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@ZacharyT nothing beginning with a . is possible.
<shamelessselfpromotion /> how did I get under 2x the length of the mathematica answer
how does song exist if song is impossible :O :P
@DestructibleLemon I agree! ,, seems okay.
Ok. It's gonna be r: because J has i.
@ASCII-only no you're supposed to put the close tag after the shameless self promotion
speaking of self promotion...
there is a 100 rep bounty on this challenge
Q: Dungeon of botdom

Destructible Lemon– of crisis and martyrdom (that's the subtitle because subtitles are cool) In this king-of-the-hill challenge in python (yup; you need go no farther to know you may not submit in java), you need to create a bot that plays a game very similar to welcome to the dungeon Rules You submit a class,...

enter it probably
do it already
... self-promotion. more like shoving a challenge down people's throats
The whole FTL soundtrack is amazing
@ZacharyT exactly
<insert canonically trashy face here>
The face.
That unicode face.
Huh. I just found that the snippet to clear the stack in Cy looks really weird: $len$ $pop while. Crap.
in Computer Science Educators, 36 secs ago, by ATaco
TNB is derailed 100% of the time.
Adam already posted that...
Oh, nvm, I get it.
@ZacharyT idk what you're talking about
Track laying machine...
Why was this question closed
Q: Is my OS 32-bit or 64-bit?

tuskiomiSo, with all the challenges out, I'm surprised this one isn't here yet. It's not too important anymore, but occasionally somebody needs to know. Here is a simple golf: Taking no user input, tell me if the computer on which the code is ran is on a 64-bit operating system, or a 32-bit operating s...

Does anyone know the specifics
?_? >> I have no clue.
You should vote to re-open
I'm assuming it's now reopened.
@MDXF repbait ;_;
What if someone is either in the future running 128-bit or on some ancient s**t running 16-bit OS?
I'm starting to really dislike Anyfix; I might abandon it (for a while at least) and work on my original non-stack idea.
Anyfix seems pretty neat.
Cause with it, ANYFIX is a good fix.
but thanks :P
it was an interesting idea but it's like anti-tacitness (ok not actually but it works almost opposite of Jelly's control flow but still decently similarly ??? ok I should stop)
Wಠuld yಠu stಠp all ಠccurences ಠf that hಠrrible face.
ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
You've done it now.
ಠ_ಠ at least I don't replace o with it
and plz don't spam it too hard
^^ @Zachary you are the only person who replaces o with ಠ at this point. old meme
Wait ... so that WAS a THING‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽
@Dennis are u still accepting donations for TIO?
I won a CTF and one of the prizes I got is $125 in DO credits
Do u want it?
I won't spam it tಠ_ಠ hard.
@Maltysen He's always accepting donations :P
@ZacharyT stahp
@Maltysen CTF = Colored Tacks Fly?
@Downgoat cpature the flag
@Maltysen like flag football ctf
@Maltysen I can take it for edutacational porpoise
to spread propoganda awareness about sheep evilness
w0uld y0u l1k3 4 51d3 0f 4n 0ld3r d34d 1n73rn37 p#3n0m0n w17# 7#47?
@ZacharyT phenomen?
Why doesn't tio have HQ9+?
Translated from 13375p34k: would you like a side of an older dead internet phenomenon with that?
@ATaco Too trivial?
@ATaco beacuse you can execute in brian
@Downgoat RIP brian. Executed for no good reason.
Question: what does this mean:
remote: error: refusing to update checked out branch: refs/heads/master
remote: error: By default, updating the current branch in a non-bare repository
remote: error: is denied, because it will make the index and work tree inconsistent
remote: error: with what you pushed, and will require 'git reset --hard' to match
remote: error: the work tree to HEAD.
remote: error:
remote: error: You can set 'receive.denyCurrentBranch' configuration variable to
remote: error: 'ignore' or 'warn' in the remote repository to allow pushing into
does it meaan remote is out of date?
Q: Git push error '[remote rejected] master -> master (branch is currently checked out)'

hap497Yesterday, I posted a question on how to clone a Git repository from one of my machines to another, How can I 'git clone' from another machine?. I am now able to successfully clone a Git repository from my source ( to my destination ( But when I did an edit to a file, a...

@Dennis can you remove star spam please
Pls staph star spam.
ugh who did spam of star
idk why people do star spam, is it because they think funny, or is it for attention
Oh gosh, blue suddenly had a massive shift.
@Downgoat I think it means that, for whatever reason, the copied version of the repository didn't match what was at the HEAD
@ATaco what are you talking about?
The Worst Tacoscript™
@musicman523 actually looks like beacuse i did a git-init non a non bare repo is something
@HyperNeutrino why?
@HyperNeutrino yup :P
ono bad news: apt-get is implement in python D:
Please stop staring things that do not need starring
@Downgoat Sure is. You can see the Python stack trace if you Ctrl+C during it (would not recommend, sometimes causes dpkg to have messy errors)
@Dennis @DJMcMayhem Someone to de-starspam?
@MDXF Too hard to use; I need a ton of stack operations to get anything more than simple maths done
alias apt=apt-get
alias dnf=apt-get
in Computer Science Educators, 33 secs ago, by thesecretmaster
@ppcg get over here, we need more fun
apt is already it's own executable
Anyone mind giving my Sandbox answer a once-over before I post it?
It's better than apt-get by virtue of fancier progress bar.
> staring
omg stop
@HelkaHomba wait I love codenames
@HyperNeutrino Sure, but it'll take a little while cause mobile
ah ok
thanks :)
Oh thank god the starspam was nuked.
My God that was a lot of stars
On the bright side, since the UTC day just started, whoever was responsible is surely out of stars by now
Q: Make this sequence

Wheat WizardThis is a pretty run on the mill question. I will define a sequence an you golf some code to output a entry given a index. The first item in the sequence is 2. The nth item in the sequence is the smallest positive integer sharing at least one factor with n that has not already appeared in the ...

@DJMcMayhem :D thank you for your service
CMC: how do u pronounce redux
It's probably wrong, but it's how I pronounce it.
@HelkaHomba :( are you puzzling traitor here to convince everyone to move to puzzling
we only hate CR
CMC: find a wolfram language function for charcoal to implement
@Maltysen Of course! I was considering adding a fourth server anyway with the upcoming changes, and this would pay for all four for half a year. :)
@anyone is there any use for a graphical output golflang
@ASCII-only all goat detector function
@ASCII-only yes image procesigg
@Downgoat output != processing
@Downgoat :| very hard + have no wolfram data
you mean like output image of array instead of array for example
@ASCII-only i have large set of goat picture you can use to make CNN
@Downgoat hmm should we continue the node gaot detector + generator
nah, not too usefle
question: can you run sigmoid neuron in reverse
@Downgoat :( but then i can port to charcoal
wait there's a PIL answer for goat detect
@Downgoat no we need gaot generate too
A: Upgoat or Downgoat?

jasonshaoPython, 100%, 225 bytes import requests SEARCH = "http://www.bing.com/images/searchbyimage?FORM=IRSBIQ&cbir=sbi&imgurl=" THRESHOLD = 30 url = raw_input() print "Upgoat" if requests.get(SEARCH + url).content.count('img') > THRESHOLD else "Downgoat" Use reverse image search on the goat. If the ...

@ASCII-only oh true, hm
@Downgoat ok just watch video so apparently filter itself changes in image detection network
> is change for deep learn
change is not noun?
@Downgoat ??????????????????????????????
@Downgoat Inverse of sigmoid is a function.
@ASCII-only ono what confuse
@Downgoat how is picture version of charcoal good for img process
:O u make picture version of charcoal?
> Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
@Downgoat not yet but is good idea or not
i don't think that useful
i mean if like will take like 1 second to make then sure why not but imo instead of make image charcoal will be more userful to do VSL :D
@Downgoat ok but idk what to workon
btw is exam finish?
@Downgoat yes :D
also should i try this first
@ASCII-only :DDD
I just found this:
Nov 25 '15 at 1:40, by Vɪʜᴀɴ
My user name is now Downgoat, I'm going to regret this for the rest of the month.
@Downgoat hahahah
:O @ASCII-only suggestion for charcoal: add Putt support 10/10 would make great at golfing
@Downgoat what would putt do
@ASCII-only I mean it stretch rule but as long as Mathematica is OK putt is
@Downgoat yeah but what putt do
@ASCII-only i can discuss in slack
Question: If I'm making a challenge can i add a bultin which solves that challenge before I post it?
i mean... it's valid...
but why tho
what is subject of that question
Q: Customize a Webpage!

CalebGiven two characters (between 32 and 126 on this ascii table) as input, replace any occurrence of the first character, a, on the current webpage with the second character, b. Case of the replaced character should be conserved. The webpage should be reverted to normal when esc is pressed. This is ...

>.> lanugage specific
a-ta.co now actually uses secure sessionIDs!
@ATaco I don't remember implementing secure sessionIDs
I refuse to support these puns.
seriously though
wake me up inside
BRB implementing secure sessionIDs
@Mego Wait I thought you actually hated Seriously puns
Just add a command that produces a UUID that's seeded with a Cryptographically sound RNG.
if i ever make a language, it's gonna be named ...
@ASCII-only I do when they're overdone. A single tasteful pun every now and then is funny.
I'd name it "Totally" should I follow the naming convention.
"Seriously? Totally!"
i'll leave that up to the penguin
I think I will noot do that
@totallyhuman wait no people could call it ellipsis
i need to think of a very annoying name
and maybe something that breaks a couple of leaderboards too
@totallyhuman shp
@ASCII-only "Ship"
@totallyhuman well shp/fish don't break them iirc, i don't know what would
if(j)invert()if(l)change()if(q)input()if(t)output(x);'s a nice annoying name that somebody did
heh it breaks martin's leaderboard thingy
hey so i wanted to make a golflang outta java by shortening it
turns out, it's been done
Q: Is it an open question?

musicman523Challenge Given a positive integer, determine whether that number is currently being used to represent a question on PPCG. The question must not have been removed, but may be open or closed. The number is the one being used in the URL of the question, such as: https://codegolf.stackexchang...

Neat, the PPCG question of ID 1 is closed for being too-broad.
Is PPCG's generalist badge broken
@Downgoat ono shp = sheep conor is eivl sheep
@ASCII-only wat
Hey all, I had a neat idea for a question but I'm not even sure if it's possible, could some of you with more experience on the site than I have check it out?
Also I know popcons have not been so well-received lately so I'm not sure if this is a good idea
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

musicman523Migrate questions to and from the Sandbox! popularity-contest stack-exchange-api Challenge Write user scripts that will migrate challenges to and from the Sandbox. Criteria These are my suggestions for criteria that will create the most beautiful user scripts. Feel free to suggest your own! ...

@NewSandboxedPosts Thanks buddy
@musicman523 "as original user"
how exactly would that be possible
@ASCII-only I have no idea. Is it possible for mods to do?
@musicman523 No >_>
What about if the original author is the person running the script
CMC: output the following
If a questions says to "print" an output must the code actually put something onto STDOUT?
Or can it be a function that returns the value
@LyndonWhite It can be a function that returns the value
Assuming the question is following standard I/O rules
Yes, a function returning the value is fine
@LeakyNun Actually, 21 bytes: 9u;Rnkñ⌠iu*9u@♀%εj⌡Mi
@LyndonWhite In fact, since it's a , you may output truthy for one answer and falsy for the other if that's more convenient for you
@Mego how does it work?
@Mego ;)
@musicman523 that does.
The 21-byte version wastes a lot of bytes. The 17-byte version is for x in range(1,10):print(''.join(str(n*x%10) for n in range(1,10)))
The equivalent Python code for the 21-byte version would be something like for n,a in enumerate([range(1,10)]*10):print(''.join(str(n*x%10 for x in a)))
ok. it looks like my koth has a bug!
Python, 72 bytes:

> r=range(1,10)
> print '\n'.join(''.join(str(i*j%10for i in r for j in r)))

[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/v8i2KDEvPVXDUMfQQJOroCgzr0RBPSZPXS8rPzNPQx1KF5cUaWRqZakaGqTlFylkKmTmKRQpgJhZYKampub//wA)
Now before you try the TIO link
What do you think this will print
@musicman523 It will print ["Code formatting and links don't work with multiline messages", "You don't need that space after print"]
An object signature?
@totallyhuman Ding!
You're calling str() on a comprehension
Heh, looks like I missed a paren in my "equivalent" code :P
I thought it was really funny though
@LeakyNun bash, 71: for i in {1..10};{ seq $i $i inf|head -10|grep -o .$|tr -d $'\n';echo;}
Maybe I'm just deliriously tired
`foo` is shorter than str(foo) and does the same thing
Is there a way to get notified every time a new SE site goes beta?
@Phoenix Thanks, I'm used to Python 3 where that's not a thing anymore
@Doorknob is the fourth space necessary?
Yes. (Also yes, to the edit.)
Because bash is terrible at braces
@LeakyNun Here's the real answer, in 67 bytes: r=range(1,11);print'\n'.join(''.join(i*j%10for i in r)for j in r)
Spaces separate arguments
someone forgot to press save
Without a space it merges the { into the previous token
@LeakyNun ...shit
@LeakyNun I'm not familiar with the full parsing rules of the nonstandard(?) for{} syntax, but I do know from experience (golfing) that the space there is required.
Presumably the { is replaced with do and the } with end, and do needs a space after it.
I always forget that sum doesn't work on strings in Python, because logically it should (it just does pairwise reduction by __add__), and because I overloaded it to work in Actually
@Mego it should, but it explicitly rejected it
        /* reject string values for 'start' parameter */
        if (PyUnicode_Check(result)) {
                "sum() can't sum strings [use ''.join(seq) instead]");
            return NULL;
        if (PyBytes_Check(result)) {
                "sum() can't sum bytes [use b''.join(seq) instead]");
            return NULL;
        if (PyByteArray_Check(result)) {
ok it turned out it was not a bug
@Mego oops, I take back my statement; it doesn't use __add__. Instead, it uses the built-in C function PyNumber_Add.
One day I hope Google understands things like values of 9^n for n=1 to 10
@HelkaHomba why, is wolfram alpha not good enough for you :P
@LeakyNun Logically it should. I guess speed hacks.
But the fact that types do matter in weird scenarios like sum breaks the duck typing paradigm, which is not good
@ASCII-only then I have to load the main WA page. Chrome with a search bar is always open
@HelkaHomba Change your search engine to WA?
Or at least add it
with a decent browser it's just 2 more chars
do you guys think if I made a simple description of the game and then a simplified description of how bots play it, that it would get more attention?
i don't see how that's any more inconvenient
I have, like, 3 big projects due Thursday so I'll not be around for a little while, just letting you all know
@LeakyNun I did try sum() and got the same error, can you still do it in less bytes? Because I totally believe that can be outgolfed, it's a crap answer
Wait I'm dumb
for j in r:print''.join(`i*j%10`for i in r)
57 bytes
Q: A Sandbox Migration Bot

musicman523I outlined a question in the Sandbox for a popularity-contest to create a user script that can migrate challenges to and from the Sandbox. I've since been informed by multiple people that the criteria I outlined were not feasible for a userscript. One point of discussion from @FryAmTheEggman is ...

Can save 1 byte by switching to Python 3 if spaces are allowed between digits:
for j in r:print(*(str(i*j%10)for i in r))
@LeakyNun Charcoal, 16 bytes: Fχ«FχI﹪×⁺ι¹⁺κ¹χ⸿
@musicman523 Isn't that the same thing
I'm terrible at ruby, but sometimes it produces really elegant-looking code: infile = '/dev/stdin' unless infile
(My interpreter takes code from stdin if a file is not supplied as an arg)
@Phoenix infile = infile or '/dev/stdin'
Doesn't look as nice.
Probably better tho
or is much nicer than unless
Whatever you say
It's 4 bytes nicer :P
My 'lang' is a wrapper around the GCC preprocessor so it can be used in a more practical way, I started writing it in Bash then realized bash is terrible.
fp = infile ? File.open(infile, 'r') : STDIN would be better, anyway.
file pointer
It's a relic of the C days: FILE* fp = fopen("something");
Oh, right. My C programmer is showing through :P
I still use fp and I haven't touched C in years except for golf purposes
Still, no doubting STDIN is more cross-platform than '/dev/stdin'
Doorknob wins
As a windows user, '/dev/stdin' hurts me.
Just use 0; what could possibly go wrong?
@ATaco As a windows user, that's far from the only thing that's hurting you
As a WSL user, '/dev/stdin' is perfectly fine with me
@Mego True, also the UI, the Privacy Policy, the FS...
Any OS that feels it has the right to pre-install candy crush on my computer needs to re-evaluate its priorities.
Actually I'm already using `which gcc` to verify that gcc exists, and IDK how to do that on windows, so it will probably not be very cross-platform anyway.
Even if I signed a legally binding document saying I consent to that, I do not consent to Candy Crush.
@Phoenix where gcc, but generally Windows doesn't use GCC
@Phoenix where is the closest thing IIRC
But unlike which, it doesn't limit itself to executables
@ATaco The first thing I do upon starting up a fresh (re)installation is removing all the crapware
That's usually the case, but when I got windows standalone I was not expecting Skype and Candy Crush (Of all the crapware) to be installed on it.
I can understand Skype - Microsoft acquired it, and they are really loving being able to effectively ignore US v. Microsoft since those products are freeware
Never mind, @Doorknob your method doesn't win, since I'm interpolating the filename directly into a call to gcc
@Phoenix Well there's your problem :P That is very much not cross-platform-compatible
I don't even know if Windows has a good way to pass stdin into gcc
@Phoenix uh pipes?
I don't think GCC normally reads from stdin
I'm pretty sure it expects a file.
@Downgoat :OOOOOOOO
@Downgoat wait why ned halp
Is there a better way to do unless `which gcc` && $?.success?
Wait is there a new syntax theme on Github now?
Alright, JSD now correctly supports pug.
abort 'GCC does not exist on your system or it is not in your PATH.
Please install GCC or add it to your PATH to continue.' unless `which gcc` && $?.success?
@ASCII-only ;_; entire conception of world falling apart
@ATaco do u have scss and or jsx support yet
It's still not a good framework.
But it's my framework.
Source code vs rendered vs sent source.
Note the server code is not sent to the client but is executed on the server.
@ATaco this is what nunjucks is for
Although pug offers a lot of support for serverside JS, it's usually for snippets, and no actual server work.
And this doesn't solve my problem, it still wants me to write in not javascript.
@ATaco ?
The reason I like my JSD is I can just define a chunk of Serverside JS for any particular website, and go from there, without having to change anything in my actual node.
I can write full scale applications in my templates, (For the most part)
The intentions for JSD were "See PHP, but with Javascript"
CS:GO is pretty awesome
@ATaco Why not just use Rack and erb at that point?
Firstly, Note Javascript, secondly, I wasn't going to just straight up use any predefined frameworks.
@Dennis for them to credit the money, i need your DO account email
If I wanted to "Just use ERB" I might as well just use PHP.
@ATaco Rack is just a server thing to act as a backend
That doesn't fix any problems.
Why JS though? The reason I suggested that is because Ruby is a much better language
Did this really need to become a language debate? I'm writing my server in NodeJS, and have been for some time.
Well played, OEIS
> A053169 A paradoxical sequence: a positive integer n is in this sequence if and only if n is not in sequence A_n in the database.
> The paradox is of course: is 53169 in this sequence?
@Mendeleev Because JS > Ruby obviously?
I don't see why anyone even questions that :P
I like this sequence.
@ASCII-only ಠ_ಠ
ASP.NET is clearly the best option
@Phoenix +1
@Phoenix uh no? befunge is
@LeakyNun I was thinking about that sequence a few days ago, but I didn't ever bother looking it up on OEIS
To be honest if it actually worked I'd be writing in lua via luvit
@ATaco I cannot load that page.
I think that says something about luvit
I'm pretty sure it's down.
@Phoenix This is trivial compared to Malbolge lol
also super easy, just write a server in c and translate to assembly = bagic
@ATaco It's down for me, but isup.me says it's up
luvit's goal was to be "Node but with Lua"
I'm assuming that it's not very good.
@Maltysen I don't really want to post it in chat. Do you happen to have a Gitter account?
lit, it's package manager, uses an unsecured ws.
Sea ya.
Glub glub.
@Phoenix I want that book
It's a shame that A053169 can't be feasibly made into a PPCG challenge :(
@Dennis You could always have him send you a RSA public key and send him the encrypted message. Or, simpler - use your mod powers to make a private room, send him the email, and then nuke it. :P
Or just send him a privnote and hope for the best.
@Mendeleev ono 0/10 don't do drugs
@Maltysen PM'd you on Gitter.

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