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I need to answer more.
@ASCII-only ok I did a thing which is even better reason to use babel for vsl :D
I spend too much time just Lurking on TNB.
@Downgoat ಠ_ಠ why use babel when new node js basically makes it useless :P
TNB is a pretty cool place.
ELI5 Babel/Node?
I used to use nothing but PHP.
Now I use nothing but Node
O__o GitHub calls wiki updates "Gollum Events"
@ConorO'Brien ಠ_ಠ because you are not evil programmer
I have largely converted from PHP to Hack
Oh, GTG.
@Downgoat right, so I choose to use JS as an interpreted language, not as some sort of semi-compiled abomination >_>
Hack is basically PHP, but stronger. It's JIT compiled and has a sane type system.
And made by Facebook btw.
@ConorO'Brien maybe we should throw away computer because CPU just compiles instructions to specific electrical patterns, ewww
right but JS is an interpreted language, it's very appeal is this fact. having to wait for compilation time is a bit absurd
JS now is merely a concept, not really a consistent language anymore.
@ConorO'Brien every JS development environment uses building in some form or another, however if you are waiting around for the things to build everytime, you are doing it wrong >_>
I should change to luvit
I remember waiting for like a minute or two for cheddar to compile >_>
Because why would I want to write a webpage in JS when I can write one in Lua?
@ConorO'Brien :/ cheddar is pre-compiled on npm
right but for development
oh, then watch
@ConorO'Brien Have you tried to throw more JS at it? Maybe transpile to another language, too :P ?
Also basically 1% of population uses Node v7
and that doesn't even fully support classes
so pls for sake of JS community pls don't make code that only works in node v7
@mınxomaτ yeah our stack involves transpiling JS to BF and back again
@Pavel Babel is a transpiler that was made in response to the fact that browsers were taking far too long to implement ES6
@ConorO'Brien Oh that's so yesterday. We use a VM written in Rust, targeting WASM to run a LUA program emulating ECMAScript 4.5
The idea was that it would transpile ES6 to regular ES5 code at the cost of extra runtime gook and an extra compile step
@Downgoat for the sake of those who really don't want babel on their computer because if its inherent uselessness don't make code that only works in babel
Node is a wrapper around V8 (Chrome's JavaScript engine) that adds I/O and a simple HTTP server to it for use for server-side applications
@Pavel babel basically take either 1) ES6 (new javascript) or 2) extended JS with fancy features and spits out JS
it can be ES5 JS, or ES8 JS or whatever
Well, it needs a plugin for it
@ConorO'Brien ... you don't need babel for it
And a lot of the new things in ES2017 aren't things Babel can do
Transpiling only gets you so far when the base language is missing low-level things
like atomics
It's like Microsoft saying they will stop using C++ for windows so users don't need to install GCC to install windows
(MS uses C++ right?)
@Downgoat That doesn't make any sense, C++ compiles to native code
Yeah, for the most part.
@quartata you'd be surprised
Users don't need to install GCC
@quartata exactly
Except where they don't.
I wish the GCC versioning was consistent and easy to use.
More like .NET ;)
@mınxomaτ whoa... incredible! lol
you know what we need? A CPU that runs C directly
There's a CPU that runs Java natively.
A Java processor is the implementation of the Java virtual machine (JVM) in hardware. In other words, the Java bytecode that makes up the instruction set of the abstract machine becomes the instruction set of a concrete machine. These are today the most popular form of a high-level language computer architecture. == Implementations == There are many Java processors available, including: picoJava was the first attempt by Sun Microsystems to build a Java processor aJ102 and aJ200 from aJile Systems, Inc.. Available on boards from Systronix Cjip from Imsys Technologies. Available on boards and with...
@ATaco My brain does that sometimes
@ConorO'Brien btw in: because if its inherent uselessness don't. is don't supposed to be doesn't`? >_<
oh, it runs Java byte code natively
It used to run C as well, but I did an "upgrade" and now the C is sluggish.
@Downgoat of its, sorry
that's a bit different than running Java natively
Java is technically it's bytecode.
Although .java refers to uncompiled code, uncompiled code is can vary by compiler.
@ConorO'Brien in that case that message is a giant middle finger to entire React community
@ATaco oh no
if Java was equivalent to its bytecode, then I could convert any program that runs on the JVM into Java trivially
@Downgoat I mean idk what react is, but honestly, I code just fine in an environment with minimal es6 support. the rest is just bells and whistles as far as I am concerned
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you do you, but I'm keeping my babel forever
Didn't Babel get struck down, fairly harshly? I remember some story about this...
public class JavaProcessor extends CentralProcessingUnit{
	public compile(byte[] code){
		long t = System.currentTimeMillis() + 8000;
		while(System.currentTimeMillis() < t){};
Something about trying to reconcile languages angers deities.
Oh that's right, Babel was the cause of the whole mess of languages we have now. My bad.
More like having more than one language is a deity's idea of punishment...
So the moral is "Babel = bad" either way. Got it.
The fact that Web Development requires JS, HTML, CSS for the frontend, and then (PHP or your flavour), and probably an SQL in the backend makes me sad.
@ATaco I think using the same language for all of those things is a rather bad idea
@Geobits no you're thinking about npm in general
Five or six languages isn't necessarily better than one. It's be nice to have two I think. One front, one back
@ATaco I agree with nathan, if JS + HTML + CSS were together the web would be an even biggest mess than it is today
I'm not saying I'd prefer them apart.
I'm just saying the sheer need for multiple languages makes me sad.
like, think about GUI development outside of web development. The code is either messy or written in multiple languages (XML, CSS)
though with node all you need is JS(X) and (maybe SASS?) for full front & back end
Android is fairly simple. Java + XML
Write front end in Nim (compiles to JS) and back end in Nim (compiles to C++)
You can technically do without most of the XML, but people that do that have their own circle in hell reserved.
I use node, but I try to write my frontend in HTML + CSS + JS
with android, though, if you want to persist data somewhere, you either write your own database (file), or you use a DB language :P
the frameworks for DBs do exist, but you're either mangling stuff with annotations, or writing queries in Java :P
@NathanMerrill If you need that much. For simple​ things you can use their built-in storage. It works like a map basically.
(I was meaning an offsite server)
but yeah, local storage works fine
But yeah, a bit of SQL for the larger stuff. For simple games or apps you just don't need it
Oh, offsite is something else, sure
But that's the same for anything I guess
I love the concept of having 1 language for everything, but coming up with a syntax that feels natural everywhere seems pretty impossible to me :P
I dunno. Works pretty well in spoken/written languages. We as humans screwed up the simplicity of that idea.
yeah, that's why were making general purpose AI :P
Oh we are? I must have missed that one. Link to the chatroom please :P
I'm led to believe it's going to be "imminent" for the foreseeable future
oh, I was thinking the other day: Say my computer was sentient, and wanted to take over the physical world. It does have access to the internet, but stuff like hacking into secure systems is still as impossible as ever. How would it do so?
let's also say that contacting humans and getting them to do your bidding is also not allowed :P
Sentient, but how smart?
super smart. Well beyond human intelligence
What about standard social engineering then? Why hack crypto when you can hack people?
If it's smarter than people, then it should have no problem convincing them to let it out of the box, so to speak.
hence the "getting them to do your bidding" is not allowed
No, but getting them to let slip their passwords, etc?
If it has access to the internet, it might not even need to outsmart smart people, just to find someone somewhere it can outsmart
like, is it possible to order something from amazon and program it without touching it?
Right. It should be a massively successful phisher :P
I guess you'd need to order something preprogrammed
You can order ASICs. Could you order a custom one? You'd still need to plug it in though...
It could just release a whitepaper with an invention people are then bound to want to build, little knowing it has a secondary purpose
oh, that would be clever
Whoever anonymously released the bitcoin whitepaper in 2008 now has enough money to buy a small country, which is a start...
What exactly counts as "taking over" the physical world here?
Are we talking one world government, or shadowy lizard people?
I guess somewhere between converting it to computronium and just levying reasonable global taxes
ok, let me define this a bit more narrowly: The robot is super smart, but cannot speak human language. The goal of the robot is mass destruction of the human race.
A no-op should do it then :P
Before we give you any more ideas, I'd just like to check that this is just hypothetical...?
well, I mean, I am speaking a human language right?
Fair enough. In that case there's a large repository of effective ways to destroy the world/human species over on Worldbuilding
@NathanMerrill See, that's something a smart computer would say.
Right after altering the definition and conditions.
I mean, we all know that the easiest way for a language-speaking computer is phishing
Maybe that Nigerian prince is actually the first attempt by one, and it's using that to refine.
@Geobits .. so something you would say?
@trichoplax such as that passive aggresive AI
@Riker I have no idea what you mean. I may be a computer, but I'm not a smart one. That's why I asked this.
@NathanMerrill It might be dangerously naive to think a superintelligent, sentient computer wouldn't be able to and/or see the logic in learning human languages.
oh, I totally agree
but since "use humans to do my bidding" is such a trivial answer, I was looking for something beyond that :P
Trivial, obvious, likely... All the same :P
Would brain chips + self-manipulating nanobots = rapid, real 3d prototyping?
Like "form into a plate shape since I'm hungry" kind of thoughts
The brain chips are to keep you from getting hungry while you're designing?
The brain chips are to communicate seamlessly with the nanobots
And tell them not to grey goo you
Why do turtles have such a long docs?
windows ten now has flu.x built in. Just go to settings and search for Night Light. For all that don't know flu.x dimmed the screen to a darker yellow when the sun goes down to promote better sleep and less headaches
@ATaco turtle.eat()
I'm not a fan of a dim yellow, although it is theoretically better for you, I just prefer the true colours.
Who needs sleep
I don't sleep, I shut my eyes for 8 hours (If I'm lucky) and open them when my alarm goes off.
I am going to work on this challenge: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/99674/…
I am going to do it with Python 3 and Turtlèd
which is probably a bad idea
especially since I'm planning on writing multiline programs
@flawr hmmm
now someone needs to photoshop the picture on the left onto his shirt
and then do a loop
the best part of this video is the comments
the second best part is that the video is actually technically wrong in that we can build a maths machine that can calculate any expression
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

xnorWire cutting instructions code-golf This task is about compressing and processing a specific sequence of conditionals. In the game Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, a bomb defuser must disarm a bomb with the help of experts relaying instructions from a convoluted Bomb Defusal Manual. This cha...

and noone mentions it
seriously though, why do people get so defensive of the halting problem being solvable?
Proof that computer's can't do everything: Let's assume they can. Then, they should be able to create a task that a computer can't do. But that's impossible. Therefore -><- Therefore computer's can't do everything
the video is about the halting problem
and solving problems anyway
but it is amazing how many people say "aw, well, that doesn't count", as an argument to a machine that solves the halting problem for every program
or saying "aw we should get rid of n"
(especially since if it is impossible to do n, then the computer certainly can't do everything)
People are like "aw, well, we should get rid of the part that proves it. see, no proof. therefore you're wrong"
and then people who say that the proof is invalid because circular reasoning is a fallacy
(because they mistake reductio ad absurdum with circular reasoning)
many proofs lie on "assume conjecture is true, find contradiction/impossiblity"
Proofs by contradiction can be really nice sometimes but then some university students just overuse them on basically everything.
After 2 hours of tweaking, I have Fedora working!
🖊 + 🍎 = 🍎🖊
🖊 + 🍍 = 🍍🖊
🍎🖊 + 🍍🖊 = 🖊🍍🍎🖊
I just realized that instead of 100, I accidentally ordered 1000 zipties -_____-
@Mendeleev from these equations we can gather that the concatenation of an emoji is equivalent to addition and that it is commutative
> is equivalent to addition
and yes, I know emoji means picture character
doesn't concatenation = appendation?
is there a difference?
I can't English today. Sorry
@Mendeleev I went to try to solve this.
there are 4 characters and 3 equations tho
0 for all of them work
I suppose.
well, pen is 0 at least
not sure what the next step is though
you can't really do much else
I love seeing my little MathJax image distribution thing.
There's a reason I asked you to fix it ;) it's great
if 🖊 = 0 then 0 + 🍎 = 0 so 🍎 = 0
same for 🍍
a contradiction
pen-pineapple-apple-pen has been proven false
also, I edited too quick lol
@DestructibleLemon I can't solve the puzzle ;_;
It's simple math!
I am really happy!
Really happy!!!!
You forgot the multiplication sign
TL;DR, it could almost be all 2, but 4 isn't 16, so it can't be.
13 messages moved to Trash
@DestructibleLemon Finding a stupid youtube comment isn't hard, and it certainly doesn't mean you have to repost it here.
@mınxomaτ I didn't find a stupid youtube comment
@betseg pls post an answer of your findings
@mınxomaτ my message was about a puzzle, not the screenshot :D
oops, I screwed up on my calulations
It should have been -🍍🍎 not 🍍🍎 in the second line
"Alright, Now how do I install node.js..? Hmm. cp -r $HOME/Desktop/node/* /usr/ Yes, I am good at Linux."
To split the string a b c in var $s in bash you do s=($s), how do you do that in zsh without read?
I have bound Terminal to <CTRL-`>
I might do this on my windows machine, too...
I have it on <S-Cr>, i3-esque
<CTRL-`> is pretty comfortable for me, feels natural after so many games using ` to open the console.
Q: Build an aesthetically pleasing divisor tree

Sherlock9An aesthetically pleasing divisor tree is a tree of divisors of input n that, for any composite number m, has two children nodes that are the pair of divisors that are closest to the square root of m. The left node should be the smaller divisor of m and the right node should be the larger divisor...

@Dennis I really want to clean up this answer of yours. That might be the worst formatting I've seen. This is a serious contender though...
@StewieGriffin Hahaha, mission accomplished. ;) Can't see the one on SO. Not enough rep.
Q: Break my source file!

ThundaChallenge Create a program that, when run, changes the contents of the source file. This means that you can delete/add/change characters in the source file, but you can't delete the file itself. In the case of pre-compiled languages such as C++, your program can change the source file only, suc...

1 hour later…
GitHub mobile crashes the browser for anyone else when horizontally scrolling a large file?
Guys, how can I find user's network rep on mobile (can't use tooltips :P)?
From chat?
Nope, I needed exact numbers
Anyway, I just added it all up
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Beta DecayCalculate a User's Site Reputation code-golf Challenge Given a PPCG user's ID (on https://codegolf.stackexchange.com), output the sum of their reputation from across the Stack Exchange networks​. Rules If a user has 101 or less reputation on a site, count it as zero in the sum. You don't h...

I know I said I wasn't going to rant more, but this image summarizes just too well.
^ this image tries to suggest that all people in the blue zones voted no, and all people in in the red zones voted yes, which is obviously false
It's an interesting correlation but it's not nearly as strong as the image suggests
votes to close the image as unclear
also, too localized
@EriktheOutgolfer was there a consensus? It seems somewhat borderline to me - being able to use a function if "one does not reuse a variable name in scope" seems slightly different than if "one does not use command line arguments as input".
I thought about posting to meta, but I really dont know if I can articulate the question well enough
(and thanks for the heads up)
@JonathanAllan I don't think that's defined on meta. Maybe I will try to ask such a question if you aren't sure how to articulate :)
The very edge parts of blue are about 80% (where the actual tourism/industry/etc happens) and very center parts of red are about 85% (they import hay for cows from other countries in such a climate)
And yes on second thought I think that it might not be acceptable. Deleted comment.
Which eukaryotic organism throws the best parties?
The fungi.
(yay multiline message on mobile)
Lol which game
I am once again so happy!
Really happy!
@DestructibleLemon the f...
Question to native english speakers: is "over minutes, hours, days or even weeks time scales" even remotely correct?
Too many nouns
over the time scale of minutes, hours, days or even weeks
@DobbyTheFree-Elf ?
0/10 not necessary, not appropriate
is "over minutely, hourly, daily or even weekly time scales" better?
(does minutely even exist?)
@HyperNeutrino ?
It's ... marginally better.
Yes, it exists, but it doesn't mean what you want to be saying.
On a minute scale.
I guess a simpler question is: is it "day time scales" or "daily time scales" or "days time scales"
@DobbyTheFree-Elf Well actually, I take back my comment. That would give "undefineduck" because negative array indices don't work in JavaScript (assuming that's what you're trying to write with).
days' (possesive). "daily" would indicate repetition.
days' time scales = time scales of days
… that seems strange
That's why I would use "on the time scale of days"
that doesn't flow as well when you have multiple ones
having time scales last sounds better
Do you have a complete sentence?
Yes but I can't share it
au contraire. Having parallel adjectives is a great recipe for a garden path sentence.
so no :p
ah, ok
@HyperNeutrino That's what I meant! "undefine duck" -> "remove ducks from the world"! What did you think?
And it's not possible to replace nouns (or whatever is sensitive) with dummy ones? It's always easier with a full sentence
Did you think "fellow"[0]+[..."yuck"].slice(1).join("")
"It's useful for problems of stupidity estimation in time (over minutes, hours, days or even weeks time scales)"
(No, I don't actually work on estimating stupidity)
I stand behind timescales of
Thanks to all the upvoters of my second polyglot answer! BTW, the first one's here! lol!
Thank you upvoter! Thank you so much! Such a big "thank you" to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you even need the "time-scales" in that sentence? The first part of that sentence also sounds a bit weird to me, but that could be due to the substitution
maybe I don't
Thanks for all the feedback
I wonder, are there any British programminig languages, where instead of, say, math.log, you write maths.log?
ye coulde create one
GitHub mobile crashes the browser for anyone else when horizontally scrolling a large file?
I'm sorry, you've already told us?
@feersum Aren't Excel's functions localized?
I know for sure they are in French, possibly they are localized to british english too
@JanDvorak asking if I'm the only one
In Australia, both Math and Maths is used
as is grey and gray.
And realise and realize
Basically, if America and Britain disagree, we don't care
Except with mum.
Petrol or gas?
> Therefore, even if you use the British spelling of the word in one of your scripts that you are about to save or run, AppleScript will convert it to the US spelling before continuing.
Canada is like that too, it's kind of a mix of British and American
@ATaco Petrol or gas? Boot or trunk? Lift or elevator? Flat or apartment?
@DobbyTheFree-Elf >_> Well, that's what I compiled... I mean, interpreted it as, because I thought negative indices existed (I use Python mainly)
Someone should create a new movie. Reputation Wars!: Martin vs Dennis
Actually, it sounds more like a WWE thing. Will Dennis unseat Martin as the reigning champion? Tune in next time!
@AdmBorkBork boots are for feet not cars /s
unless you're a cop or a policeman
@mbomb007 Celebrity Deathmatch
Any idea why this doesn't return 0? tio.run/nexus/…
FFS, Microsoft ... why the hell do you use a bloody comma as the separator between server and port in a SQL Server Management Studio connection string? Why can't you use a colon like practically every other application in the world?
@AdmBorkBork i've run into that before too, haha
it'd be ok if they at least gave you a sample connection string
but they don't
@AdmBorkBork convergent evolution
@betseg Is f implicitly returning a? What's the return?
@Poke Or if they had a single replace statement in the UI parser that changed the colon to a comma in the background invisibly, if it requires a comma in the background.
@AdmBorkBork gcc replaces the return with the last arithmetical operation, which is i=0 and the function should return 0, but it returns 3.
If I tack on a return i; at the end of f, it returns 0...
@betseg Is that guaranteed?
I thought it was undefined, but that is just usually what happens
It seems to always be returning a.
@AdmBorkBork im trying to golf, I know that'd work :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Down ChristopherMake text triangle waves I was messing around on my 'ol TI-84 CE and made a program that produced this output (it was actually bigger but that is not the point): * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... I evolved it to take input text and make the triangle waves out of that. The...

anything more before I post?
I know it is a fast turn around but it is a simple challenge
So it returns ++i
Yeah, now take out the ++
Now it returns a=i
OK, apparently direct assignments aren't considered mathematical operations
a=i;a=i+2;i=0; returns 5
so the i=0 doesn't count for the implicit return
but the a=i does
a=2;i=1; also prints 0
wait what
There is no such thing as implicit return; it's just picking up garbage from the stack.
That would make sense, too
It is returning the default code for running correct
A: Function returns value without return statement

ruslikFor x86 at least, the return value of this function should be in eax register. Anything that was there will be considered to be the return value by the caller. Because eax is used as return register, it is often used as "scratch" register by calee, because it does not need to be preserved. This...

> It probably happens that the register used for return value is in your case the same used to compute the last expression before returning from the function (on x86 targets, certainly eax).
So there you go
@DownChristopher Does input text mean an arbitrary string? If so, you should probably add such a test case.
Yeah doing it now (I just posted :P)
@DownChristopher You don't have trailing spaces. Allowed or no? Also, for n=1, should the output just be the string on a newline forever?
@AdmBorkBork 1. fixed rules, 2. yes with a leading space
Does it have to print one line at a time or can it print one whole wave at a time?
Q: Make text triangle waves

Down ChristopherI was messing around on my 'ol TI-84 CE and made a program that produced this output (it was actually bigger but that is not the point): * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... I evolved it to take input text and make the triangle waves out of that. The final step was to also ta...

@BasicSunset one line
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Down ChristopherMake me some ASCII cities! Your job is to pseudo randomly generate ASCII cities (top down view) with n building per row with x rows. Each house should have a number label starting with 000 and working up. First number is the row (assume x<9) and the other two are places in the row. i.e 000, 001,...

I thought TIO had a 60 second timeout?
This has been running for >3 minutes
OK, no it was just Chrome page not refreshing right
@DownChristopher what's even remotely reopenable about this?
see this:
I'm not sure that the validity check is objective here (making it hard to know who's won and who needs to be disqualified). How are we excluding answers that just hardcode assumptions about the problem? The normal fix to this would be to take the list of questions as input, but I'm not sure that works here because the questions don't follow a common structure. — ais523 15 hours ago
it's a non observable requirement
@Riker How do you know it was DownChristopher?
That was my question Stalker much?
@Pavel review queue
it shows up in there
@Riker Never saw that.
I need someone to upvote me once (question) and downvote me twice. I need ONE rep to have 555 rep
@DownChristopher well, for next time, please read the comments
it's generally closed for a reason
and that edit was so minor (the one that bumped it into the queue) that it couldn't have been changed much
@Riker I was in review queue an didn't realize that.
TIL you can return two closures from a JS function and they share internal state
I understood none of that.
I probably used the wrong words...
The local variables of the initial function are preserved in the new returned functions, even though they have gone out of scope.

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