it work
@HyperNeutrino Cthulhu turns from a water type to a grass type.
Evolved Cthulhu, 2 bytes: ø∂
@Dennis I remember that time
ø - Even digits
∂ - Double
» - Implicit Input
wait so it's right-to-left?
@HyperNeutrino Nope
then how does that work?
@HyperNeutrino ?
didn't you say double then even digits?
@HyperNeutrino No
2 mins ago, by Mr. Xcoder
ø - Even digits
∂ - Double
» - Implicit Input
11 mins ago, by Mr. Xcoder
CMC: Given a number, double it and remove all the even digits
@HyperNeutrino It's translated as get the even digits of double the input
so not quite RTL, but somewhat
Oh, I made a mistake
It's 3 bytes
I forgot to print
It won't have implicit printing
so that's "print the result of taking the even digits of double the input"?
@HyperNeutrino Right
Is it prefix?
@BusinessCat Yes (will be)
I don't want to release it until I cover nearly everything. I think I'll release it in about (1/2 year)?
why no implicit print?
I don't even know if I'll still be around PPCG in 1/2 year
@Dennis Well, I guess you're the butt of the joke again
@totallyhuman Because it would cause problems with te structure of the program (will affect the stack)
@DJMcMayhem better not remind him or something?
@HyperNeutrino Because in the eigth grade I'll have 3 more subjects in School, I want to prepare well for the National Physics Olympiad and have an extremely important exam.

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