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@ckjbgames I came back
Apparently since I write code I need grammerly
@ckjbgames Bitwise stuff will be separate. I'll have a separate file / dictionary with all the bitwise stuff.
How do I see invitations?
@HyperNeutrino Idk can you view the link i sent?
you are alexander-liao right?
Q: Smallest chess game compression

edggyInspiration: Heavily inspired by Smallest chess board compression I decided to make a similar but distinctly different competition. Objective: Write an algorithm to encode and decode an entire chess game from starting position to checkmate (or stalemate) The encoding must be able to determine...

didn't you already make Newline
@HyperNeutrino kinda
It is being remade
In was in processing.js.cancer.plsno
I assume it's stack-based.
It has a stack and a memory. So stack+bf
Hm. Interesting.
So a stack and a tape?
How anyone manages to code in assembler is beyond me.
Sure, it's fast, but just how.
Except you can choose the chars :P
@HyperNeutrino wow, that physically hurts me
@LeakyNun it's not that hard
basically first determine how you'd normally do control flow
Jun 29 at 1:28, by totallyhuman
Have the commands on a tape
then think of how you allocate the registers and lower it manually to purely imperative statements
There's not particularly a lot of reasons why you'd nowadays write in asm except for doing arch-specific optimizations, jit compilers, embedded, or hating yourself
optimizing assembly though, that's where the fun is
> or hating yourself
lol great
	; any unsigned 64-bit number
	; 317 584 931 803
	push 000000049h
	push 0F1897BDBh
	; trial divide start prime
	mov ecx, 2
_0:	mov eax, [esp][4]
	xor edx, edx
	div ecx
	mov esi, eax
	mov eax, [esp][0]
	div ecx
	inc ecx
	test edx, edx
	jne _0
	dec ecx
	mov [esp][4], esi
	mov [esp][0], eax
	test esi, esi
	jne _0
	dec eax
	jne _0
	pop eax
	pop edx
	; ECX = greatest unsigned 32-bit prime factor
Like, how.
@LeakyNun carefully :P [sorry]
that's pretty simple
there's a bit of encoding-specific optimizations there, but not much
@CensoredUsername you can actually read it?
figuring out what each register does is already a ... how do you say... headache.
@LeakyNun I've written assemblers, jit compilers, and done my share of game modding
I have decrypted far worse stuff
I've once modded in variable-width font handling in a translation mod for a game
which included fun things like a binary search in MIPS assembly
using only 3 registers as not to have to manipulate the stack
well, good for you...
anyway lemme show you in a bit how you'd decipher that completely
664 pages wtf
needs two more
could've also given you the intel one, that's 3k pages
welcome to architecture docs
Still better than PSD
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

halcyFrom: https://github.com/zepouet/Xee-xCode-4.5/blob/master/XeePhotoshopLoader.m#L108 // At this point, I'd like to take a moment to speak to you about the Adobe PSD // format. PSD is not a good format. PSD is not even a bad format. Calling it // such would be an insult to other bad formats, such...

Is there a better way to swap False and True than this: lambda a:bool(2+~a)?
Not in the golfing way, in the functional way
Actually there is lambda a:not a...
lambda a:bool(1-a)
f x = not x
Vote for the logical NOT implementation in Cthulhu: bool(1-a), not a, bool(2+~a).
I vote for not a
@Mego finally gave Transistor another go and finished it this time. really great, but I think Bastion had the more powerful ending :)
I guess not a it is.
also slightly disappointed that I'd need a second playthrough to see all the content, but at the same time it's nice that there's more to NG+ than just doing the game again in harder
I will use ¡ for logical NOT and ! for factorial
I vote for not a
lambda a: False if a else True
I'm ... sorry.
def invert(a):
        a / a
        return False
        return True
only works for numbers
lambda a: bool(false if bool(a) != false else true)
s/false/False/, s/true/True
Stop the madness. I already assigned not a.
Exception up = new Exception("Something is really wrong.");
throw up;  //ha ha
That's. why. I. hate. Java
def invert(a):
    False, True = True, False
    return eval(str(bool(a)))
Please stop.
I am really proud of myself: I use » for bitwise >> and « for << :P
SOGL does too :p
Glad I found them on my keyboard
Jelly... Doesn't :P
@dzaima We have similar "thinkings" thoughts about bitwise stuff :P
What does SOGL use for bitwise NOT? @dzaima
And for bitwise XOR
// Replaces with spaces the braces in cases where braces in places cause stasis
   $str = str_replace(array("\{","\}")," ",$str);
those 3 don't exist :p
@dzaima :(
@HyperNeutrino I'm pretty sure to make the eval(str one work you need to pass eval locals(), or specify False, True as globals in that thing
but floor divide & multiply by 2 are really useful 1-byters
Cthulhu must have them, it is a number-manipulator.
SOGL is an ascii-art creator :p
SOGL also uses «» for moving the first/last character/array element to the end/start
@CensoredUsername Right. So True, False = False, True would need to be outside of the function declaration. Also, it only works on Python2 :P
@HyperNeutrino It's offensively very similar to Haskell
1 hour ago, by Mr. Xcoder
43 mins ago, by Mr. Xcoder
@Adám µ˜∫√ç≈Ω¬˚∆˙©ƒ∂åπøˆ¨¥†®´∑œ÷≥≤æ«…‘“≠–ºª•¶§∞¢£™¡⁄€‹›fifl‡°·‚—±’”»ÆÚ¿˘¯Â˜ı◊Dz¸ÅÍÎÏ˝ÓÔ‌​Ò∏؈¨Áˇ‰´„Œ§ + standard characters
I wonder how much would some programs break if true and false were swapped
Just reposting to be able to see my printable chars :P
CMC: Create a bijective mapping between all positive rationals and all positive integers.
@HyperNeutrino Test cases?
Well, you're meant to make the mapping yourself...
@LeakyNun your mystery code is related to finding primes
@HyperNeutrino That moment when I have no idea what "bijective,mapping between, positive rationals" mean
ok so bijective means that it's one-to-one both ways; that is, each rational maps to a distinct integer, and each integer maps back to a distinct rational
@Mr.Xcoder look them up. Although you should know the last one without searching.
a rational is a number in the form x/y, x, y in Z
I overexagerated
I was hoping so :P
I know what positive rationals are.
Use the actual logical not symbol :P
@totallyhuman No, I'll use it for factorial
like ¬?
@LeakyNun more specifically, it returns the largest prime factor I think
Note: "overexaggerated" is needlessly redundant.
@JanDvorak I did that on purpose
Formal logic anyone?
@totallyhuman That's already used as len(sequence)
I did a bit of boolean algebra in Grade 7
'¬' : properties(
    arity = 1,
    function = len
But, why?
@ATaco Because it is alt + L
I'll change that anyway
It's alt + \ for me.
@ATaco I'm using a Mac
@totallyhuman I'll use ¬ for bitwise not
I propose ꕢ for Not
@Mr.Xcoder mac...
It would be AltChar + , + - for me if my compose key actually worked
I propose ꧅ for not.
~ is bitwise not in ,,,
@totallyhuman Oh, I won't use ¬ for bitwise NOT, I already have ~
I propose we let him choose the characters for his own language :P
@HyperNeutrino bad idea
@HyperNeutrino I agree, unless I request feedback
That sounds slightly less exciting then using strangely sized Javanese characters.
Guys I found a good solution for suitable characters
Hey @Mr.Xcoder, are you working on Cthulhu?
Ask adám :P
@Jim Look above (the previous ~200 messages)
@Mr.Xcoder That's what I thought!
Will make a PR soon
@Mr.Xcoder Are there some working parts of it already?
@Jim No, and won't be soon
For now, just the command dictionary exists
And a class...
I need some help (C#): I have a function that plays a sound and takes as an argument the name of the sound. Given I can't define a new exception class, which exception should I use if the argument isn't found in the dictionary of loaded sounds?
There are literally hundreds of different ones ;-;
IO exception?
@Mr.Xcoder That's a good start
@Jim I know :)
@ATaco The thing is, the sounds are already loaded an earlier point, so it's not that the file doesn't exist.
Wrong argument
The PlaySound function is doing no IO
Is there no Invalid Argument Exception?
There's an ArgumentException, but there's also an ArgumentOutOfRangeException, and so on.
Why can't I create a new branch in Github?
What happens when you try?
@ToxicFrog I don't have the button to create one, it disappeared.
What happens if you disable adblock?
Adblock (I joined Github today)?
That thing that blocks Google's fake antiviruses, you know
@Mr.Xcoder are you sure you're looking at a repo you own?
@JanDvorak I don't have such a thing
@ToxicFrog It is my own repository
...that said, I've never actually created a branch using github, I just use the git command line tool
@Mr.Xcoder I think I found it -- click the "Branch: master" dropdown, type in the name of the branch you want to create, click "create branch"
@ToxicFrog I'm so dumb, thanks!
Forgive my stupidity :)
your asm was a largest prime divisor finder
I already use ^ and ˆ for power and bitwise XOR, what should I use for logical XOR now?
logical xor is just !=
(The former two must stay the same)
@CensoredUsername Like if True != False, yes...
I actually won't implement it
Because it can also be substituted with & (logical AND) and ¡ (logical NOT) and also with ... so
Ok, gotta sleep now... Bye Zzz
@Mr.Xcoder Good night
hrmm i can't think of stuff to add to my library
@WheatWizard Thanks!
oh hi
how's your new job?
Yeah, forgot to say hi @MDXF
So, Hi!
Sup folks
someone please tell me to start working on the golfing language that I want to make
You can do this!
Start now!
> start working on the golfing language that I want to make
I want to make it in python but I don't know python :|
and for the language design TIO would be pretty much useless so idk how I'd make online-ability
>I want to make it in python but I don't know python :|
print 'You can do it!'
but why
print ' '.join(['You', 'can', 'do', it!'])
Oh that reminds me...
Anyone here familiar with https here?
I use it daily
@CensoredUsername I really need a language that has eval/exec
practically anything that ain't compiled
Like, the internals for ssl
the problem is that I know ~no languages (except JS maybe a little) that aren't compiled
Well... technically python is sort of like a compiled language
but it has eval/exec so it's good for my use (with the problem that out of eval/exec I almost know no python)
meh I'll go with processing / processing.js and ~3 mini transpilers/compilers
@dzaima I've learnt Python in 2 days
It's extremely simple
You should try to use it
I've learned Ruby in Y minutes
Or, use Ruby, because Ruby is better
A lot of it is really similar to other languages, and since the syntax is clean, it's really easy to get a grasp of quickly
But get yourself a good IDE, don't run it on TIO
oh wow python has S transpiler
@dzaima i learned to write golfing language XD
Good IDE => JetBrains
@Mr.Xcoder Python IDLE is gud
IDLE isn't an IDE
Oh god
It's horrendous

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