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Not quite sure. I feel like something along the lines of "Welcome Back!" would seem fitting for the occasion.
This is awkward. It's like planning your own party. Oh wait, most people do that. It's more like planning your own funeral, except it's a reverse-funeral. Hm.
Wait people do that too.
Any more guesses for who has downvoted the most things ever?
Probably Geobits
you can't just say Geobits can't you?
@BusinessCat 3rd.
@HyperNeutrino how do you get the numbers?
SELECT DisplayName, DownVotes FROM Users WHERE Downvotes != 0 ORDER BY Downvotes DESC
hmm just list old-timers
Hint: What's the first user ever?
peter taylor, dennis, martin...
Nope. It's Community.
@HyperNeutrino that's a lot of auto flags...
@HyperNeutrino I'll sandbox the post and send you a link. Once we do the "polishings", I will post it/
yep :D 2451 downvotes
who's the first non-bot though?
Peter Taylor is the actual user with the most downvotes.
ey i was right
ah I guessed that ^^
Now, who has the most upvotes? :D
I was also thinking that
Martin maybe
Peter Taylor?
Or MArtin?
@HyperNeutrino conor
Guys? I know I've asked again, but can I post my question, for those who are interested?
The crypto one?
@EriktheOutgolfer yup. SEDE or guess?
guess, and I knew conor has many votes more than even martin
Ah. Okay.
its not really crypto
its some thing to do with a pattern.
Welp I gtg now, cy'all later! ಠ/
bye ಠ_ಠ/
A guy at work posted this as a question to everyone.
May i post guys?
Q: Stealing sequences: Cops

rogaosThis is cops-and-robbers. This is the Cops thread. For the robbers thread, go here. I've noticed a number of OEIS challenges since I joined the site. It seems only fair that we have a cops-and-robbers challenge that determines who is the master of online integer sequences, once and for all. Co...

Q: Stealing sequences: Robbers

rogaosThis is cops-and-robbers. This is the Robbers thread. For the cops thread, go here. I've noticed a number of OEIS challenges since I joined the site. It seems only fair that we have a cops-and-robbers challenge that determines who is the master of online integer sequences, once and for all. Co...

@Dennis Changed the font on TIO?
@Mr.Xcoder ooh yeah
Looks good +1
@Mr.Xcoder Eek, something broke.
@Dennis That looks good as well :)
Times New Roman? :D my favorite font :P
American Typewriter would be very cool for TIO as well
Quedrion: whee it says:
> Output formats besides plain text, such as images, PDFs, HTML pages, etc.
dies this mean there will also be image input :O
Cambria Math is the best font.
And what broke>
I actually forgot to sandbox the post first :/
I think I will leave it on Main, anyway
Q: HyperNeutrino is back!

Mr. XcoderToday, HyperNeutrino succeeded merging his two accounts, and finally got the reputation he lost back. Now, it's time to celebrate! Your task is to output this exact text: /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SEJPMQuickly Prove Me Wrong! code-golf math logic Introduction This is the evolution of this previous challenge which was about checking satisfieability of normal formulae in conjunctive normal form (CNF). However, this problem is NP-complete and watching algorithms finish is just boring, so we'r...

This supposed to happen? tio.run/##K04tyswvLc6p/P/fUPv/fxMA
@Downgoat It should be. The way I broke it, it used your browser's default font. :P
Should be working now.
@Dennis I think @ZacharyT was taking about the code.
Does anyone know how the PPCG app is coming along? I don't know if it's only VoteToClose who's willing to build it
@Mr.Xcoder Oh, I wasn't talking to Zachary. I don't know Seriously.
@Dennis ok.
Anyone here know Seriously?
You could try the Seriously room
I think one exists
@DestructibleLemon IO has no impact on turing completeness
Did Actually and Seriously change this much?!?!?!
(Wrong copy paste link)
@Dennis the font is still broken on Safari
@Dennis Fixed now, I needed to reload the page
Is that an actual site?
I thought something was missing in that code
Thanks. I thought I was going insane.
Why did the "Welcome back Hyper challenge" get downvoted? Am I missing something? The (3) downvoters are still silent
It's pretty boring
Not sure it needs a downvote though
Anyone know where the Serioiusly docs are?
@ZacharyT Click on the lang name on TIO
@BetaDecay Tried that. Links to Actually
@Mr.Xcoder <unicode-look-of-disappointment>
@ZacharyT ?
Have you visited that link
Can you send me a screenshot?
That's the documentation... a nearly empty page :P
@Mego should fix that.
Sorry, didn't see the v1.
Hey, which would be better for a language, one dyad for all the trig functions, or one monad for each trig function?
Depends if you can spare the characters for 6 commands
(assuming you're talking about a golfing language)
Yeah, I might just use one dyad. (maybe two for reciprocal and hyperbolic)
Hey, is there a challenge to find the nth prime number?
Q: List of first n prime numbers most efficiently and in shortest code

OptimusRules are simple: First n primes (not primes below n), should be printed to standard output separated by newlines (primes should be generated within the code) primes cannot be generated by an inbuilt function or through a library, i.e. use of a inbuilt or library function such as, prime = get_n...

Nope. Just the nth prime number. Not a list.
Q: List Prime Numbers

Elliot A.Introduction Prime numbers are simple, right? Well, now you get your chance to find out! Challenge You must write a program or function that takes an input n and outputs the first n prime numbers. Example Input and Output Input: 10 Output: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29 Rules You must not incl...

Nope. Not listing.
one number versus the whole list is a trivial modification of those challenges
for example, one could just generate the list and print the last element
(I can't believe I still had that Copy-Pasted)
Use TacoScript
What is TacoScript? Is it a joke language like TrumpScript?
No, a tacoscript is a userscript made by ATaco
Let me guess, it has ಠ_ಠ in it?
It's the Chat Commands userscript which allows you to type /something to do things like /​lenny for ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) for example, or /​disapprove or /​o_o for ಠ_ಠ.
lol the string for storing the /​shrug emoticon is "¯\\\\_(ツ)_/¯"
Two backslashes total to escape each other in SE chat, and two backslashes for each backslash to escape them in JS, resulting in 4 backslashes :P
also / borkalert one: BORK ALERT 🚨 BORK ALERT 🚨 BORK ALERT
Do backslashes need to be escaped in SE chat?
only if they precede a special char. e.g. * or another backslash or _
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fejfoCode golf the Fast growing hierarchy (fgh) if your not familiar with the fgh you migth want to check out this explantion: Large Numbers, Part 3: Functions and Ordinals and these value aproximations: Fast growing hierarchy Approximations the goal this code golf is to golf the following functio...

: Add an option for a person with a gold tag badge to not hammer something so that they can start a close vote and still get community consensus.
And backticks, thanks for that.
@HyperNeutrino yes please.
@HyperNeutrino ?
@ZacharyT people with a gold tag badge can instantly close-vote and reopen as duplicate, which sometimes is not good because sometimes they want to close it but need to know what everyone else thinks.
Oh, yeah, in that case, starred.
Q: How Do I Opt Out of Privileges?

CommonsWareAccording to multiple mods, gold badge holders can now unilaterally close questions as duplicates. I hold seven gold badges for tags on SO, which means I can, on my own, close questions as duplicates for those tagged questions. Simply put: DO NOT WANT. However, I do not see any ability in SO (t...

@WheatWizard oh thanks i was going to post but then it would (ironically) have been dupehammered :)))))) :P
@BusinessCat it's PHP, nobody gets why it does what it does
I must explore this well thought out and useful feature some more
It actually does seem useful. Just, WTF???
I still see how it makes sense. Still, WTF?
I just don't get the last case
Shouldn't it become a[]aa after a[]z?
Or something I don't know
It removes all nonalphabetic characters.
Now, PHP's ternary makes no god damn sense.
@BusinessCat well if it did that it would make sense. PHP can't do that :P
What's wrong with it?
What is the difference between / and in APL?
The dimension thing. Try it on a 2d array.
[]+[] => "". JS is nuts.
It is in CJam too :P
CJam's implemented in JavaScript, right?
No, in Java
For those who can see deleted posts Doorknob said "I'm deleting this" but it ended up being deleted by Helka, El'endia, and Alex A. :P
Who kept that?
It's just because strings in CJam are actually lists, and if you print an empty list it prefers to represent it as a string instead of a list
@ZacharyT it make perfect sense if you understand what actualy hapen
unless you think [1,2,3].toString() should be be able to be 1,2,3
It doesn't really, what doesn't make sense is that JS doesn't have array concatenation
It does, it's just not +
Well, yeah
Anyone else think Perl6's docs are trash?
@BusinessCat concat is a thing
@HyperNeutrino oh, I thought it was in Python 3
you could probably golf off 2 bytes by switching to Python 2
Is it just because -- doesn't decrement? It looks like -- is the same as negative negative ie a noop
So, -- on strings does nothing?
Does it work on integers?
Apparently it does
Yeah, I can save two bytes by removing the brackets.
++ does something other than + 1
I'm pretty sure that -- is a noop on strings. Why? I do not know
Does f(x) = x diverge?
@HyperNeutrino Do you mean f(x,y) = x?
I meant y = x
I don't think divergence is defined for single value functions
Hm. Then I must have learned the wrong definition of divergence. Isn't it just where the output approaches ±infinity as the input approaches infinity?
I think that might also be a definition. I was thinking of the divergence from multivar
Ah okay.
In that case yes, f(x) = x is divergent because it does not converge.
usually we use diverge on sequences and usually sequences have domain being the positive integers
Isn't divergence/convergence for infinite series?
but yes, f(x) = x diverges
Okay. Thanks. (I'm making a challenge to determine if a relation converges, diverges, or cycles; is that done already?)
We can prove this using the definition of convergence if you want.
@HyperNeutrino cycles also diverge
@HyperNeutrino Depends on how you define this, but I am 90% sure it is going to be provably impossible to do this.
What input format were you expecting?
Q: Are there any series whose convergence is unknown?

whitmanAre there any infinite series about which we don't know whether it converges or not? Or are the convergence tests exhaustive, so that in the hands of a competent mathematician any series will eventually be shown to converge or diverge? EDIT: People were kind enough to point out that without impo...

@HyperNeutrino Sorry for disappointing with that challenge... I wanted to delete it, but It is not really fair for those who answered and got some rep on it. Anyway, I won't really be active for the next few (or more days). I am working on an iOS poroject. Bye guys!
Poroject, is that some new-fangled slang?
A: Are there any series whose convergence is unknown?

André NicolasAs kind of a joke answer, but technically correct, and motivated by Chandru's deleted reply, $$\sum_{n=0}^\infty \sin(2\pi n!\,x)$$ where $x$ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant, or almost any other number whose rationality has not been settled. (If $x$ is rational, the series converges. The implica...

@ZacharyT Fine, beat me to it.
This answer is both really interesting and really funny
how could Euler-Mascheroni constant be rational if it does not repeat for like first million digits
^ what if it repeats after the first like 10000000000000000000000000000000 digits
why did all of my userscripts get autouninstalled again
> Continued fraction analysis reveals that if γ is rational, its denominator must be greater than 10^242080
opls found first google result: vixra.org/pdf/1208.0009v4.pdf
did not read but seem legit because uses latex
@WheatWizard My idea was internal representation as a function/function-object/lambda, etc. and try to guess it
@HyperNeutrino That is going to be really easy to turn into the entscheidungsproblem.
uh what
ent = duck?
no sorry tree
wait a minute, it doesn't even use LaTeX. I rescind my star
wait no it's a duck
The newest XKCD is gold:
gasp Downgoat you lied! You deserve -1 star!
@HyperNeutrino It is impossible to write a program that takes in an arbitrary statement in First Order logic and determines if it is true.
well, an arbitrary statement
yes, sorry it is very easy to make a program that takes a specific statement and returns if it is true
My intention was to have it check many values and guess; for example, 2**x appears to diverge because it just keeps getting larger and larger, and 1/x appears to converge because it keeps getting smaller and by a less amount each time, etc.
I can't think of another way to objectively score, so I'm going with .
Q: The Sun Sets and Rises like Clockwork

carusocomputingGiven a Timestamp input t, perform the following actions, where the timestamp format is: REGEX: (\d{1-2}:\d{2}:\d{2}[A|P]M) (AM/PM can only be capitals) The object for a timestamp should be a single String, not your Timestamp built-in. The Sun is Rising or Setting For an input between 7:50P...

CMC: GIven a string of [a-zA-Z ] reverse every word.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog --> ehT kciuq nworb xof spmuj revo eht yzal god
Python: lambda x:' '.join(y[::-1]for y in x.split(' '))
@DJMcMayhem Pyth, 8 bytes: jm_dczdd
@DJMcMayhem Japt, 4 bytes: mw0S
V, 5 bytes: òæiwW
(The 0 is really a no-op, so it could theoretically have been 3 bytes)
@DJMcMayhem New score: Pyth, 7 bytes: jd_Mczd
@DJMcMayhem Better yet, 6 bytes: jd_Mcz
Wait what. Since when does Youtube do premium video streaming
@Jim You know you're still learning about the language when you randomly find you can leave out a step entirely ;-)
Oh, but I have still better: 5 bytes: jd_Mc (quoted input)
Oh hey, mine can be one shorter too: Try it online!
@flawr 2meirl4meirl
@ETHproductions Yeah, actually I posted it too quick before even optimizing it
@DJMcMayhem lol
@DJMcMayhem Haskell, 17 bytes map reverse.words
@DJMcMayhem also, I went through and replayed antichamber (tried for an under 15 min speedrun, didn't make it, took 18:34). it's still just as fun :D
Jelly, 4 bytes: ḲU€K
Oh nice!
question to all: is the witness worth it
it's 50% off atm
the puzzle game
@Riker I've been playing it a lot recently. It's fun but ridiculously hard
huh ok
Kinda frustrating, but super cool
i know martin's played it
@Jim Well then, you know you're still learning a golfing language if you don't optimize while you write it ;P
I play The Witness with my gf a lot, and that's a lot of fun.
@ETHproductions Right, next step is to write directly optimized code with a chronometer in hand
But we're kinda stuck like 2/3rds of the way through now
I bought antichamber, but I haven't played it at all, any suggestions?
Play it
@Riker Have you played The Talos Principle?
@DJMcMayhem not yet but you've told me about it
I'll check for sales in a mo
@WheatWizard it's amazingly fun
The Witness and Talos are super similar, but very different too
do note that it may be more fun not to do the final "level" until you've finished most of the other puzzles
it can be done while only 2/3 or less of the way through, but it's more fun to finish everything first
Ok I'll just play it then, I didn't have time during the year.
:D hf!
The witness is more like antichamber (mind-blowing/impossible puzzles, very little plot of direction) and Talos is more like Portal (Deep plot, mindblowing ending, sticks with you longer)
But they're both fantastic
I'll try talos first then
woah it's 75% off ($10 vs $40) imma get it
OK. The witness definitely has more variety/cooler puzzles though FWIW
I spent waaaay too much money on steam yesterday
how much?
I might have $35 for both of them
120$... >_>
nice lol
But in my defense, that includes hardware, shipping, and a bundle that I shared with some friends
I only spend a little money online occasionally
I don't think I've spent $120 total, haha
private profiles psshhh
I'm scared to see how much it is though
heh, what's the Vanity URL?
Drop the bass or something
Oh wait, you can see it
I mean what does it do?
or rather, how do you use it?
it's a special url link
Oh, it just lets you pick your own URL
his profile is steam.whatever/id/drop-drop-drop-the-bass
that's fun
Not having steam helps me save money :P
Anyone applying for HackTheNorth? :P
Even after making my profile public, it doesn't work :(
Even if I'm logged in, WTH?
Ah, now it's working
So, what are your opinions on this PHP stuff... tio.run/##K8go@P/…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

carusocomputingFallout Terminal Hacking Anyone here a die-hard Bethesda fan? Maybe you prefer Obsidian Entertainment? Well, if you're either of those things than the following picture should be relatively familiar to you. I've taken the liberty of preparing a rather unique ASCII-Art challenge, so here's the...

@HyperNeutrino i want to check that you're good with everything in my new question to draw your icon
@DJMcMayhem not at all :p

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