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Hey, I need ideas for 9 monads for MY, the list of the commands I have thought of is here: https://bitbucket.org/zacharyjtaylor/my-language/src/04abed761cfb87c5a6965a415192c3368138270a/commands.txt?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default
Any ideas?
Oh, duh, sorting.
@ZacharyT Averages?
Yeah, I'm updating my list to include sorting first ... (How did I forget THAT)
@ZacharyT Bitwise negation (~x) would be useful
Also base-256 conversion
Okay, got 5 monadic commands left. These sound good?
Reciprocal, Average, Mode, Median, StandardDeviation?
Those all sound useful
(I'll have FF extend the number of commands, that way if I forgot something really essential, I can add it costing only one byte)
XD you can log into GitLab with GitHub account
Oh, SHOOT, maximum and minimum. I feel stupid.
@zachary t how about the quartiles?
though you only need to add two more quartiles, because max, min, and median are already there
I've already got my bytes, I'll definitely add those to my FF extensions.
maybe you can condense some of the commands that operate on different datatypes
Bitwise negation not working on lists, can be merged with minimum, for example
I've merged reverse for datatypes (sortof, reverses numbers in addition to strings and arrays)
How do those monads look?
just do a bunch of merging for anything like that
What do you suggest I merge? (I want things to make some sense)
I don't know... but it would save bytes if you change errors into just different behaviour
do you have a +1 to every element?
0x45 - Pop ⍵; Push a random item from ⍵ [Does not vecify]
0x46 - Pop ⍵; Push randint(1,⍵)
easily merged?
also maybe it should be randint(0, ⍵)
Nah, 1 will be the default Index Origin.
well, if you want to generate a random bit, it will be annoying
One extra byte. Argument 2, then decrement.
I might modify it so you can do 00 46 (that way descending will work as well)
do you have a push 1 if truthy else 0 command?
also, you can merge 45 and 46?
Yeah, 3B
I might need a monad to find the indexes of all truthy elements.
What if you need multiple random numbers?
I have two 6C & 6D atoms... lol
Lua's RnG makes me sad.
How so?
If a randomseed is not specified, a pre-defined machine-specific one is used.
Do any other languages do that?
Languages like Java, (I think Python), and such will use a different seed each execution if one isn't specified.
is it always the same seed?
But Lua always uses the same seed.
this is the kinda thing I expect from php
(In some implementations, this is fixed, but in official implementations, this is not the case)
Well ... PHP ... we sort of expect it from PHP.
On my computer, print(math.random()) always produces 0.001251220703125
The normal work around is to use math.randomseed(os.time()), but that still causes a 1 second space in which re-running the program will use the same seed.
Because Lua has no way to get the time in any higher precision than Seconds, although you can get the delta time in MS.
>_> why don't you use os.whateveritistogetmilliseconds. oh I got ninja'd
math.randomseed(os.time() * os.time() + os.time()) or something overly complicated?
@ATaco >_> this is bizarre
That still only offers second precision.
Because across all executions within the same second, will have the same value.
I have found a solution to this problem however!
Tables and functions use a Unique ID that is not generated within lua, and uses some other Undocumented RnG.
Seems ... hacky.
Very hacky.
My particular hack is math.randomseed(os.time() + tonumber("0x"..tostring({}):match("table: (.*)")))
I use os.time() because the range of numbers that a table's UID can be is (relatively speaking), small.
Yeah, is it just me, or does Lua seem a lot like JS for some reason?
JS was inspired partially by Lua.
Oh ... prototype OOP.
Lua kindof has prototype OOP.
It has Metatables, which are worse.
I've achieved equivalent results via a function between Lua and JS.
function point(x,y)
  obj = {}
  obj.x = x
  obj.y = y
  return obj
Lua is still my favourite language for rapidly prototyping though.
nope python 4 lyfe
function point(x,y) {
var obj = {};
obj.x = x;
obj.y = y;
return obj;
Anyone use a static lang for rapid prototyping? Or is that not a thing?
Python: fast prototyping but still has random without hacks
nah tbh I don't even know what prototyping mrans
I use JavaScript and/or Python and/or D for rapid prototyping.
local obMeta = {}
obMeta.__index = obMeta

function obMeta:constructor(x,y)
	self.x = x
	self.y = y

function obMeta:__tostring()
	return "x: "..self.x.." y: "..self.y

function Obj(...)
	local ob = setmetatable({}, obMeta)
	if ob.constructor then
	return ob

print(Obj(3, 4))
Q: 12 hour time conversion

pudilityChallenge Convert and print out a time in a 12-hour format. HH:MM AM/PM Examples Input: 'Fri Jun 30 2017 21:14:20 GMT-0700 (PDT)' 'Sat Jun 31 2018 08:06:20 GMT-0700 (PDT)' 'Fri Jul 01 2017 01:14:20 GMT-0700 (PDT)' 'Sat Apr 10 2020 09:06:20 GMT-0700 (PDT)' Ouput: 09:14 PM 08:06 AM 01:14 ...

@DestructibleLemon Rapid Prototyping means producing fast dirty low quality code to try out ideas or solve a simple problem.
python ftw then
Yeah. My main lang there is D, to be honest.
@ZacharyT Do you mean a statically typed language? Does Nim count?
Looks like Python but compiles to C and is statically typed
Yeah, I think Nim would count.
I haven't used it as much as I'd like as I've been distracted by JavaScript projects, but from what I tried it seems fast to write and fast to run, with compile time error detection. I'm definitely going to be using it more once I get round to it
(although it's not for tab users...)
What are tab users?
People who prefer tabs to spaces
Let me guess, nim hates tabs>
It has a few unusual ways of avoiding errors, like making variable names nearly case insensitive, and forbidding tabs. Won't be popular with everyone...
Forces you to indent (like python) but won't let you do it with tabs. I use an editor that converts tabs to spaces and it doesn't bother me too much
Right now I'm downloading about 50 GB of Arch Linux
That's why I use D, no ugly indention mess required.
(still, sucks for code golf)
I use Lua because the syntax only sometimes matters.
(And it's always when it's least golfy)
1end doesn't work because of hex, ... that's just ... odd.
	local p = print
	function print(...)
		return print

print "Hello."
      "Is it me you're looking for?"
getmetatable("").__call = print

("Hello,")"World" -- PERFECTLY VALID
"Hello,"("World") -- WRONG, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!!
Ruby > Lua
Lua > Ruby
Give me a major software written in Lua
Lua = Ruby
Lua was released 1993, Ruby was released 1995. Lua > Ruby
@Mendeleev Cry Engine
seriously, GitHub, Discourse, Shopify, etc. are written in Ruby
@ATaco That's not written in it. It just uses Lua for scripting
A majority of it is further written in Lua.
Q: Record of OEIS on PPCG

Olm manThe OEIS is a great resource, and a lot of challenges on PPCG are based on or around sequences that are included on the OEIS. I thought it might be a good idea to compile a list of sequences that have challenges. This could be useful for a number of reasons. You could use the list to check if...

Q: "must include at least one of..." - possible issue

pudilityI am trying to submit a question to code-golf and it gives me the following message: it will not let me continue without selecting one of those tags. Is there a reason for this? Is it a bug?

Is it possible there may be more than one useful programming language?
Stop arguing. Jelly is superior.
Both languages are pretty ugly really.
But we love them.
Most useless CAPTCHA
Most easily OCR'd captcha
Also, that's a lot of effort to prove me wrong.
I believed you. I just wanted to learn more about it
I was just on that page
That's fair, it's a fairly nice engine, if a bit poorly optimised.
The CAPTCHA might be measuring the typing speed rather than being based solely on getting the number right
that is not assuring
That's essentially the same idea behind the modern "Checkbox" Captcha.
They should have CAPTCHAs with simple floating point addition
@trichoplax but then the verifier would fail
Prove you are human: 0.1 + 0.2
Well, if the answer is correct, you know they're a bot.
floating point addition: something stringly typing can be useful for...
@ATaco make a bot that answers ans+0.01
OK, here's a random question: Why is it impossible to buy a GPU for the real MSRP? a GTX 1070 should cost 400$, but no matter how hard I search, I can only find places charging six, seven, eight, even up to nine hundred for them. It doesn't make sense
I think that might be called the hdmi effect
I don't know. it should be anyway
@DestructibleLemon You mean where some places charge like 30-40$ for a high end HDMI cable that's literally the exact same thing?
@DJMcMayhem Hdmi effect: thing gets its price inflated because technology is expensive magic
Make a Captcha that: is randomly called Syncronously/ASyncronously, and randomly fails with no concernable reason. That'll really piss off people trying to write bots.
@ATaco s/trying.*$//
What does the s/... even mean??
Well if it's something like account creation, it won't really bother them for long.
@ZacharyT Sed, it's Regex match and replace.
@ATaco same for bots?
@DJMcMayhem Blame the miners
So is there anywhere I could get a GTX 1070 for <500$?
Brick and mortar store?
Hmmm. I was always under the impression that those were way more, but I guess I can give it a shot
I have an idea for a language but I need some help designing it. Anyone care to join me?
Stop. Just, stop. Please.
This'll get trashed.
13 messages moved to Trash
The kittens were fine. But then it became excessive after the kittens.
sorry guys
@DJMcMayhem You should have left the kittens
Why'd you get rid of the cats??
<insert lolcode here>
They should allow a room owner to un-move messages, just in case something was accidentally trashed. In my opinion, that is.
Also annoyingly enough, my laptop's WiFi won't connect so I can't work on my chess chat bot >.<
plug in a cable
@HyperNeutrino make an arimaa option as well!
o good idea
but wait I think my dad messed up something when trying to make my computer not be allowed on WiFI after 22h30; I think he was bad at time
I'm going to mirror ALL the Arch Linux
@HyperNeutrino how
how did he do that?
explain please
router has table of allowed MAC addresses
@HyperNeutrino At least your parents are competent enough to try!
my dad's a programmer lol
@HyperNeutrino Oh. thanks
@HyperNeutrino You lucky duck.
My dad's a programmer, but I just redid the home network, so he knows very little about it
I never had an internet curvew
oh whoops I didn't plug the ethernet switch into the router lol
Yeah, everyone I know except for a few people are incompetent as crap w/ computers, so I get away with a lot of stuff ...
It's fun
Such as my school lol. They tried banning cmd.exe but this works as a batch file :P
darnit cannot remember crosh commands rip
my dad blocks me from the internet but doesn't know he is doing it
because he put it on a while ago
1. how are you on internet
2. how does he not know
3. why you not tell him now then
but he never turned it off
@HyperNeutrino I did tell him but he doesn't believe
@HyperNeutrino MAC spoofing ftw
Yeah, the incompetent idiots at my school disabled cmd.exe, successfully.
But, they let you use powershell.
They tried disabling most `.exe`'s, they allow them to be run from the HOME DRIVE and flash drives.
oh wait no chat commands because idiocy
why would they disable .exe s
doesn't that break things
I mean except for a few necessary ones.
Are JavaScript lists a lot faster than Python lists, by any chance?
oh ok
What do you mean by faster?
I've got Python and GDC and MinGW on my school drive ...
not sure, but the same code, which I have, that builds a list of primes, gets me them a lot faster in JS than in Python
Your algorithm might be more optimized for one of the languages, but it may also depend on how you're running them.
I could netboot my school laptop into Arch Linux, then mount my flash drive (tiny thing) as root, do a switch_root, and then use Arch
I could even sleep and stuff
Beauty of it was that there was no trace on disk
I like how we are all freely discussing how we are getting around our schools' restrictions.
That's why I want the USB distro.
@HyperNeutrino Here's the JS code, it's basically the same in Python: github.com/stestoltz/cQuents/blob/master/interpreter.js#L10
Hence all the restrictions.
yeah but schools restriction is: "NO HAX!!!!111111!!!1" disables cmd
@ZacharyT just install Arch on your flash drive like you would on any hard drive
@HyperNeutrino I'm I was homeschooled, so I can do w/e :P
@ZacharyT Just finished up a summer course at a local community college, I had Matlab R2016a and Maple 2016 on my drive, so that was cool
@StepHen Welcome to the club! :)
@StepHen Assuming your parents are actually intelligent, you lucky duck.
But it was an English course so I didn't really get to use them... :P
@DestructibleLemon lol true
is it just me, or does it seem like lots of PPCGers (of hs age) are/were homeschooled?
I have another way to get around my school's restrictions.
It's called bring my laptop to school and use it.
@DJMcMayhem Higher than average percentage :P
Because I'm fed up with using Windows, especially whatever version my school uses.
Yeah, my school has no CS course other than one lead by the most incompetent teacher ever.
I think they still haven't upgraded to Windows 7 yet.
Better than our sh*t school ... WE USE WINDOWS 8!
I've heard... Bad things about our ICS course. :P
Ew win8 is bad
At least stick to 7 because of Aero or use 10 because why not
also mac spoof not work rip
I took the AP Comp Sci Exam alone, hoping to get a 5 so I get cred for doing absolutely nothing :p\
@ZacharyT s/ 8// and you have basically the same thing tbh
it's all windows
What do you mean by 5
Wait, is there any reason ya'll can't just bring in your own laptops and mess around with them during comp class?
@DJMcMayhem You, me, Riker and Stephen at least
does windows 8 randomly demand rebooting?
Uh what Why did it reset my mac address
spoof did not spoof
Highest score possible on AP tests.
@HyperNeutrino well
Oh you were talking about AP12 test
@ZacharyT Took that exam in May, it was so stinking easy
you have to disable internet connection while keeping wifi power on
on mac, you have to hold alt while clicking the wifi thing
@StepHen Yeah. Absolute same. I really wish they still had Comp Sci AB, that looked actually challenging.
also it only works when you're connecting. trying to output the address doesn't display the new one
(@Least more than CSA)
I just use sudo ifconfig wlan0 hw ether [insert mac address]
@ZacharyT My school district accidentally signed me up for AP Computer Science Principles, barely got that switched in time :P
I just use ctrl-r sudo
then it is the first thing that shows up
@StepHen What is that?
@Mendeleev It's like general computer stuff and ethics and whatnot instead of actual comp sci
it doesn't work when wifi is on so i need to shut off the interface first
@Mendeleev So you can't get out of any college courses with it (usually)
@StepHen Oh
but then when the first connection attempt fails, it resets it
Yeah. Our school district is complete crap. They think they're the best in the state on test scores ... well ... they don't offer Alg I to 7th graders. Seriously. dumb
what is alg I, is it hs course?
Algebra 1.
@StepHen ew sounds gross. what's computers without a bit of trolling other people? :P
@HyperNeutrino It can count for HS credits, but if you're good at math you can take it in 6th, 7th, 8th grade
The primary school I used to go to tried to make kids mandatorially make donations now
@DestructibleLemon I thought that was what taxes were for 0.o
I suppose making sure only the smartest students take the test is one way to make sure the school's scores are highest in the state :P
it mostly worked I think
@StepHen taxes and school payments too, I thought
also they like getting the kids to do jobs for them
Yeah, I got lucky and took PreCalculus and Alg II in the same year

(meme incoming) I AM NUMBER ONE!
@StepHen well rip, I wasn't allowed to take any hs courses in grade 8-. it took me like 3 months just to skip grade 9 math and get them to not be dumb. I think I was one of the last people allowed to skip and then they stopped letting people skip
Well I give up trying, Chromebooks are fine I guess.
@ZacharyT I took Saxon, so Geometry was in Alg I and Alg II, and then I took Advanced Math which is Trig and Pre Clac, and then I spent 3 years slogging through Calc, just to (I think) flop the AP Test :P joys of not having a math teacher
We USED to allow 7th grade Alg I. But our sh*t school had to rearrange.
CMC: What was your SAT/ACT score if you took it?
I took the ACT and got--wait, aren't we not allowed to share our scores publicly?
@ZacharyT so... basically they brag about the fact that they only allow kids that already figured out these things on their own to participate
I've never heard that
@DestructibleLemon What are you saying?
I don't know
"I don't know" on both chats ... lol
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, I can't find anything about it online, other than "should you share your ACT score, and with who?"
So... what happens if you try to make a second repository with the same name as another repository in Github, because I'm about to try it
Anyway, I got 35 on the ACT
The world'll explode.
@ETHproductions Damn
I got 31
But I know several people who got 35
wtf I didn't even spoof my MAC and it works now
@HyperNeutrino fun
I think router was just being dumb
Damn. My projection is around 27 or something.
because I just rebooted it
haha, when I went back to the tab I had just looked that up in I found this:
(I'm not Liam btw)
are you sure
> yes thats right we need to make the no thanks button into a passive aggressive attack on your worth
-- every advice-giving website ever
I think there was an xkcd? IDK
ok wtf when I spoof my mac address to a device that works, it disconnects, then when I unspoof, it works again. is having multiple devices on the same mac address bad?
well brb, i'm going to take my chromebook off the router.
@HyperNeutrino probably
@DestructibleLemon xkcd.com/1174?
who starred the fact that an xkcd existed?
No one :P
... wow, there really exists an XKCD for everything.
hey I think it worked
@ZacharyT I did that
God bless XKCD
@ATaco no don't
@Mendeleev What grade are you in (prepares self)
Oh, okay.
@ATaco Amen
@ZacharyT 9th
Going into 10th
@DJMcMayhem *ramen
@DJMcMayhem That's not bad at all tho, I think that puts you in like the top 4%
internal screaming
@DestructibleLemon DJMcRamen
but nowadays you need top 0.00001% to have a 0.000001% chance of getting into like a grocery store cashier because it's so competitive ><
Does your school offer Physics to sophomores though ... :)
@HyperNeutrino Really? I applied to a grocery store for cashier when I was 16, and the interview was "this is what you'll be doing when you work here"
@ZacharyT No traditional classes - but the school I was going to go to before this one opened had Physics for freshmen too
I was going to take it
@Mendeleev You rang? :P
louder internal screaming
@HyperNeutrino I was going to say there's an xkcd for that, but I'm just remembering an image I saw several times on imgur
@DJMcRamen Seems like you liked that so much, you changed your username to fit it
@Mendeleev hmm, you wouldn't have thought he would notice?
Oh god no, are name changes happening again..?
@DestructibleLemon O___________________________o
I should call myself Noodleev
No, go back to wat.
wat no
is this going to turn into a pastafarian room?
I agree, go back to wat.
I said I wouldn't change my username until 2018
@Mendeleev the suspense
@ATaco It's less professional
@DJMcRamen @Mego Sorry to bother you.
@DestructibleLemon Thank you
@HyperNeutrino 0/10 just a white page when javascript is turned off.
@ZacharyT I used to be Dmitry Kudriavtsev on here
@EinkornEnchanter ooo new image. but yeah probably depends strongly on js
You can probably guess what that name is
@HyperNeutrino Perhaps use Google's tool to determine how well the site is designed for mobile? I'll see if I can find it
Well anyway I have to go now. Bye people o/ and please no more stupid old jokes >.<
I'm just thinking of making my username ý.
@ZacharyT It's gotta be at least 3 characters though
please fix
I think diacritics count as a character
ý is one char
@ZacharyT I don't know
You can do y and a compounding diacritic
If you want you can also put horizontal tabs in your username, they contribute to the count but don't show up
I'd need one more.
the only caveat is they need to be between two non whitespace characters
ýýý will be it if I change my username (Zacharý T. is how I write my name sometimes)
You could make your username ýý or even chose a small character and do something like ý.
> this website is [...]
must not make bad joke
They're prob. Francophones.
do [y] with diacritic and brackets
(If I change it, I'll make it Zacharý, probably)
Aw man, TestMySite has had some serious Google-ification done to it since the last time I used it... before they would give you a few tips on how to improve the site and include a link to send you more info, now they just say "Your site does so-and-so well. It's slower than this other site. Click here to get your report (and occasional emails with helpful tips on how to improve my online presence, mainly advertisements for other Google products and services)"

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