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clang question: how do I get the offset of a cursor from its immediate parent? (I have a ref to the parent cursor)
@Dennis Sorry, I've no idea what you're referring to...
euñqual ≈ yingluck?
@Dennis Ah right, thanks
I think my nodea idea might have to be scrapped ;_; because it doesn't work
TFW you get a badge for a question you completely forgot about :P
Q: Output in reversible languages

Wheat WizardA reversible language is a programming language where no operation is capable of destroying information. That means that with the output and a program you can always determine the input provided. This has some interesting implications for IO. For example in Unbalanced the following program "ad...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HyperNeutrinoToggle the box ascii-art code-golf Given a string that is potentially boxed in, toggle the box. This becomes clearer in the test cases and explanation. Input / Output Input Format The input will be either a single string separated by CR, LF, or CRLF, or a list of strings. The input format is ...

Where did the rest of the comments on this question go? I'd assume that a moderator deleted them for being off-topic/too chatty, but shouldn't they have been moved to chat then, or at least been given a notice? And even if they were deleted, that makes the last comment out-of-context and obselete.
I think too chatty just gets deleted not moved to chat
Ah okay.
@HyperNeutrino Sorry, I skipped that one somehow.
Ah okay. That's alright; I was going to delete it but then the link would be a dead link.
Is anyone else having problems with the HNQ list on main? On mobile, clicking the links sometimes just reloads the page for me.
@Dennis Works fine for me (not on mobile)
I have a problem in that there's only 4 PPCG questions on it. Should be 11 or 12.
I don't have any problems on the desktop.
Maybe I'm blind but I don't see a HNQ list on mobile?
Ah, yes, I request the desktop site. Moderating is impossible with the mobile UI.
I just witnessed the bug too.
I've decided to use xTab to limit myself to 20 open tabs
@Dennis Do a meta thing
@PhiNotPi Alright, if it's just just me, I'll post on meta. Assuming nobody else has.
Does anyone remember how many questions need to be asked on a tag before a badge becomes available?
In case anyone else was wondering, I did some digging
its 100
@WheatWizard According to the badge page it's 20, 80 and 200 answers for bronze, silver and gold badges, needing a total score of 100, 400 and 1000 respectively.
So you need an average score of 5 if you have the minimum required number of answers. I don't know if having more answers than the minimum means you are judged on the total score or just the best 20, 80 or 200 answers
@trichoplax I was asking how many questions have to be asked before a question becomes available
@PhiNotPi If you can, please add your browser/OS to my bug report.
I have enough points/answers to get bronze in both and , but have neither badge because they do not exist
@WheatWizard I mixed up questions and answers - sorry. I see now. Where did you find the 100 figure for questions?
Q: What are tag badges? How do they work?

Prasoon SauravMy question is specifically for badges in a particular tag. I've heard that the rules have been changed. How and when can one get bronze, silver and gold badges for a specific tag, say c++? What are the new rules governing these badges?

> A tag must appear on a minimum of 100 questions to be considered for tag badges.
@WheatWizard Thanks - that also answers my other question: It's the total score so a bronze badge could be from 20 answers with score averaging 5, or 100 answers with score averaging 1
Why do I not have Curious?
How do I get past my negative question record? I can't delete any of my negative questions
You make not garbage questions, that's how.
@Phoenix that won't retroactively make his past questions good?
iirc record is calculated as a percentage, ask more positively received questions and your percentage will go up
(total questions - negative questions - closed - deleted)/total questions >= 0.5
Q: Should we change the positive asking record criteria for the Curious badge set?

Jon EricsonPoking around the people's profiles to see how the new activity page looks I keep seeing things like this: It looks strange to have a 25/5 progress on a badge, but the dialog explains that what this user is missing is a positive record of asking. The formula is: (total questions - negative qu...

@Dennis I have the exact same browser/OS versions.
@Mendeleev You can calculate your record here
It looks like you meet the criteria for the badge
I would wait a bit you should receive the badge soon. If you don't receive it in a couple hours you might want to take it up with the meta
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

musicman523What's my ID? code-golf stack-exchange-api Challenge Given the name of a PPCG member, output their PPCG ID number. If the user does not exist, you may report an error or return 0. Test Cases "musicman523" -> 69054 "Dennis" -> 12012 "xnor" -> 20260 "Leaky Nun" -> 48934 "fəˈnɛtɪk" -> 64505 "Jö...

@WheatWizard did you give up on my string reversal challenge?
yeah I almost had it but it would insert extra null characters to fill the last chunk if the string was not divisible by the size.
It was going to be a large undertaking to fix it so I just kind of gave up
@WheatWizard input is guaranteed to not have null bytes so you can just pop null bytes off at the end.
they don't end up on the end
for example
if you had 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
and you chunked with size 3
it would output 7 0 0 4 5 6 1 2 3
Is filtering out zeroes really that hard?
Nvm BF can't determine between empty stack and null so probably.
it can determine using [], its just hard
my algorithm needed to be rewritten or I would have had to done a modulo somewhere
The challenge entertained me long enough that I went to sleep when I finally gave up, so I would say mission acomplished.
Aww, the plan was that you push my challenge to active so I get a free upvote from someone :(
solution: do it in Brain-flak, it will bump the question and I'll upvote your answer.
CMC: remove 0 from an array of non-negative integers
One zero or all zeros?
all zeros
I think
@WheatWizard could I see what you got to?
deleted it
Oh well.
I proto typed in tio and closed the tab when I quit the browser
It you spam ctrl shift t, you can recover TIO code. It saves as a permalink when you close the tab.
That's fine though, I might be better off with my own approach anyway.
Hold on I'm going in
Oh hey fireworks starting
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fireflame241Computers will never taste a refreshing cookie. code-golfkolmogorov-complexitystring Inspired by github.com/JackToaster/Reassuring-Parable-Generator, in turn inspired by xkcd.com/1263. The possible words are derived from the reassuring.cfg of that repository. Having a look at the reassuring....

Oh hey. I just got my 250th bronze badge! :D
@DJMcMayhem Congrats!
No, just PPCG
@DJMcMayhem I figured that
537 network wide
I read silver the first time
Chalenge Idea: Given a String, return its expansion. Every character multiplied the number of times it already appeared. Like abcdaefa becomes abcdaaefaaa.
The nth time a character appears, it gets replaced by n copies of itself.
What do you think ^?
I think it's a dupe
but I can't find it
Nor do I
Q: Why those oppressed quite always become oppressors?

Bach J.-S.Why those who has suffered make others to suffer more later? Which psychological mechanism behind it, and how strong and reliable is the one? And - does not it mean that we're all (I mean our civilization) fated to collapse, as the total volume of evil only increases as the time passes?

Q: Stretch the word

mIllIbyteThe input is a word of lowercase letters not separated by whitespace. A newline at the end is optional. The same word must be output in a modified version: For each character, double it the second time it appears in the original word, triple it the third time etc. Example input: bonobo Examp...

@Dennis thanks
@Dennis How did you find it so fast?
I searched for Jelly, 4 bytes user:me.
@Dennis Well, you tend to do everything in 4 bytes, so you still had to search a lot.
It's the second result, actually. codegolf.stackexchange.com/…
In reference to Let's allow newer languages/versions for older challenges, does this mean it's now kosher to golf my old submissions using more-recent language features? That's the logical conclusion, but it still feels weird, so I'm asking for confirmation.
Yes, but that's been lucky... You have ~75 answers there containing "Jelly, 4 bytes"
@DLosc IMHO, if you use that for other challenges as well and haven't designed that built-in specifically for that challenge, you can use it.
so after some time in sandbox, what do you guys think of this?
@V.Courtois I think it is overcomplicated.
again this!?
@V.Courtois ?
Aren't complicated challenge a niche or sth?
@V.Courtois Not really. Complicated challenges tend to be ignored.
Oh :( but these are the most interesting
You'll prolly only get an answer to the really tricky ones with a bounty.
@V.Courtois Ì think I understood what you were saying. Were you referring to this comment: "KISS. This is far more complicated than common sense would require. Deliberately overcomplicating things to make it "more difficult" is a guaranteed method to make a bad question.", by Peter Taylor?
@V.Courtois I like complex challenges, but there's a difference between complex and (over)complicated. Complex is deep and interesting, complicated is "Oh man, sixteen weird corner cases I have to handle??" (I haven't looked at your sandbox post yet, so I don't have a judgment on which category it falls into.)
Q: Why those oppressed quite always become oppressors?

Bach J.-S.Why those who has suffered make others to suffer more later? Which psychological mechanism behind it, and how strong and reliable is the one? And - does not it mean that we're all (I mean our civilization) fated to collapse, as the total volume of evil only increases as the time passes?

why was this posted here and why was it tagged king of the hill
@Mr.Xcoder cc: @Phoenix This is a shame, IMO. If a challenge is good-complex, it deserves attention, and any answers that it does get deserve a lot of upvotes (provided they come with some form of explanation).
@DestructibleLemon Because the user has no idea what this site is and didn't bother to read the huge title "Programming Puzzles and Code Golf"
why did they tag it king of the hill though
@DLosc I completely agree. I should have way more rep for my complex challenges, they took effort to write. :P
@DLosc Yes, complex challenges IMO should be the most appreciated ones (and their answers), but overcomplicated ones should be ignored and downvoted to oblivion, if you ask me.
did they come here with the intention tag it king of the hill? did they type king, then pick that one? did they just pick a random tag?
@DestructibleLemon I think it was one of the suggestion (like Pick at least one tag (KOTH number string))
o ok
also idea for a koth
chess knights with fog of war
you can only see the contents of spaces you have moved on
maybe the spaces visibility decays over time as well
I like
@DLosc Hopefully we will award great answers here, I see you have joined as well.
Wrapping grid maybe?
ok, how about this
spaces you visited from the last 5 moves are visible
3 knights to start with
you move all knights at the same time
@Phoenix do you like this idea?
also you should probably be able to tell players distinctly
@PeterTaylor You will get my bounty in ~2 hours :)
so you can tell who has been where
I'm thinking it is massive multiplayer
@DestructibleLemon I don't think it should decay, it could allow for strategy to evolve over time.
@Phoenix I think it does evolve, but perhaps otherwise you just get people filling in one space constantly or something?
also should there be a null move?
also scoring should be an important point
Last man standing
I'm not so keen on that
Idea: No decay until an enemy captures the tile's vision by stepping on it, then three turns.
hmm, this idea won't really work that well...
another idea: rooks with the same thing
trying to make an illegal move kills you
@Mr.Xcoder yeah i was, as I referred to it yesterday
@DLosc in fact it's a parsing problem, that is difficult to test because it involves random.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mr. XcoderCompare the densities of my numbers You will be given two positive integers N and M, your task is to compare their densities. How to determine how dense a number is (e.g: N=267)? Split it into separate digits: 267 -> 2, 6, 7 Count them: 2, 6, 7 -> 3 Sum them: 2 + 6 + 7 = 15 Divide the sum by ...

CMC: given a positive number, find the first multiple of it whose decimal notation is matched by the regex /9+0*/
@Mego too long
@LeakyNun Is that possible for all positive numbers?
@DLosc yes
hint: Fermat little theorem
and taking some special considerations for multiples of 2 or 5
CMC: Given a positive integer N, divide N by its last non-zero digit.
@Mr.Xcoder 5300 -> ?
@LeakyNun Please don't repeatedly ping me, as you often do while improving a solution I wrote. I'm quite busy, and pings are distracting.
400 -> 400 / 4 = 100.0
81   -> 81  / 1  = 81.0
5300 -> 5300 / 3 = 1766.6666
@Mr.Xcoder floats...
How fast...
@Mr.Xcoder cheddar: n->n/n.digits.filter((:+)).last
CMC: As described in my Sandbox post, given a positive integer, find its density.
@LeakyNun Invalid, you have to handle floats
@Mr.Xcoder "given a positive integer"
alright, just change // to /
Yes, 131 -> 5 / 3 = 1.666666666
Anyway, good solution 👍🏽
@LeakyNun Should I change it, such that one has to floor the densities (hence no complications about decimal precision would occur)???
@Mr.Xcoder no idea
I think I will I did it.
Too many VTCs today :/
I'm sorry I'm bothering you again with this, but I really wanna do something with that challenge >_< I don't want to change the complexity of the challenge, but I do want people to give it a try. Will a sentence at the end like Please do not be discouraged the parsing is hard in your language, your solution might be very interesting algorithmically, not obviously in terms of golfing. help people give it a try ?
hi all
hi @V.Courtois
I just read the comments on your question
if Peter Taylor suggests something I would listen to him
he is a guru
I understand but why
I lack this information
Why won't people try to do a hard challenge?
ohI think he was saying that it would better to start with a simpler challenge and build up from there
we do have very hard challegnes
but maybe not ones that are so complicated
yeah! that's why
if you see the difference
it's not that hard
what was really about?
it's actually quite hard to understand the question.. let me read it again carefully
"The chances of getting a lennyface is proportional to the sum of all the numbers on the lines "above" it (see the example below), with a minimum of 1."
what does that mean? probabilities are between 0 and 1
The "chances "
1 out of total
would "cannot be null" be clearer?
oh so it's 1/(sum of all the numbers on the lines "above" it) ?
look at all
if u have "1 face1 2 face2"
if you mean "1 divided by the sum of all the numbers on the lines above it" then I would rewrite it like that
1/3 for face1 and 2/3 for face2
Q: How to Compare Waterfall VS Incremental VS Spiral VS ROD Software Development Model?

user71043How we can compare Waterfall VS Incremental VS Spiral VS ROD Software Development Model ? in following categories Planning in early stage Handle Large-Project Detailed Documentation Software House size Cost Time-Frame Framework Type Requirement Specifications Working software Availability Ob...

@Lembik that's not it
so "cannot be zero" maybe?
"A list of lennyfaces and numbers (positive AND negative integers)." Is it actually a list or is it a sequence of lines separated by new line characters?
(I still don't understand what probability you want but I will come back to that)
U are right, I do not say it
it is newlines
@Mr.Xcoder APL: {⍵÷⊃⌽0~⍨⍎¨⍕⍵}
ok so can you explain " 38/42 chances of outputting └[⸟‿⸟]┘" ?
where does the 38 come from?
it seems to be the sum of the numbers above it
but you told me that was wrong
u said : 1/(sum of all the numbers on the lines "above" it)
it is : (sum of all the numbers on the lines "above" it)/(sum of all)
ok why is does TOTALOFTHECHANCES = 42 ?
@LeakyNun APL: ~∘0
count :)
it seems to equal 33
@Adám nice
oh..34-4+8... why did you ignore the 2?
34-4+8/TOTALOFTHECHANCES... 2 is also above it
but isn't in your sum
directly above
in what sense is 2 not directly above?
if u have "1 face1 2 face2" -> 1/3 for face1 and 2/3 for face2
I think you mean between two faces
the sum of the integers above the current face but below the nearest face above
"since the previous face"
basically it's really badly written
I suggest you start again
XD you are right.
this is what you should do. An input creates a probability mass function f. f(i) tells us the probability that lenny face i should be shown
then define f carefully
You think I should define it mathematically?
Though it is not the complexity of the challenge?
you just need to define it unambiguously
it doesn't matter how
it is ambiguous or just incorrect currently
but the challenge has two parts as far as I can tell. a) Create a probability mass function from an input by parsing b) sample from the probability mass function
at the moment a) is not well defined
I will add this as a comment
I'm rewriting it!
great :)
you will learn to love the sandbox :)
some people will complain that it is really two different challenges. Some people on ppcg like a question to be about only one thing. So they will say that a) and b) should be different challenges
I personally don't care :)
@V.Courtois where in the question do use that the list wraps around?
oh I see.. that's in your definition of what is between two faces?
It's badly said
Unclear ya know~
yes :)
But i don't know what to compare with. A ring? a circle? a circular buffer?
yaaay I've got code golf hammer :D
Is it called parsing in my case @Lembik ?
"You will have to extract a probability mass function from an input you will have to parse, read the rules for more details."
I think so
> Maltheism (from "mal" meaning bad, or illness, and theism, from... well, theism) is the idea that God is just out to get us and that he or she or it is malicious, like a kid who keeps removing the pool ladders in The Sims
like our friend donald .....
don't be afraid to say t....ono who am I kidding :/
I rewrote the rules
I didn't touch test cases though
The title has to change, too.
Though i don't know how.
I'll try to take a look later
Thanks for all
@V.Courtois "Firstly, you will have to parse this input; secondly, you will have to extract a probability mass function from the parsed input. "
that doesn't seem right
you forgot that part about sampling from the probability mass function
"If (sum of all numbers since the previous lennyface) is equal to zero or negative, [...]" Will the probabilities always sum to 1?
if not it's not a probability mass function
@V.Courtois I see it doesn't have a negative score anymore :P
Also it's First and Second not Firstly and Secondly :)

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