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@WheatWizard I think that's the most underrated answer on there IMO
Thanks. Its not as cool as Martin but encoding a polyglot in a ppm image is always fun
+1 for We saved the best for last. :D — DJMcMayhem Oct 4 '16 at 15:18
Then again, I've upvoted basically every single answer on that challenge. I loved watching them roll in, and most of them blew my mind
I've +1'd 15/21 of those
Oh wait, 21 includes deleted
I wasn't on PPCG when you posted that, I came back a few weeks later :(
10/16, still a lot
That's definitely my favorite challenge
@AdmBorkBork I guess that makes sense
Is there a way to exclude certain tags () when doing a search?
-[tips] ?
Yours is without a question mark, though
@WheatWizard "thansk" again?
@HyperNeutrino Sounds like a city somewhere in Russia.
Kinda does :P
Google Maps didn't find anything, but it did find a couple stores named "Thanks"
c'mon guys, we have a settlement to found
And "dansk" is "Danish" in Danish.
@HyperNeutrino That somehow reminds me of "Gdansk"
@JanDvorak That's because I don't think there's a "th" sound in Russian.
@betseg dankeschön
@WheatWizard your thansk is like my weird apostrophes
I thought it was two words
@Riker this isn't Danish
@KritixiLithos rule #1 for german: stick stuff together
@betseg that is correct
ex: if you type "danke schon" into google translate, it prompts you to change taht to "danke schön", and then prompts you again to change that to "dankeschön"
@Riker To be fair, English does that, too, we just usually keep them as physically separate words and call them compound nouns.
I think german does it more though
and german seems to do it with adjectives more
See, it was a joke, because "compound noun" is in itself a compound noun ..
Eskimos have hundreds of words for snow because they stick stuff together too
they also have a lot of snow
> Zusammengesetzte Substantiv
Compound noun in German
So does English ... snow, flurries, flakes, sleet, slush, etc.
Well, in Inuktitut an entire sentence is a single word ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@betseg "composite noun"?
@TuxCopter Sometimes happens in Turkish too
@Riker Zusammengesetztes Substantiv
Both according to Google
> Life is short, so make sure to tell someone "I love you." But since life is also terrifying, make sure to yell it at them in German. "ICH LIEBE DICH!"
That sounds like something Black Hat would do
Given how often this chat turns to the topic of language, I wonder what a Venn diagram of "people who find programming interesting" and "people who find linguistics interesting" would look like.
Lol - Google translates the sentence "Vardım." as "Help me.". "var-" means "to arrive", "Vardım." means "I have arrived.", "Yardım." means "Help/help me.".
Well, Turkish is so weird it's not surprising that Google Translate can't handle it
Humans are weird creatures
@TuxCopter What do you do with all that time?
The time you save every day by not typing the "S" on "yes."
The time saved would probably be lost again on TNB :P
That's true
Second one
I'm actually subbed to #2 for the tree ID posts
I find them cool
@Downgoat have you figured out why gitgoat is crashing?
CMC: a link to TIO that when pressed run outputs the URL
chat mega challenge
github.com/TryItOnline ... I'm sure the algorithm to generate the links is in there somewhere
And then submit it to the quine challenge as "Try it Online!, xyz bytes"
@betseg This should be an indefinite bounty on the quine challenge.
@Pavel that's brilliant
I would do it, but I want to finally get over 2,000 some time in the next soon.
But...but TIO backend will change soon (will switch to TIO2)
BTW, GitHub Gist doesn't block SVG images that leak memory
I don't know if I should click that
At most it'll freeze the tab.
Just shows source code
No, it tries to render the SVG, at least here in Chrome (Windows and Ubuntu)
It eats about 2G of memory before giving an "unresponsive" warning for me.
it does indeed do that
Show source?
@mınxomaτ it also lags other tabs
@mınxomaτ well, it crashed my chrome entirely
the tab froze, then other started lagging, then chrome crashed
no unresponsive warning here
If you unfocus the tab in Chrome a few times, it'll eat memory silently without the warning.
Or did you run out of memory?
Doesn't seem to crash/freeze when requested desktop site
Are you on mobile or what?
Poll: What's your favorite online BF interpreter?
@mınxomaτ yes
@betseg And it didn't occur to you that GitHub might render things differently on mobile or that this was in any way relevant >.>
It just shows the source code on mobile site, tries to render on desktop site
Huh, crashed this time
Somewhat funny to see Chrome's GC fighting.
Giant Cosmos?
Google Chrome :P
Garbage Collection
Genghis Con
@Riker right click -> sort by -> name
Don't forget to align to grid.
rm -r ~/*
Yeah, clear it out
My solution is to have so many windows I never have to see the desktop
@Pavel so, don't remove hidden files?
My solution is to use Gnome, which doesn't come with minimize/maximize buttons.
@betseg If they're hidden, they're not cluttering up the desktop, are they?
Gnome doesn't even have icons by default + gnome icons are located in ~/Desktop, not ~
@JanDvorak Then take a screenshot and set it as the background?
rm -r ~/* clears the desktop
In a way, yes. Like using a nuke kills a mosquito.
Remember that time Downgoat made a directory called ~, and then ran rm -rf ~ to get rid of it?
Mar 3 at 1:55, by Downgoat
I have created a directory named ~
Read down from there
I'd have done rm -rf $'\176'
No, you wouldn't have
Because rm -rf ./~ makes more sense.
And takes less effort
@betseg Let's hope that Kim Jung Un isn't afraid of spiders.
Poll: How to pronounce ~
It's not DEE
@Pavel I call it squiggly hyphen
I use CJam way too much and just think of it as eval
I use Internet way too much
I used to call it "squig"
Poll: How do you say \?
Back slash
Same. I know some who say "wack"
Q: Self Referential Puzzle - medium 2

usernameiwantedwasalreadytakenThe following question was asked in puzzling SE. One of the answers there suggested to write a program to test all possible answers and show one of them (if it exists). Can you write such program? The test can also be found here. The first question whose answer is D is the question A. 8 ...

That's whack.
It can be spelled either way. computerhope.com/jargon/w/whack.htm
Now that got me thinking of people who call ! "bang"
Exclamation mark
Or "not" if it's code I'm reading.
bang works for me
Or factorial if it's math
I call it 33
@JanDvorak It's a Mac, do they have right-click? ;-)
two-finger tap?
Yes, I've seen that.
> Keeping viewers on the hemorrhaging-edge of technology
Q: Infinite function application

Eugene D. GubenkovWrite a function that can be infinitely called that produces the sum of the all arguments passed into function calls when called w/o arguments (or with null or another special value). Any amount of function calls should be supported. Examples: f(1)() == 1 f(4)(2)(7)() == 13 f(4)(2)(7)(5)(2)() =...

A: List of bounties with no deadline

AdmBorkBork500 rep for a TIO quine Based on a chat message from betseg, I (AdmBorkBork) am offering a 500 rep bounty for someone who can post an answer (in any language on TIO) of a TIO link that when run on TIO outputs its own full URL, including http:// and domain. The submission should be posted as an ...

I love how that has 3 stars but 2 votes
Now it's 4 stars and 3 votes ... hah
Now it's 5 stars and 4 votes
7 and 3 :/
We really don't need a live feed of the stars and votes
Which golfing language has the shortest average byte count?
@ComradeSparklePony Jelly
@ComradeSparklePony Dennis
@KritixiLithos my favourite golfing language
@Lembik are you here?
@KritixiLithos +1
@ComradeSparklePony 05AB1E is usually pretty close to Jelly (and beats it sometimes)
@NewBountiesWithNoDeadlines The infinity symbol in the avatar is not symmetrical! ARRGH!
fix plz
@mbomb007 It's easier to cope if you imagine it's rotated back right.
No, it's not. The white pixel in the top left corner simply doesn't belong there.
And the left side is wider
That's because the infinity symbol is wrapped around a transparent cylinder
@ComradeSparklePony Note that the URL will include the language name.
@mbomb007 What if you count "TIO" as the language and the "URL" as the code? I'm pretty sure that it's possible (might be really crappy to try and program in, but still possible) to feed code and inputs via URL to TIO and have it determine if a number is prime or whatnot.
I still don't think it'd be a valid solution. Instead, you should create a separate challenge for it.
Then, every language can compete
So python 2 has to output tio.run/nexus/python2..., etc
Also, you'd need to specify if the URL requires the http:// or https://
Just make a separate challenge
It seems like a unique enough challenge to me
Do you think there's the possibility that more than one person will be able to answer it?
I'm pretty sure you'd need clearer specs, though.
@ComradeSparklePony the answer is (heavily) disputable
Clearer specs will be required, such as putting the URL-generation algorithm in the question.
Since the algorithm could change in the future.
Yeah, that's a problem.
And you have to specific whether it uses tio.run/nexus or TIO V2
See, now you're understanding why I just stuck it as an indefinite bounty rather than a separate challenge.
I think it has to be its own challenge, though.
Sure, it's hard, but it should be its own thing
OK, I'll leave the indefinite bounty as-is for now, and sandbox up a separate challenge, then link the indefinite bounty to it when posted to Main.
Definitely use nexus. TIO V2 doesn't seem to be working, and it uses shortened URLs
@mbomb007 Gives 500 errors
@orlp Hi
@Mendeleev ?
@Mendeleev Nexus doesn't.
@mbomb007 But v2 does.
@Okx was joke
@orlp I am going in a minute but .. what's up?
in talk.tryitonline.net, 2 mins ago, by mbomb007
Error on TIO V2: https://tio.run/#VnmQC
@AdmBorkBork Cool. Honestly, the describing the algorithm for the URL generation is probably the hardest part. I've looked a few times, because I wish I had a way to generate a URL for a program containing NUL bytes, but I don't understand it well enough.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdmBorkBorkTryItOnquine optimized-output code-challenge quine (based on this post and the ensuing discussion on chat) Choose a language that's currently available on the TIO Nexus, for example PowerShell. Write code in that language on that page such that when the Run button is clicked, the output is the...

@Lembik can you tell me why the eigenvectors of an upper triangular matrix filled with the harmonic series is Pascal's triangle?
Q: Eigenvectors of harmonic series matrix

orlpI have a finite upper triangular $n$ by $n$ matrix $A$ which has the following form: $$ A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1\over 2 & 1\over 3 & \cdots & 1\over n \\ 0 & 1\over 2 & 1\over 3 & \cdots & 1\over n \\ 0 & 0 & 1\over 3 & \cdots & 1\over n \\ \vdots &\vdots &\vdots &\ddots &\vdots \\ 0 & 0 & 0 &...

@orlp I can't do better than the answer there
sorry.. I am no expert on this
is the answer no good?
Can you do formatting in challenge titles? I guess I've never thought about it.
I vaguely recall seeing italics in one before but that doesn't feel right
Well, if it works, cool, if it doesn't, it's still OK.
@Lembik not for me :(
I don't understand it
I thought you were an expert on matrices :D
@AdmBorkBork I don't think so
@Lembik I used this wonderful result to solve a hard problem martin ender posed: math.stackexchange.com/a/2242150/5558
@orlp Kinda looks like flawr is OP there ...
But that's pretty slick.
@AdmBorkBork yes, flawr also worked on the problem
It's been too long since I took Linear Algebra. I probably wouldn't have understood it too well at that time, either, though.
Apr 28 '16 at 18:12, by TimmyD
> You learned this in linear algebra. -Every professor teaching maths beyond linear algebra.
Q: The 10958 problem

Yam BBACKSTORY The 10598 problem comes from a math paper discussed in Numberphile's video here. The problem arises in trying to construct a formula for the number 10958 using the numbers 1 through 9. The digits have to be in numerical order and only used once. The operations allowed are addition, su...

An example homograph attack by a security researcher. The website looks like apple.com in the address bar: xn--80ak6aa92e.com
Oh yeah, I saw that. Punycode fail.
Do you think we will see another CME that destroys the whole electrical grid/internet/etc like the one in 1859?
In my lifetime? Not very likely.
Before the Earth is cooked to a crisp as the Sun expands? Yeah.
Coronal Mass Ejection.
Coronal Mass Eject, a huge charged particle storm
Chat Mini Ehallenge
Q: Infinite function call with no arguments call as terminator

Eugene D. GubenkovIt's tightened version of the challenge I've posted here: Infinite function call -- the difference is the stronger requirement for "termination call" and solution should also be pure function. Write a pure function that can be infinitely called that produces the sum of the all positive integer a...

Chat Mini Challenge
Fun fact: On my digital wristwatch, using its values optimally, I'd be able to encode 29 A-B-C-D test answers into its state
@LegionMammal978 what values does it have?
@orlp Let's see...
     4  mode settings
*   60  current second
*   60  current minute
*   24  current hour
*    2  12/24 hour toggle
*    4  alarm settings
*   60  alarm minute
*   24  alarm hour
*  100  stopwatch milliseconds
*   60  stopwatch seconds
*   60  stopwatch minutes
*   12  current month
*   31  current day
> 4^29
We weren't allowed our watches during exams
Even analog ones
@ATaco Yeah, our school/system just disallows Apple watches, etc.
Why not just use a calculator?
Calciulator was also only allowed in one of the exams
Calculator, even
on our exams people were allowed to use smartphones as a calculator on a honor system
honestly in computer science if you can answer an exam question by sneakily googling either the question was bad or you understood the topic anyway
@LegionMammal978 you can do way better though
if you have the exam answers already
@ATaco at
@LegionMammal978 assuming you just want a passing grade
@LegionMammal978 I bet you could do more if you cleverly painted your nails
If you answer a Computer Science question with any language allowed in brainfuck, do you get bonus points or deducted points?
Not necessarily an exam, of course.
I could technically write my final exam program in BF but then I'd get deducted points because the testers wouldn't know how to execute the program...
Include a link to TIO.
in the source code? Hm, great idea, I don't think BF considers periods as special chars :P
Include a Base64 encoded link to TIO!
+-+-.,., Etc [-][link to online interpreter]
Lang idea: a 2D language that can push around/delete/write it's source code, and the output is the source code
Push as in move?
I've got a language to write.
@NathanMerrill I think that's what ROOP is
Well, almost.
eh, its not really exactly what I'm thinking
I'm writing up a quick prototype
OC it's turing complete, it has VBScript
Without VB macros, using only animations and animation triggers.
ok I'll bite. clicks video link
ok this guy has waaay to much time on his hands
@ConorO'Brien Says someone with 555 PPCG answers
... touché

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