Hey guys, sorry to interrupt. I was searching the main site to see if a specific challenge already exists but couldn't find one. Perhaps you guys have come across it. It feels so basic that I'm sure someone will have asked it already.
Say you have a wall of words (basically multi-line text). Each character in that text can be characterized by a row and column number (the line number and the distance from the leftmost character on that line). If I give the coordinates of a rectangle (say the upper-left and lower-right coordinates), extract the text contained within the rectangle.
@Mayube I'm not so concerned about what it's called at the moment. I was hoping that someone's already posted a similar challenge so that I could see some creative solutions
@Zaid I don't think anyone has posted it yet, you could always post it yourself. I'd suggest using the sandbox first to make sure it's properly specified, cos it sounds like a pretty decent challenge IMO
@Zaid popularity-contest is a tricky one, because you not only need to have "Your code must do ___", but also "People should vote for the answer that is the most ___"
and no, you can't have "Creative" as that second blank, that's a highway to getting your challenge closed as being too broad
Yes. Popcons tend to be quite popular (I wonder why) because then it's not always about making it really short but using completely outrageous and weird things (depends on the specs though).
the main problem is filling in that second blank I posted above. The "people should vote for the answer that is the most ___"
another problem with popcons is that after a certain amount of time, it's near-impossible to win them
with many golfing challenges somebody could come along a year after the challenge was posted and find a way to do it shorter than any other answers, but with popcons that doesn't work
I think a meta post to clarify the spec requirements of code-bowling would be nice, it's a cool tag and I'd like to see more bowling challenges
(for those too lazy to check, code-bowling is the opposite of code-golf)
Well, I don't think yours should've been dupehammered, but I don't think it makes a good catalog for fibonacci, given that it's not quite fibonacci. I agree with one of the meta suggestions that we should edit the original fibonacci challenge to make it a proper catalog
Oh yeah I still need to do subonacci in Braingolf
it's really awkward because I have to take into account inputs < 3
Write a program that will take (as input) a positive integer. It will then count up from 0, appending each integer to a String, only continuing if the length of the String is less than the value of the input.
A serialized integer is defined as the fully-formed integer with the maximum val...
That feeling when you golf 645529908917543095693194848473365182141641310585344 bytes off a 645529908926937253684695788965635909332404360034079 byte answer
I can say it has the md5 hash of 006f87892f47ef9aa60fa5ed01a440fb and hope that there is a collision in the 45^9394157991500940492270727190763049448735 possible solutions
Lets say your job is to paint poles, and a client asks you to paint a pole with 5 red sections and 3 yellow sections. You can do that pretty easily as follows:
r y r y r y r
With just yellow and red stripes. Now lets say your client asks you to paint a pole with 2 red sections, 2 yellow sect...
Use all your characters!
Your task is to output the largest number possible, using all characters in your language's code page.
Code Page
There are two options when talking about your language's code page:
A predefined code page, such as in Jelly or 05AB1E
If your language doesn't have a pre...
@HyperNeutrino Some of APL's operators are so powerful that they really could be thin-cover'ed into languages of their own. Just Like I already did with two of them; QuadR and QuadS.
@Adám Some of them are derivatives of BF, others I believe are named that way because they are as difficult/unnatural/esoteric as BF. For example JSF - you can do anything in JSF that you could in JS, but it's ridiculous to even try programming in it