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i don't think it matters though since you're only matchmaking once right?
yeah, I guess
if I don't have an init, does that cause issues?
@DestructibleLemon no
kk might as well move the getting the bots list so I can get rid of init
open the debug
idea for programming language: the programming language is really casual, it crashes if your program has caps (not casual enough), or the words you use are too long (stop being pretentios). also you have to make tpyos to be casual
@totallyhuman -_-
@MDXF that is a nice smelling face
but maybe it should have a nose
Does anyone know why this always ends in nil?
@DestructibleLemon >_>
Can anyone please help me out, I need input on this
I can't figure it out, because you are not allowed to add nil to a list so the list [nil] most appear from somewhere
@WheatWizard Because [][0] == nil
How can that happen?
Ruby is cool
Use Ruby
if x is empty shouldn't it execute the last bit?
@WheatWizard because you don't check size of array?
@WheatWizard example
@WheatWizard No? [] is truthy
then why does it ever hit a base case?
@WheatWizard >_> Ruby isn't Python
@WheatWizard because nil itself is falsy
Oh and [][1..-1]==nil
@WheatWizard here
tfw your code works but you were not even close to understanding why
ruby why
does your soul degrade from using ruby?
@WheatWizard IIRC in ruby only nil and false are falsy
@ASCII-only This is true
@DestructibleLemon No, it improves
@Mendeleev I'm sure that is what the soul degraded would want to believe
Winston loved big brother
Well then my soul is dead
99% of the code I've written in the past year has been Ruby
I write ruby a good deal, I just have never golfed in ruby
@DestructibleLemon PyCharm?
@WheatWizard Take a look at my user profile.
@Mendeleev yes
@DestructibleLemon Which edition are you using?
idc really
@DestructibleLemon Simple way to answer that: Is it free, or did you pay or get a student edition?
In JS, "1"==true returns true
please no
the worst thing python has is 1==true false==0
actually "1"==1 is worst thing in js probably
Q: Print your system's logo

MD XFThis is a system-specific challenge, meaning you must use a language that was made for a system (e.g. Swift for Apple, Visual Basic for Windows). "System" can mean an operating system, or a specific computer (e.g. Commodore 64, Apple ][) The challenge Pick a system. Now pick a language that wa...

without making bad transivities count
1 == "1" && !(true == "true")
true == 1 though
But true != "true"
if true == "true", then "1" == "true"
Because reasons.
which would be many worse
Tell that to PHP.
f=->x{x[0]?(x.min==x[0]?[x[0]]:[])+f[x.drop 1]:[]}
f=->x{g=x[0];g ?(x.min==g ?[g]:[])+f[x[1..-1]]:[]}
Why do whey all have to be the same length :(
PHP is satire, right?
PHP - (even) PHP Hates PHP
That's the documentation on Comparisons.
@WheatWizard BTW I have no idea how to make 000/001 work with 110/111 here haha
... "php" == true
... "php" == 0
true != 0
PHP doesn't love you.
It's a rule.
what kind of drugs were these people on?
maybe they just hated people so much
at least strict comparisons make sense
"123456789012345678901234567890"=="123456789012345678900000000000" is truthy.
A comparison table for <=,<,=>,> would be nice...
Following are TRUE (tested PHP4&5):
NULL <= -1
NULL <= 0
NULL <= 1
!(NULL >= -1)
NULL >= 0
!(NULL >= 1)
That was a surprise for me (and it is not like SQL, I would like to have the option to have SQL semantics with NULL...).
@ATaco wtf
ok at least you could excuse the other things
as being different types
but two entirely different strings being equal...
I think the creators of php are really confused as to why their lang got so popular
please star the sting comparison so the image appears just below it
> PHP's loose comparisons can be a huge convenience when used properly!
he truly is crazy (888s)
wait, isn't "a134"==134 as well
I don't actually know
ok, it isn't
Is this okay? I want to delete it right away if it isn't
wait a minute
you lied
no it isn't truthy
(On 32 bit machines)
You'll need to increase the size of the numbers for 64 bit machines.
@MDXF Sorry buddy, not a legal quine.
@ATaco Darn, is that because everything is pretty much just echoed?
It's a "Literal Only" quine.
It's essentially reading the source code, with a parser in the middle.
@ATaco how large?
I was literally just going to post an explanation for my downvote but I got delete-ninja'd :_:
but the number was already that large
you lied!
for stars!
a most heinous crime
I didn't notice I got stars...
My gif still stands
maybe they updated it
Patched at 5.4.4
wait, in version 5, they were like, "hey, this is an issue"
not before
@Christopher wrap the whole program in a group and use i on that. E.g. put i( in the first stage's configuration.
fifth major version and they finally fixed the stupidest language feature
I like how you avoid saying "bug" and use "feature" instead.
@Mendeleev no, it is because vacuums keep sound still, and vacuum cleaners clean vacuums, and release the sounds out
@HyperNeutrino well, it was there for 5 language versions
ah i see
Why would you even cast to float in a string comparison‽
it's like if python 3 was normal, but python2, as well as having print not be a function, and different function names for input and other trivia, all functions returning strings returned "string"+(actual output)
How do you even get input in Python?
in python 2, that evaluated as python code the input
you would have to use raw_input()
how did you
input() was mainly used for golf I guess
Python 4 will feature raw_eval_input()
why would it do that?
raw_input is way deprecated
python updates: "you use input() now for raw input. if you wanna eval input, eval input"
php updates: '"123456789012345678901234567890"=="123456789012345678900000000000" is falsy now'
@ATaco I don't think you understand how small 2**64 is
18446744073709551615 = 2**64-1
I am aware.
I was just citing the post I was reading tbh.
@DestructibleLemon in PHP, or in reality?
I mean, it is still a big number
but not thaaaat big
I need professional help... my downvote button isn't working D: Geobits halp
oyay it worked
it's smaller than 1 / the probability that a random sequence of DNA will encode something capable of self-replication.
how do you generate the sequence of dna?
uniformly random of some length of your choice
what is a group of penguins called
a murder, if I'm to take a stab in the dark.
ooo ok
crows come in murders i know for sure
so maybe
Q: exact arithmetic using huge numbers?

user168715I'm not sure whether questions about programming puzzles, instead of questions posing a puzzle or code-golf, are welcome here---please let me know if I should move this to StackOverflow. I am looking at the "Shoot-out" puzzle problem on Kattis. In principle it looks straightforward: there are 2^...

@HyperNeutrino penguins
stationary setguin
I think it's called a raft
I like my second one best
hm. a random website tells me it's a colony/rookery/huddle :P
I still say stationery setguin
except with better spelling this time I think
> A group of penguins in the water is called a 'raft' – a group of penguins on land is called a waddle. Other collective nouns for penguins include: rookery, colony, and huddle.
Anyone know if Mathematica's Predict is arbitrary precision?
I bet that guy over in the corner knows, his name's tungsten
This game is pretty awesome
@totallyhuman I don't think Stephen Tungsten has a SE account
@Mendeleev It's also like 7 years old, I'm amazed you didn't discover it a few years earlier :P
It's being constantly updated
also, I'm only 15
@Mendeleev I'm 16, I found it in Grade 8 (y'know, when Candy Box/Cookie Clicker/other early incrementals were popular)
Cookie Clicker was popular about 3 years ago in my area
Never heard of Candy Box
candy box is good
@Mendeleev you what
it is
you can throw candies on the ground
@Mendeleev yeah (well cb2 is better imo) (candybox2.net)
throw all the candies on the ground
@ASCII-only link fail
@Mendeleev no that was intentional
@ASCII-only ah
@Mendeleev fixed
oh i got ninja'd
how can I get the name of a class?
@DestructibleLemon look on your school's website
@DestructibleLemon pls no
why not?
what's the problem with getting the name of a class in python
I want to use it for scoring at the end
@DestructibleLemon then like str(class)[7:-2] or something :P
I think str(class).split(".")[-1] will work?
@DestructibleLemon idk, try it
class.__name__ ಠ_ಠ
instance.__class__.__name__ if you have an instance
Aww yiss new goat simulator is out
@ASCII-only are you only junior in HS or something then?
@Downgoat no what i'm in college university
:O are you like genius
@Downgoat yes no
In freedom land, 16 = sophomore or junior in high school
punches an eagle
Well then
Last xkcd is about eagles
Black hat! :D
No one I know is patriotic or anything. We've basically agreed Canada is a direct upgrade to the U.S.
Australia is pretty great.
Yes it is, I want to go there someday.
I want to live in Sweden tho
@JanDvorak Please don't stab penguins in the dark
@totallyhuman this is what I wanted. excuse me for not knowing
What is this about penguin stabbing
Why would anyone do that
Apparently I'm a town.
Ataco is a town and municipality in the Tolima department of Colombia. The population of the municipality was 20,060 in the 1993 census. The Colombian state has been accused of human rights violations in Ataco[1]. == References == Uribe Hands Colombia's Mining Resources Over to the Multinationals...
> the Colombian state has been accused of human rights violations in Ataco…
I can accuse anyone of anything
You seem to have been accused of stabbing penguins
Stabbing penguins is a major violation of the law here.
my essay uses the term memetic virus. am I smart yet
Well, you're one of the smartest lemons I know.
my essay is finished, except for references
also I only have twelve minutes
music speeds up
@ATaco I think stabbing penguins is a felony basically everywhere, considering animal cruelty laws.
At the very least it's rather rude.
You can do your references in twelve Minutes.
I had troubles before
By references, do you mean citations? Those don't take long.
I'll be back in 10 minutes
Staying away from TNB willingly is a feat many have attempted but few have succeeded at.
I used to have a userscript that limited by TNB usage.
I disabled it.
It's like holding your breath. You can do it for a short while but then it starts hurting and you go back to TNB.
I did it
I'm back btw
so I emailed the work now
that was fun I guess
I would have looked up game music and listened to it on 1.5* speed, but I didn't have the time
What is a memetic virus?
basically an idea that spreads like a disease
I use it to refer to pseudo medicines
Like placebo or acupuncture?
but, placebo actually works
Anything can be a placebo.
Therefore all treatments actually work.
@JanDvorak still, both are pseudo medicine in some way
@feersum :O
@HyperNeutrino APL, 11: ∨/=/2⊥⍣¯1⊢⎕
define pseudo-medicine
not genuine medicine
Took that pseudo definition from Google :p
@Phoenix Disney soundtracks
define genuine. Those $1000 sugar pills surely did help me get rid of my symptoms of glucose deficiency.
Reiki is a pseudo medicine, for example
it is "medicine" not based on scientific evidence, but tries to pretend it has evidence
nowadays it calls itself CAM
so-called Complementary or Alternative Medicine
if you have so-called it becomes sCAM
The great thing about placebos is that the don't have harmful drug interactions
Could I get some more feedback on this?
I think my koth is just about done.
@HelkaHomba That's not going to relieve the problem of TVTropes :P
@HelkaHomba TooManyTabs
I use it successfully
there is a squiggly line!
because I could make a function static!
aha, I disabled it!
just realised I'm not actually sure how I;'m going to implement the placings...
like I have to add cases for ties
@DestructibleLemon use dominance matrices for ties :P
some crazy shit is going on with the hps.
also just in general
@DestructibleLemon 0/10 that means something is wrong
well, for one thing it isn't being outputted as what I assigned it to be
idk how you even managed to make crazy shit happen at all lol
also the break is being executed somehow, even though the health is > 0
@DestructibleLemon pls pastebin
ok I figured it out
the issue is that the dungeon is only one card for some reason
@DestructibleLemon um what
@DestructibleLemon pls pastebin?
20 messages moved to Trash
Good enough
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ShaggySet The Shapes code-golfarray-manipulationmath Updated on 23/05/17 with new shapes & questions Challenge Let s be the sequence of polygonal numbers with S sides and t be the sequence of polygonal numbers with T sides. Take the set union of the first n elements of s and the first n element...

Last call for feedback before I post it to main.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ComputroniumThe alphabet - my way Your pointy-haired boss gives you a list of words and tells you to sort them. So you give him back a sorted list. "Wrong!" he says. "I want them sorted according to MY alphabet..." Challenge Given a new ordering of the alphabet and a list of words, sort the words accor...

@Mego, you don't think my Sandbox differs sufficiently in that it asks for the first n numbers, rather than just the nth number, of 2 shapes, rather than one, with the added challenge that the output be sorted and unique?
@Shaggy 1) First n elements isn't very different from the nth element. 2) Solving the challenge twice isn't very different from solving it once. 3) Performing a set union is a trivial addition. All three of those things together don't make it sufficiently different to not be a dupe in my opinion.
@Mego Fair enough.
Q: ᴳᵉᶰᵉʳᵃᵗᵉ ᵀᶦᶰʸ ᵀᵉˣᵗ

Noah CristinoChallenge Your program needs to take an input of a string, where the string has only letters, no special characters, no numbers, and no accents (they look all weird). Then, your program should output a superscript version. Example Input: Hello World Output: ᴴᵉᶫᶫᵒ ᵂᵒʳᶫᵈ Test Cases hello - ʰ...

@DestructibleLemon Please don't post your stream of consciousness in chat.
You've been asked before, so this is going to be the last request.
Wait shouldn't we rename our feedbots
Like Puzzling has Sphinx
@ASCII-only That could be interesting, but I don't know what we'd name them
Didn't you make a room for discussion about this koth?
yeah, I'll stop now for real
anyway I don't have a choice because I'm going to bed pretty soon
oh wait I'm an idiot for thinking that. its a stupid bug somewhere else
I'm leaving again
@DestructibleLemon Why even * 0 though
because of squiggles
I got stars for this earlier
actually only one
also I found a 4d maze game urticator.net/maze
I prefer 4d platformers.
Is there one?
If I had one I might stop preferring it.
CMC: what are the last 100 decimal digits of 2017^2018^2019^...? (keep in mind exponentiation is right associative, 2^3^4 = 2^(3^4))
@ASCII-only That game still isn't out, after being in development for years

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