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My top-voted post is in Lua, which is by no means a golfy language.
But it was outperformed and beaten by V... Because it was Kolmov...
@ATaco mine wordfuck. an un golfing language.
SPL often scores well, probably because it's a nightmare to program in.
@ATaco mine is invalid...
@Mendeleev why? scratch
@Uriel Incorrect scoring system
Also it's anti-aliased, but that's not a huge deal.
"sudoku solver" pastebin.com/1mPdgZgg (plz dont click if your RAM is small or your internet plan is limited)
I'm using the "tokenized" scoring system that I've sued with all my previous scratch answers, but apparently the site has switched over to the scratchblocks2 scoring system
@betseg But.. why?
I wrote one of those recently!
@betseg What is that?
"sudoku solver"
@betseg You said that, but it seems a bit long, and your quotation marks seem to indicate that it isn't just a normal one.
it looks like the one who wrote it spent more time than I did for all my PCCG answers combined
it doesnt solve, it's just a bunch of if statements
@betseg you crashed my browser -_-
tbf, i did warn
@Uriel I have a feeling it was partially machine generated.
@Adám in that case there shouldn't have been all of this boilerplate.
Oh hey, that crashed my browser too!
Yay! Java!
CMC: Write a sudoku solver. builtins disallowed.
searches for mathematica builtin
Singaporean prime minister's sudoku solver: drive.google.com/file/d/0B2G2LjIu7WbdUzY4UWw3MWp6UXc/…
that's a pretty good program for being written by a prime minister
looking at it more closely, what the hell
this is harder to read than many golfing languages
I like the one single comment near the top.
i wrote one that used a greedy
it's like a lot of humans, it can solve easy ones
I had a solution that would, when it couldn't work it out, just start guessing at random, but it broke.
@totallyhuman + 'algorithm'
They used algorithms and coding to keep the drone from crashing into walls!
stupid edit time limit >_>
I often use algorithms and coding to prevent myself from running into other humans.
user image
const int ONES = 0x3fe; // Binary 1111111110
@Zwei const int ONE = 0x1; // Binary 1
I use electricity and neurotransmitters to prevent myself from running into other humans.
That sounds lame you should use coding and algorithms
I realised that my bf implementation had a bug! but luckily noone was interested enough in compiler chain to have used it yet :?
Random question: Alex has made contributions to the Julia code base, right?
@PhiNotPi He works for Julia now! Has been for a few months.
Oh okay, I guess I must have missed the whole "employee" thing.
@DestructibleLemon You wouldn't have had a bug if you made your source more accessible 😢
@ATaco 😤 it is on github
@DestructibleLemon I told you my thoughts on Python well and truly before you started writing it.
😤 There still would have been a bug because I got rid of it anyway and it was there and it didn't affect anything and this would have been the same in js etc.
😤 I didn't even need to have it error to realise there was a bug I just realised it
>>> "🌕">"🐍"
>>> "🌕"<"🐍"
anyway @ATaco it is working now. however I thought maybe we should add in randomness because randomness is a fun feature
@ATaco what does 🌕 stand for?
anyway @ATaco this organisation is more so you can add new compilers easily
without me having to accept a billion pull requests
@DestructibleLemon how
@betseg lua ~ luna
it is some sort of root word thing?
🌊 > ∀ a ∈ U - {🌊}
@betseg I can't technically forbid you but I doubt I'd pick it up xD :P
and calling cross continents is expensive
@ATaco do you want to do compiler chain things please?
@Uriel Moon, AKA, Lua
0.o 501 hotness points
@Christopher oh, you passed 1K rep!
@betseg for the 2nd time
@Christopher What if L is called with <5 lines of text in the buffer?
@HyperNeutrino heck if I know
let me figure it out
@LegionMammal978 :D
um, same for me
@Christopher <line>','<column>'>' ???
Do you mean [line],[column]>?
@HyperNeutrino pls don't hurt me
I think so?
If you find errors pls fix it I am bad at fixing problems
May 14 at 16:58, by DJMcMayhem
@flawr Baby, don't hurt me
@HyperNeutrino opps wrong message place
how do you make a random integer command into a random bits thing?
@DJMcMayhem Why would you every say ^^
like if I wanted to make a randint function while only using random.randint(0,1) in the definition?
ed doesn't behave anything like the challenge description with my version, so I can't help much :(
@Christopher Because stars
I need to know this.
@DestructibleLemon sum([random.randint(0, 1) for i in range(max - min + 1)]) + min
@DJMcMayhem Dammit you came way to fast. I needed time to leave
I'm literally always in TNB
It's not uniform though.
@DJMcMayhem You don't sleep either?
For the record, the message DJ was replying to was this:
May 14 at 16:57, by flawr
Question: what is love?
@HyperNeutrino that is correct. i do indeed partake in the activity us humans refer to as *sleeping*.
yeah I wanted unifomity I guess. I guess the only way is the old keep generating until it is in range?
i am a normal human typing with my normal human hands
No XKCD reference in TNB </sarcasm>
@DJMcMayhem some messages are best left to be read when you leave
@DJMcMayhem r/totallynotrobots
"i do indeed partake" yet you agreed to my statement that you don't sleep CONTRADICTION waoh
r/totallyhuman (hint)
@DestructibleLemon Huh? What?
to generate a randint(0,9): generate 4 bits. if it is 9 or lower, that is the result. otherwise, generate another 4 bits
Is that uniform though? Sounds uniform to me at least.
@HyperNeutrino it is uniform, its just it has a maximum time of infinity
oh ok
What if your range is (0,32] for example? Then you'd have an almost 50% failure rate. Shouldn't affect performance too much but it would still not be very efficient. Then again, still probably would end up being more efficient than my approach :P
@HyperNeutrino 0 to 31?
I think you need both sides in there
Well [0,32] works too.
Not [0,31]/[0,32) because then that doesn't involve the error I was talking about.
For [0,32]/(0,32], if the first bit is 1, then all of the other bits must be 0.
the ol' vegas approach.
also does (0... indicate 0 is included?
It indicates that it's excluded.
() is exclusive, [] is inclusive.
well, (0, 32] can be generated by generating a random 5 bits perfectly
but if the first bit is 1, then the others all have to be 0.
Otherwise it will regenerate.
no, you just generate [0, 32) then add 1
Fine. Then what about [0,33]?
yes that is bad
I mean, for small numbers, it shouldn't be much of a problem, because the failure rate is a bit below 50%.
But for larger numbers it may take some time.
I have made it so you can generate random base n digits in my lang for n in [0, 256)
What's the language?
simple bf derivative, but with interactive io and randomness
Ah I see.
it is for the compiler chain
I'm not putting it on esolangs
this may interest you.
it all reduces down to regular bf in the end
@HyperNeutrino sorta similar. however that project focuses on extending, and the ends of the chain, this focuses on the links of the chain
Ah okay.
and the differences between them
Also I need to hardcode [-] and [+] to zero a cell because with infinite bounds, it would take forever to actually zero a cell that's on the wrong side of 0.
I'm looking for a new programming language to learn. Not for golfing, or work, but for casual everyday personal use. Right now I've basically been using Java for everything. There are some things I like about Java vs. Perl or Python (stronger typing, etc.) but at the same time there's lots of things I don't like (verbosity, inflexibility, awkwardness at doing lots of things that would otherwise be built-in to a scripting language, etc.). Any suggestions for a language to learn?
I suggest Python, personally. It's fairly easy to use and its syntax makes sense, and although it's weakly-typed, it's not very verbose, it's flexible and portable across platforms, it has a lot of builtins (no more doing System.out.println :P), and it has a lot more syntactical sugar.
@HyperNeutrino no, there is an algo that makes them zero them
I've basically reached the point where no language I know satisfies me, which is what's compelling me to find a new language to adopt.
@DestructibleLemon how so?
@PhiNotPi lisp!
@HyperNeutrino do this
so, you have a tmp var
@PhiNotPi So, you like Java's strong typing but like Python's flexibility and conciseness?
I guess you could try successively adding/subtracting larger increments until it's 0
while the cell you are zeroing is not zero:
wait, there is another temp var too
> var
this is BF
var = cell you know the location of
well, basically you just alternately add and subtract a number, adding one to it each time
@HyperNeutrino I've been working with Python this past week (and will be for several more weeks) so maybe it will grow on me?
@HyperNeutrino more or less. I'm considering something like Kotlin.
you can figure out the details
@PhiNotPi You could look into using Jython. It's like Java syntax with Python built-ins, etc.
@PhiNotPi Interesting, never heard of it. Might look into it sometime.
@DestructibleLemon I still think hardcoding [-] and [+] is simpler.
@PhiNotPi JavaScript. Many useful libs, very low probability for errors, neat syntax, dynamic typing and bonus - you already have an interpreter. Just hit F12.
@PhiNotPi I reccomend Cheddar
or if you want a mainstream lang, JS
Node is pretty good ecosystem to familiarize yourself with
@Downgoat I made anti-web-crawler to hide my email address from creepy webcrawlers
The left-side of my email address now looks like alpxeumABxamtOfp.tPYjFmVmyhPvdkAfrlTjAfAQvLsSjCJh.eiAgGZYeBEtrTylgzzzceIWRzmjPD‌​HMimwuWtXvvMofmMvGIIhaeANwDGpuciAQOGbhwaKco
@HyperNeutrino I thought you said backwards compatibility was important?
@DestructibleLemon It's implemented at the root of the chain. That is, it's hard-coded into BF1.
@DJMcMayhem talos principle is so cool
this is an amazing game
10/10 would reccommend
oh. I still think you shouldn't hard code something that doesn't work
It doesn't change anything really, it's just an optimization. It would eventually wrap back around after about infinity years.
@HyperNeutrino Kotlin wiki. It's a JVM language (meaning compiled Kotlin code can work with compiled Java code), but claims to make significant improvements to Java. (edit: comparison with Java)
Also I love how my friend this one time was like "Infinity * Infinity is Infinity in JavaScript, but Infinity ^ Infinity is 0. Why?" and since he was talking to me I thought he was doing actual exponentiation so I was like "probably wraparound" but no, he was using XOR >.<
@PhiNotPi Interesting. Thanks!
It's interesting that that works.
Hm. Already don't really like it that much, but it looks ok.
@Downgoat Do you have any more design suggestions? link
Thoughts on Ruby?
this programming language says it's unusable but I think a buffer overflow exploit is possible
cin is only safe against strings, but the programmer used a char[] buffer for some reason
@HyperNeutrino no, it makes it behave wrongly
@DestructibleLemon Please provide an example.
-[-] makes it go back to zero
the esolang wiki has a zero in unbounded:
I'm not going to pretend I understand it because I didn't try to
when there is a name, it denotes moving to that cell
A: Zero an arbitrarily large cell in Brainf***

JungHwan Minl+r = 0+2 = 2, 55 53 51 bytes [>+[-<+>>+<]<[>]>[+[-<+<->>]<[->+<]]>[-<+>]<<]>[-]< l+r = 1+2 = 3, 46 44 bytes [[>+[-<+<+>>]<[<+[->->+<<]]>]>[>]<[-]<<[-]>] My own algorithm. The pointer should begin at the number that needs to be zeroed. The time complexity is O(n^2). How it works: We star...

Yes, but after a really long time, [-] will eventually get to the lowest number possible and wrap around to the highest number possible (I think).
@Uriel Isn't Javascript really weird when it comes to order of execution, and functions, and other stuff? I mean, I've only used it a couple of times, but it never struck me as a language I would use for anything other than webpage development.
@HyperNeutrino actually it won't ever
also it raises issue with the halting problem
How so?
but Java's intsize is so much smaller because Python has automatic long
with floats (which js works with) you have +infinity and -infinity
I figure it would go down to -infinity and repeatedly decrement staying there
either that or the granularity of floats away from 0 will keep it from decrementing at a finitely negative number
as that finitely negative number -1 cannot be represented via floats
In Python, inf - 1 is still inf, and -inf - 1 is still -inf.
But, I'm fairly confident that inf is only defined for floats, which BF does not have.
what interpreter are you using
what language I mean
int(float('inf')) gives an error saying OverflowError: cannot convert float infinity to integer.
So, infinity is not a thing for integers.
a lot of dynamic languages such as lua will never use anything other than floats
So it would eventually wrap around I think.
even if you think you're on integers
@Zwei Lua uses integers correctly in 5.3
that's a recent development
It's an important one.
for me at least, I don't follow lua much but when I worked with it back in 5.2 it was double-precision floats and nothing else
I think Python does not have that issue. Hopefully, at least.
I'm pretty sure python has ints
It has longs
which are actually BigIntegers
@Zwei 5.3 added many good things, like recognizing UTF8 isn't bytes.
anyways, I'm thinking of taking a stab at the currently open problem: does there exist an x such that md5(x) = x
@HyperNeutrino example: [->-<] does what?
Loops until one of those cells is 0.
no, the left cell has to be 0
If that's BF than no
That does b - a.
if the right cell is 0 but the left isn't it won't terminate
Oh wait I'm dumb
anyways, with the fixpoint for md5 problem, brute force is obviously impractical over 128 bit unsigned int...
Are negative numbers in BF that important? I could just add a min+max bound.
most interpreters use uint8_t
so not really
uh wat ?
unsigned 8-bit integer
well I mean, that won't halt, but [-] halting is inconsistent
True. Will change then
@Zwei [0,256)?
@Riker Heck yeah! Where are you at?
you don't need unbounded to be tc
unless you have limited cells
and even then you don't need negative numbers I think?
@Zwei in BF, it's impossible to tell the difference between [-128,128) and [0,256)
probably not
limited memory is why nothing is truely turing complete
Due to the fact that it's looping.
@riker If you like it already, it'll blow your mind once you get to the real plot/ending
Mind, being only a byte wide doesn't limit it's turining completeness, if it has infinite cells.
@ATaco most interpreters map [0,256) to the chars, so it's easier to think of that way
Cause tbh not very much plot happens until then
I write mine as [0,256) for memory purposes, but right-shift the entire mapping by 128, for reasons
.I don't need ext. UTF8 anyway.
Eh. You can specify min and max as function parameters.
It should be wrapping, that is, - when x == 0, should set x to 255.
yes. that is what it does when min and max are specified.
Whoa, I've made a regex golfing language which would have beaten the shortest answer (Retina) to the Rex challenge by almost 50%, had it existed at the time. Time to go to bed.
Goodnight Adám! :D
@HyperNeutrino Hey, you don't want to know what the solution looks like? (And it is more like good morning!)
uh what
oh so you also go to sleep at around like 4?
Also this guy's answers are all 0 or 1 score, except for one which has 154 score >.<
how would SAT solvers handle 128 variable and probably million+ operation problems
what are sat solvers
Oh you mean SAT as in the "SAT" SAT (the test)?
boolean satisfability problem
@HyperNeutrino True, but mine is only 11 bytes plus one byte for a command line argument.
it's pretty much THE np problem next to graph coloring
@Adám ah I see. Can I see it? :P
Oh okay. Whoops. Excuse my ignorance please xD
@HyperNeutrino with i as cmdline argument:
oh wow nice
is this like specifically to beat retina
@HyperNeutrino No, but I think it will.
Ah okay.
ReRegex > Retina.
As in, the programs are physically larger.
Who needs number datatypes when you have REGEX!
@ATaco Well, based on Java, how could it not be?
@ATaco Yeah, my two new languages are not very good with numbers either, but they can do anything.
@Adám It's only based on Java in the fact that it uses its Regex.
@DJMcMayhem "world" 4
@Adám Even without any integrated number memory, ReRegex can still do all the math using Regex alone, as shown off by it's Libraries
@Riker Wait, it's been a while since I've played.... How many worlds are there?
@ATaco do you want to make the first compiler for the compiler chain?
Maybe, just to confirm I need to compile a TC language to BF?
mmhm. it should probably not be an existing language
like just make some stack based thing
Yeah, we could use a bit more complexity...
also it needs to be: TC, interactive IO, and randomness
@ATaco it will get more complex
but this is the first
Why rng?
because rng is fun
same reason ><> has x
Fair enough.
Hold on, BRB.
look at the readme on the repo for the rules btw
@DJMcMayhem 8
and one is covered by wood planks (that's 9 I think)
obv the endgame thing but idk what's in it
I'm working on the cubes right now
I've got the lasers
@Riker Are you still in a church?
@DJMcMayhem yes
Oh my sweet summer child
and also if it matters I bought the "gold edition", 3 dlcs + the soundtrack for like $3 more
sales are amazing
@DJMcMayhem :O there's more? :D
that's actually really nice
@Riker That's the first ¼ of the game
I was missing elohim's voicelines
the quoting of a sorts of john 1:1 when you try to leave the map is cool
Yeah, it's got really strong religious overtones
it's cool imho
Which is cool because it contrasts the lore/religiousy/Elohim side with the *"enlightened"*/skeptical/philosophical Milton
Have you got to Milton library assistant yet?
@ConorO'Brien are you familiar with ES6 promises?
am I doing right: (output) => Promise.resolve(console.log(output))
wait I can use async nvm
@DJMcMayhem yes but he's not sentient (does he become htat? you implied that)
also, @DJMcMayhem i.imgur.com/PIGmPNp.jpg
@Riker He's not, but he's the most human characters in the whole game. Very smart, I like the conversations with him
vsl::scope> @test func f() {}
Transform Error: Used undeclared annotation of name test (0:1)

    1 | @test func f() {}
      |  ^^^^

        • 2 available FIX-ITs

    What would you like to do?
        [1]. Rename annotation
        [2]. Delete annotation
        [3]. Exit
    Your selection: 1
    New name? inline
@inline func f() {}
:O fix it did a work :O
@WheatWizard Actually, 20 bytes: ;4+@x⌠w⌠@in⌡Ml⌡M╔l1=
Whats your id?
Are you compiling these?
nope, just curious
I think yours is the only one I've gotten so far anyway
Actually is about the only golfing language I can read/write with any proficiency so I wanted to take a look at your answer.
I think we've had that as a CMC in the past. I distinctly remember writing a similar (but longer) solution for that in Seriously a while back.
I can't find anything with a search.
That apparently doesn't work
Annotate f with @memoize to make it not horrendously slow
Does musicman523 have anything to do with ais523?
I wonder why iPhone seems to interpret being dropped on the floor as "Undo".
@WheatWizard Mine's pretty boring: 9*a*a. (oeis.org/A016766)
I like how in Python lambda:lambda:lambda:0 is syntactically valid.
>>> f = lambda: lambda: lambda: 0
>>> f()
<<< <lambda>
>>> f()()
<<< <lambda>
>>> f()()()
<<< 0
@HyperNeutrino Why wouldn't it be?
@HyperNeutrino Yup, that's lambdas for ya. It's functions all the way down.
It looks interesting :P
f=lambda:f is a fun one
oh that is weird
k time to start yet another golfing language :D
A016766 in Brain-Flak, 38 bytes: (({})({}){}){((({}[()])){}()<>{})<>}<>
Ooh, and after working through the example code for squaring a number, I now actually understand how the {foo} construct works! That's neat.

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